FOR SALE GUTTAR -Aeouistic Yanaki deluxe, Rosewood back ani side solid cedar top, Grover machine. heads, perfect condition $ 150, only a few weeks old. also 10- speed nien's 'Corso' BIKI?. hardly usewd, good condition $1 20. ('al 655-4852. Enip. 1967 BUICK Le Sabre - needs motor wvork everything cisc A-i $250. Cali1683-8796. Il np. TIRES- 2 tJniroyal Fastrak itubeless. A-87-1 3 w'hitc\vaill rw'o ply polyester. Used only a le\' mionths $25. i tent siceps fouir used two sumtmers, good condi- tion $45. ('ail 655-4302. LmIp. REFRIGERATOR - i Viking and i Kcnmiore stove ($1 00 cai or $175 for both). Gibson S.G. special guitar $250. lender con- cert amplifier $300. Cail after 5 p.m. 668-394 1. 1.,In p SKI BOOTS - Tyrol. excellent condition. size 8 $60 ncw. svill selI lor $20. Cail 668-7563. 1'i p. 1960 CADILAC -Fieetwocod 390, autornatic, running condi- tion, litIle Nvork nceded. tmîst seli $200. ('aIl Sunderland 1-705- 357-21 35 after 6 p.m. and :îsk for Phil. Lnip LAWN NIOWER C as S_25, portable sewine2 machine $40. -t-etdron baby carriage S 15. ladies coîf clubs $25ý. mc taI u ility cabinet. 4 shelves S$10. metal u tilits' shelving. , he S$8.('al 668-8943. 1:Inmp 1968 POI I.-l(' PrtsîienncselI or trade t'or niu stange $850. ('all 655-30>06. [i-tnp. LAWVN NlQ WERS --'\w-o 18 in. 4 esele. 051 tuned up $30 ecch 'Zhip. deep well jet puimp and tank. like new S I125 or besi t er. golf cart SI10. 7 bascetneitt s ti- ew s I12 i. X 3712 n. $6 ecaci, pîcture \window stortu 58 in.X 64 in. $30. w îndess si/e ceuld bc sligh ls'altercd.('al 23-822U TiRI:S -NicihltrMZXradial steel belted. site I 65X 14.<cqLuiv,. ('78X 14 or 6.95XN 4> cs.cellenî condition. lisi $50 each,ý 2 l'or $42. (Cal 668-71 38. F.m P. STLRLO -Component stere system. Pioncer .-NI 1-NI stereo tuner-AMP. Garrard turn table and Scott four-w ay 5 speaker systeti $700. Willingc to trade for i-ood 35mm camera plus cash. ('al 668-6248. 1:p REPAIR MANUALS - Com- picte set of smaIl gas engine repair manuals. Cali 668-6779. Emp. HQRSE 3 year old, hall' Arab, haif quarter horse, good disposition. Asking $400. Cali 655-3122. 1'RAILER Soft top camper traider, siecps fotur, like ne'.w, with 2 mattresses $ 325. Cali 655-3411 SCUBA DIVINC Wf T SUIT - girl.s' mcdiumn site, 3 pieces, hood, jacket and pants $55. Cal 579- 2652. KITCHEN TENT- 9 X 12 like new $50, dresser $10, book case $5, w.ashstand $35, waler pump and mrotor $35, childs '.icker rocking chair $35, 2 lamps $2 each. ('ail 683-6638. 1-LOOR POLISIIER Cail 668-3209. $15. 67 COUGAR- 289 V8, au te- matie, bueket seats, radio, snow- tires, mecbanically A 1 , body is in good shape '.sith the exception of' damage lu left rean quarter panel $500 or best ofl'*er. Cail 668- 3002. Emp. RIMS - Four 14 inch $5, inleior w.irmer for auto $4. Cali 668-9605. Emp. ANTIQUE - Chesterfield $275 rnatching side chairs $35 and $45 black leather chesterl'ield, chair and ottomnan $150, continental bcd '.ith headboard $20. Cal 655-4776. Lmp. AQUARIUM 15 galion with stand and ail accessories including fish S60, 51/ gallon aquarium with canopy $15, bird cage $7, .sandwich grill $5. humidifier $25, 2 suicsî.i $15~ . 'aIl 668-6644.1 I ENGAGEMENT RING Like nie'., diamnontl, gold band, asking $ 150. Cail 723-1950. Eînp. WASIIER/SPIN I)RYER - portable compact dryer, wvlite, excellenît coniditiotn $250. ('al 668-9947. EI-:ip. I. ~-.