Whitby Free Press, 7 May 1975, p. 12

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FOR SALE GUITAR - Acoustie Yamiaki deluxe, Rosewood baek and side solid cedar top, Grover machine heads,' perfect condition $150, only a fewv weeks oid, also 10- specd nien's 'Corso' BIKE, hardîy uscd, good condition $120. 'al 655-4852. Emno. 1967 BUI('K Le Sabre - needs motor work cverything cisc A-i $250. ('ail 683-8796. Emp. TIRES - 2 Uniroyal Fastrak iiubelcss, A-87- 13 %itewaii îwo ply polyester. Used only a fcw months $25. 1 tent sieeps four uscd twvo summners, grood condi- tion $45. ('ail 655-4302. Emp. REFRIGERATOR - 1 Vikit and I Kcnmore stove ($100 cac or $175 for both), Gibsonl S.( special guitar $250, Fendeucei cetamplifier $300. ('aIl after p..668-3941. Empg SKI BOOTS. Tyrol, excellent condition, size 8 $60 new, will seil for $20.C(ah 668-7563. Emp. 1960 CADILAC - Jîeetwood 390; .atitomnatic, rurifing condi- tion, Iiiftle work needed, must sel $200. C'al! Sunderland 1-705- 357-2135 after 6 p.m. and ask for Phil. Emp LAWN MOWER - Gas $ 25, portable sewing machine gendron baby carniage $15, golf clubs $25, metalU ladies tUtility cabinet, 4 shelves $10, metalý utiiity shelving, 3 shelves $8, ('al 668-8943. Emp1 1968 PONTIAC' Parisienne sel! or trade for mustang $850. CatI 655-3006. Erxlp. LAWN MOWERS -Two 18 in. 4 cycle, just tuned up $30 each, 1/ h.p. deep wve1i jet pump and tank, like new $125 or best offer, golf cart $10, 7 basement win- dows 12 in. X 37/ in. $6 each, picture window storm 58 in. X 64 in. $30, windoW size could be slightly altered. ('aIl 723-8220. WRINGER W4$HER - by Beattie, heavy-duty stainîess steel tub.$60. Cail 668-9805. Emi, BABY FURNITURE - Strofi O Chair, includes carniage, stroller chair, high chair, with inter- changeable parts $50. ('ail 728- 0333. Emp. TOW TRUCK - 3 ton, seling~ as is $900 or best offer. ('ail 668- 7654. Emp. -REPAIR MANUALS - Corn- plete set of smail gas engine repair manuals- ('ail 668-6779. Emp.~ MAG WHEELS - 4 Keystone classic, four 960X14 road hugger tires, in excellent condition. Must sefl. ('ail579-1787. TRAILER- Soft tof, camper trailer, sleeps four, ike neMwî wth 2 mattresses $325. ('ail 655-3411I SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT - girls' medium size, 3 pieces, hood, jacket and pants $55. ('ail 579- 2652. KITCHEN TENT - 9 X 12 like new $50, dresser $10, book case $5, washstand $35, water pump and- motor $35, childs wicker rocking chair $35, 2 Iamps $2 each. Cali 683-6638. FLOOR POLISHER - $ 15. ('ail 668-3209. 67 ('OUGAR - 289 V8, auto. matie, bucket seats, radio, snow- tires, mechanically Ai1, body is in good shape with the exception of damage to left rear quarter panel $500 or best offer. ('ail 668- 3002. Emp.1 RIMIS- Four 14 inch $5~ interior warmer for auto $4. ('ail 668-9605. Emp. * ratching side chairs $35 and $4 flaskh $60, ch5½ gallon aqar andittoany$15bnirdncage$7 swich grill$15,huidifige$27, 2 suilcases $15. ('ail 668-6644. _____________________________________ I. ENGAGEMENT RING - ike new, dlamond, gold band, asking $150. Cal! 723-15. Emnp. WASHER/SPIN DRYER- portable compact dryer, white, excellent condition $250. Cal! 668-9947. Emp. BICYCLE.. Small girls Eng- lishi antique $40, 66 Chcv 283B8, new~ exhaust systeni and ncw tires $500 or best offer as is. ('ail 725- 1280. SKATES -Girls Daoust niaide in Canada in goodl condition, size 9 $35. CalI 66 8-5541. lmp. COAT - Ladics black persian iamb aperoxiimatciy suze 20, in good condition, will seli for $50. 