Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1975, p. 8

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PAGE 8.WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 29, 1975, WH ITBY FREE PRESS Brooklin, Byli*nes Well, it's short and sweet this week. I sincerely hope that you are still out'there in the North Ward.l.'m not hearing from you these days. Corne on friends..start calling with the news and views of the North Ward before my typewriter gathers too many cobwebs. Talking of cobwebs, have you dug out those unused bits and pieces that are only hanging around coilecting dust? You know the kind of, thing I'm talking about..that old painting, that light fixtu're that you took downand stored away, or that old chest or chair that -you were going to renovate but somehow neyer got around to doing..wel you know that you couid put-them 10o very good use, and make more roomn at home for storing other things, by sim- ply calling 579-0591 and asking the Humane Society to take them away. They will put them to very good use by putting them into their auction..beg your pardon! .. their Giant Auction that is to be heid Monda>', February 24th to Frida>', Februar>' 28, 1975 at ic St. Lawrence Market, 92 *Front Street East, Toronto. The mone>' raised b>' the auction wil go to the Society's veterinary service department..a very worthwhile cause if you caîl yourseif an animal lover. So corne on..the North Ward has always been good at hearing my pleas of heip. Don't let me down this time..make, the donation, however large or smail, BROWNý'S right NOW. Have you got pre-sohoolers in your home? 'Do ýyou 'get those days when you wonder how you are going to keep themi happy and amused? Well you mw be vry interested in attending the following. It won't cost a penny..just a littie tjme and once again we have the Whitby 'Y' to thank. They, thro' their 'Let's Create Together' programme are sponsoring the visit of a Mrs. Sandy MagwVood to the Brook- lin United. Church, on Wednesday, February Sth at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Magwood is the author of 'Creative Fun for Little Ones', and her taik, ilustrated wËh siides, is titled 'Creative Play for Pre-S-hoolers'. She is well quaiified to talk on the subject having graduated from Ryerson lnst., Toronto where she studied pre-school education. Since then she has worked in several nursery and day care centres, and has also been pilay-therapist at the Sick Children 's Hospitalinii Toronto. As 1 said before, admission is free. Refreshments witi be served and EVERYONE is welcome to attend a most interesting evening. A few weeks back t mentioned that, although it was nice to know that we can now cati Port Perry without charge, -1 wouid also like to be able to cali the Pickering- Ajax area. It would seern, reading'one ot our daily papers, that Mayor George Ashie told his council that the Brooktin exchange witI be inciuded in die no toli area for Bell tele- phone users in the Pickering-Ajax exchange. Presumîng that this will be a two-way affair, it seems that our toit free area is going to be eniarged again. If this is so0..then three FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIOj NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655U4525atî5sfact0n Save t$me sMW .uImi- ueh"cim .te h«» .et y..r 0 i..dy B.d wt SM ... We'II h.r easplel - hr y..!1 en FEATURE! - BLUE BONNET BRAND 1L.Steeve SOFIMARGARINE 85C ATURE' - TOMATO 20 FI. Oz. Bottle ,AYLMER CATSUP 65C FATUREI - OUICK, 48.oz. OR INSTANT, 44-oz. QUA&KER OATS 89 FETREI 1-z i 2Lb. Fi. Oz. ________________________JAR________ 1 4 AVLMER RASPGERRY or .TRAWBEPRY Pcg. Tin ST BUYI 24T I J I M R- _ i PECTI A S $ 4 B 5, 1UYI - 200 .2-PLY BEST BUVI - HOUSEHOLD FACIAL 2 _" WHITE SWAIN Towels 2 î88' CEREAAL814o L 7-_CINGERSOLL ch.". Spd $1.09 FEATUREI -, 5VARIETIES -FANCV SUPREME 79C