--~ r BICYCLE - Smnail girls Eng- lish antique $40. 66 Chev 283B8, ncw exliaust systenî and ne\v tires $500 or best offer as is. Cali 725- 1.280. SKATES G; iris Daoust nmade in Caniada in good condition, size 9 $35. ('ai 668-554 1. 1 111p. COAl' Ladies black persian iarnb aîmroxima tels' size 20, ini good Condition, w iii sedi lor $50. ('ail 725-5 714. Emip. SKI-BOQ'1S 1Ladies site W6¼ buekile stvle, w'ortî once $25. ('ail 668-2119ý. 1 111 64 NOVA Good shape ask- ing $150 as is. 66 PLYNOUTII no inotor. asking $100. ('ail 723- 3583. Lîp ['OR SALIE 4 chrome discs 14 in chi troi 1968 Beaumnt $5, S kil iP44incliddill 3 w'ire $5. al ssave"' an terina just head $ 10 one Untroyal near tîew raiii tire on w'lîel Blockwal 0.35 X 14 tromn 1973 Novi $20. ('al 723- 2'738.i'rp i)QLL OLIITS About 30 d it't'reiît ou t 'iuts lor ' n a' înd ~Vle sLittîle S ister*. Priced froti $1 te $3.('al 7- 8-25-78. SNU PI0W New 6 ti . a1dj o stable angletcocttp~le te \\i1t1 tidepenrdenrt cleIeti,ý -h draIk powser. adaîptab le Io m111 et truck, DRUMNS l1.îs, rnarc Itutu toin. iloor ti. cs trbal. Iiteih It.t ail 5"'."witc ai-1cr a1pnwi rc'nsc 425 or qbcst .îtr, (116>-445. I upý I\t;I 18 iRYI R G1is, s .t (,)Id S IlIt. I Wll (55-4301I tr <>18- fi R I S Nicitliit M.\radialI "I/ze 165N 14 ('s.t 8\ 14 tor 6.9;X 141 oni:. 1,3 seorîti 2 eakhi. Q t'. 2. t'.ll l)av.e 668- '713-8.Itn G U Vr AR 1905 1'entier tele- caster ail ne-'.c'rrd es.cellcîîl etîidi- tion witli liard siell kase. miust sdIl $350. ('ail 668-4939 TEST TRA iLi7R Quality A line. sleeps 8. iricldîne ,zîp-on auld-a-noorn, bunk letd. spare tire. st(>rage bin, luggage rack, instant swing open assernbly $S895.('i 668-8943. iltp. TELI VIION t ed B&W 26 inch floor model ssitiî(d0ors Cood condition asýjkit-, $75. ('aI 655-422-5. I'unp. WLD1)INCGQWN Site 7 58 long veil and liiadpicce ircludetl. long sîceves, excelletnt conditioun, regular pice SI 50..00, asking $50. must sec 668-9 12-0 aller 4. F -VAPORA'1QR Keepnite coil. model K.C(. 2010, 4 f'an. 11 5V, 60 cycle, 6 (t. 5 i'n. I1 1t. 5 i. $250. ('al 668-6887. 1 np. 'F-V 21 inch w'o rk ing 3795. Eliec t r>ui rii c sceri. & condlition $5». Ctîtisole, ti good ('al 668- lin p. 1965 FORD) Station Wagon 4 door, big 352 cubie minchetgine. good mechanicai perf'ormnance, sold uncentît'ied at $201) tr lîct ofl'er, cail 668-3787 ask l'or Johbn. STOVE-- Used Ntrge, approx. 40 inch -$3-5or bestoflfer. ('al 668-2638. ip. IU'[('hl T'lN1 ideal l'or canping Caîl 725-2967. Vega swagonî & ravel $50. E nip. ANTIQUE D)re-ser $150, 1kitcheti cabinet $300. beauîty table with 3 mirruirs $200, tsvo chairs $48 cadli, nuîckirîg chair 1$90. ('aIl 579-2939. LEm P. GIRLS ('I.O'I'IING Site 10 - 12, 2 boxes,cdi buix corri- picte svardrobe $25.00 each. 1.xcllent condition. (CaIl 668- WINTER (COA'1 Girls, bitte tsi tIisvhîte fuir on iood, cui Is antd puekets, knee icrîgtb, site 14, $20 or best otTfer, 1 girls lonîg dness oîîly wuruî once, white top) & black palternet boltoin, lloor engîli, site 14,$ i15 tir best ol'fer. (kîil 668-81 98. 