Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1975, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1975. WHITBY FREE PRESS Yo u r money SVIG WHO USES CREDIT? Consumer credit is oising someone etse's nioney-- for aî certain price and for a certain time. Using credit - speinditîg the ninney vou will hlave tomorrow - is somieting tîearly -eveîyone does tilese days. It is -part of getting along in a com-plicuîed world and 'saviîîg time and urraniging things 10 suit yourself. It coutd give you the wusiig niachiine vou need toduy anmd aevt 25 cents a load ut the laundro- muat vhicli you would otherwise speiîd wile trying to put aside enoughyl cash to bus' vour own wusbiing machine. Some people cit ici/eHe use of credit. Sonie people eveti say thut îhey have nieyer used credit in thieir lives. But thecy forget that thcy use if.for the telephone, the electric power, the gus supply. These services are supplied in Avatnce of1 pavmient. Dentists send their buis ut the end of the nionth, but they provide help svhen il is teeded, often weeks before they ask for any mnoney. This is credit. Consumier credit is used by differenit people in différentî ways. lf -a person finds thutt travelling is the onhy wuy he wants 10 spend Ibis lîoliduays, then he might borrow for a t rip or use one ot the airlines' flv-now-pay-laiter plans. Or perhaps buving a bhouse is more inîportan t to un in1dividual or fa.-iiîilN, thuziî iviiig' ut excitino lholida\- everv veur. You may be aware that Bell Canada ts int- tiating- directorv assistance charginag in the Whitb. Brooklin. Ajax. PickeringL. and Oshawa,- exchancge areas. startin-e Januarv 12. 1975. I thought it mi2ht be helpful to, review the plan anýd to, stresýs that no one need ever incur an unnecessary charge. ýMost people use Directorv Assistance (4111) anlv as a last resort. when the phone numbher they need is flot yet listed in their directorv. These nec- essary requests will continue to be free. It's the unnecessary calls we want ta discourage to ensure reliaNle"4l1" service for those who really need it. Thaf*s why. beginningP January 12. 1975, there will be a 25 cent charge for each phone numbei- provided by a directory assistance operator when the re quested number is listed in yo ur phone book. Every month, the first three such req uests made from y'our residence phone wiMl be free. After that. the charge will apply. ecessarv calîs. for numnbers not vet listed in vour directorv wiIl still be free. And whetherthe nurnber 1is listed or not. there will be no charue for anvone who bas a handicap that nakes il dificult ta use a directorx- or tor persans 65 years or over. If -o qualify for an exemption. just cail 'your Bell Canada business office and ask for a special exemption f o)rm. Also free are emergencv calîs from pay phones. hotel. motel and hospital rooms. In closing. 1Id just like ta repeat that you can avoid unnecessary directary assis- tance charges by looking in the book before calling4l l.The numberyou need is probably listed. (In 1973. aur directorv assistance operatars handled mare than 220 million calîs-more than 70 per cent of them were for numbers already listed in the phone book.) It's also a good idea ta keep emergency and frequently called numnbers up-ta-date in the s pace provided in the introductory pages of your directory. Bell Canada Lots of people îhlink so. An i~,evervolne lias tlle riglit t tii igur Li COUt ow 10 use ilioncy' and credit Cor personal su islattion. Evervonle Luses thiem differently. Jiust about everybody uises consumer credit. Riech people, ave rage people and poor pîeople - television actors and mnake- up men, stuidents and teuchiers, stockbrokcrs and clerks, con- struction workers, window cleaners and developers, law- yers, bunkers. salesmien. Thecy ail use eredit because thley will be able to afford to puy more conIvCeintly ut a later date for somnetling tihey wunt or îîeed tii have îîow. This is one of a series of columns on money manage- ment, condensed from the bookiet Your Money and Credît Today and Tomorro w, published by the Canadian Bankers' Association. Copies of the booki et, in English or Frenchi, are available free from the A ssociation at P. O. Box 282, Toronto Dominion Centre, Toronto, Ontario, MWSKI1A 3. Myrtie niore de*taîls onl desigil ald strtictore oW Hie îpo Nlvr tle si.uion shlelte r heu re thley wilIl a ppr( we ctuist r ne- t ion o)t tIlle s trtci tire. lYpoll rcelipi of liither details [i u(ilsi tlle Cnd Pacil'ic Rail- \vavs. c:(toncil will lkelv aI- howIlle tîe ct)mpanv \toii bold nIle sud lter. U*.P.R.À la test planîs cait for tile renioval ( f t lie ex i iît nsed sta tion al[te r tdie cou Istioc t (i ooit Ihle inew olic. 