Whitby Free Press, 4 Jun 1975, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4,ý 1975. PAGE 17 ,Free Press Emporum 668-6l11 ENGAGEMENT RING- Like. ncw, diamiond, goid band, asking $ 150. Cail 723-1950. Emip. FOR SALE TWIN 'STROLLER - Good condition $50. Cali 668-1366, .22 BOLT ACTION - With scope, gun rack, good condition, $60. Cali 668-3956, or Wed. Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-7573. *1967 BUICK Le Sabre - îîeeds ,iotor svork everytlîing cise A-I1 $250. (ail 683-8796. Emp. ~ TIRES - 2 Uniroyal Fastrak fiibeless, A-87-13 whitewali two piy polyester. Used onily a few ionths $25, I tent siecps four used two sumnmers, good condi- tion $45. Cail 655-4302. Enmp. REFRIGERATOR - 1 Viking anid 1 Kenimore stove ($ 100 eaclh or $ 175 for both), Gibsoni S.G. special guitar $250. Fender con- cert anp 'fier $300. (ail aftcr 5 pm. 668-394 1. FAmp. SKI BOOTS - Tyrol, excellent condition, size 8 $60 new, Nvil selI for $20. Cal 668-7563. Emp. 1960 CADILAC 1-leetwýood' 390. au tomnatic, running condi- tion, littie work needed, miust selI $200. Cal Sunderland 1-705- 357-2135 after 6 p.m. and ask for Phil. Emp. SWIVEL CHIAR - Ski boots and skis size 3'/2, ail $ 15 each, humidifier $25, antique stand which needs top $ 10, vaporizer $5, brownie unito.-rn $8, and imi- KITClIEN SET - Cromne with 4 chairs ini good, condition $65. (an be seen ut 309 Byron Street North in Wi tby from 8 a.m. tilt 5 p.m. or plione after 6 o'elock s 5;-16 Rmn VÎACCUUM CLEANER - $15 floor polisher $15. (aIl 668- 2801. Emp SKATES -Girls Daoust nmade in Canada in gond condition, size 9 $ 35. (a Il 66 8-55 41. Emp. ('OAT -Ladieý black persian lamib approxirnately size 20, ini goo(t condition, will seli for $50. Cail 725-5714. E Ilp1. SKI-BOOTS- Ladies sîze 61/2 buckle sts-Ie, worni once $25.- Caîl 668-2119.Enîp. 64 NOVA- Good shape ask- ing $150 as is. 66 PLYiNOUTII no m otor, asking $ 100. (Cail]7 23- 3583. Eip. FOR SALE - 4 chroine dises 14 inclh froin 1968 B3eaumont $5, Skiil 1/4 mncl drill 3 w..ire $5, ail wave T'V aittenna jLîst headi $10. one Uniiroyal rieur ne%%,. ramn tire on whleei Bloekwali 6.35 X 14 from 1973 Nova $20. ('ail 723- 2738. Emp. DOLL OUTIlS- About 30 différent outfits for 'Crissy' and 'Veivet's Little Sister'. Prieed fromi $1 to $3. (ail 728-2578. tata"Il alàt'4t"- tuul%,' S20, fertilizer or grass seed spread- SNOWPLONl Ncv 6 fi. er $3. ('all 668-9404. Emp. adjustable angle complete %vith 1 independent electrie - li>,(Irati!îc 1968 PONTIAC Parîsienne seil power, adaptable to niost trucks or trade for mustang $850. Cail S-500. Cali 655-3683. E', ln p 655-3006. Enip. DRUMS - Bass, snare high toin, iloor tom. cynll)al, higli hat. PUMP 11.p. deep well jet, Soine new hea(ts akîiig '.9125. and tank- like new S 125 or best Call 576-7557 afier 7 p.m. offer, 7 basement '..indows 21 X 37V/2, $6 each. picture '.sindo'.'. storra 58 X 64 $30, window size could be slightly altered. Calil DININ(; ROONI -Nuite - s'alltit ref'iistcd $425 or bcd ot't'r. I (aIl 668-2445. ' mp. 723-220,INGLIS l)RYIR Cas. 1 vcar oId SI1100. ('aIl 655-4361 or 6'68-10 TIRES - Michelin ZX radiai 5250. ne'. steel beî'ted, size 165X14, (equiv. ('78X 14 or 4.95Xl4> excellent GUITAR - 1965 Fetider tele- - condition. list $50 ecdi. 2 for caster aIl re-wired excellent condi- $42. (ail 668-7138. 