Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1975, p. 13

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r ~- w - - WHITBY FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, FtBRUARY 19, 1975,,PAGE 13 -Free Press Emporiwum! 66846l11 FOR SALEJ . FOR SALE - 1 Girls win- ter coat, blue with whitefur on hood, cuffs and pockcts. Knce icrigtb, size 14, $20 or bcst offer. i girls long dress oniy worn once, wbite top & black patterned bottom. Floor iength, size 14, $15 or best o'ffer. 568-8198. *Emp. FOR SALE - B&W TV radio AM/FM, record player, combination, new pic ture lube neyer used, A-i -condi-1 tiqni $1 50 or best offer. Cal 576-5729. Emp-. APHGANS - old fashioncd 45in. X 45in. for $45, 54in. X 5 4in. for $54. Both mnulti- coioured and would suit any decor. Cail 655-4776. Emp. GUINEA PIGS -8 svecks oid, healthiy, used to handling father Abyssinian, mother Boston, only $2 cach. Cati 655-3750. Emp. KITTENS - 2 part persian female kittens, 10O months old, free to good home. Cali 668-6567. Feb. 19 SNOW TlIRES - '2 twelve inch rim suitable for 1969 Toyota or Datsun, $8 each or best offer. Phone 576-9963 after 5 p.m. Emp FORD RIMS- 3 14 inch with 5 holes. Seil separate or as pair $5 each. Caîl 668- 2253. Emp. FOR SALE - 5 14 inch chrome, wire wh eels for GM product $200 or best offer. Cati 668-7190. Emp. 'LAWNBOY' -Super heavy-duty iawnmower, used oniy twice. Must seli $150. Call Mr. Shore 9-5 at 728- 9427. Emp. I CH-ESTERFIELD - Sec- tional, reversible, brown!gold cushions, excellent condition $125. Cali 668-7644. Emp. MANS SUITS - Near new- ail wool tali size 44-46, dark blue with vest $45, medium bi. wite stripes'$35, light bi. $35, girls skates size1 2 $5, rock tumbler kit used once $14'+. Caîl 728-5433. Emp. FOR SALE- carrier $8. Car Cai 668-6093.ý" Baby back seat $ 12. Emp. I ~ I WATCH DOG - German shepherd mnaie, 2 years oid, very good if you give him some of your love & tiie, he* wili rew-ard you & your pro- perty. House & chain goes with him, vcry -strong dog. $25, must be good home. Caîl 655-3028. Emp. FOR SALE - 3 14 inch rims for most Ford produets with 5 holes. Seli separate or as a pair $5 each. Cali 668- 2253. Emp. 1970 TRIUMPH Spitfire convertable, 1300 cc, 4-speed standard, radial tires with- new spare tire & ncw whcel, rack & pinion stcering, rudio, oit pressure, watcr tempera- turc, amp. gauges, sporty tachometer & speedometer, custom bucket seats, newly rebuilt engine good condition 38 miles per gallon, mint con- dition, no rust has neyer seen a winter. Certified $1,800 or best offer. Caîl Terry 668- 278 1. Emp. FOR SALE - Portable Srnith-Corona typcwriter $60 Young girls' or ladies size 8 brown boots $5. Headboard $3. Call 668-5060. Emp. FOR SALE - Lloyd baby cardiage excellent condition, $25. Phonie 668-3536 after 7:00 p.rn. Emp. FOR SALE - 1966 Chcv. Handi-Van $700..00. Cal: 655-ýJ66. Emp. TAPASTRIES - 8 beau- FOR SA LE - On2 - en- tifal veivet weaved tapastries gagement' ring like new. for floor or Wall hangings, Diamond, goid band. Asking selI at cost $30 each (size 4ft. only $ 150.00. Cal 72.3-1950. X 3ft.) Cali (coilect) - 1-649,. Emp. 5443. -Emp FOR SALE - Englis gas STEREO - Westiliilotise, dryer nearly new $150, exer- light oak cabinet, e-xcellent cise bed $30, 8 track tape & condition, S67.50 or best electrîçal box $60, mians l4kt offer. Cal] 668-4920. Emip gold ring $80. Cali 668-______________ 7927. Emp.. BEDROOM SUITE -3 WELL 'PUMP 1/3 HP piece walnutt veneer miatchiing pwrjet, complete with mattress inluded, good buyý pok'wc igS5.llatr [or somecone set ting up apant. tapn. 6s6ing1$5. Cati ftenient S$150 cash. Cati 668- 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' p..6888. Ep 37. Emip. CuSTOM DENTUREI CLINIC, WHITBY MAL THICKSON ROAD AND HIGHWAY 2 FREE CONSULTATIONS FOR APPOINIMENTS CALL 723-7496- EMERGENCY CALLS 728-1386 OWNED ANDJ OPEReXTED BY - -H.KAESTNER D.T. ADVERTISING, 1957 FIVE TON -- Stake international., Has 282 mnotor steel, 90OX20 tires, open platforrn 16 ft. long X 7 ft. 6 in. wide, good condition has to be seen to be apprec- iated.' $600 or best offer. Call 655-49731nr SKATES- Girls Daoust made in Canada ini good con-1 dition, size 9), $5. Cal 668- 5541. -Emp. COAT - Ladies black persian lamib, approximatecly size 20, in good condition, wiIt seli for $50, Caîl 725- 5714. Enip. SKI-BOOTS -'ladies size 6!