Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1975, p. 6

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PAGE 6,WEDNESDAYJAN UAR Y 15. 1075. WHITB Y F RE E PRESS BIRD 'S EYE- VIEW Take Note... Detroit and Oshawa It had to liappeîi, righit'? Wc'vc achieved zero population growth and rjow we're niaking more cars-than people. We're runrning out of highways to drive themn on, lots to park them on and gasoline to make them go. Bu t mostly we can't find customners to buy themn. -ýEGKENNEL S Wh/Iee Tey Get Tender Loving Caro BOAR DING TRAIN ING FROZEN BEEF for dogs & cats still 25 cents per lb. (Box of 35 Ibs.) ROMAR 90 15 oz. can 32 cents (by the case) .Most DRY MEALS 25-50 lb. 'ýSPECIAL" NEW PURINA MEAL 50 lb. S10.65 QUANTITY DISCOUNT TO KENNELS LASI TRAINING CLASS FOR THE SEASON STARTS FEBRUARY 4, 1975 HWV.-12, BROOKLIN, ONT. LOB iCO (416) 655-4721 I feel a littHo guil ty because 1 haven't botiglt a new car since 1968, howevcr,-therc hiaven'î been many moclels that appealed to mie. 1I haven't seen mruch improvement in the s î,ing ai though the etiginccerîing is better bu t 1 think the Most necded area f'or improvernents ini new cars is better optîinal extas. You goet so i t tIce witdi a ncw ca r th ese day s th at y ou hi ave to order a few options just to give it a littlc pizzaz., After aIl1, if you want th e neiglibours to admire your new buggy you have to bo propared to show off somnething a little out of the ordinary. Having been around cars for more years than I care to bo rerninded of' 1 feol 1 could give the "big threo" a few new ideas for options th'at just migh t help get rid of somte of thoso thousands of new, unsold cars. For instance, carpeted running boardis - do you realize it's almost impossible f'or a cop to run up, jumip on v-our ruinning board and commandeor your car to Join in a life and deatli chase aftor the bad guys. Noi only would run- ning boards make your car more law ibiding, carp)eting would add that final touchi of class thaï al*'ays separates Volkswagens from Cadillacs. And for Cadillac owners who hate those out of town trips a new option that could be available is a five gallon gas tank. What with using three gallons in the driveway warmi- ing up and another gallon and a haîf to get to, the nearost gas station, the lucky Cadillac owner would bc virtually guaranteed he'lI nover bc able to drive it out of town. And since this is the yoar motion pictures are having s0 much influence on otir livos the auto manufacturers could offer a Godfather package which might consist of snub nosed .38 pistol in t.hè glove box, a yoar's supply of Spatini Spaghetti Sauce and a special sot of 8 track tapes of Marlon Brandon singing "Thie Best of Joe Valachi". For outdoor fiends who order die campor package an automnatic skunk detector could be made available. Anoth- or option camipers might find useful is a power dipstick and barbecue skewer. If you're the kind of person, sucli as a salesmian, who almost livos in bis car you might just be interosted in storms and screens and at Ieast oneofo' the conîpanios is bound to offcr a high bearn interior i cadlamp as an option. Prospective buyers who live ini high crime areas, will surely snap, up the floor mnounitcd whcels discs option and famnilios with lots of kids would probably go for an option that offers easy-to-dlean linoleumn instead of carpetiflg. Truc, il could bc a teensy bit difficult getting the floor polishier in your car but sooneror later K-Tel is going to mnake a mini automobile floor polisherjust for those people who have linoleumn. Everybody's guilty of a mnessy glove box, right? So why not offor a soaled glove box as an option. Not only would the door alwmays stay closcd over the roughest of roads but you'l drive botter knowing youir glove box Is as neat and dlean as the day you bought tie car. For the automaîtic nuts the car miakers could offer an automna tic jack - which would bc an option tliat would have to be oflèred in conjonction with thc auton-ratic flat option, automatic rotating tires, power tire valves to dazzle 'em at althei gas station, and a power road miap which is not particularly guaranteed to'help you find your way but whien you get going down the wrong road the power road nap would hielp youget there cîuicker. Ralph Nader types could grab up safety options such as steel belted fan b3lts, high heamn parking lights (to be used only during ecl ipses) and a spare, spare tire. You've no idea what a comfrort it is to drive along kniowing that even if your spare tire runs over a nail in the trunk you've stilI got another spare tire so that you won't be left sparelcss out in the wldernçss. Sure we'rè flot buying new cars - they need better op- tions! Maybe l'Il just sit down and daslh off a few more suggestions to the president of GermeraI Motors .... - Game Cancelled The Whiûtby Figure Skat- ing Club knows sorneone is finally Iistcning to them. Because of an earlier corn- round an carlier incident. The Acting Director of Recrea- tion despite opposition from and without permission of the club, cancelled one of the skaters' Tuesday night sessions in order to accomo- date one of,;4he-six McDon- ald"s home games thiat could flot be fit into the original Iroquois Park schiedule. Last Tuosday's non-game was the second of the pro- viously unscheduled senior con tests. New Rec. Director Mayor Des Newman an- nounced that Wayne DeVeau has been appointed to the position of Director of Re- creation for the Town of Whiitby. Mr. DeVeat ihas been Co-ordinator of Pro- grammes in the City of Lon- don for a number of years, and prior ho London, ho xvas Assistant Director of Recrea- tion for the City of Chathamn. Ho lias a wide range of recreation experienco in both prograinining and the use of f acil il es. Mr DeVeau will start his now position on February 3rd, and will hco moving ho Mihitby wvith hiis wife and îwo children. Ile is 33 years of age and ah presont is Treas- uirer of the Board of Directors of' the Ontario Recroation Society. Senior 'A' Hockey WHITBY McDONALDS vs BRANTFORD FORESTERS iroquoîs Park Arena 8t.30 p.me This message sponsored by: 101 CONSUMENqS DRIVE. WIITeye Co MPAN y- plaint by the club to Whitby Council, lasti Tuesday's Sen- ir 'A' contest between the Whitby McDonalds and the _______________ Cambridge liornets was cancelled. -The comiplain.t centred a- Saturday, February 22nd DANCE Supported by Multiple Sclerosis U.A.W. Hall 44 Bond Street East, Oshawa Featuring Bill Cornelius Quartet $5.00 per person. 8:30 to 1:00 A.M. Luncheon, door prizes, and bar Phone 728-9889 for tickets ATTENTION FARMERSII WHY PA Y MORE? SAVE ON PREMIUM OUAUTVr GSe DIESEL FUEL '7, ~ Prompt olivrv oi 0# totWn please catl c@olect ~ OIL Thursday, Jan. 16 Ã"ý

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