PAGE 4#WEDNESDAY, APRIL Z,1975,WHITBY FREE PRESS hitb Voice of the County Town uJ editorial page md Could Coun. Lovelock Possibly be wrong? Don Lovelock's resignation as chairman of the planning and administrative committees over the Brooklin development study issue was unfortunate. He had worked hard in that capacity until he resigned over council's decision to authorize the solicitor to prepare the draft of an agreement which would -allow the town to accept developers' money to finance the development study without obligation. Councillor Lovelock resigned because he is opposed to acceptance of developers' money. He said that council's decision was ""untenable" with his position. However, a recent survey by the Free Press of Brookin businessmen indicates that they support council's decision. Councillor Lovelock may have been wrong in resigning. Humane Soclet In finacncial trouble The Ontario Humane Society is in financial trouble according to executive vice-president Tom Hughes. He told the Ontario Countv Branch that the society's 1974 deficit cou Id be as high as $ 150,000. As a result, the OHS has had to, unfortunately., make severe budget cuts in the areas of head office administration, veterinary services, the inspector- ate and animal control contracts. The cutbacks in the latter area have resu lted in two ugly situations. Somne municipalities, because they do not feel spending more money on animal control contracts is worthwhile, have instituted a policy of shooting stray animaIs on sight. Ves, it is cheaper that way as the strays do not have to be boarded in shelters. lt's also very ob- scene. It makes one wonder about some humans' humanity. Other municipalities have allowed substandard private shelters to- be established. Anyone who criticizes the operations of the local pound should stop and think about how lucky we are to have such an excellent shelter, staffed by dedicated people. Wouldn't it be nice if a few huge corporations donated some of their profits to the Ontario Humane Society. Commendabl e The latest decision by the Durham Region Social Services department and the Emergency Measures Organization to give away free food to -needy persons is a' commendable one. The- two groups will- be giving 30,000 lbs. of frozen french fried potatoes to families on welfare Mîke Bt Servl ng Over 27,000 R eaders. Pb O vr nnsa WhtyFrce Press Inc. SBruno Harilaid, The Free Press Buildling urgess, pubilsher-Maflagiflg Editor. 121 Brock Street North, Assistant Editor - Blake Purdy Contributing Editor - Jim Quail Production Manager - Marje Burgess Dlsplay Advertising Manager -Robin LyonI Classifled Manager - Shelley Crowley BOX 206, Whilby. Mailing Permit No. 2941 Phone 668-6111! Toronto Line 282-1004' ON A CLEAR DAY YOU CAN SEE FORE VER!1 Providing utfs a nice clear day and your eyesight is extremely good, you'll be able to look south a- cross town from the New Municipal Building (on Pro -abortionists outra ged by Court sentence Dear Sir; We are outraged by the March 26 Supreme Court ruling against Dr. Morgentaler and against the womnen of Canada. In a 6-3 decision the judges upheld the Quebec Court of Appeals ruling which declared Dr. Morgentaler guilty of performing an illegal abortion sentenc- ing him to 18 months imprisonment, thus over- turning an earlier deci- sion by a 12 person Que- bec jury of not guilty. Today March 27, Dr. Morgentaler surrenders himnself to Montreal pol- ice. There are no more avenues of legql appeal. Dr. Morgentaler stated lat a Toronto press confer- ence ""I hope my sacrifice won't be in vain. 1 hope t will spur people who, care for human justice and women to intensify their effort."9 It is our intention to increase our efforts to 'organize and participate in meetings, conferences and demon- strations demanding the repeal of the anti- abortion law and f ree. dom for Dr. Morgentaler. We agree with Dr. Morgentaler that his per- secution is the height of hypocracy on the part of the government that has jumped on the bandwag- on of International Women's year while at the same timne maintain- ing a law which is unjust and cruel to women. What this ruling will mean in reality will be a' tendency for* further restriction on the linited availability, of abortion. Rossland Road) and see Lasco (south of the 401). We cheated a littie when we took this photo....,we used a telephoto lens. Clearly it will put pres- sure on doctors every- where to reconsider the abortions they are now doing in the framework of the present law. This means that more womnen are going to be forced to seek the solution of self- induced or backstreet abortions endangering their lives or to continue with unwanted pregnan- cies. , We think that this set- back can and must be reversed. A campaign which organizes massive support can pressure the government to heed the wishes of the majority, and can bring about the repeal of the law and freedom for Dr. Morgent- aler. The Toronto Commit- tee invites its supporters to help organize and participate in a demnon- stration planned for May- 10 which was initiated by women at the Toronto International's Day Confer- ence on March 8th. One of the demands of the demonstration is remnoval of abortion from the Criminal Code. Planning meetings are April 2, 16, 30 at 8 p.m. 252 Bloor St. W. For further informa- tion call 921-5853. Toronto Comm ittee to Defend, Dr. Morgentaler, 96 Gerrard St. E. Toronto, Ontario write:b let te rs box 206 wh.itbv A v . 'j 9 i Y