1Cal! 725-5714. Elmpl. ng Ch SKI-BOOTS - Ladies sîze 61/2 ,G. buckie Sty'le, orn once $25. ('alil )n- 668-21197. Emp. BICYCLE - orange bike $30, B & W TV $5. Boy's 3-spccd, Philco 18 inch ('alil 728-5476. FOR SALE - 4 chrome discs 14 inch from 1968 Beaumont $5, Skil 1/4 inch drill 3 wire $5, al wvave TV antenna just head $10, one Uniroyal near newv ram tire on wheel Blockwall 6.35 X 14 from 1973 Nova $20. Ca!! 723- 2731. Emp. DOLL OUTf-ITS - About 30 different outrats for 'Crissy' and Veivet's Little Sister'. Priced from $1 to $3. ('ail 728-2578. SNOWPLOMI - New 6 ft. adjustable angle compiete with independent electrie - hydrauiic power, adaptable to most tnîcks $500. ('ail 655-3683. Emp. DRUMS -- Bass, snare high tom, floor tom, cymbal, highi hat. Some new heads asking $125. Cal! 576-7557 after 7 p.m. DINING ROOM suite - walnut refinished $425 or best offer. ('ail 668-2445. Emp. INGLIS DRYER - Gas, i year oîd $100.,('ail 655-4361 or 668- 5250. Emp. TIRES - Michelin ZX radial size 165X14 (equiv. C78X14 or 6.95X14) only 1/3 worn $25 each. Qty 2. ' ('ail Dave 668- 7138. Emp. GUITAR- 1965 Fender tele- caster aIl re-wired excellent condi- tion with hard shell case, miust sel $350-. (ahi 668-4939 TIENT TRAILER-. Quaiity A line, ' seffs 8, lincluding zip-on add-a-ro.m,, bun.k bed, spare tire, storage,iin, luggage rack, instant swing- open assembly $895. ('ail «68-8943. Emp. TELEVISION - - Used B&W 26 inch floor model with doors good condition asking $75. ('ail 655-4225. Emp. WEDDING GOWN - Size 7/8 long veil and headpiece incIuded, long sleeves, excellent condition, regular price $ 150.00, asking $50. must see..cal 668-9120 after 4. EVAPORATOR - Keeprite coil, model K.U.('. 2010, 4 fan, 11 5V, 60 cycle, 6 ft. 115in. X 1 ft. 5 in. $250. ('aIl 668-6887. ,Emp- TV - Electrohome 21 inch sereen, B&W, working condition $50. 3795. console, in good ('ail 668- Emp. 1965 FORD Station Wagon - r4 door, big 352 cubic inch engine, good mechanical performance, soîd uncertified at $200 or best offer, caîl 668-3787 ask for John. STOVE - Used Norge, approx. 40 inch $35 or best offer. ('al 668-2638. Emp. HUTCH TENT ideai for camping ('ail 725-2967. - Vega'wagon & travel $50. Emp. WINTER COAT - Girls, blue witli white fur on hood, cuffs an)d pockets, knee length, size 14, $20 or best offer, 1 girls long dress only worn once, white top & black patterncd bottom, floor length, size 14, $ 15 or best offer. ('aIl 668-8198. Emp. FOR SALE -- B&W TV radio AM/FM, record player combina- tion, newv pictuire tube, nleyer used, A-I condition $150 or best offer. ('aIl 576-5729. EM P. TAPESTRIELS 8 beautifuil veivet wceaved tapestries for floor or wvall hangîngs, seli at cost $30 each (suze 4 ft. X 3 ft.> ('ai! (coilect) 1-649-5443. Lni1p. AFGH1ANS -01ld tïshioned 45in. X 45in. for $45, 54in. X 54in. for $54. Both, muiti- coiourcd and wvould suit any decor. ('aIl 655-4776. Emp. -POODLE - Pup, 8 weeks oid, purebred unregisiered $50. ('al 668-4663. Emp. DINING SET - Buffet, chairs and- table needs wvork $50. Cal! 668-6445. Emp. MOVIE CAMERA - Super 8 G.A.F. STIOIE model wîth clectro-fade 6 to 1 zoom lens, battery test, eye hood, lens hood UV Haze filter, YASHICA film editor, film splicer and glue $95, firm. ('ail 668-2764 after 5:30 p.m. Emo. LAWNBOY - Super heavy- duty iawnmowver, used only twice must seli $150. ('ail Mr. Shore 9 - 5 at 728-9427. Emp. HUTCH - reproduction smali pine $75. ('ail 668-4677 after 5. 1966 ('11EV Ilandi-Van $700 ('ail 655-3066. Emp. HAMILTON JET UNIT - with 100 hp engine, sýiitabIe for boat 15 ft. and up $525. For detals eall 668-2225 after 4:30 p.m. GAS 1 00,000 new. FURNA('E - (ANTHES) BTU's, 5 ft. taI!, very ('aIl 668-2851 after 5. STEREO B3AR - With short wave AMIFM radio and turnitab!e must see to appreciate asking $375. ('ail 668-2198. Emp. MANS SUITS - Near-new al wool taîl size 44-46, dark blue with vest $45, medium blue white stripes $35, light b!ue $35, girls skates size 2 $5, rock tum- bier kit used once $14. ('al 728-5433. Emp. VACtUUM- Viking canister cleaner with attachments $20. Caîl 668-6522. Emp. PAN GUITAR - Repica of Gibson Les Paul, two double pick- ups, excellent condition, adjust- able steel neck $100 firm. ('al 668-9772. Emp. AQUARIUMS - four 