Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1975, p. 8

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'AGE 8, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARV 19, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Brookliln Bylilnes Hello again! lt's been a good week. .. any of you called, either just to say hello or to give nme sorne news or information. Whatever the reason, 1 enjoyed talking with you- .One of die reasons for calling was regarding animal con- trol on Suindays. It wotild' seenm that sonie readers have been told that there are no wardens on duty on a Sunday, and therefore it is useless to. call the Society on that day if you or your family are bothered by sorte stray-..purebred or otherwise. 1 made somne inquiries, and was assured that there are two wardens on duity on that day. Unfortunately Mte mix up lias occured with the answering service that the Society uses out of office hours. If, in future, you have reason to eall the Society on' a Suinday and you are told by the answering service that there are no wardens on caîl, then INSISI that they contact ither of the two wardens that you know are on'duty. You can do this untîl I1I p.m. after tIýat the numnber is for emergencies only. A Comm-unity service that 1, and F'rn sure many o thers, was flot fully aware of, was the subjeot of another cail. There 15. it seens, a voluniteer car pool run by ladies of both the United Chiurch and tic Anglican Chiurch. If you are without transportationi and you, need to get to the doctor, the dentist, or have sorne urgent shopping to do, BROWN'S "w Er'.wa oeav! bUPLI LiAI FAN ILY PAK 1-IL O.Peekige LUNCH MEATS . .... ý,Lb. 8 IMPORTEO SHOULDEC* CJ LAMB CHOPS (Frosen) Lb. 98 g M»ILE AF COOKED HAM...... .6-0z. for95 e H1EU Toothpowder - TOOTHPASTE - 100 ML *I~Dhi1~Close-Up then you don't have to start lîitching down the highway i desperation. Instead cgil Mrs. Irwin, 655-4466, and she will arrange for one Qf many volunteers to lîelp you out. If she cannot be reached, try 6554985 and ask for Mrs. Hart. If you could give two hours notice il would help these ladies... but don't hesitate to caîl themn if you can't. Also, if you would like, to lîelp on a part-time basis, then cal Mrs. Irwin and she will be only too delighted to add you namne to the list. 'm sure that many of us go down town regularly all on our own, and wouldn't mmid giving a ride to someone thiat really needed that helpiuîghand.' Got your calendar in hand? Then mark tlîis down. It's a goody-..especially if the weather stays like it is this afternoon (Sunday). The Ontario Riding Liberals * are hold-ý ing a Winter Fun Day on March 2nd between i1:30 and 5: 30 p.m.i It wiIl be held at Hanîer's Farm, Hamner's Road East, R.R. No. 1, Brooklin. (Northî on Numnber 12, on the east side, nortlt of Concession No. 8). Bring your own equipment and tiien be prepared to partake in suîowr-nobil- ing, skating, lobogganing, snow-sh.oeing, or cross country skiing.. Refreshmnents are available and thie admission charge is $1 .00 for adults, children frce. It sounds as. tlo' it could be a really great- way to spend an afternoon. Atiother date to mark down is the 4tlî March. At 8 p.m. at dhe Ashburn Community Centre, there will be the second meeting of tlîe'N.W.C.A-.. s it is stili new, tlîe Northî Ward Community Association. As we have tlîree main areas in. the Northî Ward, it seems like a good idea to "TENDER JUICY" FOR ROASTING (Tenderloin Porttos LOIN'0'99e PA#M#LY PAN - 9 TO Il CD40PS 1/4OmRK LOIN CHROPS 1 *19' ISTHR FLAVOUR TtIAT COUNTI LOIN PORK CHOPS lo38,l LIAN COUNTRY STYLE" THICK CUT PORK RIBS 1 .O9c SCHNEDEI%" frRilo SCHNEIDER& S Qi PKO. CH!CKEN2h bdoet2.89 LUNCH ES WIENERS Sdu.Ws lb.78c m dC«L 3BIGDA Yç INSTANT COFFEE HOUSE 1IGOZ. JAS SOC MAIL ON *eAD .C>OFFERI PEANUT BUTTER OMOOTIS LOI. Jar. LAUN DRY DETERGENT POWDER à-LLB PACKAGS $1089 rotate the meetings, But don't forget that wherever they are held, they are for the WHOLE community of th e North Ward... .so corne out and join in.. This month, the executive have been busy and have