Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1975, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1975, WHITBV FREE PRESS Brookli*n Bylienes Tight timnes..budget to priority..cuts in services and recreation..only 5% growth iast year..no growth mean- ingless. These are somne of the remarks made by various councilors last Saturday, at the first meeting in 1975 of the Whitby Town Council. It sounids rather depressing 1 know, but 1 gut the feeling that they werc trying to make us ail face facts. If you want the good life you'i pay for it. ....either thro' higher taxes or extra developmcent.1 Up in the North Ward that probably puts us between the dcvIi and the deep blue sea! Most peopie I speak with feel that they (like so many others in the varioLis parts of Whitby) are taxed enough. But we stili want good services and recreational faciities. And as these have to be paid for somnelow that oniy leaves us with one alternative..growth and deveiopment. And 1 get the impression that both taxes and growth wiii possibiy be THE topic for conversation in the North Ward.during the next tweive months. But tho' Counicil are asking for restraint, dare 1 bring up a subject relating to last years budget? Remnember die swimming pool idea that was being tossed around? I may be wrong but wasn't that money already sorted out tho', the place, to put the pool was causing probiems? As it seems a foregone conclusion that there wiii fot be a pool in the North Ward may 1 ask what happens to the money? If the moncy is there, and if they have nîo other use for it, may 1 make a suggestion. Is there any way thatthe money couid bc used to compiete the tennis court (put flic chain- link fence ail the way around, for instance, which I believe isn't such a silly idea..mosti ennis courts that l've piayed on have had ail four sidcs surrounded by high fencing). And if that money is stili there, could they possibly put in at least one more court! so that more than four people could play the game at dic saime tinie? I admit that I'm not being too rnuch of an carly bird, then may 1 remind you that there are oniy five or six nonthis of those lovely sunny days (maybe lcss)^ when we'l1 be wa,.ntinig to play the game. Councillor Gerry Emrn as a good word for those of you that were wanting those traffît signais at the junction of number 7 and 12. By the time you read this the Regional Council will have ratified the proposai for such iights. I for one will feel a littie safer when driving down number 12. The work is to be donc quite soon too, so you won't have to wait long. We would lîke to welcomc a new talent to Ashburn .. Mrs. Joyce May. She is the lady behind the 'Ccramic House of Joy'..which as its name suggests deals in ceramics, both the finiish-ed article and greenware. Mrs. May also teaches the craft. If you wouid like to meet Mrs. May and sec the kind of work that she does, then you wil be pieased to hear that she ishaving an open house on Thursday, January 23rd. You are invited to go along on that day, any time bctween 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. and browse around and enjoy a cup of cottee. If you arc interesteci then give Mrs. May a cýadl'at 655-4320 and she wili give you directions on how to get there ... its not out in the wilds it'sjust that 1 couldn't find a simple way of writing them down. These things are s0 much casier when spoken. Aiso in Ashburn..Euchres are starting again on Friday l7th January àt the Community Centre. Starting timne is at 8 p.m. and admission is 50 cents..students 25 cents. Down in Brooklin there is news from St. Thomas's Angli- can Church. When you rcad this the annual reports will have been sent out to ail Anglicans in the arca ýthat are, on the maiing iist. If you do flot receive a copy, or if you wish to be put on the maiing list, then please contact Chris Greaves at 655-3809. Also at the 'Little White Church' on Monday, January 27th, there promises to be a very interest- ing evening..a pot .iuck supper followed by a Vestry Famiiy Night. I've no- starting tirne at the moment..get a çopy of the paper next week and you'll find out what time to get there! Well once again I have to close. Keep me busy by calling 655-3750 and ask for the Bylines. Don't put it off ..do it now and let me hear what is going on in the North Ward. Take care, and sec you next week. LIZ Work Progressing, IBROWN'S T* THE1 FLAVOJO 11401 COI,115 - LoIN Pork Chops BIURNS -SWALL LtNK e (BEEF& Sausage OK LEAN TilCK CUT COU NTRY STYLE Pork Ribs BEST BUV I -- ASSORTED - FRIED DAàINTY RICE PER L Pi.