Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1975, p. 5

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Words from West Lynde by Norm Mealing W. L.C.A. Gencral Meet-ting. The tirst meeting of Ille West Lynde Comnîunity Association foi 1975 will be hield on Thur-sday, January 9, 1 975 ini the Lecture Hall ai Henry Strecet Higli Sehool bcginning ai 8:00 pi.. 1975 wiii be an importanlt year fori- he W.L.C.A. There arc miany issucs bet'ore the Commnunity and cveryone shouid 'bc involved. Plan on attending on January 8th. We Vs. They Over the Christinias period. wve, like niany others, liad the opportunity to visit with our neighibours. During conversation. i hearda great deal about hiow the residents of West Lynde are viewed with unpopularity by the aider residents of' Whitby. We are apparently seen as grasping. dernanding upstarts whio are trying to remake Whitby to our image and likeness and, in doing so. destroying Whitby. In short. we have, it is conciuded. created a wide gulf between us and the resi of Whitby. The reason i bring îb îs Lip he re a t this tinme is that I don't think that th is is truc, any of it. We are not creating ,i guolf. nov are wve engendering liard feelings in the resi ot' Witby. Thai we arc is a myîh. and should be put 10 rest now. For exampie, one Whitby issue during the summiier vas the bringing to town of the Senior "A" hockey teani. The success of the effort wvas due to the action of a numiber ot' WI'itby residents. somie of whonm were from West Lynde. Ih was certainiy not a '-e-they- process. I-urther. AI Arnmstrong of Deerfield Court, whe vas inveived in the process, lbas continued as a strong supporter ot the Macs, and is an energe tic andci nt busiastic memiber of the Booster Club. AI is also on the execuitive of ibe Wb ithv Atietic Association whicbi serves the mcin of Whitby. including X\Ves;t L.vnde. Furîber. the \Vliitby Nien's H ockey Le:îgue startcd i n WVest Lvndc bu t is open to ail tbche ief )IWhithv. I n add i- tion1. the West Lyndc M ixed Bowling Lea gue lias many miembers fronm the eider areais of Withý. Anoilier examiple invcives Bill i leffinan . Because of the asscssmient thing, Bill is probabiv the bcst known West Lvinde residen t. t>Yet ibis iCellw %vie bas iougb t se liard for West Lynde is an active miember etI maniv Witbiv-baiscd groups suchi as the Heari Feundation. A final example is ibis eolunin . Nuch of the reaci ion (o the culunin lias cine iromi other parts ot Whitbv. People bave' cailed ta say thiey read il. and sLlppori tuie stands we biave taken. Others have caiied sayi ng ilbey represen t Ibis or Iibal arganization. andi wanit telie puitin tencb wiîb lile W. L.('.A. Tbere bias heen . and wil i continue te be. agra deai of' con tact betwcen West Lynde and thie resr ai' Wbitby t i reugbi thbi s coui 11. Cleariy, 1i bave no evidenice of' wc vs. Iley- on the part of' the people of Wbiitby. Wie te Ithen did the mytb begin, and why does il remain? The answer, as far as 1 ancaend lies inIllHe foilow- ing. West Lynde is a new developniient poptîlated by miany peuple whio camne from other areas. We moved iin, sei tled, got 10 Iqow each othier, and founded a Conunity Assoc- iation. We liad complaints, we liad probiemis and we took bollh complaints and probîe:nis Ib the authorities for resolu- lion. The authorities were not ready for tibese complainis ai' problerns, hiowever. The Town Council, faced as il was by an arliculate, organized, cohiesive. and often dernanding conîmiîiiiy feli thireatened. Thecir orderly way of governi- ing was being Lipset and becatEcsaiîime of our- deniands were questionable and because we biad a îendency I0 say things like "Scairbrouigb blas more for less then we dIo", we were branded as 'ghietio-like" ihi our ihinking and îold to go "back 10 Scarborotugh-". Counicil tt)ld us to nmodify our demnands. and dismnissed uis as unreasonable. grabhy people, and pushied ibis attitude throughiout Wb itby. It mnighit still succeed but as ibere is more contact, and interaction amiong A residenis ot*Whitby, il