Whitby Free Press, 26 Mar 1975, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAV, MARCH 26, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Laicrosse Regi;strationSo For a suîîînîer ful1l of' act- ion and fun in the sport of lacrosse, register widh Garrard Road Minor Lacrçsse Assoc- iation. Registrations wili be accepted on Thursday, Mardi 27 at Brooklin Arena from 6 to 9 p.m. -and on Saturdays Marchi 29 and April 5 at Brooklin Arena and St. Paul's Schiool frorn 10 to 12 a.m. and from 2 to 4 p.m. Registration is for both boys and girls of ail ages fronm Tykes to teens. Proof of age is requested ' or flCw players joining for the first timie. Th is season is the first timie that OMLA wili bc organizing girl's lacrosse. The GRMLA hiopes that luis Division will attain tie popu- 1làrity of the alrcady success- fuil boys divisions. G arrard Road hias for dhe past several years lhad a girls division which is enjoyed by miany. Gaines are played by Wil. low Park, betweeîî Thickson and Garrard, just on thc south side of Rossiand Road. Spectators are welcornîc 1 watchi gaines piayed duçing the sumnmer weeks starting in May tliroughi to Septemiber niost Monday through Tii ors- day evenings. Thiere is no adnmission charge and there is a snack bar operated I)y the GRMLA inembers with all procecs going to the associa- tion. Registrations wili be wel- conîed froi the corridor area, Brooklin, Columbus, Raglan, etc., and surron îd ing dlistrict and ail of the area formeriy known as Wlîitby Township, aiso Port Pcrry, Uxbridge and sorrounding areas where there is no organized lacrosse. Registration fee for the year is $3 per player or $6 per family whichi is the same as for the past several years. flic association is very proud of' the 1 974 Chamîp- ions --fie bantls whio won flic Ail Ontario "D" champ- ionslîip and the peewee teani wli1( were pcewcc National "D" champions of' 1974 wlî o plan to coîîîpete in the 1975 gamies beiîîg licld ini Nortli Burinaby, 1.C. ini August and arc prcsently raising funds for the trip. Fund raising plans include an association dance at I ley- denshorc Pavillion on May 3 and a miammnoth ligh t bulb blitz and bottle dr-ive, on April I12. Cars are needed 10 lîelp withi the April 12 date by being at Willow Park at 9 a.mi. for their rnaps and instructions. TMie association hopes to cover, its entire registration area in this effort. Tickets f'or the dance are available from l3arb Kerno- han 728-3290 or Jean Plîillips 655-3271 at $6 a couple. Many lovely door prizes will be drawn at the dance and wiil include also drawing of tickets on haif a beef which mnembers of the organization are selling. WEKII SATURDAY, SUNDAY MARCH 29 & 30 ONLY' inn Buy onea get one PREE£ Treat the whole, family for hait the. regular price. DINNER FOR 2 $3.90 $1.95 "1.95 DINNER $7.80 $3.90 39 FOR 4 ____________ _____ DINNER $11.70 $5.85 $5u85 EachDinnr Bo conainsSale Limit-Buy 3, get 3 FREE 3 pieces of deliojous Kentucky Fried Chicken Creamy Cole Slaw Golden Brown French Fries Kentèk9 ried Ckickent Ki F c CNADAN COMPANY Colonel Sanders and his boys make it -fnger lIckin' good' Suce of buttered Grecian Bread "301 Dundas Street W., Whitby; 973 Simcoe Street N., Oshawa; 474 Simcoe street S., Oshawa; 574 King Street E., Oshawa; Available at the above stores only." Six seenis to be Ille magie nuruber in Ilhe fiîîal playoff series hetweeri Ilie Wiîby \Vinvallev llades and fhie Wooclilc Wolves. l'le girls f'r011 Woodville opened Ithe series %viîhil a6-0 victory and Whitby lied tlle round \vith a 6-5 win. Shielly Hlarvey scored a lialiîrickfor Woodville inIilte shut10Ht victîory and assisted on uIeoîh er 1h ree goal s, two hy Cheiyl Argue and one by Sandy Anderson. 'lhle f*ir-st period of' Ille ganie.- played ini Brooklin, wa SscOreless. Woodville scored flOur limies in Ilhe mid- dle stan/a andi îwice inIille 1huai. \V'heu Ilhe series switclîed «L) W))odlviIle. Ile C I amis 1ook lu rus domninatinoIllhepganie. WVoodviile led 2-0 after Ille f irsi pcnîod on goals by Chi eryl .Argue and Sh ellv I larvev. Wh ili hvgot i 1h re onan - swere( g oal s by Karen Nloloney. Barh l3oyes and Gail Ravary w î(ake a -3-2 Ia rgin ito Illee filial 5 anza. Barb Box'cs. Karen Molonu- ey and Robynn lbbitson puslied the Blades into a 6-2 lead before Woodviile came back on goals by Shelly Har- vey, Judy Brown and Cheryl Argue. However, it was, 100 I ittle 100 late. Tnie Blades also partici- pated ini a recent tournament ini Woodville. They brouglît home the consolation prize by defeating Keene and Woodville and losing to Mar- Miora. In the opening game, Whiitby dropped a 3-2 verdict to Marmora. Sherry Taylor and Barb Boyes tailicd the llades' goals. Wliiîhy thietigot on1ithe rigla îrack, downiîîg Keeîîe 5-3. Gail Ravary scored twice for tiie \viuners wh ile Lois Pitre.,leatlier Peebles. and Robynui Ibbitson pieked up sinîgles. Thîe Blades finished off the tournauîîent witlî a 5-2 victory over Woodville. Barb l3oyes fired a lîattrick for Wiitby aîîd Lois Pitre pieked up a pair. Woodville Comeba ck Wl 130~8 ARDING PUPPIES TRAINING FRESH FROZEN BEEF for Pets 25" lb. MOST POPULAR DRY DOG FOODS 25 lb. from.$5.75 - pick up 50 lb. from $10.05 ROMAR 90 15 oz. cans $1 5.45 CASE (32 e, a can) HWY. 12, BROOKLIN WE DELI VER 655-4721

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