PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, F EORUARY 26. 1975. WHI TBY FREE PRESS WEDDING GOWN - Bro- cade velvet, mnatching full length cape with- hood, malibu trim, size 10, $135.1 White FOX FUR CAPE $75, Cali 655-3009 after 6 ýp.m. Emp., CAMERA -Mirander Sensorex 3Smm S.L.R. with Taro: the lense metering sy- stem, Miranda Auto 28mrn wide angle lense, .Miranda auto SOmm lense, Soligor T4 lOSmm lense, Soligor T4 300 mm lense (ail lenses with hood) Braon F280 Electronic. flash with bracket and charg- er, 2 Plos extension tube, 9 Asstd. glass filters, Foca bell micro beiiows attacliment, cable release and eye cup, separate leather case for cameraplus a Benser leather carry-ail Like New $850.00. Minolta 1611jni Minature CAMERA witli Rokker 22 nii ense in,. case $30.00, POLAROID No.330 camera Wi.,it. flashi attachment, in- cludes f'ilmn and bulbs, Like New $55.00, Biessing Vatve TROMBONE in deluxe case, as new, cost $550, seil for $150. Phone 668-9449 after 7:00 pm'Eînp. FOR SALE- H.O. Gaug, model tri-ang train set $150. Cail 728-0690. Emp. MOVIE CAMERA auto- matic eye 3 lens, Il automa- tic feed projector witli zoomi lens-, and automatic room light dimmer, 1 light bar witli bulbs, 1 film editor, i four feet by four féeet beaded screen, 1 projector stand, ail in good condition package deal $275. Cati 655-3815. Emp. L PA,&N GUITAR - Replica' of 'Gibson ' LesPaul, two double pickups, excellent condition. Adjustable steel neck $ 100 Firm. Cali 668- 9772i Emp.. FOR SALE - Ultra-mod- ern Sound System for DJ or rec-roomn, 3 portable sec- tions, vinyl covered, tape- deck control panel, switches bogen amp., 2 garrard tran- scription turn tables, 2 audiot ejapire tone arms, GE cart ridges, 15S inch JB Lansing Speaker mounted in theatre cabinet. New cost $1,100 wilI take $700 or best offei Caîl 668-9746. Emp. FOR SALE - Used B&W television, 26 inch, floor model withi doorg good 'con- dition asking $75.00. Cal 6554225. Emp. FOR SALE - 1 tent traiter, sleeps four, includes foamn mattress, spare tire & leatherette icover in good shape $300. 8 dressed large male rnink pelts, silver beige, tanned and somne with wvhite chin. $30 each. 668-2166. Emp. FOR SALE - 1966 Foid Stationwagon 289 moto 'r, P. S., P.W., DHB687 uncertified ini runniflg condition. Asking $150., Cali 668-8629. Emp. FOR SALE - Two girls bikes in, good condition suit ages 6 - 9. Phone 723-0590. Emp. BOX TRAILER diari Tire built SI' 576-0551. - Cana- 75. Cait Emp. Lucky Number 165 Lucky Number 237 Lucky Numiber 495 MAKE THE MOVE TÃ" VALUE COUNTRYI Fully 'iéîochrd fanily baorries wrth sîau(ts çjrouirlrs . tie kirrd of s aond qualiy you'd pay ihousnds more for in Torontlo! D),itiIct ive exterior-designs... figlhstandards of construction yc3nerou roni sizes ta giv yau lois of scope for0à [ver y lut is fully land- sccrperi, willb a paved driveway. Every home has luxuriaus bedrooms, custom i-designed kitchens, nury imiportant "extros". You're nrc-r the feort of Oshaîwa, witFn schocnts, Gp irrud r ecreainori fGý1c. hi s u11t nuirues asvay. lýicol for icxioy's ut [-rrirciis, V odtenr Meadows represents one of thic greatest incw-home values aniywhere near Metropolitn Toronto! You'll find Woodstrearn PRICED FROM Micaclow,îs, the -perlecf place $59,900 to calame!d tr a'a âeaodowsu EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENT q OSHAWALOCALLINC IORONMODIRECTLUNE /kd-à 3/ i WASHER/SPINNER - ken- more twin -tub washer and spinner, excellent condition, $125. Cail 668-3t31 after 4:30 n.m. Emp. 8Ã"tý27U/Wo 19ob PONTIAC - Strato chief, automatic, good niecli anicat and 'running conditio S425 uncertîfied. Caît 66 7644. Emp- <*~Y Brokers Inviled STOVE - 30 inclietectric automatic, self-cieaning, ro- tisserie, 1974 Admirai m-odel white, as new condition $ 175 ('a11 668-9850. Emo. - 1~~~~ - - m -au-..'---- -- QUILTS - 2 new, hand made, beautiful designedi double bed size quilts.' May. be seen at 108 Euclid St. 'Whitby or caîl 668-5537.One $50 & ',-e $75 Emp.- in good condition with two pickups and case $90 or best offer. Cali 668-3495. Emp. FOR SALE - 1 Tent raiter with mattresses and pare tire $250. Lloyd baby arriage $25. Cal 668-3925. Pm" ,1 WRINGER WA SHER - by Beatty, heavy duty, stainless steel tub $60. Cali 668-9805. Emp IONA canopener - counter top or wall mount, in original 'pa'cking' neyer been used,. avocato green with 5 ,year guarantee. Caîl 668-2764 after 5:30 p.m. --Eîmp-. STEREO & record player Viking $100, Viking B & W TV 21 inch $100, coffe table oblon1g $15, portable sewing table $1 2, new kit- chen chairs (2) $10, corner, step table $15, all in good condition. Caîl 576-3047. Emp. 1969 OLDS- Cutlass 442 V8, power dise brakes, auto- matie, AM/FM radio, al gauges including tachometer, 2 door liard top, body needs paint, approximately 76,000 miles, $1,100 or best offer. ICali 668-1066. Emp. SKATES - Girls' 'white figure skates, size 3 $5, one pair. junior Pro skis, harness and potes asking- $50, one pair Senior Pro skis, harness arnd poles asking $50, smali ironing board and iron, (childs) $2, one easy-bake oven (Susie Homemaker) $6. Cali 725-1280. Emp. House sales are on the move again Soon prices-wiII ise. Get in, on the tail end of th«is buyers'e market, IMMACU LAIE 3 bedroom with rec-room in' Ai condition with completely finished basement asking $53,900. BRICK AND STONE BUNGALOW- 3 bedroomn home with carport - parking for six cars Situated on large lot, 2 extra bedrooms, downtairs rec-roomn with bar, workshop, walkout from base- ment $55,000 Firm. ACREAGE - With Xmas trees, 97 acres with approximately 75,000 Xmas trees. AS KI1NG $60,000. Please phone 668-7777 for more details.- ~~7 BROCK STREET NORTH- W-HITBY 668.7777 121 LASSIFIE D