Whitby Free Press, 16 Apr 1975, p. 2

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PAGE 2,WEDNFSDAY.APRIL 16, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS PASSPORTS NO APPINTMEM«f NECESSARV IlOURS: Weeknlights 6 pan. to 9 panl. litrsdays il ZLnl. b 9 p.it, rdays 1O a.nli. 10 9 lp.în. and Saturclays 10 ani. to 5 p.nî. I214 brock sreet ;ouh, whilbyy ontarîo 416b6ô81212 Add extra V al ue To, Your Home Cali Us for a Durable Driveway. mu ~ When it rains, does your driveway look lîke a mud. puddle? Let long-wearing black top, cas>' to maintain, 'tmooth the way. The cost is low. APPCO f-C 1399 Harwood Ave. N. Ajax HAULAGE LTD ASPHALT PAVING TRENCHING " COMMERCIAL " INDUSTRIAL " RESIDENTIAL FREE ESTIMATES cail 683-1661 ,Ise1 IF YOD FEEL CRAMPED IN YOUR SMALL CAR YOU'RE DRI VING THE WRONG SMALL CAR. One~ of the nicest tlîin4s abouit the tront-wheel drive Fiat 128 .1-door (or *2-door N st hal, whlî on thle outside t's smnaller ttn a \'olkswagcii Ieetle. on t he inside it gives you more legroornithan a Cadillac Eldorado,* Yet it gets the saine kind nof gas rnileage you would expect Ircini a smtall car.) Corne in today andI test drive our sensible little family sced. The ont:wiwth ial ihe legrooni. 'l'lie Fiat( 18 li's N%-itre the automoiîbile is g i.. î Marion Auto ttd. 25 Oronfeil St. Oshawa 728.Çl79 WatherýHOT BTS GUARANTEED INSTALLATION 8V MAY 31,1975 ' ~. ORDER NOW AND SAVE$ $ $ON OUR COMPLETE LINE 0F ABOVE GROUND POOLS, STEEL WALL OR ALUMINUM WALL AND VINYL IN-GROUND POOLS! 11 COMIPLETELY INSTALLED INGROUNO POOLSIFROM 2 950 AS LOW AS 02 9 0 or $70 mont hly NO DOWN PAYMENT COMPARE THESE FEATIJRES ON OUR CAREFREE ALUMIHUM POOLS: 1 20 year uncondîtional guaranlee covering aillalumînum. 2, Extra heavy 40 mil. vînyl lier which also carnies the 20 year guarantee. 3ý 26 or more "A" trame supports. spaced no farther than tour teet apart and anchored in concrete, 4. Features 91/4" alumînum copîng wîth mitred corners and snap-on vinyl cap. Copîng allows pool deck to cover pool's edge. Easily ne- placeable. 5. No-rusl, no-weld walls in six panels havirrg only two joints. Horizontal brace every 1 2" vertical brace every two f eet. 6. Poured concrete bottom. 7. Canadian designed in Canada for Canadian wealher and conditions and buill 10 wîthstand extreme temperature changes, 8. No heavîng. cracking, rusting, blisterîng. ne- Lpainting or expensive winterîzing 9. Ail Jacuzzî filtration equipment încluding tiller, commercial skimmer. directional returns, main drain and hydrastatic relief valve. DROP BY OUR INDOOR SHOWROOM! 'f SPECIAL OFFER WHILE THEY LAST! - 50 ABOVE GROUND POOLS -Muskin- above ground pools for delivery May 1 These are top quality pools, flot tactory seconds. Prîces include pool. hi*low sand iler, satety ladder. thru-lhe -wall skimmer, maintenance, vacuum, and starter chemical kit PRE-SEASON SPECIAL- rro FROM JUST-4 5 ( CALL US FOR A FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION, WITH NO OBLIGATION f/lt ;'ro/s .i~îPi(iI% - - 133 TAUNTON RD. W. 723-1 1291 Thie otfficial opeîîiîg of the "Livinîg Classroomi" will take place at 5 p.m. on Tucsday, April 22, witlî îîany local. digîîitaries on haîînd. ln . Shieridan Mail, tiere will be dispiays of work b>' ciiildreîî froin kindergarten bo grade'eigh t. Displays and deémonîstrationîs will incîtîde arts and crafts; créative writ- ing; gymîîastics; and vocal anîd instrumental miusic. Besides the mail preselta- dions, tiiere wili also be par- ents' nigh t at the various sclh ooi S. Denis 0'Connor High Schooi wili hold a school- wide open house on Monda>' from 7 10 10 p.m. w"ithi activi- tics anîd displays in each room. lîîcluded wiil be iaboratory, gymnastic and thieatre arts démonstrations. Schiooi officiais want the public 10 particilpate in the displays, raler tlîaî just look at tlieîî. 