Whitby Free Press, 14 May 1975, p. 1

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Vol. 5 No. 19 WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1975 TEN LENTS SECON BODY FOUND IN MARS11 A second body in a week was found Sunday on the west side of the Whitby Harbour across from the Dr. J. O. Ruddy Hospital. Whitby firefighters found the man's body while fighting a grass fire in the marsh about 2:30 p.m. Durham Regional Police Detectives in the photo above started the initial investigation which resulted in the body being identified as that of Samuel Beatty, 43, a Joy on OSUM Whitby counicillor Joy Thompson was the only per- son in Durham Region to be elected to the board of direc- tors of flhe Organization of Smfali Urban Municipalities (OSUM). The 22nd Annual Confer- ence of the Town and Village (under 50,000 population> section of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), held Friday and Saturda>' in Gravenhurst, attracted neari>' 500 people. Whitby's delegate Coun- cfllor Thompson, toid the Free Press "we meet four tirncs a year to help resoive problemrs other municipal ities are encountering and in turn to help each other". She explained that her involvemrent would help her locaily because "I1t's an opportunit>' to discover how others are solving, their pro- blemrs and some of their solu- tions may help to solve somne of our problems. Knowledge is the greatest tool", she added. After we congratuiated lier on her election, Council- lor Thompson replicd simply "I fcel ver>' honoured to have corné along so very. fast". patient from the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. Police believe the death to be accidentai, but at press time were awaiting the report of an autopsy performed Monday. The first body found May 4, a few hundred yards iorth of the second body, has still flot been identified althougli it is suspected to be that of another patient missing since Septem ber. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess James Farquharson, 19, of Athol Street in Whitby and Diane Piper of Bowmanville were injured last Tuesday when the 1964 Ford in which they were riding suffered a blowout on Highway 401, just west of Thickson Road. After. the blowout, Ms. Piper's car, being driven by Mr. Farquharson, swerved onto the centre median and rebounded back across the westbound lane. It then rolled over, struck a tree and burst into flames. When the Whitby Fire Department extinguished the fire, the Whitby detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police estimated damages. at $1 0000 They also charged Mr. Farquharson with driving while under suspension. He will appear in Whitby Provincial Court on June 20. Constable Dick Lowe is investigating the accident. Free Press Photo by Jim Quail New food service WhIi lîby's senior citizeîîs He also hopes that could have a "Meals witloiOO unit will be self support Whîels** ser-vice in the liear witlî tic help of avaita l'o1 tirc. grains. Hlowever, ic org,, According to Carl Niantz. zing conîîmittee, which o;ic ot thie program' 1s orgaîli- cludes Mr. Mantz, Harry L( zers. mecals would bc prc- NMrs. Duncan. McIntyre, N parcd at Fairview Lodge and Franîcis Terry and Mrs. Bi translèrred to a central loca- lias not applicd for an>'gra tion wherc senior citizens. yet. TIc>' have, lî.oweý ini this case 55 anîd retired approached several sen could purchase thecm at 75 clubs. cenits apicce. Tlhc group has recciý To bc eligible, Uic>' must assistance from dic regic have registered. b>' plîoning Dcpartment of SocialS ini the niorning, for a meal vices anîd the provinciala tîat day. Initiailly, oni>' tic federai Health and Welf first 25 wlîo register for a Departments. meial wvill be accomodated The organizing commit tlîat day. lias cotîsidercd several do' Mr. Mantz liopes that as town locations as a cent dic program catches on, more post and will likel>' dec. people wviil be served. on one later this week. Congratula Congratulations go out dhis week tu Cindy Formosa and Kini Watson. both of Whiitby. who xwon first place the rting ible ani- in- ,Ott, Mrs. iîrd, ýants ver. rvice ived )n 's Scr- and fare ltee )wn- tral cide tions girls in their respective categories in judo in the Junior Olym- pics held in Base Borden on the weekend.1 Almost readly Plans are being finalized fo r dic annual Witby- Longueuil Twinning. Th1is year about 60 Longueuil residents will visit Whitby Fridaîy, Jue 1-7util Sunday. Jonc 29. A meeting hceld Thursday cvening at theWhliiby Munici- pal Building at tractcd nearl>' 30 Whitby residents miost of' whionî have taken part in previous Twinnings withi Longueuil. ('iairinan of' tis ycar's Twvinniîîg Commit tee Couin- cillor Gcrry Emin and town clerk Bill Wllacc describcd tie tentative programi for twinning wcckcnd. Tie Longueuiil visitors will arrive on the Frida>' after- nloon al tie CNR station at Thlornton Road and will be busscdIo the Holiday inn i Osh awa. Later in' dic after- noon an official reception wiil bce held at the Whitby municipal bulding, followed b>' diîîner and entertainment (county îown 3ingers) ahthde Centennial Buildinîg. Thie evening wiil eiid at tie Wlitby Yachit Club witlî a dance and midnighit buffet. Saturday morning is allo- cated as 'freethnie'. The al'tertnoon will beý taken up b>' a tour, reception, and lunchieon at Parkwood, the hiome of the lahe Cole R.S. McLaughl in. Saturday nighit, dinncr and m-ass at the Frenchi Canadian Club will be followed b>' tours of Club Lorele>', Eng- lishi Pub Niglit at Woodview. Park Club, and the Italian Club. Suniday-, Mayor. Des Newman will hiost a deluxe continental breakfast at Ilis residence and will even liave on hiand a biingual choir. An afternoon buffet banquet a'. the Centennial Building accompanied b>' the closing wining Cerenionies will mark flie final event of the weekcnd - 'flic cost per. person is $22.50 for die weckend, or if you wishi to ouily take part one or two days $7.50 for Frida>' evening; $10.630 for eilier Saturda>' or Sunday. Youngshers are $5.00 cadi day. Thiese prices include everytlinig, and cvcrybody is welconie. Bill Wallace asks that any- one intending 0o1 taking part contact cithier Ihimself, or de.puty.clerk Brian Switzcr at 668-5803.- High rise The West Lynde Community Associa.tion has arranged an open meeting witb Mayor Des Newman and Whitby Counciliors for tomorrow niglit to inform peopie and to discuss the high rise deveiopment proposed f or Jeffrey Street and Highway 2 and the Ontario Housing Corporation project linked with that deveiopment. The W.L.C.A. Ias been investigating the project over the past two months and has what it feels are man>' interesting facts to present to those in attendance. The association also has many important questions to ask town officiais. Ail residents of Whitby and area are invited to attend the meeting to be heid in Henry Street High School's cafetoriumn beginning at 7:45 p.m. For further information, contact Ed Dawson at 668- 9856 or Bâh Hoffman at 668-7170. [n what ma>' bave been a preview of tomorrow's meeting Wbitby Councilior Tom Edwards biasted the Ministry of Housing at Nionday's council meeting. He told a ministry spokesman that, since 1963, counicil lias tried to provide the communit>' with an assisted bous- ing program but on a scattered basis. Councilior Edwards said that he is opposed to the ministry's proposai to make 25 percent of the apartment's 352 units available on a geared-to-income basis. Council was severai weeks ago. cauglit b>' surprise by newspaper reports of the ministry's plan. Speaking to the iack of public relations on the part of the ministry and the expianation of the spokesman on Monday, Councillor Jim Gartsbore said "it leaves me compietely iost". The ministry spokesman was invited by coundcil to attend t(>morrow nizh t's meeting.

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