Whitby Free Press, 4 Jun 1975, p. 3

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WHITBV FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAV, JUNE 4, 1975, PAGE 3 Plowin g Match one of the larg9est I n the fadliof* the yela r, ai- niost evcry ycar sincc 1913, therc lias been a plowing mtatch irr Ontario, This year s is going to bie one of rlite lesi anrd onCetf'the iargest. Rrt of'dite optirnisircornes roi the lady who is lire commit- tee chairmarrt'or the Ladies Programi at titis year's ga tirer- irîg. As threre is a lot more to a plowing match than watch ing the tractor and horse plovirîg competitions, a special pro- grain is arrarîged for the ladies visiting dic miatch site. This year the site is on 1 ,000 acres in the City -of Oshawa and the Town of Whitby and will play host to the Interna- tional Plowing Match, the Canadian Competition and the World Contest. flic ladies prograni takes place in the 100 acre tcnited cihy area that will be located Frank GUI, superintendant of' the Durrham Regional Jail, is imiplenenting programs ho break up the innîat&s mono- tony and in somie way facili- tate Ulic constructive use of spare Aime, according ho a recent grand jury report. Thie report listed the four programs. A librarian makes a weekly visit to the jail to exchange books and encour- age innmates ho read. '1711e gymnasiuim facilities ah the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital are available 10 a select group of inniates. A student artish wiil be conducting art classes in the near future. A wvork experience prograru is pue- sently being initiated. flic jury was given a tour of the jail by Sergeant Leak and founid tîtat A 46 war- rants of corirmittals wcre in order aird that no prisoniers wcre bcing lheid withou juist cause. According tb bhc report. fecw probiems of a serious nature were observed by tlhe grand jury. It rcvealed blini orte irn- mate, a. repcated oflènder, currentiy incnucerated for indecent exposure, appears ho be in need cf psychiatric treatment. One inmate wvas uipset about not hearing f'rom his application for legal aid. Superintendant Gili bold the grand jury that the prisoncr's application had been in for only threc days and gave his assu ran ce that the inmate would be visited before his court date. Another prisoner reveaied ho the jury that lie was refused a phone cail at the Oshawa police station. How- ever, upoîr investigation, the jury was gîven a "satisfactory answer" by the police depart- ment. One inmate, a 66-year old in tire gunds of hfeicIter. national Plowimrg Ma tcli. Ini ch arge o f'arruangemenrrt s for tIiis ycar's p rog ranli is M ary Jean i Icrori ot'Brooklinî. 'lie business o forgantizirîg a ladies prograrît is n ot alto. gethier ncw b Mary Jeani H-eron. Site lias a Ilruruber of' years experierîce iri busi- ness miat bers as nrost of' lier days are spcn t at the farîîily f'arm equipmnen t buîsiness in Brookliin wiere Robert C. Heron Equipnient Ltd., is weIl known. This year the ladies pro. grain cornmittee are tryinîg somnetling a littIe différenrt. They are selling cliarnîs aind spccially designed candles te hclp cover soi-ne of thc costs of putting on a first rate ladies program at the plowîig match. Thie small charmis, about tlie size of a quarter, are made of cither silver or diabetie who wvas being con- fined for his own protection, complained -of not hiaving a toilet and found it difficult at hiis age to have to use the facilities provided. Superini- tendant Gi prornised that the man wouid be moved as soon as a better ccli is available. Another prisoner, whio hiad complained that lie could flot acquire a specialist's con- sultation on a miedicai pro- biemi during the previous grand jury tour, revealed that his requcst hiad been acconto- dated. "He was vcry satisfied and appreciative of Svhaî vas donc on his behiaif"' and 4thanked the grand jury for thecir interegt and die action that occurred as a resuit of the last visit" ,. Sonie innmates cortipiairted that the numiber of siowersý which îhlcy vere allowed is insuff-icient. They cati have two showers and a complete clotlhig change per wcek. However, Sergearît L-xrk pointed out thiat thiosc wvho wvouk arc enttied to sîhoweus whienever tlrcy want. And