slhouid evaper- aite. ibave been ioid many limes, for exanipie. thiat tlle W.L.C.A. is nierely cailing attentin ta areas ot concern c.g. taxes that have piagued Whiitby' for- years.. But we are more organizcd, more vocal, and mtore persisten t. and as a resuit more disliked by Council as a wliole. We don't accept no quite as readil'v as Comncil bias becomie acctîstonied bo. Ilii reaity. iben, we arc nu different than otlher residenîs of WVitby wbio have t'ocuscd on issues affeciing fibeni. The groip Iighiting the developmient on Ressianti Rd. is no d ifféeren t than we who are f*igb itingetmir assessnien t and taxes. A uniied front wvilI develop becauise whazt we aie seeking is a ireatcr share iin the decisions ihat at*fect uis. Wc arc, iin eff'ci. demianidinig a more rcsponsive tewn coluncil. aînd 'ou ncïlil*f I bel icve wb a t i an to d. s f'rigl itened t ha t thir divide and centîner 51 rate1gv nigb t be de fearie. 'Fhere lere wc are ne t ini a w-ile' posturie wî tii the rost of itb1 We are tee il\ eivcd witb WbVIitbv and îbiev witb us l'or t1ha t beie ecase. Wbiaî we ile Ilii s a "w-tcy'potur wtb euicil. :nd it serves tue r purpese te perlicitia te Ill li v th . ecauise icv ear neIýIle ttay thlat al Wb itbv residen is coinle ta kieii1:iýiti2 et e ene train ouri' ounicii Weii, bve l'or now. Nexi wecek ncws olf the meceting. bewling, and wbatever eisc coines alone. "itAin't No Picniclà Fund Rais'ng Skater -l lt ain -t rno picnic". ilion tund raising rouler skat- lasi Thiur Thiat 's ow Sieve Hlohdcn ing trip. paper's eý described the Turonto - Holden wvas spoîted skaî- nien. l"I Oshawa segment ci' bis muara- ing east on Dundas Street Clothes Store At Hospital Steve Holden .... speeds? .. east on Dundas Street eariy in his marathon fund-raising skate for the Canadian National Institute for the Bind. \Vhitby Psycbiatric I hospi. tai patients can now pick tlicir own clothes fromi a new c!ý.thing departient ijn the hospitai. The store resenmbles a reg- ular departnmen t store witb fitting roms cempiete with nîiirrer,;. The useful I'aciliiy was organized by Dona Kidd, directer of ntursing, Maî.reen Sincock. social rehiabilitation co-ordinator, David McKinlay nmaintenance superintendent. Arthur Morton, chief store- keeper and Margaret Thomas, liespItai bousekeeper. A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED Are you spiritually let down at this time of year? Have you heard of Baha'u'lIah? He offers you an everlasting gift through renewed knowledge of God. BAHA'IS 0F WHITBY -day by une cf ibis agle-eyed ad sales- Lipon inivesiigation . it wvas discovered that i lden plans te raise monevl'or theC (ana- diani National institute l'or the Blind by skatinig I'roni Toren te'*s 1igihanid Crcck areai te Si. Jebn's. New Brunswick. Carrying a backpack 'uii of extra skate wlieels. 1-loideni started on ibis ambitieUS Ipre- ject on New Year's day. It wasni't bard to believe Hloiden wben lie said lie hiad only rouler skated abouIt five times ini bis ife. Anyone watchinig wouhd rhînkHlien wvetid bcitickv te niake it past Oshawva. WH ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAV, JAN UA RY 8, 1975, PAGE 5 New Director For Retarded Tie Ajax-Pickering and Wh i by «Associat ion foi' Re- îardcd Chiil drenr) bas ap. 1 [ pointed Peler Daslificld t ils Board cf'Directors. 174 MARY STREET, NORTH OSHAWA, 728-4881 Mon. - Fni. 8 - 5:30 Saturday 9 - 12 noon CHRUS CATERUNO AND FOOD SERVICE TH CATERING FACILTE 415 MocKINZII AJAX, BOX 113 Phone 683-M1~ or 839-4874 Weddings, Stags, Office or House Parties, Banquets, Conventions, Dances, Receptions, of Ail Types I ENLARG EMENTS f rom your favou rite Kodacolor negatives. Mounted in deluxe studio mounts. Re~ Prce SPECIAL OFFER- NOW -CLIP THIS COUPON AND PRESENT TO CASHIER-- This offer valid only with presentation of this co upon. Take your Kodacolor negatives until Jan. 25th, 1975. 77,7- = ri 4 7, .JANUARY SPECIAL 15% off A tipholstery and Rug cleaning Can be done in your home or at our piani NuWay Rug. -1 1 1 1

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