# LBa 79C PER LB, $118 FOODMA'STER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO 4 *Cou rtesy uasuu~n~Value NORTH vvnmuBw PHONE 655-452 otisfoction Pg^Ul. -PAINti^ITT l3 BAN ABY CONFIDTS ':: 39, ýmmNOPA 7S ROASTED IREADYCUTACARONI o COFFEE SPAGHETT 1-i 95c 2-LB. 6 BRUNSWICK BONNIE FILLETSof pOG HERRING' CAT FOOD LIQUII CLEANUNG POWER! MIR EXPLORE DETERGENT Laundry Detergent 4 FL.OZ, BOTTLES SL A 288 $1.3 9 BEST BUY! 2-Lb. Tin CROWN CORN SYRUP 69c BEST BUY!- - 13-0z. Package KELLOGG' S;en 6 9Cr BEST BUVI KLEENEX TOWELS 85< FEATURE 1 - PEA or VEGETABLE 28 FI. Oz. Tins HABITANT Soips 2o"89 FEATURE! - CARNATION 23,0z. Jar HOT CHOCOLATE 1.99 FEATURE'1 - CHOICE - Sliced - Crushed.- TId BIts 19 FI. Oz. Tin AYLMER PINEAPPLE d49C BESI BUY 1 - PARKAY BRAND - REGULAR 3-Lb. Package MARGARINE 2.419 FEATURE! 8-Dz. Package DAD'S Gatual C 6 110imS 49< 2147C EIVR [iATf NOQMINAL CHARGE 12-0z. Package 49c BEST BUVI - 19 FI. Oz. Tin SPAGHETTICmLiF 39-- FEATIJRE 1 - SOUIRREL BRAND 16.0z. Jar PEANUT BUTTER 69< FEATURE!1 - EVAPORATED 1.Lb. in CARNATION MILK 31C FEATURE! - FACIAL -11 x 3-PLY package ROYALE TISSUES 55aS FEATUR.E I - 'dIAPERS - REG, 301',or SUPER 24s BABY SCOIT P1.89 FEATURE.I - LIQUID DRANO STORE HOURS OPEN six DAOS A WEEK 8:30 uO.M. -6 p... IXCEPITHUfl Fi 32 FI. Oz. BaotIe 77C 'It's Schneiders W.ek et Red & Whte, SI #N[IErs 11<0 HOT& ., OU1C I T SKINLESS WIENER 16o.pg 78 Schnc.ders LUNCH MEATS each 39c -l.î, Chk.1k.ýBo. î . . ..j P,Ckt d .. , Schneider, COOKED HAMU,6-or. pkg. 88c Schneider, Colla STEAK ETTIES 16-ox. 89< Schneider, Jumbo POLISH LOOPS ib so Schneiders HEADCHEESE 1Z-or bowls 79c 5CHNFîOCRS FA 'AILY 110.5 iOZ, [ACHI BEEF PATTIES ZIbs $1-" MIIORAÀfter Slur 99 lIED TOOI'H PASTE 50 ML T.d,.. aL osE I/P 2 fr99C ANTIB(PTIC 1 Fi. Oz. B*W LISTERINE.3 Umported New Crop No. 1 Grade 2 CABBAGE 39co. Gardon Fresh RADISH 62/29 c Sweot Slicing No. 1 Grade Spanish (type) c ONIONS 2 for 35c 3 BIG DAYS. Thurs. Jan. 16 m Sat. Jan. 18 I _____________________ SIowIy Plans for the .World Plow- ing Match- are 'siowly but surely being completed. The most recent step was the preparation of a land use map of the site's i1,000 acres. The competition is to bc, held in Brooklin in Septem- ber of this year. Arrangements for crop rotation have been finalized with the owners of the land. By doing this, acreage can be set aside for plowing, a trac- tor park, a tented area and parking facilities. Trustees Get Duties The Durham Separate Schiool Board trustees have been given their comrnittee responsibilities for dic year. Shiane Cobuirn, board chairnan announced the re- sponsibilities at die board's inaugural mieeting last week. The salary negotiation coimniitteC is nmade up of Morgan O'Connor, Louis H-ughes, Gary Forrestali and Johin Blakelev. Ivani Wallace. Hugh Arni- strong and Joe Corey mnake Uip the Canadian Union of Putblic Emiployees (CUPE) negotiatin- tcami. Educational policy will be set by Chuck Roche, Winona Clarke, Stan Kolesnick. Joe Corey and Jim Laverty. Johin Blakel.ey, Ivan WVal- lace, Jim Laverty, Real Gou- let and Gerry Forrestali will serve on the sites and accorn- odations conîmittee. The finance commit tee will consist of T.-rry O'Con- nor, Hugh Armstrong, Louis Hughes, Real Goulet and Stan Kolesnick. On the high school liason committee wil be Morgan O'Connor, Terry O'Connor, Joe Corcy and Chuck Roche. F. ALAN LAWSON C.A. TRIJSTEE IN BANICRU7TYy 69 King Street East Oshawu, Ontarjo LIH IB4 (416) 72-3800 4 PACK %~ uàg EcAI bhi PZZA l6 WAFFLES COFFE! RUCH PK65 c z 35 TENDER - JUICY FOR ROASTING .. TENDERLOIN - 3to 31,, lb. average) L@IN'O'ývP@RKb.9c FAMILY PAK - 9 to 11 Chops 11/ PORK LOIN CHOPS $108 BEST BUY 1 - BATHROOM TISSUE - WHITE SWAN F 77ik- L. ---q 2 Roll Pack

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