1 11P. FOR SALE' B&W TV radio AM/i"M, record play'er comîbina- hiou, nets' iietuire tuibe, neyer used, A-i colition $150 or best ot'fer ('al 576-5729.FLM P. TIA P FST11 I-S 8 beau tifuil velvet \weaved tapestries lfor fluor or w'all hiangings, selI at coNt $30) each (size 4 ft. X 3 fI. (ail1 (coilect) 1-649-544.3. F Ilip. 1-\ Gi1 AN S -Oki fashioted 45ini. X 45ii. lfor $45. S4iîî. X 54 iii. for $54. Be I ii iu lti- eoloured ani wolld suit anly decor. ('ail 655-4 770. Lin 1p. 668-35 73 alter 5 p-tii. l:tnp. SNQW I IRP-S Witli rimis size 178-15, $25 pair. eaui 725- 1691 i d vs, t..nigs 68-4593. c;x: STI OII:1 tiidelwi thi eltctro-fatle 6(b i zoom lens ha tters' test, e\'(' h1100dt, leî s 1100(1 LY lia/k ' tIkr, Y.\Sll('A lmti edi 1er. 1filin splicer atl gilie S95. l'îrun. ('.ll 6618-2764 after 530 L..'AVW'N B ()y Super heatS- dots law1-î\% i t'donly tu ice miriîsî ', 1 s W St> ('tI Mr,">1101 9 - 5 .î t - S-9 42 . l M111 11- rt'produictioniisîrall juik' S-5 .îll'..8-l>"" .> 5k 1 t .îil Y 1 N I 1t lOi 1 l00 ll o lt)I -ISII s l'o t1 t î indl up $S 5 I t1 >cîor l ~.îl 618 225 tLt 4~<lp-11. 100.0001 B] il"s. 5 t lsr Sli Rit) BAR .W itît ilortî $3"S t '.îl 682 198. 1ilp \i\NS S(TIlS Nc.1r ltest uit s'. 001I:lstk 44-46>. ltk blIti s'. tIîh us 545. iitiitii lue sslie îl tîe 35 - lîglit tbloc 35. 1.'rIs sýka te" si/e 2 -'" - rock iwi ii hier kit îîsk'd tonce $14. t',ll VAUt . t.NI Viking canister clcaiier s it i tta chntie n s $21) ('.îI 66-652.,im 1. PA'N Gi Il -5R Replîca oet G ihs>îri LesPaltiioIsedoubhlt'pick-- îîps,. e\xtelletit to1idittitii.adts- aîble sieel ricet. $100 firrîî. ('ii 668-9'772. L unP. \Qt'ARIUMNS fouir 20) gai- uoti aquariums. 4 hîca thers. 3 puunps. 2 cover ligli Is. accessories abtout 50 tropical fisb s.i tii a rcd fi siark incliided 13 ft.ýlonug) $ i130. ('aIl 668-9288 aflter 5 pi.u. lI -1 A \N'IIT 1 i I- )rewr s'. uth min- nuir $55. ('aIl 655-4776.. F np. BABY 1' RNIitURI' Strlil 0 C'hair. incîuudes k'airriage, siroller chair, b gh chairss ithliniiter- changeabile parts $50. ('aIl 728- 0333. Lip. '10W '[RUCiK 3 tonu. sehlirig as is $900 tir best ofl'er. ('aIl 668- 7654. Lmp. REC'ORD) PLAYER - portable $15. kitcheut table,' chrome & ,!rev marbie in design $20, please cal at'ter 6 p.m. 655-3240. Linp). STOVE 30 inîchi leetnie -ittoînatieç, sel'-ce-aiuiig, rotissenie 1974 Adluîiral inotel, whlite, ils uîes cotîtition $1 75. ('ail 668- 9850. uiîp. QUILTS-- 2 new, hand mnade, beau ltiful de(signied, double bcd size quits. May be seenl aI 108 Luctiid St. Whitby or eaul 668- 5 5 37. One $50 and i ue $75. 'lEN-I 'RAlLER tresses andu spare tire baby carniage $25. 3925. $250, lluyd Caîl 668- Elin il. B 0AT1' 14 ft. cedar strip boLa t, cciitrc-deck. witîdslîield, steerntg wlîeel anti tarp, nierefinîshed Ibul,'Io rot, libre glass bottomi, good shape $200. (C:ll 655-3700. Si F'E1i0 & record 1plaS'cr Viking $110., Viking>' 13w Fv, 21 incli $1 00, cot'ce table ohblong $15. portable sew îng table $12, tiew' kitcetichairs; (2> 10.Mcern- er step table $15. all in gooti contdition.('alS576-3047. Etu p. WA S11FR S PI N Nl'R Kenî- mlore twi-tu b salirand spitîtier c\c:ellenit condtition $125. ('ail1 668-3131 afiter 4':30 p.m.1: tn p. 1909 01.1> ( 'otlass 442 V 8 pom, er tlisc bra kes. au tom a t te. .\1 T[Ni radio. ail gauwes iinchîti ingt '.chine 1er, 2 deor liard top. bed\ îîeeds p.îiil I.apprO\iiitelY' 6<1() î ls.