Whitby Free Press, 23 Apr 1975, p. 12

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T F - -. -mu, ~ ~~-?--~--~-,.---"--------- - -. -~ PAGE 12,WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS TheLaw&You Q. When my fiancee started work in this restaurant, she signed this long contract where she agreed to eat her lunch everyday, and they would deduct $ 1.00 from hier wages. Now it happens that my fiancee is a vegetarian and couldn't'eat the lunches they gave her, SQ she just dfd'n't bother. She has wbrked there for about 2 months now, so she's lost about $40 for food she didn't eat. It hurts when you're only getting the min imum wage. Any solu tion? A. Your fiancce can get back the deductions from her wages, if she can show that she didn't eat the meals they charged her for. The regulations undeqr the provin- cial Employment Standards Act make it clear that ""charges for meals...shall not be deductcd from the minimum wages of an emnployee unless'he has actually received the meals..." Furthermore, where an employ- ee is paid the minimum wage, aà' employer cannot de- duct more than 85 cents for each meal actually eaten. Q. Whien 1 started work in this departmcnt store, 1 signed a long contract full of fine print. 1 read some of it and it seems to me that 1 agreed not to sue the store if 1 was kiled or injured or sufféed any damage or loss, even if it was the store's fault. 1 needed the job so 1 signed. But latcly 1 have been worrying. What happens if I should faîl and get rcally badly injured, or if someone dropped a heavy crate on me. Would 1 be bound to this contract? A. Since you work in a retail store, the employer is obliged to pay into Uic accident fund of the Workmen's Compensation Board. Since you are covered under the Workman's Compensation Act you would not be able to sue your employer for job-rcîated injuries in any event. You would have to go to WCB. Your employer cannot ask you to sign away this right 50 in any event, that termn effect whatsoever. GELATINE Natural gelatine is a substance found in bones. Veal and beef knuckles, and shanks are prime sources of gelatin. Unflavored gelain is sugar-free. Flavor it with liquids, fruits, vegetables. meats, or seasoruings. of the contractis1 oi no îegau BOTULISM Due mainly to poor home-cari- ming techniques, 20 outbreaks of botulism were reported in the United States in 1974. T7he rare disease involved 30 individual- cases and seven deaths during the year. Botulism often causes high fever, severe nausea, and diarrhea. Q. If a 1 5 year old kid orclers a bicycle costing $1I89.00 and signis the order forms, wll the parcnts be obliged to pay fonit? It won't be vcry useful because wc found out, about it, we mnade sure that the 1 5 year old in question won't be able to sit on the bicycle for quite some tUme. A. The age of majority and accountabiity in Ontario is now 18. Anyonc under that age is considered a rninor or an infant. A contract cannot be enforced against a minor unless it is a côntract for necessities such as food, shelter and clothing. If the infant receives goods which are not necessary he may repudiate the contract. The goods can be returned and the money paid refunded. If* the bicycle has not arrived, the minor can refuse to accept it when it does and get his deposit (if any) back. Q. Some young people moved in next door and seem to have set up shop as motorcycle mechanics. The noise is deafening, csp-eciaîly since they tune up their bikes at midnight and later. 1 wcnt down to teli thcm off and one of them waved a wrenchi at me and told me to mind my own business. 1 called the police, but they said there was n othing 1 could do, since I had no witncsscs. I'm scared that if 1 complain again one of thesekids wilî attack me. What can I do? A. You might have a local by-law concerning noise at night. Check at the by-law enforcement office at city hall. As for the threats, you can have the kid bound by recognisance to kecp the peace. You can do this by laying an information before a justice of the peace, magistrate, or judge of the provincial court (criminal division). If you can show at a later hearing that the person may cause injury to you or your famly,he may bc ordered to enter into a recognisance, with or without a bond, " to kecp the peace and be of good behaviour" for up to twelve months. Violation of this recognisance is in itself a criminal offence. "These questions and answcrs, based on Ontario law, are published to infonn and not to advise. No one should try to apply or interpret the law without thc aid and advice of a trained expert who knows the facts, since the facts of each case may change the applicationr of the law." CAVIAR Most precious among ail hors d'oeuvres is caviar. Fresh Beluga caviar îs the most expensive. Beluga is the roe or eggs of the large sturgeon fish. It usually costs around $4 an ounce. Least expensive is red caviar. That's the large eggs of salmon. When ser- ving caviar keep it thoroughly cold i a container lodged in cracked îce. ) F * lé I. ~ IL some real great performers don't even know how to skate! We're nlot talking about Eddie Shack. He may flot be the smoothest Iooking skater that ever took to the ice, but he's known throughout the league as-one of the fastest, strongest skaters in hockey, even today, after 18 years of hockey's bumps and grinds. Fast Eddie took years to Iearn how to be a, real great performer and he works at it every day. Like Ed- die, we think Canadian plumb- ers are real great performers, even though rnost can't skate! It takes years of train ing to be- corne a professionat plumber. In fact, the average plumber spends over 5 years just learn- ing his trade before he can step out as a first class plumber. On top of that, he's constantl'y go- ing 10 'training camp' to keep up with changing technology. So when you use the service of your plumber, remember, he's spent considerable timne Iearn- ing the mns, outs, and mn-be- tweens of todays complex wa- ter systemns. As manufacturers of Duro pumps, we're proud to be part of this teamn of Real Great Performers. À4 - k Pumps & Sofieners, Limited 680 Waterloo St. London, Ontario AOL&- Who c ae? <'ARE WSrl Huhger Fund 63 Sparks St.Ottawa KI P 5A6 "BEFORE YOU ASSEMBLE THE OUTDOOR WADING POOL AND GRILLE, WOULD YOU MIND TAKING DOWN THE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS?" EOY Floida JFort Laudenla lm n e 172 handsomely decorated air conditioned guest rooms huge heated swimmmîng pool, kiddie poolý and sauna a 5 minutes to beach and smart shopping centres a golf, tennis, f ishing or sailing nearby e Die-Bierstube, delicious German buffet luncheon served daily - nightly entertainment* authentic Rathskeller - serving genui!ne "old country" dinners * winter home of the New York Yankees. 5727 North Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308. (305) 491-2600 1

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