1;mP. tion '.itli liard shecli case. niutîts sdI "v $350. ('ail 668-4939 n-itiO system, Pioncer A-NI/ENI sterco tuiier-ANIP, Garrard turn table and Scott four-'.'ay 5 speaker system $700. Wiiing wt trade for good 35mm camera plus cash. ('al 668-6248. __Emp. REPAîR MANUALS - Com- plete set of small gas engine repair manuais. (al 668-6779. Emp. HORSE Arab, haîf disposition. 655-3122. -- 3 year oîd, haiff quarter horme, guod Asking $400. (al TRAILER -- Soft top camper trailer, sleeps four, ike new, '.vth 2 mattresses $325. CaIl1655-3411 PRANI- Englisih silver cross 2 tone browil, pIus shopping îray, sun canopy and nîatching piîloNw and quilt set, ail in very gond condition $75. ('ali 655-3092. CRIB and mattress, fuil size crib S20, nattrcss $5, matching dresser S$i2, ineslh playpen $ 12. walker $7, A in good condition Cal! 668-7527. IENI P. TELEVISION Uscd -B&W 26 ihlotir model ".iîthdours good condition asking $75. ('al 655-4225. E i'.Il WLDDîNG (;OWN Size 7/8 long veil and headpicce iiîcludled, long sîceves, excellent condition, regular price $ 150.00, asking S50. must sec..-ah 668-9120 after 4. HUMIDIFIER --55, exercise bag $15, typewriter $25. electrie sewing machine $20, rockirig horse $5, baby walker $3, sword $5. Ca1l1668-6257. 67 ('OUGAR - 289 V8, auto- matie, bucket s-ts, radio. snow- tires, mechanicaiîv A I, body is In good sliape wîth the exception of damnage to left rear quarter panel $500 or best offer. C'al 668- 3002. Lip. 8 TRACK, Munt,. 8 track FVAPORATOR -Keeprite coi!, model K.U.C. 2010, 4 fan. i1 5V. 60 cycle. 6 ft. 5 ini. X 1 f't. 5 in. $250. ('aIl 668-6887. Lp '[v Electrolioie eonsole, 2 inclh screen. it&W. iii god _working conctitioit$50,) (aIl 668- 3795. ni P. 965 FORD) Station Wagizi 4 door, btig 352 cuibie iteht citgîe gond iitecltainic'ail purfori ice. sold o ncertit'ied aI $200 or bcst ler cail 668-3 787 ask- l'or Johi. sterco player. iccoruer, W1111 AÎM/î 1-M raioexellntcondition, BAB3Y ('ARRIAGE . Lioyd cost $370 with speakers, wM vil l excellent condition $25. Calil for $200 FIRM. Cali 668-3167. 655-3553 atter 7 n.nîi. 1Eminp. I-IUT('hi1 TENT Vega '.agon ANTIQUE - Chesterfield $275 ideal for camping & travel $50. mnatching side chairs $35 and $45 (ail 725-2967. Emp. black leather chesterfield, chair and ottoman $150, continental ANTIQUE. - Dresser $150, bcd with heudboard $20.. Cal kitchen cabinet $300, beuuty 655-4776. Emp. table with 3 mirrors $200, t'.o chairs $48 each, rocking chair AQUARIUM - 15 gallon with $90. (ail 579-2939. Emp. stand and ail accessonies inciuding fish $60, 51/ gallon aquarium HEATER - Interior for auto wîth canopy $15, bird cage $7,' $4, TV rotor antenna $25, water sandwich grill $5, humidifier $25,'peuessen$5 al68 2 -suitease s $15. (ail 668-6644. prssre5. te $5.(al 68 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WINTER COAT . Girls, bitte MIi w lii te fu r ont Itood, cu ffs and îîockets, knee lenigtit, size 14, $20 or best offer, I, girls long dress only '.vortontce, white top & black patterîîed bottomn, floor leîîgtli, size1.4, $ 15 or best offer. (ail 668-8198. Enîp.ý 1IAIR DRYER -Schick styler model 353, nleyer used $15, IONA 1 2-speed blender, neyer uscd $20, baby càrriage good condition, heavy-duty $30, baby rocking ducks $5. (aIl 668- 9902. Ellip. LAWN MOWER -. $40, space Iteater suitable for cottage or gar- age $60, 2 roll-awvay beds $5 each, I baby cardage, goocî condition $3,fridge suitable for cottage good condition $50. ('ail 668- 6750. CHAIRS .