PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS »Whitbiy Teachers Attend Sch'ool WhiIe Elementa'ry Students Relax by ROD JERRED While elementary students in Whitby had Valentine's Day off their teachers were attending school in Oshawa learning various subjects from 'Introducing Orff in the Classroom' to 'The Role of o z MI o oe Vice-principle and Consultant. The Whitby teachers were only a few of the nearly 1,400 that attended the Dur- hamn Elementary Teacher's Association Professional Dev- elopment Day. During the day, each tea- cher participated, in two HORIZONS a 15 TV Channels (12 full time, 3 part time) .~More than 250 Movies per month 9 Select from more than 1,000 shows ýper ieek SKeep in touch with your community! Watch Cabiecst 6 - your own Award Winning Local Program Channel. 668-9,331 pine ridge cabteIv 1i m ited 143 Brook St. South Whitby. workshops which he or she had chosen from the over 50 offered. The emphasis was on participation, as teachers made their' own paper out of used paper and table scraps, used silk screens, joined in folk dances and played musi- cal instruments in various classes. "The easiest way to learn soniething is to do it," said Neil Simpson, chairman of the Public Relations Com- mittee of D.E.T.A. 'Then, if a student is lîaving trouble in learning a folkdancing step the teacher can better under- stand die students problemn because he may also have had that problem." Group discussions and lec- ture classes such as 'Role Stereo-typing' and 'Behavi- oural Treatment of Hyper- activity' were also offered. In addition to the, two workshops, every teacher attended Murray Spence's humorous but enlightening lecture on, "Feelings and learnings". Mr. Spence, who has wnitten six textbooks and is an associate editor for the magazine 'Special Education', reversed the roles on the teachers making them 'siu- dents by creatinga new alpha- bet and number system. In this way he demnonstrated how it can be the teacher's fault if. a student is a slow learner. One teacher, Tim Patton, ofVincent Massey public -school in Oshawa, liked the teacher development day so much that he jokingly su'g. gested they have one every week. In a more serlous vain he added that it enabled the teachers to pick up some- thing the,' normally wouldn't have time for. The day *itself wasthe énd result of inonths of work by the Professional Development Commnittee that began Iast May when the Ministry of Educationi made available one day in the school year for teachers' development. The 'committee distributed murveYs in June asking the teachers what they would like done with this day. In September, organiza- tional meetings were held once a month which later became more frequent as the day approached. Mobile Ho"me Assessment An amnendment to the 'Ontario Municipal Act lias made it possible for comn- munities 10o assess some mobile home units and re- equire others to pay licensing fees. The amendmnent also pro- vides for communities which have repealed licensîig by- iaws to receive compensation. Parade-r The town of Whitby has been invited to enter a float in the Niagara Grape and Wine Festival Grande Parade. The festival organizers have promnised to help the town develop a suitable entry. Thec festival runs from September 19 to 28. MY 'NAM£IUS BUTCH 641lbm a little see I'm a purebred Hungarian Vizsla and F'm noted to be a sporting dog. But how can 1 Iearn to chase game when I'm caged up in a kennel 1 can hardly turn around in? I'm eight months old, partly house trained and just ready to start training for sport. But 1 have until I'm two before 1 have to start serious training. They say I'm 'reiatively good natured' and 'excitable" but that's beeause 1 don't get enough execise. Anyway, my mame is 'Butch' and the gai with me Sheila Weaver, wilI be only too happy to introduce us if you corne to the Ontario Humane Society on Thickson Road North in Whitby". Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess THE WHITBY FREE PRESS <Voice of the County Town) Homnetown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving over 26,000 readers. Published every Wednesday by Whitby Free Press lnc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at: the Free Press Building 121 Brock Str eet North Whitby, Ontario SUBSCRIPTIDN (BY MAIL) $10.00 YEARLY MAIL: Box 206, Whitby PHONE: 668-6111 TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 MAI LING PERMIT NUMBER 2941 YOURm SELF sreamex RENTAL UNiT No spectol skll required ta remove gnmre ond gril tram ful depth of ony carpeting. Revive color and lustre **ithQut nsk of distorting pile or leaving foomy resîdue. Cleans Up tb 400 sq fi, per hour - dnies fast. MOURLU - DAILY - wEEiRATE us C668-2345 OPEN: 6 days o weel( 104 Coiborne St. E. WHITBY WÊ SPECIALIZE IN Tim Siocombe, chairman of the developmenît commit- 'teç, even had- his grade six students help with the paper- work, making sure teachers names checked, out wfth the workshops they had enrolled Th e major -complaint heard from the teachers was, that they wished that they could have enrolled in more than two classes but time did flot allow this. Instructors for the work- shops varieçl from teachers, parents, Board of Education Consultants and members of the Ontario Science Centre ini Toronto. Zoning Application Tabled Whitby Council recently tabled an application request- ing an amendment to the Ninisterial Zoning Order. 'Pie application from Mr. 1-- Culley was made in order that he rnighit be able to con- struet a residential' building on a ten acre parcel of land designatcd as rural. Currently the zoning order set 25 acres as the minimum lot size that can be developed. Whietby A rts Grant A motion was adopted at the latest, council meeting directing Whitby counicillors on Regional Council to seek a grant for Whitby Arts, Incorporated. Councillor Gerry Emm., who forwarded the motion, said that, since Oshawa Arts had applied for a $10,000 grant, WIhitby should as well. Whitby Cleanerls CUTTING THE LA TEST PERSONALIZED HAIR STYLL e HAIR REMOVAL -TAKSJUST MINUTES NO0NEEDLES, WAX OR CHEMICALS OPEN MON4. TO eSoI 05 THUR$. &FiR, VGS. (y Appomntment) SAT. til1 3: P.M. m VÀN$1'S LDIES HAIR STYLING WHITOYU66-4321 1400 DUNDAS E. FMW. cf Thickson Rd.) NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY To dispense with a vote of the Electors respecting te construction of an integrated Public Works and Riecreation Building. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to the Ontario Muni- cipal Board for approval to construct an inte- grated Public WIorks garage and Recreation Building on Taunton Road at an estimated cost of $600,000.00 and that the aforesaid sumshall be raised by the sale of debentures payable on the general rate over a period not exceeding 10 years. -Applicatio"n' wiIl be made to'the Ontario Munici- pal'*Board 'for -an Order to Dispense with the Assent of Electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer may within 21 days after the f irst publication of this notice send by post prepaid to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pur- suant to the statutes that the assent of the EIec- tors shaîl not be required and may approve of the said works but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objection wiIl be considered. Whitby this l9th day of Dated at the Town of February, A.D., 1975. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLER K, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Strect West, Whitby, Ontario. MANAGING EDITOR/PUBLISHER - Mike Buargess ASSISTANT EDITOR - Blake Purdy CONTRIBUTING EDITOR - Jm Quail PRODUCTION MANAGER - Marj Burgess STAFF ARTIST - Sharon Benson DISPLAY ADVERTISING MANAGER - Robin Lyon CLASSIFIED AD MANAGER - Shelley Crowîey i ý 5 , : > com »)