WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9,'1975, PAGE 9 Tennis ,CIù'b meets tonight fThe Law and You Q. A friend asked me to co-sigîi a loan for. him. ol you advise me as to what tl'is involves. A. Normally a boan consists of a series of one or more promissory notes., That is, the drawer of the note. - the person getting die lban - makes an unconditional pro- mise to pay a certait arnountý to the loan company or whoever it may designate at a certain tirne. If you co-sign it is generaily as an endorser of the note. When you sign in this capacity, you are hield to vvrrant die genuineness and vaidity of tie note in cer- tain respects. If the person getting the boan cannot pay off the note as it faîls due, then you would.be liable, as an endorser, to pay if off yourself. 0f course you could then try to collect the arnount that you paid from the person getting the loan, although if hie could flot pay the boan com pany. lie would inost likely flot be able to pay you. Q. I'rn leaving town at the end of next rnonth, and 'I want to sublet my apartment to my sister-in-law. There are stili flive nionthis to run on the lease. But, my land- lord says I can't sublet the place. We neyer signed a written lease. What are my righits. if any? A. Unless your leases (and ail written leases wlionever youi please But reinemnber that your subtenant fiaits to says somiething to the contrary, do) you have a righît to sublet to withiout the landlord's approval. you are subIlhlable on the lease if pay. Q. Bob and I are goinig to have a baby. But even ithi OHIP. our cost of living is going 10 increase - so 1 ant to hoîd on t0 my job. Does the Iaw give mie any protec- tion from getting f ired?ý A. It depends, believe it or not, on whiere you work. If your employer enploys 25 or more employees. thon you are protected Linder the Ern boymient Standards Act of Ontario, s. h13 a. You cannot bce ismissed on accounit of pregnancy. You are not allowved to wvork for six weeks after the birth of the chibd without a medical certiticate saying that you are able 10 do s*o. You are aso entitled to a ]cave of absence sîarting six weeks before the baby is expected. WVhibe your employer need not pay you while you cannot perform your work because of pregnancy or post-natal care. he must reinstate you whien you are ready to report- 10 work with no boss of senioriîy or benefits. These provisions apphy where you have worked continuously for your current employer for more than a year and six weeks before the birth of your child. Q. 1 work in a retait store as a cash er. On Fridays we are frequently very busy, and I don't always have lime t0 counit up the cash when I take over from the other cashier at 4:30. Last Friday when we finabty counîed up the cash, there was one of those new SI bflIs in the $20 pile and the, cash was about $19 short. Obviousîy someone made a mistake and gave change for a îwenty off a SI bil. We don't know whether il was me or the other cashier who made the mistake. My boss wants to take halfîthe shortage off each of our cheques. Sînce l'ni leaving anyway 1 made a stink about it. Was I within my rights? A. Yes. The Iawý in Ontario is that "No deduction shahl be made from the wages of an ernployee for cash short- ages where two or more persons have access to the cashi.f..," under a regulation pursuant 10 the Employ- ment Standards Act. "These questions and answers, based on Ontario aw, are pubbished to inform and flot t o advise. No one should try t0 apply ar interpret the taw without the aid and advice of a trained expert who knows the facts, since the facts of each case may change the applicationr of the law." WE'RE 'TIGGERý' & ý'NIFTY' You know if's awful difficuit to get a Siamese Blue Point and a Domestic Long Hair to pose side by side, but 'Tigger' (right) and 'Nifty' accomo- dated us. Both of these littie darlings are three- year-old spayed females, are litter trained, and are really cuddly. (Actually the only reason we got them together was because they were raised to- gether!> Anyway you'll find them at the Ontario Humane Society on «Thickson Road North, Whitby. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the'Estate of ANN ROBERTS MORTON, late of 409 Centre Street South, Apartment 106, in the Town of Whitby, in t-e Regional Munîcipalîty of Durham, who died on the 13th day of January, 1975. Take notice tt-at ail persons having dlaims against this Estate are required to send to the undernamed their names and the particu ars of their dlaims on or before the 3Oth day of April, 1975, after which date the Estate wili be distributed having regard nly to the dlaims of which the Executrix then has notice. Nigel Schilling Barrister and Solicitor 121 Brock St. N., Box 267 WHITBY,"Ontario L'IN 5S1 New 1975 Lines of Wallpaper Samples Now Available The Whitby Tennis Club will hold its firsi meeting of the year tonight at 7:30 in the council chambers of -the Whitby Municipal Building on Dundas Street West. Topics to be discussed in- clude league activity, opening day, hiours, courts available for club play, membership fees, structure of the execu- tive and tessons. Memberships iPn the club may be obtained at this meet- ing. Anyone wishing further infonnation on the club should contact Dan Pelletier at 668-8129. HORIZONS 15 TV Channels (12 full time, 3 parttime) 250 Movies * More than per month z LM o o 143 Brook St. South WVhitby, ID Select from more than 1,000 shows per wveek *Keep in touch with yu community! *Watch *Cablecast 6 - your own Award Winning Local Program Channel. 668-9331 pine ridge cabletv imited oq4 Stop payi ng fo r cheques If charges for the cheques you make are costing you a substantial sum each year, bring your savings accounts to us. 1-ere at Victoria and Grey any account maintained at $I,OOO or more gets absolutely free chequing privileges- as many as you want. Makes senise? Makes money, too! T/e ail Ontario Trust Comnpany begun ini 1889 ~ Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lorne D. Reid 308 DUNDAS W, WHUTBY- 'I A.4 *MITCHELL BROTHERS Building -Supplies Ltd. Broolin, 655-4991 clom»)