Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1975, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAV. F EORUARY 5. 1976. WH ITBV FREE PROSS Dear Editor; After collecting an eiglit mont/z supply of returnable pop bottles, I decideci it was time to return them. After arriving at the Macs Milk store in the Whitby Plaza I found to' my dismay that they no longer took in returnable botties. After ask- ing why I founci out t/rat they no longer sold any pop in returnable boUles; flzus, ending the bother of botties. After walking up to thre Dom- inion Store in thre same plaza I founci out they too did the same, excepting they took in their own brand of bottles. I asked the lady in the store where there was a store t/rat will take in returnable botties. Thre reply was the A&P on Brock Street Northr. After arriving in the store they receiveci the botties grate- 11v;y they even saici thank- you! The point of myletter is not the, running around I had to do, it is the fact that Whitby is a beau tiful little town. Ilow about 'the people of Whitby get their heads together andi stop poilu ting our town, and the only way is to get together andi n'y!. Like stop buying the non-r eturnable bottles. Insist that the store you buy from carry only returnable bottles. And stick to it; of course you pay mo re for the pop' but once you have bought one bottle you neyer have to pay for it again, un- less you break (t. Andi think, you have /ust saved one littie article that does tiot reacli the township dump. If every- body in Whitby did it /ust once, îthere would be 26,000 LISTINGS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5th 5:00 Durham Report with Bruce MacArthur 6:00 Sports with Dave Stewart and Evening Report with Ron Folk 6:30 Dra Today with Ross Gibson and Peter Brouwer 7:00 Whitby Then and Now 7:30 Education Scene with George Pearce 8:00 Hotline to Heaven THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th_ 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Whitby Then and Now less pop bolles i the alump. So corne on. Whitby, lets get yours and our heads boget/îer. Ranci>'Keeler 210 Trent Street W. No. 2 Whitby,'Ontqrio Dear Editor; Lt has corne to, my atten- tion that at the' Inaugural Meeting of the Whitby Town Council, Saturday, January llth, Maj)or Des Newman decided to ignore Bill Newman, our MP.P., by not asking him to speak for a few minutes. A t the conclusion of the ('ouncil meeting, Reeve Tom Edwards 'stood up and pointeci out to thec Mayor that Bill Newman had been comning to the Inaugural Meeting since he was elected in 196 7 andi had always been asked to say a few words. The Mayor said lie wanted to stick with the agenda andi that was ail. Inviting our MP.P. to speak has neyer been on any 6:00 Sports with Dave Stewart with Ron Folk 6:30 Rescue 7:00 3R'S with Ged Carr 7:30 The new Leaf 8:00 Golden Horseshoe Media agenda bejôre but theMayor lias nonetheless always asked him' to speak. This time I th ink Mayor Des Newman has shown us his bias andi did wrong. Only after he was reminded by his fèllow Council member dici he allow Bill Newman to speak. I think Reeve Edwards (an N.D.P. candidate w/w ran a- gainst Bill) is to be congratu- lateci for drawing this matter to the Mayor's attention. It is also very interesting that when Bill Newman did speak he praised Mayor Des Newman for thie work he lias donc as Mayor and for his, work on the Provincial Muni- cipal Liaison Committee. Please Des, as our Mayor, don't let your bias show through like this^ Yours truly, Larry O Meara 313 Lupin Drive Jhitby, Ontario and Evening Report FRIDAY FEBRUARY 7th 4:,00 Rescue' 4:30 The New Leaf 5: 00 Vita Italiana 6:00 Sports with Dave Stewart and Evening Report with Ron Folk 6:30 3R'S 7:00 DurhanToday MONDAY, FEBRUARY lOth 5:30 Golden Horseshoe Media 6:00 Sports withi Dave Stewart and Evening Report with Ron Folk 6:30 Counterpoint 7:00 Soccer Round-up and weekly resuits with Stan Wiggins and Ian Cooke TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11I th 4:30 Soccer Round-up 6:00 Sports withi Dave