IPUAGE 14, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS I'IREBIRD - 1969, 326, Hurst 4-speed Remnington X-1i20's, vInyl roof, 74,000 muiles, good condi- tion $850 or best offer.,Call 668- 3495. EM P. 1LUGGAGE- 2 piece Pullman & cosmcntic $25, vaccuum $10, liand vibrator $5. Cal 655-3201. Eni P. HUTCH TENT Vega wagon iai for camping& travel $50. Cali 725-2967. Ernp. SHE,ýLVING UÙNIT - Black tube, glass shielves, 24inX l8inX 72in $75, rnatching end tables (2) 24inX 1 8in $45, GA". baking- toastinig oven $25, hanging lamp, shallow, circular style, dark navy $85, Kciniore, washcr-spin dryer white enarnel, almnost new $150. Cali 655-3457. Emnp. 1968 PONTIAC- Stratochict' autornatic, good mechanical and runniing condition $425 uncerti- fied. Cali 668-7644, Emp). WEDDING GOWN - Brocade velvet, inatching full1 lcngth cape withi hood. mialibu trim. size 10, SI 35, white FOX FUR cape $75, Cal 655-3009 after 6 p-in. 'Emp CAMERA -Mrander Sensor- ex 35nm S.L.R. with Taro, the 1l:nse ietering systcm. Miranda auto 28n wide angle lensc, Mir- anda auto 50Omm lense, Soligor T4 lOSmni lense. Soligor T4 300 mn lense (ail lenses with hood) Braon F:280 Electronie flash with bracket and charger, 2 Pios exten- sion tube, 9 asstd. gylass flters. Foca bell micro bellows attach- ment. cable reicase and ey c clp, separâte leather case for camnera plus a Benser leather Minolta 16 mmi Minature CASIERA with Rokker 22mnm lense in case $30, POLAROID No. 330 camiera wvith flash a ttachment, includes film and bulbs. tike new $55, Blessing Valve TROMBONE in deluxe case as new, cost $550, scdi for $150. Phone 668-9449 after 7 p.mn. Emp. TRAIN SET1 H.0. Gauge mode! ori-ang $150. Cali 728- 0690. Emp. Lucky Number 427 Lucky Numiber 651 Lucky Number 966 your oe* e e BYDR.A.WAIS Forecoet Perlod: April 20 to April 26 ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCOaPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20Feb. 19 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 You might enicouniter financial 'problems at the beginning of this cosmic cycle. Don't panic! Avoid borrowing or lending monies, things won't be as bad as they seem. Good c ommunications seem to be in the general seheme of things. Your persuasiveness is, now reaching its peak. Look for teamwork and favors amid your associates. You're prone to argue, sirnply for the sake of arguing. Don't make the mistake of challenging an undebatable fact that's connected with your job, task or projeet. Self improvement might bug you, during this week's cosmic cycle.,Actually, memnbers of your sign will become objective in the pursuit of domestie happiness. Here we go, Leo! It's a case of a bird in the hand being worth more than two in the bush. You're In- clined to become unrealistic about your financial status. Ideal conditions for signing contracts and making agreements, show in your chart. In other words, alîliances or partnerships formed during this cosmic cycle-will be fruitful. Raw edged nerves and a feeling of insecurity, with the opposite sex, will pass quickly. Look for- ward to closing this week's cosmic- cycle with thîngs going your way, favorably. You're flot one who takes romantic gestures, lightly. Nevertheîess, you must dismiss certain overtures sent eut by a member of the opposite sex. You won't perform well as a tearnworker. Accord- ing to this week's stellar influence, your gains will be based on individual accomplishmeflts. Outside pressures and commitments might cause problems at your home base.' It would be ad- vîsable to postpone arey activities that take up this weeks evenings. Don't make the mistake of overvaluing a -get rict. scheme" that is presented to yoo by a previously reliable associate. Meareing? Someone's good intentions might harmn you. If you're looking for trouble. you'll fired it. Be, especiaily, careful not te provoke a superior or someone in authority-, including the opposite sex. PRSONALITY- PROFILE For your Sun Sign Analysis. tend the day. manth, y.or and place of brth, plus $100 for postage and hondling to Or. Androw W. Damis, P. 0.Box -12766. St. Petersburg, Florida 33733. Automobile Service TUps W/(Am FLu5HN ySTF /AIrORJ771v LW6/Nec 0LK D RAINWP£ é 4. WO ON V,&-4 , O4/e ON AC0/I 5ID2 0F et.OCAe. F/Rer PRAIN RAÀP/A7DR, l/b7'Ie Mê Uxbridge Golf Course Opening Saturday April 19 ( Stili golf 18 holes for under $3--OO (on Hwy. 47 in Uxbridge) Weekday 2e Weekend $3,u-" FREE PRESS ADS REALLY If Polly just wanted a cracker ail the time parakeets would be fine. But sometimes they can be difficult. Like the time Aunt Susie asked hers: *Can you talk? Can you taIk? " The unexpected reply: "Yes, I can talk. Cati you fly?" Attention FIRSI home BUYERS. You are now eligible for the governme nt $ 1,500.00 grant. miohe! 353, ilcver used $1', IONA l2-spced blender, neyer used $20, baby carniage good condition, heavy-du ty $30, baby rocking docks $5. Caîl 668-' 9902. Emp. PUPPIES - Germ.an Sheplierd Purebred, 7 weeks old, silver col- our. Cal668-8418.. April23 ELECTRIC BROOM - Regina super poer 2-spced ,ith settings $18, GU electric- floor polisher $ 13, baby lotinger $2, Jo lly iunîp-, er %vith portable stand $8, baby bath tub $1.50. Cali 668-4778. SOFA &. CHAIR - Weill madeý traditional 90 inch sofa and tub chair, bloc and green in colgur, in good condition $250. Cali 668- 1390. Emp. TIRES - Michelin ZX radial size 165X14 (equiv. C78X,14 or 6.95X14) only 1/3 worn $25 each. Q ty 2. Caîl Dave 668- 7138. Emp. BABY CARRIAGE -'Lloyd excellent condition $25. Cal 655-3553 after 7 p.m. Emp. AMPLIFIER - mie input like' new ARC $30. Cali 668-2873. CHIESTERFIELD- - Green/ gold broquade, good condition $75. Caîl 668-7644. Emp. TENT - 12XI4 has attached dining area $25 or will trade for smaller one (9X9) Call 668-9585 Who res? CAR E Wadd Hutiger Fund 63 Sparks SLOitawa KI P 5A6 Commercial WhitbY, Suit professional or ware- house operation, air conditioned, good terms, available. For more information call 668-7777. Phone for more information. SALE R.R. 1 Ashburn 36 Acres of rolling land with stream, close to Thunderbird golf course, beautiful scenic lot for executive home, or just a good investmnent. Asking $78,00.00 Try an offer. 660/777 Lake Scugog Parcel Approximately 36 acres situated on Scugog Island approximately 1,700 ft. of paved road frontage. Asking $55,000.00 For further information please call 668-7777. OSHAWA $3,OOU.U0 Down, 2 storey, 3 bedroom Semi- Detached. Family sized kitchen, large lot, beauti- fui recreation room with bar in Colonial style. Close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Owner has bought. $45,500.00 Try an offer. 1-21 Cobourg Residential building lot 75X200" asking $15,000. vendor will hold lst mortgage at current rate. OSHAWA $45,500.00 older home or Legal Duplex separate entrances newly aluminum siding, double car garage, appliances included. $4,000.00 down. BROCK STREET NORTH- W'HITwBY 668-777