20 gaIl- Ion aquariums, 4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover îights, accessories about 50 tropfical fish with a red fin shark included (3 ft. long) $130. ('ail 668-9288 after 5 p.m. ANTIQUE - Dresser with mir- ror $55. ('ail 655-4776. Emp. SNOW TIRES - With rîms size F78-15, $25 pair, eaul 725- 1691 days, evenings 668-4593. WADING POOL - 8 feet- diaineter, cover $12, i pair ladies' skates, size 7 $4. ('ail 668- 8290. Emp. RECORD PLAYER - portable $15, kitchen table, chrome & .grey marble in design $20, please eall after 6 p-m. 655-3240. Emp. STOVE- 30 inch electric automatie, seif-cîeanirlg, rotisseriC 1974 Admirai mode!, white, as ncw condition $175. Cal! 668- 9850. Emp. QUILTS - 2 new, hand made, beauitiful designcd, double bcd size qiits. May be scen at 108 Euiciid St. Whitby or caîl 668- 5537. One $50 aind one. $75. TENT TRAILER tresses andj( spare tire baby carniage $25. 3925. $250, lloyd ('ail 668- Em 1). BOQAT - 14 ft. cedar strip boat, cen tre-deck, Nvindsliield, stecring Nvheel and tarp, new rcfinishced ho!!, no rot, fibre glass bottomi, good shape $200. ('al 655-3700. STEREO & record player- Viking $100, Viking B&W TV 21 inch $100. coffee table oblong $15, portable sewing table $12, new kitchen chairs (2) $10, corn- er step table $15, aIl in good condition. ('ail576-3047. Emp. WASHER/SPINNER. - Ken- more twîn-tub washcr and spinner excellent condition $125. ('al 668-3131 after 4:30 p.m. Emp._ 1969 OLJS- - ('utlass 442 V8 power dise brakes, automatie, AM/FM radio, ail gauges includ- ing tachometer, 2 door hard top, body needs pain t, approximateiy 76,000 'miles, $1,100 or best of- fer. ('ail 668-1066. Emp. STEREO - Pioncer system brand ncw AM/FM recciver, 8 track, turnitable, 2 speakers,$400 ('alil 668-7190. Emp. BICYCLE- Girls high risc $30. ('al! 728-8056. Ernp. ANTIQUE'toi! top desk plus, swivel chair $450. tw.o bedroom, cottage, inside facilities to be removed from premises, iocated Dalrym pie Lake $ 1,000. ('alil 668- 3495 for information. 67 VOLVO - Completeiy rebui!t must be sold, best offer. ('ail 985-2668. HIGHCHAIR - $ 10, crib $ 10. ('ail 668-35 73 after 5 p.m. Emp. AQUARIUM - New 15 gai. .compietely equipped with starter kit, neyer used $30..('ail 655- 4494. Emp. Skis- ExcelIêrnt condition used Dnly once. $40. ('aIl 723- 9016. Emp. TIRES - SAVE $62, used only 100 miles, 2-4+2 beîted L-78 -15 summer tires original price .per sales bill $74.50, two 2-2+2 bel1ted L-78-15 snow tires, original rice per sales bill $85.80 wlî sel!1 for $25 each. ('aIl 668-5386. TENT TRAILER - 1970 .Otto plus add-a-roomn, excellent condition, pu Il-out stove and sink plus ice-box and new spare tire $1,200. ('alil 655-3022. Emp. t "'~a~i-r>a IL FLOOR POLISHER - Viking 100 $17. ('aIl around noon 668- 2588. Emp. C'OCKER SPANIEL - Pup champion sire, blond.maie, ('ana- dian Kennel Club registration papers, shots, dewormed $150 ('ail 5 79-2044. Emp. 1969 FORD GiiLnXIE 500 - 2 door hard top, power brakes and steering, automnatie transmission, maroon colour, excellent condi- tion $1,000 or best offer. Lie. FBE 130. ('ail 655-3867 or 655- 4594 and ask for Harry. Emp. NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY wheny ou seli! There wilI flot -be any c1hirZe to advertisers ini the FfEE PRES S EMPORIUM uflless the item aývertised is soîd. When the aLvertised item is so!d, you pay, à commission based on must be placed' on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not sold RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item 'idvcrtised for $5 0.00 - commission due $ 2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising onîy! Please notify uis if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press îmmediately when item is sold so tl1at wc may delete it from the foliowing issues. Services, lhelp wanted, ciothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only be handled on a prcpaîd basis. If in doubt, cal! 668-6 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY full length, size 14, Cail 668-5447. sacrifice $75. Emp.1 CHAIRS - Two chesterfields chairs good for rec-room or cot-, tage $10 each, 1 step stool chair $8. ('ail 668-9009. Emp. book, yearbooks up (1962) $100. ('al to 1970 728-9777. 