Wors froIT WestLni by Norm Mealing The BOY SCOUT inovemient lias involved, at one time or another rnost of the maie population of Canada. For many boys, it lias provided training which lias prepared themi well for their aduit life. For miany mien, il lias pro- vided thc opportunity te contribute ini a mneaninigful way to the youth of their communtnity. 1 know frorn first-hand experience that scouting can be. and is, an expensive proposition. mhie Boy Scouts depend, in part, on govertiment grants, and support froni such or- ganizations as the United Way. Tlwy aIso dcpend on tlîeir local organizations te raise mioney throughi such -activities as "Apple Days". In Whitby, the local boy scout organr/.ation depends entirely on the rfioney raised through their paper drives. Every second Saturday cf the mionthi froin Septemiber througli June, the 5ti Whitby Scout Troop collects paper throughout the area west cf Cochrane Street te tlhe Picker- ing towvnshîip hueé. Tlîey collect paper only, îlot catalogues or mnagazines because their contract with Palo-Pack Paper is for paper only. The conmpany recycles tîhé paper, and the money paid the troop supports the '500 cubs and scouts' in the area. AI MacKinnon, wvlo presides over this paper drive, con- tacted me te talk over the 'situation facing Uic Sth Whitby troop. AI reported thatinii, priI te itine 1974. the paper drive was colîecting 1 2,000 pounds cf paper a mionthi. 3y October of 1974, thc drive wvas collecting only 7,000 lbs. per month, and it is con tntlng te decline ine Ucearly rnonths cf 1975. Sirîce West Lynde constitutes a major part cf Uhc area served 1»' tle 5th Whitby, AI, who lives ini the area. asked that we mnake a special appeal te aIl cf yuu on beiaîf cf the Boy Scouts. When you consider tlîat the paper nicans noney te thc Boy Scouts, and that 144 pounds of paper mneans one trec saved, let's ail save our paper and put it eut every second Saturday cf every mionth for the Sth Whîtby Scout Troop. Following from the above, AI MacKinnon also asked that we point out tlîat any boy whîo ants te join Cubs (7-10) or Scouts (11-15) should phone, or hiave bis parents phone, AI at 668-9583 after 6 p.m. The NOMINATING COMMITTEE for the WLC.A. Elections-met on' Monday and Wednesday of last week. On Monday, we met witli the Executive te report eur lack cf success in attracting candidates. 'Me Execetive shared our concern, but requested that we continue. And we agreed to continue. On Wednesday night, the Committee met te rcvicw pro- gress, and set up the rules and procedures for election nigh t, Having donc, this, the Cornmittee then decided that we should publicize the names cf thîe declared candidates in this week's column. So far we have the following candidates: - for President, Bill Hoffman (26 Flemington Ct.) - for Vice-president, Dan Pelletier (18 Calais 'St.) & Ian Lazenby (141 Calais St.) - for Secretary, Marg Boyce (16 Ann Arbour Ct.) & Peggy Thom (81 Calais St.') - for Treasurer, Bob Hopson (11 McFarlane Ct.) - for Directors, John Giles (190 Michael BIvd.') Ed Dawson (87 Michael BIvd.) & John Bonham (7 Heda Ct.) As you can plainly sec, we still need candidates. So think about it, and give me a caîl if you are interested. (5383) Thi 2 ppas-nor sesmntwlb eado are. Don't forget the Whitby McDonald's Dance on March 29th at the Heydenshore Paviion. Tickets are $7 per couple, and are available from AI Armstrong at 668-9837. It promises te be a great night because it features the fabulous Moth-B5'l-Mojo-Band! By for now, see you next week. B3ylines. cont'd For tliose cf you thai, were unawarc cf the fact, a local artist nanicd Jim Paget,lias been -shîowing his work at the Wlitby Arts Stat ion tliro'out the nionthi cf Mardi. My apologies for net having nîeiitionecl this previoesly. I hope that old saying 'better late thîanî ïever' still liolds truc. You take a look at Jini's work. Mock Counc«il Tlîe 1975 edition ef' Uic Whitby Recreation Depart- inint's Ycth and Civic Ad- iiist ration Program is now underway. Selections to Ulic varices positions and their ceenter- part s lave beeri made. Steve Bland cf' lenry Street Highl Scliool will play tdic part cf NMayor Des Ncw- nian iii thie nock town coun- c il. Councillor Gcrry Eîîin will bc portrayed by Rlioda Newman. Hlenry Street; Counicillor Jini Gartshiore by Torii VanLecweeîi. Detnis O'Ccnnor Il igi Sclool; Counicillor Joli n Goodwin hy lanî Carrell. Anderson Colle- giame aîd Voca tional I esti tete Councillor Don Lovclock by Peter Milian, Andersoni; and Counciller Joy Thionipsen by Catliy Qeantrill , Henry Street. lirec stuidents from Ont- ario Ladies College wilI represent thîe regional ccun- cillors - Carrne Kennedy, Des Newmîan; Jocelyn Luck, Gerry Enirn; anid Sue Robert- son, John Goodwin. The positions cf depart- nient lheads wvill be filled by Caroline Knowles, Anderson as Planning Director; Lee Elliott, Anderson as Director cf Public Works; Steve Tlîwaites, Anderson as Dîrec- ton cf Recreaticu; Petti Volpe, Dennis O'Connor as Cîerk; I-lather Riehardson, Andenson as Deputy-cIerk; Evelyn Spanks, Henry Street as Fire Chief; Kevin Rochie, Dennis O'Connor as Treasur- er; and Steve Popoff, Henry Street as Development Cern- missioner. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1975, PAGE 7 WeII 'l guess that's it for anotlier week. Ncxt time 1 write it will officially be Spring..we'l probably be up te our knces with aniotlier snow stormi, but we'll be able te SAY tliat it's Spring. lIl11 have some dates for you, that te my niind do make me think cf Sprinig and Sum-mer!! Main- ly dates cf the next Dr. Watts Auctions. Yes they are cern- ing back for another year. Anyway nore on that next week. Keep tlîat hune busy anîd give me ail yoe news... thîe numnber being 655-3750. LIZ SPEND 15 MINUTES ON US TOMORROW AND FI1ND OUT WHAT IS GOING ON UN DURHAMI EVENING REPORT 6:00 P.M. News Weather 1350 Spo rts THE OSHAWA STATION __________i______ 1~ PRE-SPRING SALE. .giving nature a helping hand!' 40 lb. Bag Covers 5,000 sq. ft. NUTR îlE TURF Special is formulated to promote Healthy Lawns with Strong Root Systems. - "SavemSave-Save-Save" Regular $7.69 per bag Now 2 Weeks O«nIy $1 00 OFFNT Comarethi oferforonl $.69perba FREE USE of Spreaders for 6 hours AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING GARDEN CENTRES ONLY ON PRESENTATION 0F THIS AD CUS AWATNIKSGN ROAD IWARDEI BOOKUIW 1i-uô OiM655-3331 Q~¶ERVICEj 4 miles North of Woolco H. Van Staveren & Sons Dundas St. W.-Whithy (mile West of 4 corners) 668-8190 à down to the Station to