$ 1(0or hesi ot- l'ci. tCall <î68.l1006. I1rt*tp. STIl' R 1I t) Pioncer ssstern brandid ics \\ t NI 1rccîser. 8 Irak k. tortitable. 2 speakers,. $411 tal 00168-'7 1 ()W.LItnp1. lîRYt I I1 slulh riscv \tN,.i110(ii1- 1ÇIh tip t'"t> kiffli Jia1 t ir tiI uurîi. t\\iti rto il t r thes i cs e Ii (';iii 985-21118, (, 0 K\ARi Sets 4'i riuti 250 or Iesi tîoff'erJ* 6 -I 55 tr (668-5014. 1.'.tli l'înp i R1UNI Ne wv 15 gai. c>tr t cl til)pped w îti h s art-r kîtu iever îî sed $30.-('al655- SKIS tised tiîvil 90)16.- l.\celleit etonditiotn Onîce $40.('all 723- L ii P. "l Ri' SAVI' $62. used orit s'100 tii les, -2-4+ 2 bei ted1,I-78 - 15 sutminer tire,, original price per sales bill $74.50, sso 2-2f--" blcted L-'78-I1S5 now tires, original pnice per sales bill $85.80 will seli for $25 cadi. ('ail 668-5 386. SiIi:lI'P'MASURE -$30 lton ~ton lrock load, $40 deiivered. ('ail 655-44 10 afler 5 Also 2 pcrsia n k i tten s free te eood home L.A"N MQWIR hiiggs anud S trait In gis digine ia'.sn ni eser $ 20. ('aIl 6 68-6 2 10. I"LQQR POLISIIIR Vikingt h00 S1h7. t aIl aronuttd noon 6î68- 2588. np COC'KE'R Sl>ANiEI., Puîp Chiamnpion sre. blonîud tia lu'. (anta- tliauiKerunt'l('luitregistration papers. shiots. dt~eoied $ 150 ('ail579-2044. V iltp. 1969 FORD CALAXII 5(00 - 2 cI tur liard toîp, powsser braket anîd sîccrinug, autit unat ie Ira stiissioil, iiîartitnî culour. escelletit contdui- tiunî $1,.)00unr best of(len. L1. ' EBI'. 130.('aIl 655-38t07 or 655- 4594 anul ask for Il arry'. l1"ni 1). WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESCAY, MAY 14, 1975, PAGE 13 M m Private advcrtising oniy! Please notify us if* you find a retailer listcd as a priva te adver tiser. lleasc notify the Whitby F"ree Press immediateiy when itemi is sold so thal wcnay delete il l'rom the following issues. Services, help waîîted, clothing, reai estate and personal message type ads cati oniy be handled on a prepaid basis. If* in douîbt, cail 668-6 111 MAIL ALL AI)S 'lO: FREL l>PRE'SS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WIIITBY C.'A' Ladies Persian Iambl l'o i Il l . size 14, sacrifice $75. ('tII 668-5447. Ernp. CH'IIRS -issu chesterlicid> chairs .good for rec-roorn or eut- tige $ 10 cadi, 1 step stool chatir $8. ('aIl 6 08-9009. J.m p.' buioL. s'earbooks up '1962) $100.('all lu 1970 728-9777. 8 TR A('K NIutz 8 trac k stereut p1;îyer. rekorder, witb AM/ VI N radfie. meklîdrIt condition, co5,t $370 sîihspeakers. w ilI selI 'or $2t)t) IIRNI. ('ail 668-3167. c'.cie $5. bale.'car lied $4. sterdo record plaiyer $SI15, 8 glfclubs haut S 15. 2.eleetrie set. tti i-ine Siii k 20. rmckîîîg lîis .balis w\al ker S$3, stee rd Il IMY t 1RI1mI' LIk k\V.,kIlk'ntî t>idittin $,2-5. ('iii ( 5- 35 5 3, uttk'or '7 n ri n. Imi). Si I'd O 1-t)'ONMIPoi,,'S'S 1 Se.îrs rcte:r. I G.trnrd chang'(er liii niat;leît' i2 pcakcrs. s'ery uood et>ridtiti $ 000 ail68 SII1I-IN'(;UNIT1' Black tube,.gas' selves. 24inX I18i,,.72îrî $75, inajtebinut enîd tables (2) 24itîX h 8itî $45. CET. haking- luit S1ireuî r 25. hia rgiuig iarîî p. saitt'cincuilan style. clarkiavs' $8-5. Keilinore. \ts':tshîer-spitî tryer '.s'lite eniiicl, altiiost ne'.. $150. ('ail 655-3457. Eltnp. SWIMM1NG POOL -- Re- possessed, excellent condi- tion, leading manuifacturer willing to sacrifice at 1/ price. Cali Collect 416-536-9278. T"N' 1' i2X14 lias attachced dining area $25 or w'ill trade for smallcr one (9X9) CalI 668-9585 ('liESTl'RIIL) Greciî/ gold broq utde. good eond itiotu $75. Cali068-7044. . Emp., QR;A N i larnmond rnod.LA L i h, o'.'