BHS, en tries The Brooklln Horticultur- ai Socletyis holding its rose show tonlght at 8 i the' Brooklin United Church Hall. The rose show Is one of the blggest that 'the soclety holds., The theme for this year's show Is "Mhe Loveli- ness of June". The best rose, the best red rose .and the best white rose wiIi be slected. Guest speaker, Viola Gil- lion wili speak on and demonstrate 'The Universal Use of Dried Materlals". She will show the technique. of using many materials for dried lower arrangements and collages, a subject which- is very appropriate as many materials. should be picked at this tirne of year. She will also show how to preserve some of those materials. Everyone is welcome, to attend, members or non- niembers. However, Anne Wlck'Dir- ector of Public Relations for the society, recently outlined the advantages of a member- ship. "A -monthly newsletter keeps members -up to date on club and local events and includes tineiy. gardening tips", she said.. <"A show list includes the showentry details, miles, list of awards, and trophies, gar- den and photo competitions" and is sent to, society mem- bers.' "During the year, trips can be arrangzed to shows and places o f horticuitural interest", Mrs. Wick added. Anne and Gordon Wick acted as voting delegates at, the Ontario Horticultural win prov Association Convention held In addîti( i Barrie on the weekend. ,side entries In addition to the voting ceîved a firs- delegates, 'the - Brooklln her entry in Society was represented by test. Margaret Davis, Vice- Ail of thi( president, Carolyn Stevens, petitions ha Margaret (Mrs. C.G.) Wick, number of et, Edith Cooke, Grace Coe, The aree Aidine Wick, aleen Crawford receive*i a sç and Phiil Coe. for the, if Again thus year, the iargest incre Brooklin Society members. ship last yea received prizes for their en- of the Brool tries in the Provincial corn- particular pri petitions. Grace Coe eamed since1 they cc two fourth prize awards for ly by incre colour slldes she had sub- membershipj mitted entitied "hedged ini" to 102 i 197 and "«Canadian Heritage". Cyril Wick Gordon Wick also eamed of the Brool a second prize for one of the mainly resp( colour stides he submitted formation ol entitled "Show Off" depict- den Club ing an entry ini an area flower memnber socie show. The Ajax CI St.Clair makes this$129 outaqmde paint. It's our besk.- two new clui local district1 The conv inciuded a representative of Agricultur garding the: act which go cul tu ral soi provisions w maximum gi local societieý $1,000. Bol WHITBY FREE PRESS, WE DNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1975, PAGE 13 incial'awards [on to her colour ýGrace Coe re- st prize award for the limerick con. ie provincial com- ad a very large intries, ýa societies also pecial recognition îstrict with the Dase in member- ar. The members din Society take ride i this award Sntributed great- ,asing their own from 84 in 1973 74. k, past President, kiin Society was )onsible for the )f the Ajax Gar- as a chartered lety in the O.H.A. ,ub was one of ibs added to the last year. vention activities report by a re of the Ministry irai and Food re- reisions to the woerns the horti- icieties. New vill increase the rant available to es from $500 to )th thé Brooklin Society and the OshaWa Garden Club wlll therefore be ln line for increased grants next year. The grant is based on a percentage of the money spent i the previous year on local civic beautification and educational, projects by the society; a furtiier grant is based on the per capita membershp. She said that "detailed source materials are avalable on a number of specialized and gene ral gardening topics" froin the' reference iibrary. S For more informration, cali 668-6427. Parents defeat children durIng sehool play day Sincl air Public School stu- dents participated in seven team events such as the ob- stacle course, standing broad jump and skipping during the school's play day last week. Mrs. Warmington,' the grade 3 and 4 teacher, was in charge of this group. The Grade 4, 5 and 6 classes greatiy enjoyed the events like base running, accuracy toss, long jump, etc. Mrs. Petryshyn, the grade 5 and 6 teacher, super- vised these activities. The Home and School Association provided a lunch of hot dogs, pop, cookies and ice crearn for ail the pupils and parents who helped by officiating at the events. In the aftemoon, the traditional baseball game was played between the Grade 6 pupils and the parents. Al those who took part have a very enjoyable tune. The parents won by a score of 15-14 i spite of the assis- tance for the Grade 6 teain of somne former Sinclair stu- dents who came to: take part. Wife Jfirst, husbandý sqecond "'Why not?" the judges were saying when they awarded Beverly Williamns of Whitby first prize in the craft category in the l4th Annual Toronto Outdoor Art Exhi- bition on the weekend. Beverly won $250 for her free form rope sculpture. Her husband Paul won second prize with his chauvinstic fetish rattles, one. of a weli endowed femnale and the other of a welI equipped male. No need to tell you which parts of the respective figures contain the ratties. Beverly and Paul of 201 Gilbert Street East were among 400 people exhibiting works in the three categories of painting,- sculpture and craffs. ST St.CIaÎr The paint and paper people Midtown Mal Oshawa 576-24311 's wliqt w ss I TOWN 0F WHITBY GARBAGE COLLECTION JULY let, 1975 Garbage which would normally be picked up onl Tuesday, July lst, wiII be picked up on Wednes- day, JuIy 2nd, 1975. R. A. Kuwahara, P. Eng. Director of Public Works. 0,** * le WFgo SLCIirAmi