Whitby Free Press, 16 Apr 1975, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1975,,WHITBY FREE PRE$S Br~kin ~ Byines Over at the Brooklin ibrary, a new series for the pre- school child and mother has started. Story-hour is heid each lùesday at 1:.30 p.m. and if you would like to attend, 1 can assure you that there are stfli vacancies. The last N.W.C.A. meeting was pretty well attended, considering the confusion over-the date., Derek Maw sends his personal apologies to those who were inconvenienced. Poor Derek really had eveiything going against him..after realising the mix-up over the dates he had every intention <of putting up large posters with the correct date..then as we ail know, thp snow came down and Derek was unable to leave his home for a few days! Since everyone present feit that many more people in the area are interested and do wish to contribute to the success of the N.W.C.A., the DroIJosed elections weren't held. lnstead a new date was set wlth the hope that many mnore will turn out. So pleaso mark down Wednesday, April 3Oth, 8 p.m. at the Anglican Church Ili on Winchester, as the riight YOU will, corne out to the meeting and help choose, an' executive that wishes to help this community. 1, for one, would dearly loVe to se a fcw more of the business mon in the North Ward and the farmcrs..we seem to be quite weil repro. sonted in thc residential section of the North Ward..not thiat that gives you an excuse to stay at home! So 1t's sec a complete cross section of the North Ward at the next rnçeting. The next two Saturdays ln Brookiin are going to be pretty busy. On the l9th April we have the long awaited Dr. Wàttsi Auction at thé Brooklin Community Centre. Preview is at 10 a.m. and tie sale starts at 12 noon. Dr. Watt has been very busy the last few months, collecting some lovely pioces that you may bocome the owner of. Do. you fancy an antique oak poker table, or an antique piano.. ...or how about a table spinrming wheel or a very old hooded cradle? These are just a few of the interesting items that you could bld on on the 19th. Refreshments will be served as usual by the Ladies Aux.. of the Brooklin Branch of the Legion. If your car gets dirty while you are driving up here, then you can take it over to Croxall's on Winchester. There the 1Ist Brook]lin Cubs and Guides will do a fine job of restoring it to its former spotlcss state..and for just $1.50. The young people wil be at Croxalis from, noon onwards' on dic I19th and will be there until there is no further çlemand..probably around 5 p.m. Also on thec l9th, the Garrard, Road Minor Laçrosse Association is holding a MAMMOTH Light l3ulb Blitz and, -and Boutle Drive. This is to raise rioney to send a team to compote in the Peewee National Tournament.