- Tvo chîesterfýieldý chairs good l'or rec-roorn or cot- tage $ 10 each, i step) stool chair $8. (ail 668-900)9. Emip. SNOW l'IRES -Wiltrnuis size F'78-15, $25 pair, cal! 725- 1691 days, eveninigs 668-4593. NfOVIE CAMERA-- Super A G.A.F. STiOIE tmodel '.itlh electro-fade 6 tb i zoom ilens, bat tery test, eve îîood, letîs hood UV Ilaze filter, YASIII( 'A filmi edîtor, fini spiicer anîd glue $95, firmn. (ail 668-2764 after 5:30 pE i. nmo. 'VAPESTRILS 8 beautiful veivet weaved tapestries l'or fluor or wvall 11angings, selI at cost $30 eacli (size 4 ft. N 3 it.) ('ail (coilecti I1-649-5443. l.îp AFTAlIANS -OId wlahoîîcd 4.5in.X 4Sini. lfor $45. S4in. X 54îin. for $54. Iiotih niuli- coiouired and w'ould suit :îny decor. ('aIl 6-55-776. Lnîip. HAMILTION JET U.NITl - vwîtl, 10 OU p enigine. su itable for boa t 15 ft. and up $525. l'or details caîl 668-2225 afrer 4:30 p.mn. (;AS UIN (i'-ANTiIS) 0,000 101-' 5 Ilt. tati. verv, W ( ail 668--'85 1 .îter 5.- S'ril l, E( m - Witlt shlort t'c ANI 151 radio iand turu table is1 see to al)preciatc askiiil! ý75. ('aIl 608-2!198. 1' [il 1) VANITY- Bedroom vanity with large iiiirror, wood $,50, very large rootît dividler, w.ood with 2 large shelves for knick knacks $20 3 large chairs iii good condition, would suit rec-room or cottage $ 10, cadi for 2 and one $20, 2 large sheets of' arborite I pink countertop and one white marble sheet $8 and $10. (ail 668- 6567. COAT - Ladies Persian iamb full lengtlt. %ize 14, sacrifice $75. ('ai! 668-5447. Emip. BOAT - 14 ft. cedar strip boat, cenlIre-dleck, '.sindshield, steering, wlteel and larp, new reflitished lituli, nu rot, fibre glass boltumn, gond slhape $200. (aIl 655-3700. STERILO & record piau'er Viking $100. Viking B&W TV 2 I inch $ 100, coffee table oblong $15, portable sewving table $12, new-k tch-len î-Iir< t(') iS 10. co-rn- Cr stcp table $15, ail ili good condition. Cal! 576-3047. Lmp. WASIIER/' SPINNER .-Ken- mure twin-tub washcer and spiniiier excellent condition SI125. ('all 668-3131i after 4:30 p.-in. Emp. 1969 OLEi)S Cu tlass 442 V8 pover dise brakes, autornatic, A iUIradlio, aIl gauges includ- ing tachornter, 2 dloor hard top, body needs paîint, approximiately 76,000 ûMiles, $1,100 or besi of- fer. ('ail 668-1 066. 1' mI. STFRI1'0 Pioncer system brand new ASIIMrecciver, 8 traick. tuirtab le.)I 2 speakers. $400 ('aIl 668-7190- L np.) (;AS )RYI'R --Inglis. nearly new, askiini,$75. ('aIll655-3663. A N'T'iQL' i ol top desk p lus %vwivel chair "s451), t'.V>)bedroomi coi laee. ilnsîde f*acili lies te l)e reittOved t rui reim ises. loca ted I)alrympie L.ake S1.000t. (hi!! 669- 3495 t'or infloria lionl. RIXIS' < Large Suit- beain$20. t&W 'TV $70. ('Iîest of' dra'.'. rs 530.('aIll(>68-3679. Ci 0 K ART New 4/z h.) muolur $250 or liest offer. (ail 668-1155 or 668-50 14. 1'.r-1p AQU ARIUMI Ness 15 gai. cotnipictelcleu ipîed with starter kit, niever tised $30. ('aIl 655- 4494. Fm P. M mZ vu 1966 (11EV VAN work, as is $250, or smail car, i raynor Reverb 4X10, $250. 4978. SIIL-Rlt.) LUOMP'UI Sears receiver, I Garra turntabie), 2 speakers. condlition $ 150.00. 9256 after 6 p.it. ('I-IESTE--REi- E.LD gold broquadc. good $75.