4tîE 6,WEDNESDAY, FE BRUARY 2, 1975, WHITBY FREE PESS The Law and You| Q. I parked my car at a downtown lot to go shopping. When I got back my front headlight had been bashed in. I think it's the parking lot's responsibility to care that no one clips my car. When 1 talked to him, he showed me a sign on the front of the booth. The sign said "We are not responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever, however caused, whether by fire, theft or negligence." The same notice was printed on the ticket. The owner of the lot says that this was part of the contract, so he has absolutely no liability. I told him that I didn't sign a thing so it couldn't be a contract. Who is right? A. You don't have to sign anything to form a valid con- tract. If the lot owner makes reasonablê efforts by posting a sign to inform you of the terms on which you park you car, you are bound by the terms he posts whether or not you read it or sign anything. Q. When I rented my apartment, I paid a $135.00 depos- it. The landlord said it was for the last month's rent. My lease runs out at the end of next month. He says he is going to use my deposit to clean up the place and pay for repairs. He says, anyways, that the money was a security deposit. I think my landlord is trying to pull a fast one. Am I right? A. Security deposits were abolished for residential pre- mises in 1968. Your landlord can ask for a deposit, but he cannot use it for anything but the last month's rent without a court order. And he must pay you 6% inter- est per year on your deposit. Violating these laws is a -criminal offence and could cost him a $i,000.00 fine. If he wants to make you pay for repairs lie has to get a court order, and sue you in Small Claims Court. BROT HERS PIZZA - SUBMAR INES 110 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Plaza, Whitby 668-3600 Q. Some time ago I signed an agreement to lease an apartment. Everything was going fine, or so I thought. A few days later the rental agent phoned me up to say that the landlord had refused to sign the lease. When I asked for reasons, I got nowhere, but I think it had something to do with my credit rating. Is there any way I could see my credit rating to check'if all the information in it is correct? A. Strangely enough until quite recently individuals could not see their own credit ratings. However the Consumer Reporting Act which has recently become law in Ontario-will allow you to see your own credit rating. All you need to do is inform the local credit bureau twerty-four hours ahead of time and they wil have your file ready for you to look throùgh at your leisure. Q. My landlord wants me to pay cheques. He says the deal is offi never have more than a month'si a time, this makes me nervous. with him? my rent by post-dated unless I agree. Since I rent in my account at Do I have to go along A. No. The landlord cannot require you to pay by post- dated cheques. If he tries, it is an pffence under the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Act,.and he can be fined up to $1,000.00. THESE QUESTIONS AND' ANSWERS, BASED ON DNTARIÃ" LAW, ARE PUBLISHED TO INFORM AND NOT TO ADVISE. NO ONE SHOULD TRY TO APPLY OR INTERPRET THE LAW WITHOUT THE AID AND ADVICE OF A TRAINED EXPERT WHO KNOWS THE FACTS, BECAUSE THE FACTS OF EACH-CASE MAY CHANGE THE APPLICATION OF THE LAW." Natural Gas Workshop The 13th Annual Operat- ing Workshop, co-sponisored by The Canadian Gas Associa- tion and the Ontario Natural Gas Association, will be held at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, on March 5, 6 and 7, 1975. The theme for the 1975 Workshop is "Energy, Service and Performance", and the role of the Workshop is to set the stage for enthusiastic dialogue and idea exchange between the participants who are generally first line super- visors in the gas industry. It is expected that 100 partici- pants will attend the three day confe-ence. A scheme conceming re- quests for advertising space in a publication entitled, "The Police Safety Guide", has come to light in Port Perry and the surrounding area. A businessman is con- tacted by a person who indicates that he isa member of the Police Department and is soliciting advertising for a publication which sup- ports children's safety pro- grams in the area. The order All Canadians will have an opportunity to test their driving skills on Sunday, March 2nd, when the Cana- dian Broadeasting Corpora- tion presents a one hour program called the "Canadian Drivers' Test". Multiple choice questions on correct driving procedures will be submitted to both the viewing public and a studio audience of 200. The studio audience response will be for ad space is taken over the phone and within a short tirne the businessman is billed for the advertising space. The Ontario Provincial Police are in no way con- nected with this venture and advise the public that this publication is soley a profit making vent.ure, in no way supported by the police. We. urge the public to report these incidents immediately to the nearest O.P.P. detach. ment or Municipal Police Department. compared against two high- mileage professional drivers, one from Edmonton, Alta. and one from Moncton, N.B., and a university graduate from Toronto. The program will make use of the Canada Safety Council's Defensive Driving course films and materials. It is being produced and directed by Bill Boit and hosted by Allan Miller. WkSPECIALIZE IN CUTTINGZÈHE LA TEST Driving SklIs Tested on TV