/, buckle style, worn once. $25. CatI 668-1307 or 668- 2119.- Emp. FOR SALE - TV Channel Master Antenna, good con- dition $30, plus 2 local head $ 10. Cal: 655-3442., Emp. FOR SALE - 4 crome discs, 14 inch from 1968 Beaumont $5, Skil !/ inch drili 3 wire $5, ail wavc TV antenna just head- $10, one Uniroyal near new ramn tire on wheel Blockwall 6.35 X 14 from 1973 Nova $20. Çall S231-1-73 8. Emnp. FOR SALE - About 30 d iffe re nt dôlîs outfits for 'Crissy' and 'Velvet's Little Sister'. Priced ffroni $1 to $3 Caîl 728-2578. Emp. SNOWPLOW new 6 ft adjustable angle complete with independent electric- hydraulie power, adaptable to most trucks $500. Cail 655-3683. Enmp. WRINGER WASHER- Viking squiare tub, with tinier and pump. Excellent condi- tion $50. Cati 655-3359 evenings. E.P FOR SALE - Stereo Bar with short wave AM/FM rad- io and tumn table. Must sec to appreciate. Asking $375.00. Phone 668-2198. Emp. RABBIT CASES - lot $15 1971 BOA-SKI skiddoo, very fast machine, mnust seil $500, Baby carrnage converts 3 ways, 4 montlis old, cost $80 seli $35, 2 hîi chairs, 1 wooden, 1 crone $1 5, Port- able TV B&W, U.F.l1. $75, trunk S I 5, inii bike hielmiets 121 for S30, floor polishier $ 15, rug runner green 2X1i2 ft. long S$12, iix ilaster with bowl SIO, radio S5, mron steam 5S5, Col. rocking cl aur $25, Rogers: snare drum i& stand, sticks, nmusic, case $50. Cali 655-3028. E ni FOR SALE 2 piece. chiesterfield suite, 3 ycars old in excellent condition, con- temporary style,,asking $125 Also -wedding gown, size 7, very reasonable. Phone 728r 5061.- Emp. 1968 F ORD Station wa- gon, Elsie 500, gold &,white with ro'of* rack' very good condition, asking $695. Caîl1 668-5541. Enip ,COAT1 - Tweed, lining, ladJies size worn twice $35, or b Caîl 668-8931. zipped in 15 - 18, best offer. Emip. TV - 13 & W 2-3 inch floor model, excellent condi- tion $80 or best offer. Cal 668-7084. Emip. ,FOR SALE- Full length Persian Lamnb coat, sîze 16, plûs small persian Lamnb bat, in good condition $200. Cal 668-8453. Emp. ENGLIS DRYER gas, 1 year oid $ 100. Cati 655- 4361 or 668-5250. Emp. SKIS - 4 pair. $15 each 195 cm & 180 cmn with cable binding, i car. radio, 12 volts $15, ncwr used. 200 ft' underground copper wire 20 cents a foot, I hockey net $5 i1i inch B&W TV $80, Phil- ips tap e recorder, cost $250, sacrifice at $1 50 indluding mic & tapes. 668-560,1. Emp 68 VELLE1TE - condition, withi new tires, 4 speed, 4 door Cali 683-5975. good snow $150. Emnp. 1964 MG MIDGET - 998 cc convertible, body in good condition, needs brake work & a mutiler. Ail other, niechanics are good. 38 miles per gallon. Good second car. not certified $200 or best offer. CatI Terry 668-2781. Emp. FOR SALE - Record player (portable) $15-00, kitchen table (chrome and grey mnarbie in design) $10. Picase cali after 6 p.m. 655- 3240. Emp. COCKER SPANIEL -- p up' champion sire, blond. maie, Canadian Kennel Club re- gistration papers, shots, de- wormied $150. Cail 579- 2044. Emp. CANARIES- Maie and femnale,-good singers, reason- able $13 - $15 each. CaIl 668-4915. Emfp. SNOW TIRES --Withl rimns, suze F78-15, $25 paiir, Cail 725-1691 days, cvenlings ws6-4593 Fmnp BABY FURNITURE - Stroil o Chair, includes car- nrage, strolier, Chair, hlighi chair, wîth îin te rc11ange able parts $50. Caîl 728-0333. Eini. SKI BOOTS - buckled. size 7, Italian made $25 or best offer. Cal 668-9458. Emp. U(jAi - Ladies Persiani lamb, full length, size 14, sacrifice $75. Cail 668-5447. Emp. 668-4231 1 -649- 5443 Claremfont $28.00 BUYS YOU - FACE CORD - ADiITIONAL BUNDLEO 0F CEDAR FOR STARTING - FREE DELLVERY NOTICE TO FREADERS Advertise FREE in the UE PRESS E MPORIUM, 1puyONLY when y'ou seull Theore wiII not bc any charge to advertisurs ini tlhc FREE PRESS EMPORIUM untess the Item advertised is sok(l. Whwn the advcrtised item Is sold, you puy a commission based on TH-E ADVE RTISED PRICE as illti$trated belowv. AIl advertisements must bc placed on an exclusive busiswith the WHIIT13Y FREE PRESS and mun ut Ieast one month if flot so6ld -RATES (if article is -*Id): 5% of advertlsed price Up to $400. 