after thc showers? A numnber of prisoners arc botliercd about a Iack of deodorant. Superin tend an t Gi said tlîat a suitabie con- tainer that couid not be used TO ADVERTISE IN VOUR WHITBY NEWSPAPER CALL 668-6111 gol d, arrd are rmade te repre- sertt the syrrîbol of' ftie Inter- national arnd Vorld Plowiîîg niatcites lforn tir is ye ar. Tire cAL a unr is a h olI ew globe w iltir a1 t racler plowing ils way areu)L[i ilH For'possýibly'flite flrst finie ever, ladies ch arrîts are orn sale a t a t'arnri equ ip- rmen t dealcr'ship. l'lie aruangerrernts 1'0r-tice ladies progranit are well under wvay and a iltimiber of' craft display s have beeni ouganized. Tlîe cornitfltee have arranged f'ou such rural arts as spinnfing and wcaving fromi wooi, quilting, ruug hookirig, pot temy chiair caîiing, and, hopefuily says Mary Jean, other crafis tliat mighit include portrait painting. Ail the crafts will be demorîstratedi by residents of the Region of Durham. In the main tent for the Ladies Programi, Mary Jean Heron and fieu cornrnittee arc as a weapon or ho plrrg bhe loillets iad nlot yet been fouind. Turnirtg ils attention 10 the -appenrance cf tire jail. thte jury f*ounid that "thie top floor whilrih as uscd only on weckend ovcrcr-Owditig. was freshly paintcd witli brighit and livcly colours arnd as clean. Thie staff lotrnîge wvas neat, tidy and ordcuiy. 'Ilic niedical area was dlean arid puesen table". Hlowcver, '6tlie visîting arca was siaid ho Lbe toc liot and hiurid". ouganiziîtg a Ifa'siriomi Show, a llowe r arrarngemnnt dcîîîcîî- st ratioli, cookirig cxliibits, arnd sI iii urrder discussion is the possibul ily of' a lecture on tire arr otf ru akelîp - Th is ycar tire lowirig n tch vill beLicield clu rîimg the last wcck oft Sepucriber', and if' you visit thete ents punt aside f*ou bhc ladies puogramn you may bce lucky enouli to lilîd a specia-lly prepared cook book onl the î.ecipes froru 25 to 30 coutiries tuat will 'be conipeting ini titis year 's World Plowing Conr- test, flic ladies Prograru Conmitice hiope to sedi a linrrbe of' tîtese recipe book-% as a furtîter way of raising rrroney for thecir programl. "We're iooking forward* to sceing about 200,000 FrF Loyers' of fine quolity furn people at itis year's Inter- national Plowing M atch " says Mrs. Heron.' If you warît Io go tiîere witli une cf the climarrus, or te take a specially designed candie lionne, thier give Mî's. Herori a caîl at the dcalcrship, slîe'll be dclighited 10 hecar froru you. The rnn.rn- ber is 416-6554401. Thed silver charmis are $ 10.00 and the gold $35.00. c THE BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY BROWN HAS THE BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY BROWN HAS THE >-t Mary Brown bas The Best Legs in TownO BLAIR PARK PLAZA Dundas St. E. at Lupin Dr. 668-7831 SAVE $2.15 4 DAYS starting Sunday ending Wednesday 3 pieces of chicken, french fries,rl& oesa Reg. $2.15 E-s cn DundasSt. E. ah Lupin Dr. 668-7831 FOR TH4E e rcserve the.right PRICE 0F W olirmit quantitics> E-d Offer starts Sunday, June,8, 1975, to Wednesday, lune 1, 1975. WHITBY LOCATION ONLY uLastweeks winner of our weekly draw MARY REKKER, Port Perry =-MARY BROWN MAS THE BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY BROWN HAS THE BEST LEGS iN TOWN MARY New programs at jail says Grand Jury Report iture One of the f inest selections of elegant, hand-crafted furniture, Wlb including many pieces not available in 'Canada, awaits your discovery at Pioneer Interiors. You'll also find that your questions will be answered by friendly, attentive folks who stili care a lot about the uîtile things, like x personal service âind jusi plain letting you look around.X If you have a taste for something fine, Pioneer Interiors wvon't disappoint you., PIONEER itINTERIORS The ultimate in distinctive colonial furnishings. 111 Dunlop Si. West. Whirîh. Cal l1-068-423 1 Tues., Wed. 10 -.6, Thurs., Fri. 10 - 9, Sat, 9 - 6 --Mon. closed MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE Ladies'ý Men's and Children's Wear SYDSILVER FORMAL RENTALS LEVIS JEANS CORDS ETC. EXTRA LARGE MENS'SIZES MINOR ALTERATIONS FREE CHARGEX- .321 BROCK ST. S. VVHITBY PLAZA 668-3468 . .........

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