WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1975, PAGE 3 Eberlee Appointed to Advisory Board Peter Eberlee of Whitby has been appointed to Ontario's Waste Management Advisory Board. He is one of l1 people who will serve on the bdard which is Ontario's watchdog on waste. Mr. Eberlee, vice-president of Totten, Sims, Hubicki Limited, is actively involved in water supply, sewage dis- posai in Ontario. A member of the Pollution Control Association of Ontario and the Canadian Section of the American Water Works Association, be received his Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from the University of Toronto. According to Ontario's Environment Minister Wil- liam Newman, the board's main role will be to advise on the means of reducing the quantity of waste produced in Ontario and on the development of resource recovery throughout the pro- vince. The board has set out specific objectives. It will report the effects of government directives and regulations imposed to re- duce the quantity of waste generated. The board will examine 1 trends in packaging, mer- chandising and consumer habits which may result in unnecessary waste produc- tion, increased waste manage- ment costs or problems in resource recovery. Examining ways to change packaging, merchandising and consumer habits to com- bat these problems will be another responsibility of tie board. The board will also attempt to improve commun- ication and co-operation on waste among government, the public and industry. It will recommend prior- ities in waste reduction and resource recovery research. The board will also be charged with reporting on the secondary materials indus- tries, their capacity to deal with increased flows of reclaimed niaterial and ways to expand this capacity. Examining tbe ability of raw material users to use reclaimed material and devel- oping alternative strategies to overcone any social, legal, economic or technological restraints will be the final responsibility of the board. "I'm sure the recommen- dations to come from this board will provide a continu- ing source of valuable assis- tance to Environment Ontar- io in its battle against avoid- able waste," Mr. Newman said. "This is another significant step toward the day when waste reduction and resource recovery finally drive the word garbage from our day- to-day vocabulary in this province," he added. Chairman of tie board is Robert Woovett. The re- mainder of the board mem- N*tby has *0 Right to Buy Land Whitby will have the first right to buy land from the province if they decide to dispose of the present registry office. Eight acres of land for $336,000 has been approved and accepted. TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lorne D. Reid Mavor 30 BUNDAS W. WHITUY bers are William Stadelman, Toronto; Mrs. Frances Mac- Odrun, Brockville; Professor Morris Nayman, Toronto; Ed ChnielewskiToronto; Dr. Robert Green, Petrolia; Dian- na Pilsworth, Kanata; Maur- ice Hotte, Cochrane; G. R. Robertson, London; and Ron Zwarych, St. Ca therines. Society Report The Ontario Humane Society has advised that as of March 1, 1975 the board fee to quarantine animals will be $5 per day for a dog and $3 for a cat. In its January report the local branch of the society stated that 17 dogs were impounded and, 21 aban- doned while 5 dogs were adopted. Seven dogs were humanely destroyed with six warnings given. Three other animals were assisted and 2 1 cats sheltered. A total of 98 calls for assistance were answered and $239.00 was collected for the miionth of January. Social Annual In 1973, 2000 people were killed and nearly 100,000 injured in car accidents here in Ontario! Tragic? Sure. But even more tragic when you consider that many of these people could have been saved by one simple action. Buckling a seat belt. Scientific evidence proves that seat belts reduce the chance of death or injury in a car accident by 50%! Plc G The Oshawa-Whitby Social Platnning Council at its tenth- Annual General Meeting, last week, elected Rosemarie Connor as Presideni for 1975. Keith Marlowe was elected lst Vice-president; Ann McGeown, 2nd Vice-presid- ent; Linda Poulin, Secretary; and Jim Carlyle, Treasurer. Efected to the Board of Directors, for a three-year term were Altamae Eberlee, Marie McCann, Isobel Scott, Ron Petersen, Walter Low, Judy Carter, Marilyn Hutch- inson,, Lionel Crotin, Garry Kent, Jean Parsons, Rev. AI- lan Lavis and Dianne White. Peter Cekuta, outgoing President, stressed the opportunity for social plan- ning councils to study and evaluate community needs and to work for the remedy of social ills. Mrs. Bobi Adanson, Executive Director, -in her report outlined the role of the social planning council of Oshawa-Whitby in the past inning year in ree areas - c ation of existing so vices an*rovision o ship and resources to of Durharn Region;1 ing public awarenes5 Oshawa's social envir through the Social Exhibit, the Commur The 1975 C.S. Anderson Road School is offering a course for the non-profession- al supervisory personnel of municipal- road and trans- portation authorities who have completed the T.J. Mahony Road School. Non-professional super- visory personnel who are recommended by the.head of the municipal road and trans- portation authority for a specific course are also in- vited. unci Meetmg o-ordin- vices Directory; and study cial ser- groups on issues such as law f leader- reform, land use, day care, the rest and direct action in the prornot- setting up of Parents Anony- s about .mous and the Cheshire Home ronment and support to the already Services established Volunteer Action nitv Ser. Centre. The course will be held at the University of Guelph on May 4 to 7 inclusive. Appli- cations are by pre-registration only and must be receîved no later than April 18, 1975. The matter was referred to the operations committee. w So your Ontario Government is spon- soring an intensive educational program to persuade drivers and passengers-and children, too-to wear a seat belt even on short drives. The symbol of this program is the sign shown. It's a reminder to "Buckle up for safety." You'll be seeing it often along Ontario streets and highways. It's part of a plan to help protect you, your family, and everyone in the province-to help Ontario residents live better, longer. And to make doubly-sure of it, the govern- ment has prepared interesting, informative booklets, a film, and a special school pro- gram on the importance of wearing a seat belt. For more information on seat belt safety, write: Public and Safety Information Branch, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, 1201 Wilson Avenue, Downsview, Ontario. M3M 1J8. Ministry of Transportation and Communications John Rhodes, Minister Anderson Road School Offers Staff Course Seat beits mean greater-safety. This Us what Ontarlo isdoing to make sure people know Ut - and wear them. Right now mortgages cost Iess That home or cottage you hope to own some day can be yours right now! The money you borrow at today's lower rates will enable you to build or renovate now before material and labour costs go higher. Do it today at Victoria and Grey! The all Ontario Trust Coinpany hegun in 1889 VICTORIAGandREY Governrment of Ontario William Davis, Premier Coq 1