Whitby Free Press, 7 May 1975, p. 3

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Grand Ju'ryreport "Il-is cetître (the Durham Centre for the Developinen- tally Handicapped) is a great asset to our commuiinity and we should be proud of it" according to a recent Grand Jury Report. After vîsiting the activity rooins and dic cifldrens' bedrooiris and washroorns, the grand jury observed that "ýeverytlîing seemied quite well in order .Th..fe children seemn tolhave everything they nieed. They were al dean and as happy as possible. Many were attending Aldon Sehool in Ajax, cither iii a hialf day or full day program.Y The grand jury was then taken on a tour of one of the aduit cottages, Aduit M. R. Unit 3 and concluded that "the bedroomns are in good order. The patients seemned to be happy." The grand jury also spoke glowingly of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital and in particular the Adolescent Unit, Cottage 5, a building designated for children between the ages of 12 and 16. *Nancy Bridges, supervisor of Cottage 5, "expressed a need for more qualified staff namnely counsellors" for this maximum security unit which cari handie 10 youngsters and has three beds for emnergency purposes. "Mhis cottage, is beautiful- ly decorated and furnished with emphasis on the com fort and privacy of the young- sters", the report statcd. The grand jury observed that "of the children who have been involved ini coun- selling in this unit, many have since been successfully reentered in other training programis, an indication of the value of the work bcing donc in this program." The grand jury was also imiprcssed with Medical Unit C, tlie geriatric wing of Uhc hospital. After the. supervisor of thc unit explaincdd ic various activities in which thie patients were eficouraged to participate, the grand jury concluded that "an excellent programi seemis to 1)e in oper- ation hiere. Thiere appears to bc a good relationship between patients and staff. Thie patients seern very happy and well taken care or'. The grand jury then toured Fairview Nursing Home which has 212 resi- dents and a waiting pcriod of six months. The report suggcstcd that 69perhaps the old beds now. ini use could be transferred to somewhere else and replaced with hi-low beds" which arc "such a hclp lifting patients on and off"'. Muriel Coates, administra- tor, "secmed to think Uic new medication programi caused somcwhat of a waste, but as it is somewhat new it may correct îtself, Urne will tel". The jury observed that everyone of the residents "seemcd very happy". A tour of thc Durhiam Regional Jail 'revealed that there were "no*persons being held without just cause or unjustly detaîned for want "of a trial or being heard". "Several warrants were checked and found to be in order", thc report said. It "seems to us diese celis should be in an area not s0 closely related with the pu- blic, also there shiould be an officer on hand at ail times Could there not be celis in stallcd across the hall, roon 13,16? There is sufficien room there for celîs plu Lib rary Prog ram As tomnorrow is Profes- Baker and his wifc F sional Devlopmcnt Day for as Uiey continue Uhi separate school teachers and for the Nile's sourcef a holiday for Uic students, fever-ridden, near fat Uie Whitby Public Library They discover Lake has a special film prograni for a vital link in the seo Uic youngsters-scheduled for Uic true*source. In1 2:30. David Livingstone ch Thoe library also has many Speke's Lake Victoria other activities schcduled for and Burton are inv month. debate in public Each Monday beginning theories but Spek at 7:30 during May in Uic m ysteriously, killed programn room, the library own gun. wil present a values clarifica- The parent effe< tion prograun conductcd by training course, condu Stuart Licmy and Uic Alex- Stuart Liemn and tIi ander Clinic. ander Clinic in Oshav The story hours continue cludes on May 14 in1 in the library's program room grami roomn. Thîe fi on Saturday momings from sion begins at 7:30 p.in 10:30 to 11:30 with May's The story hoursc theme "Zoo month at the on May 17 with a library". play entitlcd 'The The third session, of thc featuring animnalj presehool story hours is in and on May 24 whi full swing on Tucsdays and McKnight of the B, Tfhursdays at 10 a.m. ville Zoo wil brings At Uic sanie timne the the animais housed mothers' group is meeting for to the coundl chamb( lively discussions over a cup May 3 1, Uic chfldrer of coffee. entertaincd with zoo This Saturday there WI and will get a chance1 be a Mothers' Day prograin lion bookmarks at cra with an opportunity for Uic The filmn series cc childrcn to make cards. on May 20 with "Fin< The fourth film in a six- ston", Stardey's se& part series entitled "T7he Livingston and theg Scarch for the Nle" wfll be , tion of Lake 'Iani shown on T casday beginning and concludes witl at 7:30 in the programn room. quest and Dealli The film "The Great discovery of the Nfie. Debate" folIpws, Samuel Florence ,ir scarch for th ree al ycars. SAlbert ,arch for Lond on, hallenges a. Speke vitcd. to their ke dies by his ctivcness ictcd by e Alex- ma, con- the pro- fial ses- continue [puppet [e Egg" puppets ,in Don 3owman- some of thercin )ers. On n wHI be o stories to make ,aft time. ,ontinues [d Living- arch for explora- igariyika, h 'Con- "the wasliroomns and better air-cir- culation and separation from Uic public. We thiink this arrangement would be better for aIl concerncd. The pre- sent celîs could then be uised for storage", the grand jury recommnencled. "We féel courtroom 4 shouild be comnpleted immied- iately, there seenis to be a need for thiese extrat facilities. Also Juidge Shecarer does not have a private office, it is recomimended tlîat a private office be arranged", the re- port said. The grand jury also feels tlîat "parking facilities and cafeteria have inadequate space". Turning its attention to Uic lîeadquarters o( Uic local police departmcnts, thc grand jury found that the Ontario Provincial Police Whitby detaclîment "p r e m i s e s scemed very dlean and orderly" but suggestcd "Uic installation of a guard rail or curb at the east end of the parking lot as there is a sharp drop off" at Uic Witby de- tachment of Durlham Regional Police. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESOAY, MAY 7,1976, PAGE 3 GIFT FOR HOSPITA4L A special presentation was made last week to the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital by Mrs. Ronald Robinson in memory of her late husband. Mr. Robinson was the chief engineer at the hospital since before it opened. -Tom Geddes, left, and Mitchell Atlas, right, look on as hospital administrator- John Kunetsky accepts the gift, a new Pentax camera on behalf of the members of the King Solomnon's Lodge GRC22 of which Mr. Robinson was Senior Warden. Mr. Kunetsky told the Free Press ""the, camera will be used for general hospital use, medical photography, slides and trainin g"'. Free Press Photo CINNAMÎON-APPLE Combine 21/z ups f rozen dessert topping, thawed; 1/ cup powdered sugar; ½1/ teaspoon pure vanilla extract; 1/2 teaspoon ground cin- namon and about 1 pound can or jar of apple sauce. Spoon into dessert dishes; chili. 4 to 6 serv- ings are yours to enjoy. meg and serve withn cmnarn M- stick for stirrer. Sip it slowly. IANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES MEMORABILIAI mâle a

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