8 TRA('K - Muntz 8 track stereo player, recorder, with AMI FM radio, excellent condition, cost $370 with speakers, will selI foi $200 FIRM. ('aIl 668-3167. HUMIDIFIER - $5, exercise cycle $5, baby car bed $4, stereo record player $15, 8 golf clubs & bag $15, typewriter $25, electric, sewing machine $20, rvcking horse $5, baby walker $3, sword $5. ('aIl 668-257. BABY CARRIAGE - Lloyd excellent condition $25. ('al 655-3553 after 7 o.m.* Emp. STEREO ('OMPONENTS 1 Sears receiver, 1 Garrard changer (turntable), 2 speakers, very good condition $ 150.00. ('ail 668- 926after 6 p.m. Emp SHELVING UNIT - Black tube, glass shelves, 24inXl8inX 72in $75, matching end- tables (2) 24inXl8in $45, G-E. baking- toasting oven $25, hanging lamp, shallow, circular style, dark navy $85, Kenmore, washer-spin dryer white enamel, almost new $ 150.ý" ('aIl 655-3457. Enp. VANITY - With cupboard and drawer and large mirror $50,' oid barboes chair pumrps up and down and lies back good condi- tion $25, 8 ft. pink 'arborite couniter top $8, antique mirror, with walnut pineapple pattern frame that holds knick knacks and is partially stripped very- large $30, old row type school desk wrought mron & wood $10, 4 varidus cupboards & end tables need finishing $5 each. ('ail 668- 6567. Emp. LiowGner rece n deasd inloe imauae contdionswort i2n795nmaeoditsionforbet offer over $1,500. ('ail 668-2545 white, new condition $145. ('al 668-3679. Emp. TAPE RECORDER - Sirnp- son Sears cassette, 4 tapes, like new $20, Grenoble fibreglass skis laminated $10. 'al 668-4600. all extras, gutter mount alumi- num roof rack, assorted marine equipment, controls, anchor, hard- ware, 12 gauge shot gun with case and ammo, 1brass michigan props for outboard marine motor 25-40 h.p. and 10-18 h.p. ('aIl 579- 3917. i 1' _____________________ I jWnuuby. I ySTE, Pi om/FM ntstereo, tuner-AMP;iGrneetrntablse and Stt or-way sperake r temn $700. orWllin toptae fr sgood $70m. camera plus ash.fo('ail 668-6248. Emp. TENT 12X 14 has attached diriing area $25 or will trade for smailer one (9X9) Caîl 668-9585 gold broquade, good $75. ('ail 668-7644. - condition Emp. SHEEP MANURE - $30 for 1/ ton truckload, $40 delivered. ('ail 655-4410 after 5 p.m. Also 2 persian kittens free to good hom e COTTAGE - Bob 's Lake- Hwy. 38, new cottage,' 6 rooms, lake front lot. Caîl 683-5268 after 5 p.m. cabin in CAESAREA - New siding and feance, electrie heat living and dinirig room, kitchen, new bathroom .and shower, nice- residential area; fantastic viewv, $32,500. ('al 579-3917. WANTED APARTMENT -inexpensive but good one bedroom apartmnent close to central Oshawa. ('ail 576-? 7557 after 6 p.m. BIABYSIITING- Will babysit pre-schooler Monday to Friday West Lynde area. Call 668-3050. ('ail 668-6393e. C 6-80 HEL? WANTEI) ('ARETAKERS for a country house, flower gar- den,- vegetable garden and somne fruit trees. 5 roomn apartmnent with heat and electricity and .salary. ('ail655-4400. WANTED - Canad a's leading Manufacture and Distributor is seeking a choice residential site to dis- play thefr new 1975 above ground redwood pool. Your backyard is the prime loca- tion we wil consider. An you the home ownier to cali collect 292-2263 days or evefllfls. SAFETY CHECIKS *USED CARS SOLO *rwir TWNsxivhCE gfohns à cexaco Service ANTIQUE - Dresser $150, kitchen 'cabinet $300, beauty table with 3 mirrors $200, two chairs $48 eaeh, rocking chair $90. ('ah 5 79-2939. Emp. 1 i 1 i 1 1-1 1 -y Mi . m - - 1 1 1 1

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