-to' be held'in North Burnaby, B.C. i August this year. Many of the- children in the No 'rth Ward are memrbers of thc Association as it does serve this area as well as Whitby. So be generous, as you usually are, with your help..,.either ini buying a light bulb or by donating bottles. On the 2Sth take a breather and go up to Ashburn Commuuity Centre and cnjoy a few games of Euchre! The evening starts at 8 p.m. and admission is 50, cents for aduits and 25 cents for students. And thon on the 25th prepare yourself for another fuît day inbusy Brooklin.' At 10 a.m. you can take yourself' over to 44 Baldwin Street for Group 74's Garage Sale. (If youý are doing some spring cleaning in the next two weeks and you have some bits and pieces to throw out, just cal 655-3716, 3646 or 3775, and they wil take it off your hands. They'l1 also seli goods for you..again.al thc above numbers for details). After you have collected somne barg- ains at their sale and maybe-had a coffee with Uic ladies, you can go over to the Anglican Church on Winchester and spend somne more money on some delicious home-baked goodies. The A.C.W. ladies are holding a tea and Bake cont'd on page 15 BROWN'FS FOODMAST.ER, BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 Valu. atisfact@ VALUE CHECK'D - RED OR BLUE BRAND SHORT RIB ROASIS 98~ wl ituau 1 ok-M 1-- OA. u«r PAVZIW.RAN BLADE STEAKS BLADE ROA STS WIINERS BOLOGNA IL 88 c lb. 08 c lb. 88 c lb. '44 c MW XOWo.fuwYCOEIV ! FRESH PORK LIVER - Lb. 39 0 SaUNOeM BEEF PATTES 2.Lb. 1.58 scutamueso COOKED HAM . &6Oz. S SCwoEM-S $ou. A... CHUBROL. .2 for 8 % FUTMIE - ASSOTW 7% RLOL i1" HEINZ JUNIORc FOODS 3*8O FRENCH'FS R L MUSTARD 22. BLOSSOM_ C SPECIAL SHOIPSY BOLOGNA 89C lb. pkg. FRESH MINCED Fom "Burger or Meut Lodf- Ground CHUCK IL. 68 c PEAMEAL, BACON End Cuts k $ 1.28 Ceutr.IL $,1.38 fEATUREI - KIDOIES LOVE UBBYS ,ALPIA-CETTI mli399 FEATUREI - TOMAT%'O 20Fi. Oz. somai AYI!MER CATSUP 63c FEATURE! CRISCO OIL os189 FEATUREI - ROASTER "SETTR BLENDEO 1-Lh. Vac î RED ROSE (off.. sl.29 GOLDEN RIPE SANANAS lbc,. SWEET PIEkPLS59Ceu NEW CROP -VALENCIA ORANGES 89C SIZE 13 >doz. "A~TM T M -id 4 . & SPAGUTISAUCE 45C J um nUTUS 020 Pain TETMm ua$109 OPEN- SIX DATS A WEIKR - t ":0 L . - 6 ...' IXCITTn MUS & FRIl aM'IL >g9.8,0 Thu- 3 BIG DAYS r0 17 <-Salý ALLEN'S RECONSTITUTED APPLI JUICE 48 -1 FL OZ 9c TIN 4 MIRACLE WHIP 16 FL OZ.C JAR 7 KING SZ POWDER MAON( BYKsOL41M. - 5"ilpMa. <si1s8 .April 1,9 KELLOGG'S Cor. Flakes 160,z. 62c ITI-THE-SEA UGHI FLAKED TUNA 6 FL OZ. 'c TIN 4 CATEW'"S aedy cit MACARONI or SPAGHEITi 16-OZ. 3 c DINNERS BATTERED COD w For Ideags On 1 F.inancial Security using LIFE INSURANCE Cail Bob Morrow 11-OL P4.69C 16,0L %ué, 99C su=0 BYR la Fi. CDL %l AWAKE ORMNE DtINK -5 3c I 'NLIVIIY AT I F/' Whocaes hmonesw toCARE» CARE Wort Hunme Fund 63 Sprks SLOtIawa KIP 5A BI C I S q uFEATUREI - IN TOMATO SAUCE - WITM PORK 14 FI.Oz. Tins BISWTS""iVAN CAMP BEANS 3131l FEATURIEI - DEL MONTE 48 FI. Oz. Tin PI-NEAPPLE JUI(E49 SUICEDBRAD u<3 8c PUNI JAM 9 1oz. i 69c~ FRESH fimt .TROPICS KOTIX t.&.5 c iso ML 1 T" CRET TOWSU$1.29 ANT PURBPNApn s5 R. Dz. na SOFi & DRI 99C fi FL. DZ. ln ADORN Udr-spmy $.29 SCIM PLUS 2 ScI4cX it wFMIî TronumePu&k INJECTOR hANS 88c FEATUREI 15 Fi. Oz. Tins BUDGET DOG FOOD 6R's1 BEST BUYI - BATHROOM 2 pIy DELSEY TISSUE 2t49C EST BUYl 2 "1*lb. a PURINA m- o w $5,99' BEST BUYI - RUFF 'N REDDI 10 ta Package IGARBACE BACS 99<C. FETURE1 - 4F tM LUX LIQUID +so~89< FTUREI - HEREFORID 12-02. Tn CORNED BEEF $1.09 CHRISMiES - MR. SALTY 7-O. Pkg. PRETZELS ke47C McCORMICKS BISCUITS 14-oz. Pkg. SOCIAL TU Pw79c CLUB HOUSE CRAVY mm 2149e 668,7517 or in Toronto 494.1844 udentW fAssurnce 'A 11 Ir v qg m

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