FEATURE1 - BTRO BIsSlCUISo* AD SOT ISUE 2!4 CLUB MOUS£EA YSO TTIS E2* 9 SEASOINCudAÏi SPECUAL PREMIUM OFFER!!1 SAUCE MIES go r; '.uI WESTONS Pack of 6 HOT CROSS 59 c BUNS Reg. 75C STORE HOURS OPEN six DAYS A WUEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCIPITHURS- & FRI. MIGHTS'TIL9o.m. - -- - -~ Four Poster Double Bed Sheets 100% Cotton 80x96 .99 With -15 Purchase $3 3 BIG DAYS each -Sat. Feb. eheers for Bell! Until'then.....North Ward just cali 655-3750 and let me, hear from you. That will keep me happy, and keep the col- umn in print! Take care and seeyou next week. Blizzard A blizzard la a severe weather condition whlcb Includes 10w tem- peratures, strong winds,. and large quantitiesof fine, dry snow which la >picked up from the ground. Light Year Light travels at -a smed -of about 186,282 miles per second. The distance that llght traveis iln 1 one year ta called a light year. Uight years are used to compute the vast distances between bodies of the universe. Few stars are tess than 100 light years f rom ear- thi. WE SPECIAUIZE. IN CUTTING THE LA TES T PERSONALIZED à MR CONDITIONED e EAR* PaiRCING * IAIR REMOVAL -TAXCES JUST MINUTES - NO WEIDLES, WAX OR CHEMICAILS OPNMON. TO SAT. also THURS. & FM 'fyAppointment> SAT, fifl 3: PA,. LADES IIAIR STYLING If'B 140DNA .668-4321 1400DUNDS E.(W. of Thickson Rd.) PCFF PAREIi(. AT ROCAM HEALTH & BEAUTY F EATU RES! COUGH 2. FI. O..BtlI73 COUGH11 73 MIXTURE f3 2. FI Oz, ML ARRID "Cf EXTRA DRY77 [NO f FRUIT SALT 87< JOHNSON'$ lf BABY OIL 07t< 45 FI, 0. ilBoll Produce of U.S.A. Sweet T asty 39 RED GRAPES ILb Florida-Good Value CELERY STALKS Large sz 5 1 DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE, yORk MEAT ES 3 i-$1 4ACES 64 OZ$ J'lice - CONCEMYRAYID Ot.lias ORANG JCEoi ou<49C RUPERT FlSH CAKES 59< ONtoIONRINGS '&oz. 2lw Sc A. 1= VALUE CHECKD - RANDEDe RIBROASIS 88~ Wall Trlm."d -For bralisng SY**K SEWe* ING B t -804Lg lbS'.19 Round Sont ti. u DIAMIETENDER 19LADE ROASTS- lb '1.281 B A E PORK SUTT CHOPS, l 8 BEEF MEATY POK HO lb 59C. SONgESS - 1W0K O STEAKS DINNER SHOULDERS......l b 1.67 STEAKS BOLOGNA . 16-os. pkgq. 79c ~ 9 8 ~ SACK BACON $ 1.28 1.8 9 Th urs. ian, 3 0 vvmRilý Whiïtby Arts Looking for Volun teers Whitby Arts Incorporated is looking for new members and volunteers to staff the gallery. The members are needed to help the organization meet financial obligations and pay for its extensive list of pro- grams. Because Whitby Arts only gets limited grants from the town, they must undertake fund raising projects. The organization con- tacted several local industries last fail and raised about $ 1,000 in a three-month peri- od., Whitby Arts has more fundý-raisi *ng projeets .planned for the near future. Ticket draws and a gala bah . should help the organiza- tion fînancially. Whitby Arts has a busy agenda set up for the new year. - In February, l5th century manuscripts wiil be shown. The highliit of March will be a display of wood sculp- ture by Stephen Holdings. Jim Paget's drawings and paintings wiil be shown in April. Japanese brush painting by Sue Tabuchi wii be on exhibit in May. In June, there wili be a mnembers'. exhibit and a theatre exhibit with an arts festival in the surner. Work by young region artists wilt be exhibited in-the faîl. The display will iiîciude textiles, pottery, metal de- sign, sculpture, painting and d raw ings. Thei station will also a- cquire a 192-9 railway boxcar in the near future which will be converted mbt a studio for etching and lithography. At present, the station lias 300 rmembers. 0f f ice rs The Brooklin and District Progressive Conservative Association's 1975 slate of officers is identical to that of 1974. Returnied to office were president, Bruce Lehmar; first vice-president, Glenn - - - m m-j'm, M 1 k - 1111111 ' Illmw 1 ýkw.

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