PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS The Law and You Q. If I am arrested or brought in for questioning do I have to answer questions that the police ask, or make a statement? A. If there is a good chance that you will be charged and found guilty of an offence, it is often a good idea to co-operate with the police. Even if you enter a guilty plea when you appear at trial, the arresting officer will take the stand to testify about the circumstances of the arrest. If he says that you co-operated with the police the judge may take this into account in sentencing. Most criminal lawyers however, advise their clients not to say anything until they have talked to their lawy- er. Since the lawyer knows the law he is more likely to realize what the nature of the case is, and which ad- missions on your part would be danaging. In a few cases, also, it is absolutely necessary that you make a statement. If you are found in possession 1~ 4 Analgesic Tablets 100's NEO-CITRAN Aduit - 20's BENYLIN 44 Cough Syrup 8 o. VICKS 3 oz. VAPO-RUB 99 LISTERINE C Antiseptic - 12 ounce ULTRA-BAN 99e ANTI-PERSPIRANT - 9 oz. 99 COLGATE Dental Cream - 100 mi. 88 c I TAME CREME RINSE88C or Balsam Conditioner-8 oz. eo. I~q I I.' I I. I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VO 5 Natural PH Balance Shampoo GILLETTE 30% Bonus FOAMY SHAVE 14.3 oz. for price of 11 oz. . .9 or 99 RIGHT GUARD 6 oz. Anti-perspiront., 7 oz. Deodorant _________________ COURTICE-ALLIN I.D.A. PHARMACY 117 Brock Street N. Whitby 668-2394 of stolen goods, for example, you must explain how you got them as soon as you are questioned. Q. I went to an art shop and saw a sofa-sized painting I really liked. It cost $125, and naturally I didn't have the cash. I made out a cheque and the man said I could come around to pick it up as soon as the frame was made for it. I had second thoughts the next day and stopped pay- ment on the cheque. I called the shop and told him that I had changed my mind.,and didn't want the*painting af- ter all. He said I had already bought it. He says unless I make out a new cheque he'll sue. Does he have the right to do this? A. The rule in law is that property in goods passes when the parties intend it to pass. It is not necessary for possession to pass for a change of ownership to occur. Where there is no clear indication of the parties' intention, and where the sale is of some specific article, then the property passes when the contract is made, Non- ALPHA KERI BATH OUL 16 oz. a.19 E SOAP 113 gm. KERI 13 oz. 99C Smoker's Pl110 Or Bill of Rights At the final session of "Countdown on Smoking" the smoking withdrawal course sponsored by the Dur- ham Region TB and Respira- tory Disease Association Mrs. Michael Lisko, public rela- tions chairman for the association, told the gradu- ates that now that they were among the majority group - non-smokers - they should become famiiiar with the Non-Smoker's Bill of Rights ratified locally on January 10 1975 by Mayor James Potti- cary of Oshawa. The Bill states that "Non- Smokers have the right to breath clean air, free from harmful and irritating tobac- co smoke. This right'super- sedes the right to smoke when the two conflict. Non- smokers have the right to express firmly, but politely their discomfort and adverse reactions to tobacco smoke. They have tie right to voice their objections when smokers light up without ask- ing permission. Non-smokers have the right to take action through legislative channels, social pressures or any other legitimate means as individ- uals or in groups to prevent or discourage smokers from polluting the atmosphere and to seek restriction of smoking in public places.' LOTION $3.39 orit i I /I SUNDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Psssssst INSTANT DRY SHAMPOO by Clairol- $ 7 ounce •@69 SHORTS I.D.A. PHARMACY 65 Baldwin Street Brooklin 655.3301 SUNDAY TUESDAY FRIDAY Mothers & Tots Adults 13 and over 12 and under regardless of when payment or delivery takes place. It follows, then that you are the owner of the paint- ing, and are obliged to pay for it. Q. I left Ontario about 10 years ago. I was in financial difficulties at the time; and I have to admit that's part of the reason why I left. Well I'm coming back to Ontario now, and I've made a brand new start. I've heard that old debts are not collectable after a certain number of years. Could you tell me how many years? A. Ontario has a statute of limitations with respect to civil matters. It is called the Limitations Act. It sets out times beyond which certain civil obligations cannot be enforced. - 6 years for any arrears or damages for - 20 years action to enforce any judgement which a court has granted against you - 20 years for a suit on a bond; or other contract - 6 years for a suit for trespass or any simple con- tract (such as a contract for the purchase of a car) - 1 year to sue for damages or death caused by a motor vehicle - 6 years to sue on a cheque or promissory note But you should also be aware, that, old debts may be revived if you should sign a written acknowledgment of indebtedness. "TIHESE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, BASED ON ONTARIO LAW, ARE PUBLISHED TO INFORM AND NOT TO ADVISE. NO ONE SHOULD TRY TO APPLY OR INTERPRET THE LAW WITHOUT THE AID AND ADVICE OF A TRAINED EXPERT WHO KNOWS THE FACTS, BECAUSE THE FACTS OF EACH CASE MAY CHANGE THE APPLICATION OF THE LAW." Mrs. Lisko went on to say that a local group of GASP is to be formed. The initials GASP stand for Group Against Smokers' Pollution and is concerned with the problem of indoor air pollu- tion caused by tobacco smoke. She outlined actions that are being taken by GASP members in other communi- ties. Mrs. Lisko stressed that the most important factors to be considered, when dis- cussing with smokers the discomfort caused by second hand smoke to non-smokers is letting them know you care about their health and comfort as well as your own, having facts and literature handy,and, above all, telling it politely. Several husbands and wives attended the course to- gether, as well as one family of three, and some fathers and sons. There were seven senior citizens and seven stu- dents attending. Mr. Hanlon Armstrong, a smoker for over 50 years, stopped smoking at the very first session and received warmest congratula- tions from fellow students and committee members for his outstanding achievement. Mrs. E. A. Collins, execu- tive director of the TB-RD Association thanked the spec- ial committee on smoking (established by the health education committee) which was co-chaired by Mrs. W. A. Boagey, Whitby and Miss Maureen Brown, Oshawa. Mrs. Collins stated the smok- ing withdrawal course had been one of the most suc- cessful prôgrams conducted by the association, and that many calls are being received asking the date of the next course. Anyone interested in attending the next smoking withdrawal course or for fur- ther information on the GASP program is asked to call the office of the TB-RD Association at 723-3151. Development Of f icer .R. A. Spence has been appointed to serve as develop- ment officer of the town of Whitby by the region. The region's planning and development departnent has also hired additional develop- ment officers. Mother & Tots 1:10 p.m. - 2:40 p.m. (NOTE TIME CHANGE) 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 1:30 11:30 8:10 10:15 p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. 3:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 10:10 p.m. 11:45 a.m. 1:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. & 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 8:10 p.m. -10:10 p.m. 225 mi. WHITBY RECREATION DEPARTMENT Public ce Skating Schedule Iroquois Park Arena Brooklin Memorial Arena 1 Poo