Whitby Free Press, 7 May 1975, p. 7

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WHITSY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1975, PAGE 7 Br~kin, ~j.Byines We'll start off with Ashburn this week. Group 74 are moving into the Community Centre on Thursday, May 8th at 1 p.m. They are holding a Tupperware party..and if j you have time to spare and wish to add to your collection of ilseful Tupperware items, then you'1l be more than welcome to join the crowd. The next craft class to be held at the Centre wil be at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May l3th. And if you are the mother of a pre-schooler ýou may be interested in a Preschool Playtime that is now being organized in the Ashburn area. Cali 655-3872, 3886 or 3348 for more information. Frank Barklay and his music are back at the Centre on Saturday, May 24th, for the dance that has been arranged. It wil start at 8:30 p.m. and there will be lunch and prizes.. ¶ .... tickets are $5 per couple. So get your glad rags on and go along and join in on the fun. For both Ashburn and Brooklin, in fact for the whole of the North Ward, Saturday, May IOth is the second Satur- day in the month and therefore Paper Drive Day. The scouts and cubs apologize for the fact that they cannot take your glossies, magazines or cardboard. They can only pick up newsprint..and that lias to be tied both ways and be out for pickup by 9 a.m. It's not that the boys have become too fussy, just that the new arrangements that Words£01 ~We Lynde by Norm Mealing Hello once again! This weck there are a few items of interest t0 us ail. We can cxpect a property tax hike in' 1975, and beware if you own a dog. These stories and one or two others, so keep on reading. Property Taxes You may recaUl that, a few months ago, 1 offered con- gratulations to the Coundil for the Town of Whitby. Thcy had worked long and hard in preparing their 1975 budget and when they were finished, they had succeeded in struc- turing a budget that would require no mfli rate increase this year. When 1 commented on this fact, 1 said that we should al watch carefully to sec what the area school boards and the regional government would do when thcy arrived at their budgets for 1975. jWell, in case you missed it, bolli of. these local bodies have fixed their budgetary requirernents. Early last week, the two school boards released the bad ncws, followed shortly thereafter'by the regional council. According to the newspaper reports, if you are a separ- ate school supporter you can anticipate an increase of 2.1 J mils in your mil rate. A sirnlar increase can be expected if you are a public school supporter and the budget for the regional government is, according 10 published reports, going to increase by 15% to 20%. We should be aware of the actual dollar increase in our property taxes in the near future, but don't you ail wish that our elected representatives on the school boards, and the regional coundil had dernonstratcd the same concern that Whitby's counilors dtl. While 1 arn on the subject of regional governmenî, a local radio station carried the story that, during the first year of regional govcrnment in our area, the big financial winner was the City of Oshawa. Sounds like the rich getting richer to me. Dog Licenses You have aIl probably been visited this spring by young p)eop)le, working for the Town, who asked if you owned a And, il may be also that many people don't buy dog licenses as thcy are required 10 do, but surely, the time for a threatening formn letter is after the deadline date has passed, and not before. And, surely, you only th reatcn the full wcighh of the law on those who are breaking the law. Al 1 can say is, very poor P.R., Council, very poor P.R! they have insist on mhese stipulations. Please continue 10 help them, even tho' lucre is more bother for you. May ioth secs two activities in Brooklln that 1 know that you'll be interested in. At 10 a.rn. at the United Church Hall there is the U.C.W. Garage Sale..complete with a bake table and white elephant table. Lots of bargains and goodies for everyonc, so gel there carly and gel the pick of the bargains. Furîher dowri Cassels Road at the Comrnunity Center, Dr. Watt is back with another of his auctions. As usual you can preview at 10 a.m. and the sale itself starts at 12 noon.' Although there will bc thc usual fine consignmcents which we have come to expect from Dr. Watt, the difference this time is the fact that his commission wîll bc going to the Lion's Club in Oshawa, which as you know deals with young people and varlous charities. So the more Dr. Watt makes the more that will go to the club. And the Brooklin Legion, Ladies Auxiliary will bc on hand to serve the refreshm-rents. Monday, May 12th at the United Church sees Mission Night. It starts at 7:30 p.m. and is for ail parents and Intcrested, people from the mid-week groups of the United Churcli. Corne along and sec what is going on.' 1 know quite a fcw lovcly young ladies in the North Ward..lovely in spirit and vitality as wclI as in looks .... and I'm sure there are many others bctwecn the ages of 14 and 22 years. Anyone of them could be Miss Brookiin Spring Fair this June 7th. So ail you fair maids in the North Ward get your application forms and enter this pageant..don't be bashful, just cali cither Joc Pengclly, 655-4596; or Wayne"Disney, 655-3160. The forms have 10 be rcturncd by May l8th so don't take ioo long about picking up that phone. Wcll that's il for this week..anything going on YOUR way? Then calI 655-3750 and share your ncws with the WHOLE of the North Ward. Take care and sec you next wcek. LIZ High-Rise The resident 's of West Lynde, as representcd by thc West Lynde Comrnunity Association, are planning a public meeting on May lSth, at 7:45 p.m. at Henry Street High School t0 discuss and inform people of the high-rise devel-, opmenî projeci proposed for the corner of Dundas and Jcffrey Streets and the involvement of the Ontario Housing Corporation in. the Development. The meeting is planned as an open meeting and the May- or and Ithe Counicillors of Whuîby have been invited 10 attend. A special invitation is extended to ail residents of Whitby who are concerncd aI thc prospect of such a development.1 Personally, it is my bèlief that this projedt, although it will effect only West Lynde directly, is of major impor- tance to alI of Whitby. We have a fine cornmunity, one which reflects Uic wishcs of ic majority of us who want 10 guarantce that our children can grow Up without the unsettling effects of a large urban arca. High-rise vîll, in my opinion, seriously affect our community, and 1 appeai ho ail Whitbyites to corne together and defeat th is proposai. Well, that's il for this wcek, folks. Again, remnember the Spadina Expressway. And don't forget that this coming Saturday, thc lOth of May, is paper day. So bundie up those old newspapers (no catalogues, no magazines) and leave thcm out for, Uic Boy Scouts. L iberal exec. The Brookiin and area Liberal Association elcctcd ils new executive last wcck in a meeting ai thc Ashburn Community Centre. Joe Mulcahy is presideni; Roy Hamer, fi rst vice- i president; Lois Daw, second vîce-president;, Sam Hollings- worth, third vice-president; and Mcl Hundert, sccrctary treasurer. Memnbers atilarge are Rene Thiebaud, Greta Halscy and Mary Forbes. We style your haïr your way. Need suggestions? We can give them. Know what you want? We'll do it. We 10 rn our sliop to serve you. TONY'S HAIRSTYLING .Loiir Pa±k .jza 668m5441 Do it- y9urself- ideas. 25I! 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