SERVICESr TRUCK TOPS'FROM $199.00 AND UP INSU LATED CAPS f ROM $299.00 AND UP Brooklin Camping Sales One quarter mile north of Brooklin on Highway 12 655-3776 '%ALES &SERVICE PIONEER CHAINSAWS GRAY'S ENGINE REPAIRS 324 Thickson Road 3. (near Highway 401). Phone: 728-0690 AMPLIFIER - one"input like new ARC $30. Caîl 668- 2873. Ernp. FOR SALE- Matched pair of 3 drawer chests $70. Cal! 668-3679 days. Emnp. CHESTERFIELD - Green/ goid broquade, good condi- tion $75. Cail 668-7644. Emp. 1967 FORD XL convert- able custom V-8, certified, 25,000 miles 390 four barrel p. windows. p. brakes, p. front disc brakes, 3-speed automatic on the floor with a custom console, Lucas headlights. stereo radio & tape deck, bucket seats. Needs sorne body work $500 or best offer. Caîl Terry 668- 2781. Emp. CAMPER TRAILER - '69 canvas top Woods, sleeps 4 New spare wheel, neyer- used, trailer in top condition. 2 mattresses, large Coleman cooler, 1 heater, brand new :1975 plates, portable toilet, items in very good condition $500 take ail caîl 668-3495 phone after 4:30 or applý 711 Burns St. W., Whitby Emp. TV -- Silvertone portable 23 inchi colour TV $'250, pool table, 2 cues, rack. 2 sets of balîs S200. Fleetwood stereo in cabinet (needs re- pair) S50, 2- used chiester- fields S10 eachi. Caîl 655- 4871. Em p. 1965 F'ORD STATION WAGON - 4 door, big 352 cubic incli engine, good miechanical performance, sold . ýuncertifiîed at S200 or best offer. phone 668-3787 and ask for Johin. En p. Comnplete ,furnishings of factory showroomts. and suppliers to model homes, apartments. town- houses used for 'display purpose only) savings'as highas 50 per cent cut-easy terms can be seen at the warehouse 12 to 8 daily. This furniture is sold by ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor Street East, Oshawa Phone - 728-3473 1' B CERAMIC HOU$SE 0F ",J0 Register, for aftèrnoon or evening cIassgs. Make hand- painted dlocks, fietrines, Iamps and china. Phone - Mrs. Joyce May 655-4320 VACCUUMS (recoîîditionled) Ail VACCUUMS (reconditioned) Ail Makes & Models $20 & Up Paper bags to fit ail vaccutums Po wver-bru sl es to fit ail vaccuurns also Cal! 576-8390 OISHAWtÀ fRUU EST 1956 CbjVFef PLANT located at 133 TAUNTON RD.W. 725-9961 I EXECUTIVE HOMES FOR RENTI SIX MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Ail homes .are arrayed in a beautiful country settlng in Oshawa. Ail exteriors are deslgned to give each home an individual mood and manner. * Ail have sodded and landscaped lots wlth paved driveways. *Ail have iuxurlous broadloom throughout, custom designed kitchens, spaclous interlors and, dozens of extra speciai features, cable TV avallable. Ail provide an'ideal environment Cor today's active familles, wit.h schools and shops just minutes away. Corne and. see for yourself these exceptional homes in an exclusive communlty. Drive north on Harmony Rd. from Hwy. 401 to Adelalde Ave. East and turn rlght. FOR INFORMATION CALL Exclusive Renti Agent Toronto LUne 862 -0750 Oshawa LUne 723 - 537'l Blow v r Oitdr 4000 STOVE - 30 in'ch Ken- more custom., avocado, 4 months old, asking $2175, Webster pain, spray gun, 1ev- Po er been used S75, Siberian Husky, 7 rnontlhs old S150, rnen's 1i0-speed bike S90. Cal] 7228-1837. Emp. eC tme Coulnts 1960 CADILAC- Fleet- O h u wood, 390 miotor, automnatic, We style your hair your running condition, lit île work a.Ne sug tinW neededwanustsuggestions? We Sunderland 1-705-357-2135 can give themn. KnoWw wlat afer 6 p.m. and ask for Phd j wnt.>We'll do it. We 0 Lmip. r run Our shop to serve You. CAMERA Pol uî<u)id Iand NY'S HAIRSTYLINGY & case S30, Kcnmouu. pori- T able baseboard licate r S15. ~Dv ,n6 85 4 Padded sliorlder gHiiiîLîstrap ) B air r k PU a 66&544 S4. gymhutg 53. -- ladies dress Im pant suits, excellentI condi- tion size . I18. I royal Ntsc and one red & whiite S'25 cachl. Our Reputation Rides on Every Bike Cal! 668-4225. Elrnp. ENCYCLOPEDIA --Brit- anlica 1959, excellentî condi- tion S1I00, World Book encyclopedia I1962, vear- books up to 1970, 5100, drycr suitable for cottage 330 Call 728-9777. Emp,. You don't havre to go to Toronto for the BEST Value on your Honda. It's right here at home - -Sales - Service - Parts - Accessories - MOTORCYCLE SFIOP IUIWD Taunîton Road List 576-3150 1969 DODGE !