1.. Replace obsoiete heating boilers and renovations to heating system at the Whitby Jail, Whîtby, Ontario. TENDER No. 31C - 310 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 2. Installation of 400 amp. Electrical Service at the Reçgistry Office, Whitby, Ontario. TENDER No. 310-307 SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL SEALED TENDERS will be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME on APR IL 30, 1975. COMBINED ACCEPTE D. TENDERS WILL NOT BEI Tender Documents may be obtained from th Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent St. West, P.O. Box 7000 Lindsay, Ontario. Note: For further information regarding the abovç Tenders, please cal! Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. ~ Mînistry of Govern ment Sone of the high schooi's open hi'ouse dispiays wili be at Sheridan Mati on Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday. Whitby's eieîîîeîîary sep- arate schoois also plan to participate ini education week. Besides setting lup dispiays in Sheridan Mail, St. Ber- nard's School lias invited the students' parents 1 sec regil- lar classrooîii routine next Tuesday anîd Thursday, the -22nd and 24th. St. Theresa's Schooi wili hioid an open house on Tues- day fromi 7 to 9 p.m. It will focus on the invoivernent of community organizations, such as the fire, police and recreation departments and scouting groups, with the stu d cit s. St. John The Evangeiist Scli ool i ae severai events pianîîed for the week. On Monday eveîîing the sclîool 's students wiil present a rnusi- cal prograni in the gyminasi- uni. On Wednesday aînd Thtirsday rnornings froni 9 10 i2, parents caîî attend the open bouse, 011 Wednesday for tiiose who have children fromi kindergarten to grade six a nd on Tii nrsday for th e parents Wf grade seven and eigh t students. The school is holding a sport niglît on Thursday evening and wan t tihe beach - ers, students and parents. to participate.1 St. Paui's Schooi vill lhave a gyîîînastics display, a grade six choir and a grade six recorder group at Siheridan Mail on Thursday afternoon. At the sciîool on Monday alternoon. Mr. Bush, a music conîsultant, will be in the sclîool working with ukuiele and recorder groups. T'he school lias two concerts planîîed for Wednesday in die gynînasinni, at 10:45 and 1: 15. On Friday froni 2 to 3: 15, activity sessions in media, crafts, drama, photo- graphy and gynnastics wili be operating. First Aid is having an 8 week course on First Aid starting April 21. It wiii be heid ln the Centen- niai Building on Centre St. from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Aîîy interested persons shouid caîl 668-2862 for more infornmation, GRAND OPENINGI!. The Fi replace Plus 900 Hopkins St. Unit. 1 (behind new TD Bank) Whitby Telephone 668-3192 Heatilator Fireplace Centre Buit-ins, Free Standing Fireplaces, Ail cast Franklins SPECIALS 20% OFF Fire Tool Sets 10% OFF Grat.2s and Std. Screens S50-00 OFF Mark 123 Woodburning fireplace packages $25.00 OFF Heatiiator Coioured Conical packages Other in-store specials FREE FIREPLACE DRAM! Sale einds Satu.rday, April 26, 1975 Fireplace Draw May 31i, 1975 Education Week, <con't from ýP.1l [Get reody for summer! HUNDREOS 0F CLASSES! WIIITB 't Knmght% ol (tXCitimbtt'- iLiii 133 Bro ck Str et No rt h r Sti. latil's 1 Uited t iîtirci: iFor i uriber I nformnation (,îii 789-7676> wîtiî the Canadian Family Meal Plan Try Counterweighlt Food-, for the caiorie-conscious. lAvoi.toble ai your supermor1t 1 il lucil Ij 1, 1 PAVING 1 1

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