PAGE 2,WEDNESDAY,APRIL 2, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Municipal buling breakdown 'on costs WIhitby Coluncil li as authorized the architects and engineers working on the new municipal building to prepare a breakdown of ail construc- tion costs that can bc directly related 10 ic proposed skat- ing rink and miee'ting hall so thiat application f'or a pro- vincial appropriation can be made this year. Town treasurer Forbes McEwen feels that "a separ- ate price' ([rom hie cost of tie biflding) should be obtained l'or freezing equip- nient, change roomis, equip- nient rooîns, earth mioving, MR.l pad construction and every- thing elsc that can bc reason- ably rclated to the skating rinrik. " "Tis effort should givc us a total construction' cost of thiis recreation faclity and 1 would aniticipate thiese costs around a couple iLln(rcd thousand dollars," Mr. McEwcrî added. Hee thinks thiat "with these cosis we thcn shiould be in a position for a comimunity recreation centres gran t wliich I 1would anticipate would be 25 percent of this arnount or $75,000.00". Counicil's decision does liot mean thiat it hias approved construction of die rink now. Senior C iens Hous'ing TIhe Ninistry of Ilousing lias told \htby ('ouîicil that il is interesîed in purchasing tlie Coîborne Street Schiool property on which it will build housing fo r senior citizens. The ministry's arcitects are currently preparing a plan of the building to be put on the site and arce having ap- praisals updated. Ilie rinistrv ants lu arrange a presentatiori of die plans to counicil. Thie nmatter lias been referred 10 councîI's maniage- ment cominittee. REC WHAT US UT 0???0 PAUL BIUNYAN*S CORKSCREW ..Nope, it's Bass- wood Bficycle Rack by Stephen liogbiiî of Toronto. t was oie of the works whlicl was oni exhibit ah Uie Whitby Arts Station during Mardi. Member to attend Administration course A senior meiber of' the town's staff will attend a Public Adnî îniistî rinC(ourse at ic University ot Westerni On tario ini London [romi May I1 I l May 120. 'hie couruse will cuver local and regional politîcs. admini- stration and *change, wlich ROOM PRESENTS "THE ART GALLERY~ ORIGINAL Q'IL PAl NTINGS THURSDAYAPRIL 3 TO MON DAY APRIL MR, REC ROOM WHITBY MALL 14 728-2762 ART SUPPLIES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST includ es pol icy developmnent decision nuakingo, adnministra- lior , innovation anid other related mat lers, The cosî of tic course is S I 200 f'ou ttiion and resi- dence. This will be p)aid by the niuicipality. The îoîvn will also apply to the federal 4H Club Holds Elect«ion The South Ontario 4H- Beef Club elected ils execu- tive at a recent aniual ineet- îlig. Joli n Ru tledge is presiden t Nanicy Richiardsoni vice-presi- dent; Jody MacNeill, secre- tary; and Larry Iliillips, press reporter. Thîe club's first meceting will be held at tic farm of Neil Grandy on Apuil 21 begîining at 7:30 p.m. IRENAULT Gallery hours are 2 to 5 Tuesday 7 ho 10 Tuesday through Thursday. governmnent fo r sorne financial assistance. Councillor Joy Thompson and Clerk1Bi1l Wallace have bothi expressed interest in taking tie course. through Sunday and Free Press Photo Brooklin So ciety Town meeting Tlue Brooklin Horticul- eurns tural Society's next meeting wIhl focus on lîerbs. C*tClteIt will be held ini die Il' LU? U~fl Brooklin United Churcli Hall ion on April 23 beginning at 8 Thie emplovees of Uic p.m.- Town of Wliitby have received a citation from die United Way for thieir contri- butions to the organization. The employecs contri- buited Iirce li-nies as muchi moiicy lto te Uniîted Way J-n 1974 as diey did in 1973. Council tries f or grant Forbes McEwen, treasurer for dic Town of Whitby, lias been instructed by council to write I tohUicprovincial goveruient about Uic possibility of receiving a granit lu lîelp renovate tlhe Centennial Building. At the last meeting of the Horticulturists, attended by 32, Dorothy Sandford dis- played lier mini arrange- nients. Thie designs iîîcluded a triangle, an asynîctrical triangle, a crescent and a Ho- garthi curve, ail donc in minia- turc - about thuce inches in every direction. "Ai arrange- mnents ileed a focal point and always continuity of colour," she said. Anne Wick displayed lier oollectioui of miniature con- tainers, including toollipaste tops, slielis and pottcry con- tai ne rs. w The Functional Car $300 'Rebate on Renault 12 Wagon effective tilt April 30, 1975 AVAILABLE ONLY AT C &C MOTORS 160 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Phone, 728M0181 -728?0051 N Get recidy for summer! HUNDREDS 0F CLASSES!1 WHITBY Knights of Columbus Hall 133 Brock Street North Thursday, 7:30 AJAX1 St. Paul's United ChLlrch We'dîie'say, 7:-30 p.n. For Further Information Cati 789-7676 seweigh with the Canadian Family Meal Plan Try Counterweight Foods for the colorie-conscious. [Avoutable ai your supermarket. .1 1