L*ons Club DanIce The Whitby Lions Club will be holding its St. Patrick'-, Dance on March 14, in the Heydenshore Pavillon. The Bobby Kinsman Orchestra will provide the music. Proceeds from ,-,the dance wll go to various com- munity service projects. Tickets are available from thé Bank of Nova Scotia and the Bank of Montreal in Whitby and the Bank of Monitreal in Ajax or front any Lions member. For further information, caîl D. F., Johnston at 683- 0140. Region' Teache rs, WiII11Méet The Consumers' Gas build- ing in Whitby wil be the site of a professional develop- ment day for the region's teachers in early childhood educationân March 8. <The session, arranged by the Ontario North Shore Branch of the Association for Early Chldhood Education, will last from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The teachers wilI corne from various early childhood centres such as nursery sehools and daycare centres. The session will deal with various aspects of music and communication through phy- j ~ "A sound economic base 4 , is essential for the progressive and healthy growth of a com- munity whether it bea small town or a mighty nation", according to Robert Nicolt, Director of Developmnent for lis the Region of Durham. i7 He feels that 1974 was "A mixed bag economnically. In some sectors of the economy we find a rapid deterioration and in others a healthy or balanced growth". Nicol also' said that 1974 was "4a year of reve rses in the economy. These reverses-are now being feit in the Region of Durhami in the lpayoff of employees, the closing ot industrial plants, and the difficulty being experienced by large developmnent corpor- '» ations with their cash flows". He added that in 1974 the J V ion of Durham enjoyed "a steady indu strial -commer- cial growth. ApproximatelY 2.5 million square feet of industrial space has been erected or is under construc- ,()_ T ESTtion. Shopping areas have been expanded and others are under construction to accom- modate the needs of a grow- ing population." nt's Annual Poster contest "The future econoie rom the same school and the growth for the region is Ierkolff, 11, 416 Harris St., healthy. This statemnent is ,man Crescent, both ingrade predicated upon certain econ- chooI receive a helping hand omic catalysis wliich are now .D. Platoon Chief Ken Corn- becoming quite seif-evident. now be entered for judging Somne of dises catalysts are, hief's Association to choose the widenîng of the 401 cro.' Paul and Janice will highway frorn four to six tantes; the proposed new Pick- ering International Airport; Free Press Photo the "ýGo" rapid transit systern and the provincial govern- r NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WH ITBY To dispense with a vote of the Electors respecting the reconstruction of part of Garrard Road. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1.,The Cou ncil o f the Corporation of the Towný of Whitby i ntends to apply to the Ontario Muni- cipal Board for approval to reconstruet Garrard Road 'f rom a point 1,200 feet' north of Dundas Street northerly to Manning Road at an 'esti- mated, cost of $438,000.00 and that the sumn of $250,000.00 shahl be raised by the sale of debentures payable on the generall rate over a period flot exceeding 10 years. 2. Application wiIl be made to the Ontario Muni- cipal Board for an Order to Dispense with the metspolicy of eastward expansion from Metropolitan Toronto," Nkol said.. "lu order to prepare.itself for this strong economic thrust, the Region of Durbamn has placed heavy emphasis upon planning and an integral part of the'Planning process will be to develop an indust- trial strategy," Nicol feels. He feels, however, that inthe past, "there hiave been many shortcornings in deâel- oping a phiosophy of econ- omnic soundness because of the piece meal approach governrnents have taken to evolving a strategy. In the past they have built upon assets that may 'exist or ex- pend money on programs in an attempt- to avoid' some econornic crises." "But what is lacking is that a perfect mosaic has neyer been developed where- by each