.'nr receritis' tiecea'.ed. iii iuinak'ulate coniditioin, w'ortît $'> 795 nets. silI 'udt t'on best offer oser $SI .500. CluI 668-2545 sS'iT'. Es cnto$h430(il 668-3679. iiT i'.-\PF RECOR i)FR Siuiîp- WANTED - Canada's solti Se.ins cassette. 4 tapes. like Ic'.'.' $20. Grenioble fibreglass skis laniîated $10. ('aIl 668-4600. A QUL1A R1 INM 45 (galion svitl A ex Iras, gîttler mutît aluimi- ittmi roof' rat-k. assurled marnue etlutpmlen t. con troIs. ancIbor, hard- ss'arc, 12 gatîige sh olt guîuî\v sth case and anine. hnIass uiich igauî props l'or oui board mnarnitiomter 25-40 bip. and 10-18 hi.p. ('aIl 579- 3917. _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ I >8290. u~ CanTnTAE -S2erEA Nwth sai in afencREecctiNeat living aniddining room. ki itn lvnewgtr and sh row,ice residentiahrea, riandstiwervicw $32.500. Cail 579-3917. 1970 METLQR- 302 engîne vinyl top, V8 automatie, $600. F:or 'urthcr information eall 655- 3978. EMPLOYIMENT WANTF.D Registeret ntîrse seecks stîmmer cinploytflent part or. toli-tinie. ('aIl 668-6393. B.A.\BYSi 1- FISGC, Will babs'si t s'oor presýchl eer w'liile ,ou w'onk \\stynrde area.(Ca,.6i68-9850. \VANTED tLIGlI I IQIO'.l-KI' *i ING isr'oller sveek. West Lyride area.('ail after 06 .m. 668-55 12. R 11DE \VA NTL1--'D- l'or stîden t from WhVIitbyý to One Yonge Street t'or 8:30 a.rn. ('aIl 66)8-8244. would like attractive site for display of tiew above grouind pool. Cail collect 416-536- 9278. APARINT N' iniexpens'ive huit good one hedroom apartiment close to central Qshasva. ('ail 576- 7557f afler 6pin. HELP WANTED ATTENTION: l'il set an lionest personi up in a high inicomne sales and service business for motorists. This businiess repcats year after year. No moîiey required to start. Car required. Apply to Joaqîtin Bigas. Phone 723- 1411. Dickie Dee Ice Cream REQUIRES bicycle route salesperson ini Wliitby area. Minimum age 14. Cati 576-4132 at 9:30 P.m. leading Manufacture and Distributor is seeking a choice residential site to dis- play their new 1975 above ground redwood pool. Your backyard is the prime loca- tion we wiII consider. An excellent opportunity for you the home owner to cal collect 292-2263 days or evenings. * SAFETY CHECKS * USED CARS SOLO * TowING SERViCE _gohn» cf7fexaco Service 655-3559 J. R. HARTrLIEF PROPRIETOR CLASS "*A" LICENCE 1 MILE NORTH 0F BROOKLIN CA HIQHWAY 12 NOTICE TO READERS Advucrtise FREE in the FEE PISS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you selI! There will nol be any charge to advertisers in thie F PRESS EMPORIUM uniess the item acjvrtiscd is sold. When the aLvertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on TH1E ADVIERTISIiýD PRICE as ilustrated bclow. Ail advertisements nmust be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WI'ITBY FREE l>RESS and run at least one month if not sold RATES (if article is sold): 5% of' advertiscd price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item 'idvertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) 1 1 1 m ---l -r --j --l ý 1 ' - f- 1 -i - -1 1 . 1. à " 1 1 4494.