PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDDING GOWN - Bro- cade velvet, matching fuit length cape with hood, malibu trim, size 10, $135. Wite FOX FUR CAPE $75, Cati 655-3009 after 6 p.m. Emp. CAMIÈRA -Mirander Sensorex 35mm S.L.R. with Taro: the lense metering sy- stem, Miranda Auto 28m wide angle tense, Miranda, auto 5Omm lense, Soligor T4 lOSmm tlense, Solîgor T4 300, mm tente (ail lenses with: hood) Braon F280 Electronie flash with bracket 'and charg- er, 2 Plos extension tube, 9 Asstd. glass fitters, Foca bel micro beltows attachment, cabte release and eye cup, separate leather case for camera plus a Benser leather carry-ail Like New $850.00. Minolta i 6nm Minature CAMERA wîth Rokker .22. mm lense in case--$30.00, POLAROID- No.330 camera wlthïý flash attachment, in- cludes film and bulbs, Like New $55.00, Blessing Vaivc TROMBONE in deluxe case as new, cost $550, seil for- $150. Phone 668-9449 after 7:00Op.m. _Emp. FOR SALE - H.O. Gaug% model ti-ang train set $150. Cati 728-0690. Emp. MOVIE CAMERA - auto- matie eye 3 lens, 1 automa- tic feed projector with zoom lens and automnatie, room ight dimmer, 1 iight bar with. bulbs, i film editoir, i four feet by four feet beaided screen, J projector stand, al in good condition package deal $275. Cati 655-3815. Emp. M FOR SALE - Olympic I 1amiînated skis with harness, 60 inches long, perfect condi- tion $ 10, size 5 moutded rubber ski boots $10, woman's Bauer figure skates in size 3 and 5 $5 each, AM- FM push button car radio for Datsun or Toyota only $20, AGS sotid state cassette car stereo, playback and record in stereo, sacrifice at $75, AM-FM stereo multiplex tun- er receiver only $50, antique cash register, ideai for rec roorn bar $25, Scandanavian chesterfietd and matchi'ng chair in turquoise fabrie, both for $75. Ca11668 -2478 after 6" Emp. FOR SALE - Used B&W television, 26 inch, floorI rnodel with doorg good,-con- diion asking- $75.00. Cati ,6554225. Emp. FOR SALE - 1 tent trailer, sleeps four, inetudes foamn mattress, spare tire & leatherette v1over in good shape $300. 8 dressed large mai 'e mink pelts, silver beige, tanned and somne with white chin. $30 each. 668-2166. Emp. Stationwagon 289 mnotor, P. SP.W., DHB687 uncertiied in running condition. Asking $150. Cati 668-8629. Emp. FOR SALE. - Two girls- bikes in good condition suit ages 6 - 9. Phone 723-0590. Emp. >FOR SALE - Small fibre- glass house tradter, Canadian Tire built box tradler. Cati 576-0551. Em P. Lucky Number 499 Lucky Number 209 Lucky Number 092 '4 \beautieful1 country setting close toTo0ronto ... priced much Iovver than comparableToronto homes. woodstrem À medowsM NW*% disitinctive Iuxury homes in Oshawa Corne see for yourself. North on Hormoy Rood from Hwy. 401 ta Adelaide Ave. East tum rdit toWoodstream Mexadaws TORONTO UI 862-07r- SOSHAWA Uý 723-53-) excksive sales co JNE 50 N4E 71 i ILt -m.u.---.--.--.--.--.--.--.----.--. . . TENT - Sleeps 8, in good condition, outside atuminum frame, 4 windows plus a screen door with awning fiap over door, waterproofed withi no holes anywhere $35 or best offer. Cail Terry 668- 2781. Emp. SKIS - excellent condi- tion, used only once, $40. CatI 723-9016. Emp.1 M 1968 PONTIAC 1- Strato0 chief, automatie, good meh anicai and running condition $425 uncertified. Cati 668 7644. Emp. FOR SALE - Pl-as-tic- rainer $3, Diaper Bag $2, baby, tounger $2, play peiir $5, golf bag $5. Cati 725-6733. F?,,1. STOVE - 30 inch electrie automatie, setf-cieaning, ro- tisserie, 1974 Admiral model white, as new condition $175 Cal 668-9850gsf. Emo. i I I ~ I CAFE DOORS - suitable. for rec-room $10, ,assorted tight fixtures $4 each, 4 slice toaster $5. Cail 668-1063. BASS GUITAR - hagstrom' ln good condition with two pickups and case $90 or best offer. Cati 668-3495. Emp. FOR..SALE - 1 Tent, trafilér with mattresses and spare tire $250. Lloyd baby carniage $25. Cal 668-3925., Emp. WRINGER WASHER - by Beatty, heavy duty, stainiess- steel tub $60. Catil 668-9805. Emp BABY ITEMS - Like new swing-a-matie car bêd $8; walker $5', jolly jumper $3;ý comode $5, strolter $3, bike halmet $20. Cail 579-3332 « m pg STEREO & record player Viking $ 100, Viking B & W TV 21 inch $ 100, coffe table oblong $15, portable sewing table $12, new kit- chen chairs (2) $ 10, corner step table $15, al in good condition. Cali 576-3047. Emp. 1969 OLDS - Cuitlass 442 V8, power dise brakes, auto- matie, AM/FM radio, al gauges including tachometer, 2 door hard top, body needs paint, a'pproximately 76,000 miles, $1,100 or best offer. iCatI 668-1066. Emp. SKATES - Girls' white figure skates, size 3 $5, -one pair«junior Pro skis,*harness and potes asking $50, one pair Senior Pro skis, harness and potes asking $50, smalt ironing board and iron, (chiids) $2, one easy-bake oven (Susie Homemaker) $6. Cati 725-1280. Emnp. Jim "Scotty" Wilson REALTOR LOT 80 X 200 - Located near Cobourg, Build- ing permit available, large level lot located just off Highway number 2. ASKING $15,000. Please phone 668-7777 for more details. SALEYLD OSHAWA SEMI - 4 bedroom backsplit, 2 bathrooms, 1-4 piece and 1-2 piece. Conveniently Iocated near Civic Auditorium ASKING $44,500. Please phone 668-7777 for more details. Marguerite Kulik REALTOR MI.TIPu LISTING SEMVCI PHONE: ACREAGE - With Xmas trees, 97 acres with approxiiately 75,000 Xmas trees. ASKING $60,000. Please phone 668-7777 for more details. James "Scotty" Wilson Realtor Doug Taylor Patty Simpkiss Benny Stacewicz David Woodall Jus-t Listed. A beautiful 3 bedroomn backsplit which is now looking for a new owner. Separate dining other extras. VENDOR HAS BOUGHT OUT 0F TOWN. Please phone 668-7777 for more detai Is.1 121 BROCK STREET3 NORTH WHITBY 668-7777 uuuu---------- -------u~uz IF un à à ' - " - . m %ýaà i -Illtl* - 1,