('al 668-7644. - Nceçls trade l'or S igniatu re ('aIl 655- .,ni P. lENTS1 ard changer svery gond (ail 668- Lrnp. -Green/ 1condition Emp. SWIMMING POOL - t possessed, excellent condi- tion, leading manufacturer willing to sacrifice at '/2 price. Calil Collect 416-536-9278. iAPEl RECORD)ER Simp- son Sears cassette. 4 tapes. like me'."$20, Grenoble fibreglass skis laminated $10. ('aIl 6-68-4600. 66887. Emp6-389 120 .p. iON -er1. 0 top . indow trlaiertabeek e cha293-5881. MANS SUITS Near new A wool tail size 44-46. dark blue with vest $45, medium blue white stripes S35, liglit blue S35, girls skates size 2 S 5. rock tum- bler kit uscd once $14. Call 728-5433. Effi 1). ( ' TABLE' 10. Cail 668-3573 after 5 p.m. Emp. PAN (;UI'TAR - Replica ol' (ibson Les Paul, two double pick-- ups, excellent condition, adjust- able steel neck SI00 fin. ('ail 668-9772. fl 1) AQUARIUMS four 20) gai- Ion aquarium s, 4 heca tlers. 3 purrps, 2 cuver liglits. accessories abou t 50 tropical fîsil with a rcd fin slark incinded (3 fi. long) S$130. (Ca Il 668-9288 af ter 5 p.m. A N"IQ 0 i.El)resser witli mir- rur $55. ('Il 655-4776. Entp. BABY I NT(R. Strill O ('hair, îicludles carnaige, stroller chair, h igi chair. '.i tIi initer- chtangeabîle parts S50. ('ail 728- 0)333.l Illp. I'0W TRUC(K 3 toit. selîng as k $900(>or besi <>k-r. ('ail (668- 7654. 1- mi). RE'CORD) 1>iAYI'R - portable $ i5. k i clieni table, ch ronme & grcv ittarble în design $20. pIeusýe cal! at'ter 6 p.mi. 655-324(). 1' iip. CEDAR RAILS - 20, guttur SKIS condition niourit aluminuni roof rack. Call used anly once S40. Call 723- 579-3917. Emp. 9016. 1 --' ni 1). PUIIPY Male, unspayed, hall laband lialf collie, 13 week-s old. 'I'l R ES - SAVE $62, used liad distemper shot $20. Call 668- orily 100 miles, 2-4+2 belted L-78 -15 suninier t 1 ires original prîce 5123. Emp. per sales bill S74-50. two 2-2+2 COTTAGE bedroom \vith belled L-78-15 snovv tires, original cabin in ('A'lý'SÂRI,:A - New price per sales bill S85-80 will sell siding and fence, clectric heat for $25 cadi. Call 668-5 386. living and diffing room, kitelien, new bathrooin and shower, nice* residential area, fantastic view, 1968 GNIG VAN - Good nin- $32,500. ÇaIl 579-3917. ning condition, new paint job. paneffing and sliag rug interior, CHANDELIER -- $75. Call higli buck-et scats, certified ask-ing 725-1280. Iýmp SI 300.00. Call 668-7018. à - - 1 nff% 1 V Il%-I..-.- 1 EN('Y'L.O1EDIA book, y'earbooks up ! 1962) S$100.('all 1 Vorld to 1970 728-9777. IFLOOR POLISIIER -Vkm I1001 $17. ('illarouind nojon 66,8-I 12588.mp C'OC'KE"R champion 'Sire. <iait Keituel liapers. shiots. ('alil 579-2044. blontud ttale, ('ana- C'lub registration dew..orined 1,50) irnp.- 1969 FORt) (A LAXII' 510 lioo ard top - powser brakes and steeririe-. ajillotliatic trantsmiission, îtî aroon cubtu ur. excellent condi- tion S I .00)0 o r best ofier. ibc. F BE 13<).('ail 655-3867 or 6-55- 45 94 a nd askl'o r I1la rry. rp ATTENTION FARMERSIEI WHY PA Y MORE? 0 1 MOOR OIlt -, prompt lt'wey OUI ofl twn pseaie cals colluci 6684381i POOLS - ueluxe, redwood, above ground pools (2) 16 X 24 and 16 X 32 complete, 1 year old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Cali Mr. Woods 416-292-2264. TRICY(LE - for 4 - 5 years S i15, large crib w..itlî niattress and spring good condition $15. 