/2 ton pick-up 8 foot fleet side box, standard transmission, siant 6, certif ied 33,500 original 'miles, new painit job, $1 ,700 or best off er. WHITBY ESSO CENTRE 1003 Brock Street South Whitby 668-8012 PAINTNG ANDDECORATING Frcc Estimates No Obligation Imiprove your H-ome over 20 ycars experience Cal! 668-2692 LVON'S AUCTIQIfHALL 18 McMillan Dr. Wanted ANYTHING you have for sale. We wilI buy or consign. Open Mondfiy through Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. 725-1613. F. ALAN LAWSON C.A.1 TRUTE IN BANICRUPTCY 69 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario LI H 1B4 7Telephone: r416) 723-3800 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS " How you can train right here in Canada! " Tuition Tax Deductible! " Placement assistance guaranteed! *Wee[end training also available! For application and interview, Write: Safety Depariment The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 207 Queen's Quay West Toronto il17, Ontario Or Cali 416-864-9381 (Formerly Trans-Canada Transport Training) Ma arch 3 SWIMMING POOL SACRI FICE Leading manufacturer and distributor lias above ground alumninum pools left over froni 1974 season, 1½ý price, guarantecd installation and ternis. Cali Credit Manager collect, 416-292-2268 days or even- ing. Editor'8 Quote Rock There is always somne hope for ari individual who stops to do some serious thikrng about lie. Katherine Logan WHITBY FREE*PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH, 5, 1975, PAGE, 1 r CNRSAND FOOD SERVICE VJtT rÀ& t:Dlr. C ela iriI v.,i I , IM A Utti rPiL.AILIIES 415 McKUNZIE AJAX, BOX 113 Phone 6S3n7S91 or 839-4874 Weddings, Stags, Office or House Parties, Banquets, Conventions, Dances, Réceptions, of Ail Types RICHMOND Be parnp r d î reoted lite a Kinigi Shower, Sunken bath, Nude body ýS 4, >LOBARI, rub dawn, relaxing launqe. Aisa your week ahead eY DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: March 3 to March 8 ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURJS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILI) June 21-JuIy 22 LEO July Z3-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct, 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 High hopes. little realizations, seemn to be in the general seheme of things. Specifically, there's a morale problem taking place at your job, task or projeet. Things will improve. shortly. You'l be treading on unfamiliar ground, during thîs week's cosmie cycle. As the old saying goes: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Give heavy thought! To what? Most members of your sign are heading for problems with mem- bers of the opposite sex. There might be an ultimatum on the wing. Tired of going from nowhere to nowhere, right? Okay, rearrange your office or immediate en- vironment . .. strange things will take place, to your advantage. There's no way to change the past. Sure, you can put things in a different light. Meaning? Don't rehash. this week. you'lI tear open an old wottrid. Tut-n about is fair play, according to those who want to get even. Anyway. an associate will criticize your every move-leaving no 'turn un- stoned! - This week, you might become a prisoner to your own philosophy. Lt would be a good idea to look around-there's important changes taking place. Try a new approach in the social and romance departments. Put a little wind in your sails. Otherwise. you'll almost get what you've wan- ted. Ever hear of systemîzed self deceit? Don't take on someone else's problemn as an -excuse to neglect your ow... .you'Il have enough of your own problems for tender. Meet tasks on a "one to one" basis. According to your chart, minor gains will parlay into a major achievement. Also. allies and teamwork are in- dicated. Experience-long gained in the past is an impor- tant factor-for the "break" coming your way. Remember, take advantage of good things now on the wing. If you've taken things for granted, with the op- posite sex-heware! This cosmic cycle is the lulI before the storm. It's time to tighten your rornantic tie. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Analysis, send the dçpy, mont b, yeor and place of birth, plus $1.00 for postage and handling ta Dr. Andrew W. Domis, P. 0. Box 12766, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733. DURHAM GAS SALES AND SERVICE Heatinq and Air Conditioning Cali 683-8101 or Jim at 725-5152 7 DOL 15 CIOTHES For the best STUE[-I/J7.') .1X\'IALS in& ALL HANW) iJDE 0F TOP QUA LITI i1l.l TERIAL Cal Kathv al 068-5386 HUTCH TENT - Vegaý wagon, ideal l1kw camping & travel S50. Cal! 725-2-967. Emp. 16 Br i