'Fie pi oposed slie 1cr w II bie 10 [cet w~ide. M t tet lome and eigb it [Cet Ib "Il. Iftwould hiave whjte vinl i ding wiîhi shat te r-proou indowvs, a hieuvv commnercial door wî th a tîmie lock as \Veillus lighits inside and out.sidc. Schilling re-elected Nigel Schilling luis been namciid Chiairmuîî of, the Wliit- by Chlapte r of* thle On tarîio Heurt Foondution f'or anotlî- er yeur. I t wilt bcoItle second terni l'or tlie Wlitby tuwycr as becad of the local unit of' tle nuationiwidle organ izu tion wh icli ruises tounds to permit con tinoing researcli iii the bu t tle aga inst heuart an d blood vessel diseuse anîd wlîiclî lias. iii recent years. carried ou t an1 elTicetive program i ilile educu tion of* pi evenit ion aind recogn i tion of*duangcer signaIs. Vic:e-Cliairnian of* tllie Chupter is BillI Hoffimanl sec- retary, Nirs. Anmi McMillani treasorer, Mir. Doug Hlarland; anid ptiblicity direct or, Neit NIurkar. The Wliby Chapter will he purticiputing, iin lle nation- ut cipuign of' thbe unudianl liclart Fondic du ring Febrmary. designated as Fheurt mloîîth across Canauda, and nienîbers ot Ille Wiilv groop \vill bie b osy pi cpariiîg tor Itle diirec t mnailinîg alipeal îo aIll bouse- liold ls o!Itle comniuity. Silice I11) 5, t[lie lfirst vear of' thîe! leari Fuind c Ciugl Over U5 million (dollars lhave becl n a ised 1i01-r iesea rcli i1n1t(o litai t diseu1se. (uaalias been i Ilte itr ol t iiiîew develtîp- itielits in theilie îld otf caidiuc -iild cuar d iovuascoi la r diseuse l1 ca tmlent11 w i t11 ('atiadianl ýC ei t ISt 5 anid d c titis pin- cerini e edeve I tilnî t a ndi inlilli venîeilii tiipaceiake s, iti liiitroulicat t rlivtliiii. urterial transplants btoii- pros'c tlie blood supplv rIo thle lîcari . beart valve replucenient surLjei\ b10correct defects re- solting inloc iiebaies-.Itle devehopmnen t ot cononarv cure t reat nen tprtcc dores. aînd livpoîhcllr lia - [lie blîîod C0t11112 techniquec svhîicli lias beeni an invlubhle aid in modern iohert sorgerv. I leur t Fond con tribu tions have played an importun t par t inii niking these devclop- ment s possible. [lhe Heu it Foondution also carî-ics on a jprogranu of'cd oea tion lor th e public in aun etftort to red uce the incidence of' heurt djiseujse tb r-ougli preven t ion. Excellen it n foiuu t ive hooklets on maîiy aspects of1 lieur i-t 1(a oc a rctovasco lui-ciis- Case are uvu ilable covcriln' such topics as thle risk tu'ctors and dangers of Ilighi blood 111esstllre. cig.rtit te smoking, ove rwcighit and luck of cxc r- cisc. highi blood fats, recipe books fo r low.cholcsterol dic ts and convalescent cure 1lor sîroke victimis. TMieuIcri Fond receives ils Support [rom .the camn- paigli during Heuart Month and irm niniorial coi t - butions iliroughioLît the year. Nufriional needs essentîal for eider! y Aging is a process that begins at birth. No one escapes it. Many people betieve that old age automnatîcally brings about a Ioss of health. This is flot true. This condition cani often be prevented or minimized if a person has periodic health examinatiens, desirable heahth and hygiene habits, and a good diet. The Kellogg Nutrition Councit reports that meeting nutritional needs is important at ail age levels but is essential for the elderly. A frequent problem rnay be too high a calorie in- take and too little intake of meat, f ish, poultry, milk, en- riched cereats, cheese or fruits and vegetables. This could be the resuit of dental problems, shrinking income, illness or boredom - Animal protein, found in milk, meat, f ish and cheese should stîpplement the proteins found in vegetables and cereals. l-owcver, fatty meats, eggs, and cheese may be limited to avoid an excess intake of cholesterol, one of the risk factors associated with coronary heart disease. Too littie protein in the daily diet rnay cause an eider person te become easily fatigued and more susceptible to infections, Because many eIder people do not accept the important role of mîlk in maintenance of streng tceth and bones, their nîilk intake mav be how and consequently they may suffer from calcium def iciency. Carbohydrates and fats are needed for energy. However, miany etderiy people need fewer calories because of reduced activity. Their need for carbohydrates may be supplied by f ruits, vegetabtes and cer.-als and adequate fat may be sup- ptied by meat, fish and dairy products. The amount of nmoney spent for vitamins by the elderty (unless prescribed by a physician) couid very likely be spent mtore profitably on nutritious food.0 Other problemns should be considered. The functioning of the kidneys decreuses as one grows eider. An adequate intake of water is recemrnended te relieve this situation and carry away wastes excrcted by' the kidneys. The naturat roughage in fruits, leafy vegetabies and whele grain cereals will sti- niutate normal elimination. Research by Nutrition Canada shows that thiamin deficiency is a problemr with our older aduits. The tack of this im- portant vitamin Ieads to lack of initiative, mental depres- sion, irritabîity, poor memory, inabitity to concentrate and excessive fatigue. A geod source cf thiamnin is whole wheat cereais and those which are vitamin enriched. Finally the attitude of the entire fanîily is important. It should be positive, uncomplaining and hetpful. The elderly should not be treated as a burden as they are an active and vital part of any family. Count on us. For depr.ndob4 Hoevjey Dovdso'n 519-1818 %h Rdont NOTICE 0F EM4PLOYMENT TOWN 0F WHITBY <Ai. Applicationls wiII be received by the uîîdersigned until Jan- uiary 221ld, 1975. for the posi- tion of Clerk/SJteniogra-pher iii the Clerk's Departinent. Shorthand aild typing is esseiitial. Generous fringe benefits available. Current alary is S7,172.00 per. 1111 [in. Wm. H-. Walhace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Corporationi of the Towil of Wlitby 405 Dundas Street 'West, WIitby, Onltarlo. CO MPANY Ã" K T T Thursday, Jan. 9 This message sponsored by: 10i CONSUME,4S DRIVE. WHITEY. R o -N Locatod Downstairs Whitby Mail Phohp 728-4711b Senior 'A' Hockey WHITBY -McDONALDS vs BARRIE iroquois Park Arena 8e,3O p.m. -1

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