00 2% of the balance over $400.00 EXAMPLFl: SoId item Ildvertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00)< Private advertisîig anly! Pleasc notify us if you find a retailer isted as a.private advurtiser. Pieuse notify the Whiitby I re Press iimmnediately when item ki soki so thiat we may delete it froni the followving issues. Services, lheip wantud, clotluing, rcal estate undl personal message type ads can only bu handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, call 66 8-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P,O. Box 206, WHITBYA auîomatic, poýwcr brakes, 'Sessions' $60, antique trunk $50, doîl pramn, 25 inch Gen- dron as new $17. Cati 725-1 4283. Emp. FOR SALE - Rebuilt engine with Holley, 4 barrel carb, $65. CatI 668-6080., EMP. FOR SALE - 2 Uniroyal Fastrak tubciess tires. A-78- 13 whitewall two ply polyes- ter. Used only a feW> months $25.00. i tent sleeps. four uscd two sumnmers, good con- ditioni, $45.00. Caîl: 655- 4302. Emp. FOR SALE 1 Viking refrigerator and 1 Kenmorc stove ($100 each or $175 for both), Gibson S.G. special guitar $250, Fender concert amplifier $300. Cail after 5 p.m. 668-3941. Emp. BIKE - For girl 8-12 in excellent condition $25. Cati 6684852. -Emp. FOR SALE - 4, 20 gall- on aquariums, 4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover lighits, acces- sories about 50 tropical fistv with a red fin shark includcd w(3 inches long) $ 130.00. Cati 668-92988after 5 n rn. EmnI FOR SALE, - Antique mil on top desk plus swivel chair $450.00. Two bedro-orn cot- tage, inside facilities to be rernoved lrom jpromises, located Dalrymiple Lake SI ,000.00. Caîl 668-3495. 1. or ore infoi a îion. Ei. COAT 'tweed withi zipped in borg liinig, size 15- 18, $35 or bcst offer. Caîl - 668-8931. Emnp. WANTED TO RENT Good but cheap room apartinent , downtown iWhitby. 576-7557 after 7. one bcd- close to Call - IIELP WANI El) WANIED --Ener-etei 1jcrsons to assist in the Mran- agenielil of an advertising departnient of a fast growing9 weekiy nCwspai)Cr. Plio ne Robin A. Lyon 66 8-611Il or evenings 668-5722. W ORKWANTED DAYCARE - AvailaIble in my home, bot meals. Cali 668-6621. Feb. 19 GUITAR - Accoustic Yumnaki deluxe, R'osewood back & side, sotid cedar, top, Grover machine heads, good condition $150, only a, few weeks old, 10 speed mcn's 'Eorso' BIKE, hardly used, perfect condition $120. Call (1554852. Emp. STOVE - 30 inch electric, $50, green rug 1-2.X 14 wvith padding $50, high chair $7, crib $7, '69 Ford windowý van, best offer. Call 6 -55- 3144. -Emp. LOST Sum of pioney,l Good reward. Cati 668-8920. Feb 191 WANTED WANTED - Used clothing and sports equipment, dlean in good condition, for Nearly New Shop, 131 Brock St. S. Whitby, to open March i st. Sales on onsignmènt, haif to owner. Yrticics rcceived"Iast two weeks of February 10 to 3 daily. Cali 668-4100. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL SAFETY INSPECTION $15.00 fJo/hn 'çc7exaco Service 655-3559 J. R. HARTLIEF PRO PRIETOR CLASS **A**LICENCE < MILE NORTH 0FBROOKLIN ON- HIGHWAY 12 4l 44 <$~$~*I'~ * '$$1 $- $ . *$.t$d, I 4 ,~/ 1$~,$~I~+~ ~ ~ -% ~ ~ $4~ i - - >.14~* .4~*44~~ 4 4 I , I ~ 4 I ~ I I J. FIREWOOD.. ONLYTHEBESTSEASONED HARDWOOD ELM - MAPLE - BIRCH ETC. m -y- .9. m m m À12, - à 1 1 Il - 1 1 E EXACOD

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