2 doîl carniages $2 each. (aIl 668-5541. af ter 4 p.rn. l'Inp. 'IiRES -pair ut' 1178-15inclh Sciberling i>olyglas 'l'ires. uisedi I,t00 iles, ..ne'.'.$40 eacîî '.'.ili sdIl pair tor $50. (aIl 668-4730 or 668-84 i17. c r (ARR IAGLE $25. ('ail 683- 1574. Empa STIE-REO -- Lloyds receiver, eight-track, turntablc and two speker. Just like new $ 150 or best offer. (ail 668-710.Emp_ WEDDING GOWN -- Size 12. veil and train $50. Call 668. '.l406 or 668-4410. FMn RECLINING CHAIR -- Black leatherette used only 1 month $50. Call 668-5795. STOVE - Srnall $60, B & W Philco TV $60, fridgleý $50, teak chesterfield and chair $85, antique Raymond treddle sewing machine $65. Call 668-6080. 1970 MGB - Convertible good %vorking condition, certified one owner, comple te with luggage rack asking $1,500. Call 668- 6896.before 5 p.m. and 655-3663 after 5 p.m. CAN YOU hire a salesman to cali on 30,000 people a week for FOUR DOLLARS? THIS SPACE can do it for you. cail 668-6l11 CARRIAGE- Blue & white Engtish pram $35, I9in. B&W TV and stand $50. (all 668-6722 or 668-3656 after 6 p.m. Emp. Ca11 668-3573 after 5 p.m. Emp, LEMPLOYMENT WANTED Registcred nurse seeks summer ernployment part or fuili-time. ('ail] 668-6393. DAY (ARE -- West Lynde- area. ('ail 668-9850. WANTED WANTED - Canada's Ieading Manufacture and Distributor is seeking a choice residential site to dis- play their new 1975 abovE ground redwood pool. Your backyard is the prime loca- tioii we will consider. An excellent opportunity for you the home owner to cail collect 292-2263 days or even ings. vta-nufacturer representative vould like attractive site for lisplay of îiew above ground pool. Cail colleet 416-536- 9278. TOYS FOR BIG BOYS BUY, SELL OR TRADI SPECIALIZING IN PERFORMANCE CARS - NEW LOCATION - 209 Dundas Sireet West, Whitby 668-7759 72 HEAVY CHEVY -- 350 automatie, P.S., P.B., mags. real sharp! Licence - HXH-531 68 EL CAMINO - Automatîc, tilt, P.S., P.B., radio, mint condition. Licence - T45-571 LMany More -Corvettes- Chevelles - Camaros - Firebirds - MANY MORE AVAILABLE--_--___ NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FRZEE in the FRE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY whien you selI! There wili not be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM untess the item a4vertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on TUIE ADVERTISED PRICE as iilustrated below. AIl advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FR'EE PRESS and run at least onw month if not sold RATES (if article is soid)': 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item -îvertised for $5 0.00 - commission due $ 2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! PIeuse notify us if you find a retaiier listed as a private advertiser. Plecase notify the Whitby Erec Press immediately.when item k snld so that we may delete it from the foiiowing issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, reai1 estute and personul message type ads cari only be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6 il1 MAIL A LL AI)S TO: F'REE' PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WFHITBY i i -1 a -1 1 m a -1 i i - 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 Il 1 1 ---4 1- ,IlýT - il l'Ir% Irlel% & 9 nt-NkT ' P -1-1 1 ýw or-M a lu a nw MW

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