Stewart anid Evening Report with Ron Folk 6:30' Vita Italiana: A television production ofmnusic, songs and news in 1Italian language 7:30 Durhiarn Report with Bruce MacArthiur 8:30 Counterpoint 9:00 Hlotlinie to Hieaven: "Preventing Moral Crimes" ,De-ar'Editor; Lt is the Intention of thec schooi -bo ard 'to 'demollsh A lexandra School in Bran t- ford without rebuilding it. To commemorate the eighty-, one years of its existence, a committee bas been formed to. plan a Homecoming for May 3and 4, 19 75. We would like to hear from as many former teachers, pupils and assoc- iates as possiblç. Spread the word to any sehool friends with whom you are stili in touch. Write to us as soon a s possible to help us formulate the plans for a weekend of fun and reminiscing. Please write to Alexandra1 School Homecoming Com- mittee, 214 Darling Street, Bran tford Ontario. Yours truly, W. Dick, Co-Ordinator Alexandra Sc/rool George Kerr WiI11 ViSlet Brooklin George Kerr, Solicitor- General, wil be the guest of the Brooklin Legion -next Wednesday, February 12. Mr. Kerr wil dine with the legion executive at the legion hall and wil field questions from the public from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mr. Kerr wilI be in the area for the Ontario C abinet meeting in Oshawa on that day. Onai Goernme-tTende CANCELLATION Tender Number 215 Relating to: LEASE 0F OFFICE SPACE_ ubrnîssions are invited from wners or authorized agents f completed premises in shawa or district for leasing f 26,000 usable square feet ut no Iess than 15,0001 uare feet of office accomn- odation. Term of lease is o 5 years, gross lease pre- erred *s cancelled until further otice. OMinistry of Government (5 D Services Ontario Optil mist Club« Active. The Opiist Club of Whitby formd only two weeks ago and the service group is already embarking on a good deed. The club, in, co-operation with the Whitby Senior 'A' McDonalds, wilI treat several area senior citizens to a night of exciting hockey. The McDonalds will pro- vide the tickets and the Opt- imists will provide the trans- portation to tomorrow nights con test between the McDon- alds and the Cambridge Hor- nets. AnimA Report The Ontario Humane Society has released its December report of animal control operations in Whitby. 1A total of 13 dogs were impounded and 35 were abandoned. 30 dogs were either clainied by their own- ers or adopted. The local OHS branch sheltered 48 cats and assisted four other animals. A total of 106 cals for assistance were answered with one emergency- caîl re- ceived after 9 p.m. Ten warnings were given and 10 tickets issued. Im- pounding fees collected to- talled $252.00. Complex Gleve61nOK Whitby Coundil recently authorized the construction of an integrated public works and recreation- building com- plex. The complex will be built north of Regional Road 4 and east of Highway 12 at a cost of $à00,000. Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving over 26,000 readers. Published every Vednesday by Whitby Free Press Inc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at: the Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North Whitby, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION <8V MAIL) $1 0.00 VEARLY MAIL:- Box 206. WhitLy PHONE: 668-6111 TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 MAILING PERMIT NUMBER 2941 MANAGING EDITOR/PUBLISHER - Mike Burgess ASSISTANT EDITOR - Blake Purdy CONTRIBUTING EDITOR - Jsm Quail PRODUCTION MANAGER - Mari Burgess STAFF ARTIST - Sharon Benson DISPLAY ADVERTISING MANAGER - Robin Lyon CLÀSSIF IED AD MANAGER - SFaltey Crowley DO YOU WISH TO BECOME A CANADIAN CITIZEN? if so, you may opply for your Conodion cîtizenship or obtamn information ai the Citizenship Court, BOND TOWERS - lOth FLO>OR, 44 Bond St. W., OSHAWA, ONT. HRS.. 8:30 o.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monda y to Friday. TELEPHONE - 723-1216 CARRIERS NEEDEDj To deliver Whitby's newspaper once a week every Wednesday BECOME PART 0F THE FREE PRESS .TEAM CALL 668-6 111

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