RememberW.hen? mî, How abouFt a good rcmiedy f'oi colîsumiption'? 1 t's that limie of' ycar again, you know. No! WeIl thenl, whiat about a miuffler- for your man, just 2.5 cents or a Fancy Bea,'ver Overcoat at just $4.95 tb keep out id wim ter li il! s-. Too good Io be truc'? Not if' you lived ini Wiby ini Febru- a -y 1875. You couic! have attcnlded a Masquciade Skating Party lu the tune of'îa li vc ban'd for only 20 cents5. I fîh a t was flot your p)leasure, thon iy ou could hiave attended any one of' Witby's eigl tlho tels. so- ry. teni, Brooklin Ind wo The Globe and the Brooklin ïORDER 0F MILITARY MERIT AWARDED House. Evenl Ashiburn Village liad Mrs. Me'.--&gh's Tavcrn Warrant Officer Li. Middleton, 36, of Whitby, Ontario, stationed at 2 Royal Canadian Stand. Horse Artillery, Canadian Forces Base Petawawa, receives the Order of Military Merit, in Even 1 00 years ago. woffi- the grade of ýMember, fromi Governor-General Jules Leger, Commander-in-Chief of the cnrihad their problemns econo- Canadian Armed Forces, in a ceremony at Goverment House, ianuary 29, 1975. WO mnizing around thee homie. Middleton received the award for outstanding devotion to duty, professionalism in his They could sew Ilîcir famiilx's trade and expertise, energy and dedication throughout his career including one particular clothies because faîîcy dress incident in which he saved the life of a female dependant at CFB Petawawa. goods could be hiad f'or as General J. A. Dextraze, Chief of the Defence Staff and Principal Commander of the litile as 20 cents a yard so Order, spoke to the group being invested with the Order, of the honesty, loyalty, and too the more durable flannels. courage demonstrated by the recipients of this award. (CANADIAN FORCES PHOTO),. If she wainted to splurge, a OnFe. 2Oth we'liopenou scond PTD11hmnWbitb Cornesec.frm %W1MnRge iL When a person is proud of something, he likes to show it off. Mac Munroe is' the manager of Whitby's newest TD branch at 900 Hopkins St. and Burns St. E., and he's anxious to show it is. to provide courteous and, efficient service and to be available for any special banking advice. Corne and talk to Mac Munroe and his staff when the new branch opens for business at 900 Hopkins St. on Thursday, aFebruary 2Oth. We think it will be the first of many conversations. Our banking hours are Monday to Thursday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Friday,. 10 a.m to 6 p.m. Ifyou need us, we're here. lovely dî'ess olf Japaiîesc silk was,only 48 cents a y'ar'd, andc shie could skimpon lier btîd-L gel by picking or celiildren'is handlkcrclîiet's fo r orily 2c cenîts a' piece or linen towclz f'or a nickel or cujîs aîîd saucers fori- 5 cents a set. Afler thie recent striker aga inst thie local Separta te School Boards. tlîis advertise- nment ini the mWIiitby Chronicle iiglît not have beenl out of' pîla ce: Waîîted Immciidiately A Sdi ool Teachier Must bc Protestantî j WVritc sta ting age and sal -1 ary rccîuired - 3rd class certit'-1 ica te. Il is iiiterestiîîg to inote thai Wilkinsoîî's Music and Jewelry Store on Brock St. was williîîg to receive farîîîers' produce in exeiange foi' goods and services. In tie saine iglîl, Till & Jolinston were liot oîily in diîe furnit.ure business, but also ran a local undertaking establishmîîent. Obviously1 il was thic only "first class' i establishîment ini the County whîere funerals werc fuîly supplied. (Whiatevier "fully"1 supplied means.)-i If you have ever coini- plained about conditions or traffic on Higlîway No. I12 just be grateful that you didn't have bo take die Port 1Whitby and Port Perry Exten- sion Railway. One way took one tîour and 35 minutes aiid in thic winter il, was often closed f'or days before il vas cleared of snlow. Fltow did yougrocery bill flîre tIiis week'? Wouildn't it lbe îice bto buy eggs for 1 7 cents a dozen., butter for 30 cenîts a pouind or.clîickens aI' 40 cents a pair'? But thon aga ii, if' youir yearly sýalary was less thani $800 a year maybc aIl luis wasn't stich a bargain af'ter aIl. lEven the Tax' Collector. AI ex Pirie, lhad an advertise- nment ini the Ch rondice dated Februtary I1I1,I1875, PAY YOUR TAXES AND ýSAVE COSTS AIl taxes nlot paid immiiediate- ly will be collected as the c law directs - aind that~ is short and swift. It sceenîs as thouglh soine of the sainie pr-obleils.,are ncv- er rcsolved. A letter to Mr. Higginis, tlieni editor of thie Clîronicle. dated Ma'cîî. 3, 1875, complainied tliat thie sîreets were cleared whiere thîe "comnfortable resideîîces of the 'Town' Papa's', Ex- Mayors and Chief Constables lived but uîîfortunately the taxpayers' mnoney did not clear the streets leading bo schools, churches and thie foufirdry. After ail "ltair play is a jewel"'. So long for îîow. AIthe above excerpts were taken froini tie:iicro-filni of blhe WIiilby Cliroîîicle dated to March 4, 1875, and are obtairiable for viewiîîg oil our- new microfilm reader/printer at the WMi tby Public Library's Mainî Branchi. Sec you tiiere for mo<re local Ilistory iîformnation. Local Veterinarians Attend Annual Hamilton Convntio Twvo local veterinarians were aniong 750 who attenided tic IOlst annual convention of' thie Ontario Veterinary Associationi recent- hy' Doctor C.A. MacKay fr-oîî Whiitby and R.l1. McCrae froni Brooklin attecnded the convenltion li inH-amilton. A hligilligh t of' tle convenl- tioni was a plea 10 veteritiar- ianis to becoiiie miore closehy iîivohved willihuhmnane socie- tics or risk being het't behinid. Dr. David Dreeseri of At- kanita. Georgia, said veteririar- !ia is '11ndlhiuniane socict ies have al\vays been at odds over- aîîimah l ellt'are and ii*s timie they bu ricd hIe hi atehret. As an1 exanîple of IllieCo- operatioli possible between the two, lie pointed out tiat thc Atlanita socicty maintains a dog blood batik for veterin- arians aîîd even deivers dog and cal doniors directly 10 cI iics for tranisfusions. For a fee, the saine socicty picks uip atîd dehîvers in an aîîîbu- lance, aniinials whose owniers cari't get tlîeir pets 10 a voter- iiary cliiice. Dr. Wihianî Brack of Winidsor. the new priesidenit of' OVA, said. Caniada faces a shiorta ,ge ot' vetoerina rianis by 19~80., î-le hlamied the si uaî,iioi on o nderpiid . over-woi-ked t'edei-i ahiid proviticial goveri - ilien t veteriniarianis. 1 TORONTO DOMINION Lu+ dItrvlue rnmLo pr l fU I pI 1 ~BriRG KENNELs, Wher hey Get Tne ovn ar ~7 BOARDING PUPPIES TRAINING FRESH FROZEN BEEF for pets 2541W. MOST POPULAR DRY DOG FOODS 25 lb. from S5.75, - pick.up 50 lb. from $10.05 ROMAR 90 15 oz. can 32 cents (by the case) HWY. 12; BROOKLIN WE DELIVER- 6554721 I Trie ýL)a FI K writjrtj pqýu plu Ill ci rlu LI it; uil Sc; i roi luw