Whitby Free Press, 5 Mar 1975, p. 13

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Free Press Emporium FOR SA.LE FOR SALE .-I Girls win- ter coat, bluc withi white fur on hood, cuffs and pockets. Knee Iength, size 14, $20 or best offer. 1 girls long dress only worn once, white top & black patteriied bottomn. Floor îc'igth, size 14, $15 or best ofler. 668-8198. Emp. FOR SALE - B&W TV radio AM/FM, record player, combination, new picture tube neyer used, A-i condi- tion $150 or best offer. Cal 576-5729. Emp. APHGANS - oid fashioned 45in. X 45in. for $45, S4in. X 54in. for $54. Both miulti- coloured and wouid suit any decor. Cati 6554776. Ernp COAT - Tweed with zipped in borg lin ing, size 15- 18, $35 or best offer. Caîl - 668-8931. Emp. FOR SALE -i~~ rainer $3, Diaper Bugý $2, r.aby lounger $2, play pehi $5, golf bug $5. Cal! 725-6733.1 IFmpn SNOW TIRES - 2 twelve inchi rini suitable for 1969 Toyota or Datsun, $8 each or best offer. Phone 576-9963 after 5 p.rn. Emp FORD RIMS - 3 14 inch with 5 holes. Sel! separate or as pair $5 each. Cati 668- 2253. Emp. FOR SALE -. 5 14 inch chrome, wire wheels for GM product $200 or best offer. CalI 668-7190. Emp. '!~t~âVe' heavy- duty lawnmower, used only îwice. Must seli $I 50. Cati Mr. Shore 9-5 at 728- 9427. Emp. FOR SALE - Lloyd baby carniage excellent condition, $25. Phone 668-3536 after 7: 00 p.m. Emp. FOR SALE - 1966 Chev. Handi-Van $700.00. Cali: 655-0J66. Emp. TAPASTRIES - 8- beàu- tiful velvet weaved tapastries for floor or watl hangings, seli ut cost $30 cuch (size 4fl. X 3ft.) Caii (coîtect) - 1-6499. 1443. Emp INGLIS GAS DRYER - Ncarly new $1I50, cxc rcise bcd $30, 8 track tape & electricai box $60. mians I4kt gold ring $80. Caît 668-7927. Em P. WELL PUMP -- 113 HP power jet. complete withl tank. Asking $50. Cati after 6 p.mi. 668-8189. Emp. .Ir 668-6l11 FOR SALE - Sterco Bar with short wave AM/FM rad- io and turntabîe. Must sec to appreciate. Asking $375.00. Phone 668-2198. Emin. MANS SUITS -- Ngar new aIl wooî taIt size 4446, dark blue with vest $45, mediumî bI. whiite siripes $35, light bI. ,$35, girls skates size 2 $5, rock tunibier kit used once $14.- Cati 728-5433. Enp. FOR SALE- carrier $8. Car Cai 668-6093. Baby back seat $ 12. .Enip. WATCH DOG - Germa 7 shepherd male, 2 yeurs old, veny good if you give him some of your love & lime, lie' will reward you & your pro- perty. House & chain goes with him, very strong dog. $25. mnust be good home. Cali 655-3028. Emp. FOR SALE - 3 14 inch rims for most Ford products with 5 hoies. Seil separate or as a pair $5 each.. CaIl 668- 2253. Emp. 1970 TRIUMPH Spitfire convertable, i1300 cc, 4-speed standard, radiai tires with new spare tire & ncw wheet, rack & pinion steering, radio, oi! pressure, water tempera- ture, amp. gauges, sporty tachometer & speedometer. customn bucket seats, newty rebut engine good condition 38 miles per gallon, mint con- dition, no rost hus neyer seen a winter. Certified $1,800 or best offer. Cati Terry 668. 2781.Emp. *FOR~',SALE -Portable Smnith-Corona typewriter $60 Young girls' or ladies size 8 brown boots $5. Headbourd; $3. Cali 668-5060. Emp. 67 COUGAR - 289 V8, automatic, bucket seats, radio, snowtires, mechanical- ly AI, body is in ver>' good shape with thc exception of damage to teft rear quarter panci.$500 or best offer. Cali 668-3002, Emp. FOR SALE - 011-- en- gagement ring like new. Diamond, gotd band. Asking oniy 5150.00. Cali 72-3-1950. Emp. STEREO -- Westinghouse tight uak cabinet. eNceitent condition, S67.50 or bcst offer. Cait 668492-0. Emp BEDROOM SUITE - 3 piece walinu t veneer miatch ing mattress inciuded, good buy for soliid<)fldscttinig up apart- ,-nent $i50 cash. Cal] 668- ,1317. Enip. I I CUST OM DENTURE -il CLINIC WHITBY MALL THICKSON ROAD AND HIGHWAY 2 FREE CONSULTATIONS FOR APPOINIMENTS CALL b723-7496 EMERGENCY CALLS 128-1386 OWNED AND OPERATED BY H. KAESTNER D.T. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING j1957 FIVE TON -- Stake international. Has 282 motor steel 90OX20 tires, openi.wdgo cnitn ptaiformi 16 ft. long X 7 ft. h1as to be seen to be apprec- iated. $600 or best offer. nIatil 655-4973. Emp SKATES - Girls Daoust made ini Canada in good con- dition, size 9, $5. Caîl 668- 5541. Emip. Pc, size will COAT - Ladies black rsian tamib, approximateiy ýe 20, in good condition, lt scît for $50. Cali 725- 14. Emp. SKI-BOOTS - ladies size 6!½, buckie style, worn once. $25. Cal! 668-1307 or 668- 2119. Emip... FOR SALE - TV Channel Master Antenna, good con- dition $30, plus 2 local heud $10. Cuit: 655-3442. Emp. FOR SALE- 4 cronie discs, 14 inch fromi 1968 Beaumont $5, Skit ¼Yinchei dril 3 wire $5, ait wave TV antenna just liead $îI, one Uniroyal near new ramn tire on wheci Blockwali 6.35 X .14 from 1973 Nova $20. Caît 723-2738. -Emp FOR SALE - About 30. différent dolis outfits for 'Crissy' and WVeivet's Little Sister'. Priced ffrom $St to $3 Cuit 71-8-2578. Emp. SNOWPLOW - new 6 ft adjustabte angle cosifipicte with independent electric- hydraulic power, adaptable 10 most trucks $500. Cali 655-.3683. Em p.- WRINGER WASHER - Viking square tub, with timer and pump. Excellent condi- tion $50. Cuit 655-3359 evcnings. E np. DINING ROOM suite - waînut, refinishcd $425 or best offer. Caît 668-2445.* Emp ING LIS DRYER - Gus, 1 ycur old $100. Cafl 655- 4361 or 668-52150. Emp. RABBIT CASES - lot $1 5 1971 BOA-SKI skiddoo, vcry fast machine. miust seIl $500, Baby carniage converts 3 ways, 4 mnon ths old, cost $80 seti $35. 2 high chairs. 1 woudeii, I cromne S i5, Pur t- abte TV B&W, U.F.il1. $75, truink $Si15, mnini bike helmiets 2 for $30, fluor polisiier $1 5, rug runner green 2X12 ft. tong S1i2, mix mnaster with bowt $10, radio $5, irun stcum $S5, Coi. rocking chair $25, Rogers: snare drum & stand, sticks, muisie, case $50. Cali 655-3028. Emp. FOR SALE- 2 piece chestcrfield suite, 3 yeurs oid in exceltent condition, con- temporar>' style, asking $St 25 Also wedding gown, size 7, very rçpasonable. Phione 728- 5061. Ernp. AQUARIUM -S5gallon fishi tank with accessories. Fish aiso includied. $16. Cai 668-3587. COAT - Tweed, zippcd in iining. ladies size i15 - 18, worn twice $35 or bcst offer. Cuit 668-893 1. Emp. TV -- B & NW 23 inch floor model, excellent condi- tion $80 or best offer. Cuti 668-7084.' Erp. FOR SALE - Foul length Pérsian Lamb coul, size 16, plus srnaii persian liuinb hut, in good condition $200. Cuti 668-8453. Emp. SKIS - excellent condi- tion, used only once, $40. Cali 723-9016. Emp. TIRES - SAVE $62, used only 100 miles, 2-4+2 belted L-78-1 5 summner tires original price per sales bilt $74.50, two 2-2+2 belted' L-78-15 snow tires, original price per sales bill $85.80 witl seli for $25 ecd. CuIt 668-5386. L ~Emp. STEREO COMPONENTS t1 Seurs receivcr, Garrard ers, very good condition, $2-50. Cal! 668-9256 after 6hne trtbe,2sek P.111. Em p. 1964 MG MIDGET - 998 cc convertible, body in good condition, needs brake work & a mnuffler. At! ýother mechunics are good. 38 miles per gallon. Good second car. flot certified $200 or best offer. Cal! Terry 668-27811. Emp. FOR SALE - Record player (portable) $15-00, kitchen table (chromne and grey marbte in design) $20. PIeuse caît after 6 p.m. 655- 3240. Emp. COCKER SPANIEL - pupt champion Canadian gist ration vo rnmcd 204 4. sire, blond niale, Kennel Club re- papens, stiots, dc- $150. Cati 579- Emîp. CANARIES -- Mate and femate, good singers, reason- able $ 13 - $ 15 caci. Cal! 668-4915. t Emp. SNOW TIRES --With] rimis, size F78-15, $25 pair Caît 725-1691i days. eveninigs1 6fÎR-45Scfl E.p1 BABY FURNITURE - Stroît o Chair, inctudes car- niage, stroiler, chair, highi chair, witti interchangeable parts $50. CatI 728-0333. --Empv. FOR SALE- 1965 threc- ton tow truck, setling as is $900 or best uffer. CuIt 668- 7654. Emp. COAT - Ladies Persian taînb, full Iengtlî, size 14, sacrifice $75. Cati 668-5447. Emp. 668-4231 1-649-5443 Claremont $28.00 BUYS YOU -FACE CORD - ADDITIONAL BUNDLE 0F CEDAR FOR STARTING - FREE DELIVERY ~1 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAV, MARCH 5, 1975, PAGE 13 »M NOTICE TO READERS *MUSTANG - 1967, 289 automatic, power brakes, power