WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1975, PAGE 13 Exci'teme nt neyer stops For the children attending the Whitby YMCA's thre day camps the exciternent begins mnuch earlier then the arrivai at camp. In fact, the real fun starts as soon as the bus'pick-up docs. Once thre first few campers and staff have boarded the buses, camp songs and cheers bcgin and before too long thre unmis- takablé sounds of children on their way to camp can be distinguished: Tommy an-xi- ously awaits the next stop where the best friend he made yesterday wfll join'tire gang, and -Susan is just as excited about having thre "best counsellor in thre world" aboard. Somiewhcre on thre bus a group of children is bound to be comiparing notes on yesterday's camp programn Distant points to be featured during June l'ire Whitby Public Library will bc showing films of far away places during th e rnontl1 ofiJune. On June 10, "Riviera" and "British Columbia miountains to sea" will be fea turc d. "Water people -Hlong Kong, Japan, etc." and "North of Superior" are scheduled for June 17. On June 24 "Iran" and -Scottisi Syrnpflony" are to be shown. Tlie films begin ai 7:30 in the library's program room. TOIYAY, THERE'S A SMALL FORTUNE TO BE MADE IN BACKYARD FARMING Ail that grass may be pretty, but vegetable dollars are greener. Turn that extra acre or two into a profitable garden with a Gilson tractor-tearn. and watch that land you dearly paid for start paying you back wîth a hîgh return. You-d be surprised aI the quantity and quality of fresh fruits and vegetables you cari grow. HuJndreds and even thousands of, dlars worth at toclay s prodcICe prices. dl An even nlcer Surprise. the investment you mnake in a Gilson ractor. wîth garden attachrnents, can - Here s what you needý A Gilson (10 or 16 hpà .) Tractor wîth a unîtîzed heavy-duty frame designed especîally to endure the straîn and punîshment of ground-engaging garden implements, M oldboard PIow capable of t urnîng over stubble and green mnanure crop. Adjustable t0 any soit. from heavy clay t0 light sand. With a rollîng COUlter that maRes a clean CuLJ on any crop residue. InclLiding potatoes and , >e c ucuImber vines. Disc Harrow 10 help cuIt LIP rosidue bDefore anci after plowîing, Spring Tooth for wveecl controI throuIghouIt the season And if your backyard plans caîl for tilling. a 40" Gilson rotary tiller Is available. Also for ail those heavy hauling jobs. a tilt Unloading 10 or 17 cu. ft. ali-steel utility cart. Cornein. Let uIS prove ow VVyou cati turn smali acreage into large profits Bell Sales & Servic R.,R. 2', Whitby 668-6173 and trying to decide just whiat they'd most like to do today. During the second week of eacir camp period the buses bustie with tthe children's expectations of the overnighits and ou t-trippinig. Over ail tis taik thre camp songs reachi their peak and an excited order is mairrtained by Mr. Jack lng and his assis- tants whose personalities and buses are as' much a part of camp as Thursday nigh t farni- ly niglits and sleeping in tents. If you'd Ilke to.board the buses thisý summer, cail thre Whitbv YMCA at 668-6868. MANAGED FOREST TAX REDUCTION PROGRAM The Ontario Government has set up a program of tax reductions on forest land. The purpose is to encourage proper management of such land, and ta ensure its fullest prod uctivity. Qualifying forest land owners wil receive grants equal ta 50% of the 1 973-74-75 municipal and sohool taxes levied on their forest property. This program will be of interest ta anyane owning forest land that is not assessed as part of a farm. It is for the relief of Iandowners who manage Ministry ofTreasury Economics and 1 nterg overn mental Aff airs their forests for the production,0f wood and wood products, and' for the provision of wildlife habitat, water conservation, and prevention of erosion. For further information and an appli- cation, phone (416) 965-3500 or write: Subsidies Branch Ministry of Treasury, Economics and 1lntergovern mental Affairs 56 Wellesley Street West Toronto, Ontario Honourable Leo Bernier Minister of Natural Resources Honourable W. Darcy McKeough Treasurer of Ontario a 0*0 You know if it wasn't for this good looking girl hanging on to me,- that photographer would NEVER have taken my picture ..1don't think he even Iooked at me once! Anyway, my name's 'Sascha'. l'm a spayed female Boxer, arn five years-1 old, good with children and amn housetrained. Corne on up to the Ontario Humane Society on Thickson Road North and let's make friends. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess q**e