managed to arrange for their first. guest speaker. He ib *a Dr. Peter Cave of the Urban Geography Departînent of Searborough Cdlege. Dr. Cave, a one-tirne resident of Whitby who now resides in New- castle, will also be bringing some of bis students with him. It proposesto be an inter.esting evening... the first of many I'm sure., And I hope that as many of you that cani wil manage to be thiere. WeIl, thiat's it for this week. Take care and don't forget the number-..655-3750. LIZ Employment Report Thie number of clients registered for employrnent at th e Canada Manpower Centres in Oshawa and Ajax for the month of January totalled 7,150 which con- sisted of 3.776 maIe and FOODMA.STER 3,374 female clients. Regis- trations increased in tlîe fol- lowing occupations: engineer- ing, clerical, sales, service, agriculture, machiining, pro- duct fabricating and assembl- ing, construction, transport- unskilled factory workers and s tu dents. A total of 290 persons were placed in employment during the month. The maj- ority of placements were made in the- following in- dustries: manufacturing, per- sonal services and retail trade. The slowdown in produc- tion and large scale layoffs in Uic automobile industry and feeder plants contributed to the increase in the numnber of persons seeking employment, and reduced hiring activity in the area. Shortages of qualified clients were noted, in the following occupations: acc- ounitants, salesman/womnan for life insurance, real estate and advertising, licensed h air- dressers, waiters and wait- tresses, electrical repairman! woman, appliance repairman! wom-an, auto mechanics, of- fice machine serviceman/wo- man, and instrument repair- man/wonîan. C.L.O.C.A. Meeting The Wiîitby Council mem- bers and Senior Department officiaIs have been invited by tlîe Central Lake Ontario Conservation Aurhlority to attend its annual meeting tonighit in tlîe town of New- castle Couincil Chambers., Two films will be shown in the meeting, "Cry of the Marsh" and "One Day ini May." For Ideas On Tax Savings using Registered Retiremnent Savings Plans CaOU Bob Morrow 668-7517 01- in Toronto 494.184 CARNATiN ~OIEMATE, le-Or. JAR CMOCE WIOLE WHITE 19 FI.Oz. Z c ROASTED MXWELL fBOUSE LB. DAO :1019 DELIVERY AT Soto Febe. 22, NOMINAL CARI BROOKLUN, ONTARIO 4 Cou rtes Value NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-452atsfCou rK== 5M .izLV Grade A Red iaud- Star Cut & Wrapp.d Sides of Roof 90W lb. Hindi of Boef %1.05 lb. "SCHNEIDERS" FAMILY PAK SElF PATTIES 22-z. ý 1 .68 SLAB BACON 8 too4. ..."lb. BEST BUVI - CAMAOIAN PROCESS KRA" T 1100 Package CHEESE SINGLES- 9.19 BEST SUYI - FANCY OVALITY - GREEN OR WAX 14 FI, 09 TIM. GREEN GIANT Beans 3i9 $EST BUVI - FINEET ORXNOE PEI<OE - PAPES 120 ta Package SALADA- Tea Bags $1.99 S T B U V I - I M P E R I A L 2 k O. * 0 S ' a, . P c k SOFI MARGARINE Ssci Eacc BEAUTY - SO§OZ. &.Bar Pack - SHAVE dREAM 59c Lux Soap 79c Foany 11-OL Un $109 T be H AOACUE TABLETS REM t RINSE 8 F z 9 $109 Ahnacin loo's $119 TalU L ' 9 FEATURE! - ASSORTED 43/4FI. Oz. Jars HEINZ sTRNNED FOODS 5 0a99C GAINESBURGERS s2.39 HONEYCOMBS 12.oz. package 8 9c LIPTON Cup-A-So>uP 49c HONEY POD PEAS 21IF49c FEATUREI - FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 4/31/2-0z. ta Poly Pack TANG ORANGE sl.09 BEST BUVI - BATHROOM SINGLE PLY WONDERSOFT TISSUE 4189qc BONUS PAK - 1/ EXTRA LUX LIQUID 32 FI,.Oz. Bttle 95Sc FEATREI HERHEVS2.1k. Tin INSTANT CHOCOLATE sl.89 JELLm-FRUT FLAVOUS499c FEATUREI - CON VERTRO 2 LtA Package UNCLE RENMS RICE 13 CLUB HOUSE OLIVES 49C OREO CREMES 24-oz. Bs; 149 SUNSPUN Ice Cre m 21o.79c FEATURE9 - SWEET MIXEO 24 FI. Or. Jar ROSE StAND PICKLES 69c STORE HOUiRS 1 six DMS A WUEK :30 Çem. »'6 POM. r.Rozw @O m o range Drink 11IOZ. SIZE Awake, BANQUET DINNERS 69c 12 H- 49c. BUPREME CONCIENTRATIEO t i ORANGE JUICE 12'/2 FI. Os. 39c z u RUPERT RIO FANCV ULICE 0 FïSM CAKES 12 -Os pkg. 59£l Strawbernies. LIBSYS'FANCY (FrenchN Style)> 5o.Pg GREEN BEANS 10-ci. pkgs. 3 for $ 15- &.49c Thurs. Feb. 20 9 - -- -- --- -- - -- 1

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