steering, good condi- tion, uncertified $50* Cal 668-3023. Emp. CLOCK antique mantet 'Sessions' $60, antique trunk $50, dol! prum, 25 inch Gen- dron as new $1 7. Cail 725- 4283. Emp. FOR SALE - Rebuilt engine with Holley, 4 burrel carb, $65. Cati 668-6080. FMp. FOR SALE - 2 Uniroyat Fastrak tubeless tires. A-'78- 13 whitewall two ply polyes- ter. Used only a few months $25-00. I tent sîeeps four used two summers, good con- dition, $45.00. Call: 655- 4302. Enp, rFOR SALE - 1 Viking refrigerator and 1 Kenmore stove ($100 cach or $ 175 for both), Gibson S.G. special guitar $250, Fender concert amplifier $300. Cali after 5 p.m. 668-3941. Emp. BIKE - For ginl 8-12 in excellent condition $25. Cali 668-4852. Emp. FOR SALE -- 4, 20 gall- on aquariums, 4 heathers, 3 punîps, 2! cover lights, acces- sories about 50 tropical fishi with a red fin shark inciuded (3 inches long) $S130.00. Cuti 668-9288 ufter 5 p.mi. Emip. FOR SALE - An tique roli on top dcsk plus swivcl chair $450.00. Two bedrooni cot- tage, inside facitities tu be remnoved- trom premnises, locuîed Dainynîple Lake $ i.000.00. Cal! 668-3495. 1-.r more intoi mation.- Enîn IWANTED TO RENT Good but checap rooni apartnîient downtown \Whitby. 576-7557 after 7. m!ie bcd- ctosect10 Cuti FARM or FARMLAND wanted lu relit or ]case, aiso harn facili tics reqoired. Write Box 206, Wliiby, Ontario. i rGUITAR - usi Yuniriki detuxe, Rosewood back & side, so:-,d cedar top, Grover machine heads, good condition $150, onty a few weeks otd, 10 speed men's 'Eorso' BIKE, hardîy used, perfect condition $120. Call 655-4852. Emp. STOVE - 30 inch clectrie, $50, green rug 12 X 14 vlith pudding $50, high chair $7, crib $7, '69 Ford window van bcst offer. Cail 655- 3144. Emp. ANTIQUE - Chiesterfieid' $275, matctîing side chairs $145 and $135. Cul! 655- à776, Emip.,l MOVIE CAMERA - super 8, G.A.F. STIOIE miodel with electro-fade 6 10 i zoom lens, batter>' test, eye hood, lens hood, UV Haze fitter, YASHICA film editor, film spiicer and glue $145 firm. CalI 668-2764 after 5:30 p.m.i Emp. 1970 DART - 340 4-speed, custom inîcnior power brakes, rcbuilt motor, ncw cîutch, 323 positrac, 14 X7 in. Chrome reverse riims G-60 tires, Horst competition plus shifter, lin ted windshietdj rear dcfogger, 52.,100 or besti offer. CatI 655-3598. Emp.j FIREBIRD - 1969, 326 Horst foor-speed Remington X-120's, vinyt roof, 74,000 miles, good condition, $8501 or bcst offer. Cail 668-3495. GUINEA PIGS - 4 wceks otd, father Abysinian, mother Boston. llcalthy active and used t l hndling. Onty S$2 cacli. Catt 655-3750. Emp HELP WAN1ED Apprentice Wanted Guida & Dino Institute of Beauty 109 Byron Street South, Whlitby Cali 668-3621 * SAFETYCHECKS " USED CARS SOLO' * TOWING SERVICE &îôh 's 7ex cS'ervice 655-3559 J. R. HARTLIEF PROPRIETOR CLASS A'" LICENCE 1 MILE NORTH OF BROOKLIN ON HIGHWAY 12 FJREWOUD ONLY THEBESTSEASONED HARDWOOD ELM - MAPLE - BIRCH ETC. Advertise FREE in the I-fRL"E PRESS EMPORIUM, puy ONLY wiien you seli! 'here will not bc any charge to advcrtisers ini the FRIiJi PRESS EiMPORIUM tiless the itemn advertised is soid. When thü udvertised item is sold, you puy a commission bascd on '[LIE ADVERTISFID PRICE as ilistrated below. Ail advertiscmentsi must bc placed on anexclusive basis with the WFIITI3Y FREE IPRESS and ruin ut least one month il.flot soid RATES (if article is .%)Id): 5% of udvertised price up to $400.00 2% of the balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: Sold item i~dvertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (miinium commission is $ 1.00) Privatc advertising only! llease notify uis if you find a retailer listed us a private advertiser. Pieuse notify the Whîtby Free Press inimediutely wlien item is soid s0 that vie muy delete it from the following issues.. Services, help warited, clothing, real esta,,e and personal message type ads can only be handied on a prepaid basis. If in douibt, caîl 668-6 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY F- -Y- -V -L. r -do E EXACO

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