piece of the econorn- ic jig-saw puzzle blends and one segment supports the other", Nicol said. He realizesthat "the per- manence of a sound econom- ic base of any conimunity in the long terrni must be based upon a sound and flexible industrial strategy." "The soundness and flexi- bility of such a strategy 15 based upon inter-related pro- grams and in order to pro- duce such programrs it must be premised upon the exist- ence of human and material resources," he said. Nicol assured that "The Region of Durhamn is actively engaged in the development RENAULT Renal 12 Ston-Waon Comfrtan - sveiec 5-os tation- waosdd h ot such an industrial strategy.1 Research is9 being conducted' on ahl aspects of the econom- ic base in or der that certain 1goals can'be determnined and the setting of specific objec- tives so that programs can be developed to reach these goals." "Rigidity should not be a part of any industrial strategy and it should also be an on going process because the con tinued examination of the Heydenshoi Increase Qi Whitby Council haw referred to the Operatiow Committee a letter from Ms. Nancy Johnson, secretary of the Pickering G. S. Social Club. The letter questioned the increase in the rentaI rates for the Heydenshore Pavilion. Sound Econom"ic BaOse, Essent«ial for Healthy Growth Canadian President Will SPeak to Locals At Chamber Tomorrow Bob Oison, president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, will speak to the local chamber tomorrow. Mr. Oison, president of Olwinsol Potah of Canada Limited, Saskatchewan, will speak on Canada's ecotiomy and its prospect for the fu tu re.ý late thinking on current and long range economic outlook. The meeting, open to the public, wfll begin at 12 noon ln the Whitby MaIl Restaur- an t. Cost of the dinner isý $4.75.11 Anyone who plans to at- tend should advise Mary Proc- tor at 668-8761 or 668-3011.- The Functional Car General Specifications Renault 12 Sedans & Staiion-Wagon DIMENSIONS Length Width Height Wheëlbase Weight (minimum) Luggage capacity Cargo volume ENGINE Dispiacement Cylinders Carburetor Compression ratio SAE net hp at rpm Sedans 174 inch 64.5 inch. 5 6.6 in ch 96 inch 2083 lbs. 14.7 cu. ft. Station-Wagon, 176 inch 64.5 inch 57 inch 96 inch 2293 lbs. 32 cu. ft. 58 Cu. ft. 1647 cc (100.5 cu. in.) 4 in-lne one downdraft double barrel Weber 7.5 to 1 - 65 at 5000 SPECIAL FEATURES: (most of them are available on L, TL, and Station-wagon models. Check with your Renault dealer.) Front reclining bucket seats. Spare wheel cover. Cigarette lighter. Rear window defogger. Power-assisted dual brake system. Deluxe radio console. Couftesy ights. Chrome trims and chrome side mouldings. Chrome hub caps or custom sport wheels. Luggage and \WI/Iglove compartmnent lights. Vf/fOPTIONS: (Check with your Renault dealer for -availability.) 3-speed autornatic transmission. Air conditioning. Tinted glass. Leatherette uvholstery. AM or AM/FM radio. .4Whitewal1 tires. WE MAY HAVE THE CAR' YOU'1VE BEENLOOKING FOR AVAILABLE ONLY AT* C&C MOTORS 160 Simcoe Ste 5, Osha'wa,. Phono Sales 728-0 18 1 economile base may deter- rmine certain resource limita- tions orý unexpected poterne tial," he said. Nicol hopes that "By mnid year 1975 an industrial strategy for, the Region of Durham will, be accorn- plished." "Preliminary reports based upon suirveys of the Regional industrial scene ,point out some glaring negatives' in the info-structure and an acute shortage of available industr rial land. T 'hese two compol- ents ,Will have an adverse affect upon the region in the short termn because it elirnin- aies the multiple choice con- cept for industrial site loc.a- tion," concluded Nicol. re Pavillon westionied OnJanudîy 17, Ms. John- son received a letter advising her of the increase. Ms. Johnson says the Pav- ilion was booked on Decemn- ber 6th, 1974, for $ 100 and that the permit does flot' stat-e that it's subject to an increase in rental fées. February, A.D., 1975. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T. CLERK, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, S Whitby, Ontario..