PAGE 10. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12.,1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS McDonalds Reaýdy For Playoffs Thursdoy March 13 Whli@tby McDonolds vse Nopunee Comets Gume Time 8:30poemis Iroquois Park Arenu ffi. Peter Vipond withi two andc Carl Ah isten andi Calvîn Pet tit with onc eacli. On Sunday, the McDon- alds got back in stride witlt a 6-5 win over Napaîlce. Ed Phlilpot got a pair includirig th e winner wit th tue seconds reniaining. Peter Vipond also got two while Wayne Weller and Doug Tate eacli put in. omie. The final ganic of the reg. ular season wvill be played Thursday at Iroqutois Park Cqc!e & Sportç Un 1rnmteJ~ TELEHONE334 RITSON 579-1818E OSHAWA.C 57.118_____l~_______ NJ RD S ONTARIO SPEND 15 MINUTES ON US TOMORROW AND FIND OUT WHAT US GOING ON IUN DURHAM leI Night Report 11:00 p.m. Weather, Sports and News 135.0 THE OSHAWA STAT ION DOWN AND OUT..Brantford Foresters' goal tender Stan Worosz sprawls in his crease after a goal by the Whitby McDonalds. McDonalds won this game 5-3 and defeatèd Napaîiee 6-5. The Macs were bombarded 11 -4 by Cambridge on Saturday but are still pîayiîig well above .500 hockey. Free Press Photo by Robin Lyon_ Peewee Teams Evenly Matched, Illte first gaies in the Brooklîin-Wlhitby minor pee- weC lU)use leagues playoffs are proof that the teains are niatched fairly eveil. There were two. 3-3 tics and one niarrow 3-1 victory. Lyndview Conistr-uctîin and Whiitby Niait Restauirant bat tled to a 3-3 draw. J. Westenhoffer, F. Mur- rison and M. Cachia scored for Lyndview. B. H-eroux. I. Ward and D. Barnell tailied Whithy Mali Restaurant's goals. AIl Canadian Awards and Randaîl Plumbing also foughit to a 3-3 deadlock. M. Ken- nedy scored twice and R. MëCoyý once for the former. S. Dezan fired a pair while D. Kellock picked up a single for Randail Pluînbing. THE AMIL HOBY CETREFaily Kartway defeated Totten, Sirns, Hubieki 3-1. SHOPS P TOPS. Cole scored twice for the IN TH OSHWA CNTREwinners while J. Tamblyn found the range once. 723-3393L. Burns repied for the i osers. Cold, Weathev - ROT BUTS!i GUARANTEED INSTALLATION BY MAY 31,1975 ORDER NOW AND SAVE $$ $ON OUR COMPLETE LINE 0F ABOVE GROUND POOLS, STEEL WALL OR ALUMINUM WALL AND VINYL IN-GROUND COMPLETELY INSTALLED INGROUND POOLS FROM 2 AS LOW AS 2 9 0 or $70 monthly NO DOWN PAYMENT COMPARE THESE FEATURES ON DUR CAREFREE ALUMINUM POOLS: 1 20 year uncondîtional guarantee covering ail alumînum. 2. Extra heavy 40 mil, vînyl lier whîch also carnies the 20 year guarantee. 3ý 26 or more "A" trame supports, spaced no farther than tour feet apart and anchored in concrete. 4. Features 91,i." alumînum coping wîth mitred corners and snap-on vînyl cap. Copîng altows pool deck to cover pools edge. Easîly re- placeable, 5. No-rust, no-weld watts in six panels having only two joints. Horizontal brace every 1 2"; vertical brace every two feet. 6. Poured concrete bottom. 7. Canadian designed in Canada for Canadian weather and conditions and built to withstand extreme temperature changes. 8. No heaving, cracking, rusting, blîstering, re- painting or expensive winterizing. 9 AIt Jacuzzi filtration equipment includîng tiller, commercial skimmer , directional returns, main drain and hydrastatîc reliet valve. DROP BY OUR INDOOR SHOWROOM! CALL US FOR A FREE1 WITH NO SPECIAL OFFER WHILE THEY LAST! - 50 ABOVE GROUND POOLS -Muskin- above ground pools for delivery May 1. These are top quality pools, flot factory seconds. Ptices include pool, hi-flow sand filter, satety ladder, thru-the-wall skimmer, maintenance, vacuum, and starter chemical kit. PRE-SEASON SPECIAL- A t FROM JUST 49 00 .4.MI HOME DEMONSTRATION OBLIGATION RD. W. 723ml1129 XV'itby McDorulds -won two oftilteir threc ganmes last week. On Thttrsdlay on homie ice, thle McDonalds beat thecir playoff con tender, B ran tford 5.3 securing Iliird place. Scoring for the McDonalds were Gary Milroy, Greg Bod- nar, Carl Ahisten, Peter Vi- pond and B ob Munro. Oni Saturday, Canmbridge bomibed the McDonalds i14. Seoring for Whitby were k-ý-q 17PU 16. mu, vvb. bd lu ýw "Il POOLS! t1ic li ro lo fl(jl!ý