Fieeu Press FOR SALE TWIN STROLLER- - Good condition $50. Cali 668-1366. .22 BOLT ACTION With scope, gun rack, good condition, $60 Call 668-3956, orWed. - Sat. after 1 p. m 668-7573. ,In 1967 BUICK Le, Sabre - ieeds inotor workeverything else A-1 $250. Cail 683-8796. Emp. ,IRIES - z Unîroyai Jrusrrak iubeless, A-87-13 whitewall two ply polyester. Used only a few months $25, 1 tent sleeps four used two summers, good condi- tion $45. Caîl 655-4302. Emp. REFRIGERATOR - 1 Viking and 1 Kenmore stove ($100 each or $175 for both), Gibson S.G. special guitar $250, Fender con- cert amplifier $300. Cail after 5 p.m. 66e-3941. Emp. SKI BOOTS - Tyrol, excellent condition, size 8 $60 new, will seil for $20. Caîl 668-7563.. Emp. 1960 CADILAC- Fleetwood 390, automatic, rnning condi- tion, ittle work needed, must selI $200. Caîl Sundertand 1-705- 357-2135 after 6 p.m. and ask for Phil. 1 Emp. SWWVEL CHAIR - Ski boots and skis sire 312, ahl $15 each, humidifier $25, antique stand which needs top $10, vaporizer $5, brownie unifonn $8, and îmi- tation fireplace $50, antique table $20, fertiizer or grass seed spread- er $3. Cal 668-9404. Emp. 1968 PONTIAC Parisienne sel or trade for mustang $850. Cail 655-3006. Errnp. WEDDING GOWN - Size 12, veil and train $50. Cail 668- e46 or 668-4410. - Emp. STEREO - Lloyds receiver,- eight-track, turntabîe and two speakers. Just like new $150 or best offer. Cal 668-7190. Eznp ENGAGEMENT RING - Like new, diamond, gold band, asking $150. Cali 723-1950. Emp. TIRES - Michelin ZX radial steel belted, size 165X14, (equiv. C78X14 or 6.95X14) excellent condition,' list $50 each, 2 for e42. Cail 668-7138. Emp. STEREO - Compontent stereo system, Pioneer AM/FM stereo tuner-AMP, Garrard turntable and Scott four-way 5 speaker systein $700. Willing to trade for good 3Smm camera plus cash. Cal 668-6248. Emp. REPAîR. MANUALS - Com- plete set of small gas engine repair manuals. Cail 668-6779. Emp. HORSE Arab, haif disposition. 655-3122. -* 3 yea.r old, half quarter horse, goodj Asking $400. Call1 VACCUUM CLEANER - 15- floor polisher $15. Cail 668- 2801. Emp1 SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT - girls' medjlun size, 3 pieces, hood, jacket and pants $55. Cali 579- 2652. HUMIDIFIER - $5, exercise cycle $5, baby car bed $4, stereo record player $15, 8 golf clubs & bag $15, typewiter $25, electnic sewing machine $20, rocking horse $5, baby waîker $3, smord $5. Cail 668-6257, 67 C'OUGAR 289 V8, auto- matic, bueket seats, radio, snow- tires, mechanicatîy AI, body is in good shape with the exception of damnage to left rear quarter panel $500 or best offer. Caîl 668- 3002 Emp. 8 TRACK - Muntz 8 track stereo player, recorder, with AM/ FM radio, excellent condition, cost $370 with speakers, wilI sali for $200 FIRM. Caîl 668-3167. ANTIQUE - Chesterfield $275 matching side chairs $35 and $45 black leather chesterfield, chair and ottoman $150, continentali bed with headboard $20. Cal 655-4776. Emp. I I. r 668-6111 CLASSIFIIED' ADVERTISING __________________ p T 11965 MERCURY COMET- Approx. 24,00,0 miles on rýbuilt engine, 6 cylinder, standard, body in good condi- tion, radio asking $300. Cali 668-5396.. TRICYCLE - For 4-5 year old $1,5; 2 -doîls caiagos $2 each; skates $5; boys high-rise bicycle in good condition with whîte wall tires and banaria seat $25; girls' bicycle in good condition, needs fender $15. Ca11668-5541. KABANA Hutch Tent - fits Vega wagon ideal for camping and. travel, includes side curtains, mounts on rear of wagon with door in open position $45;,snow tires, 2-Firestone nylon champion B78-13 'and one wheel for Vega used one month,$25, girls" 20 in. high bar metalic red bike, excel- lent condition $20. Caîl 725-2967. 1973 VEGA 1IATCHBACK - GT Option, yellow with black trim, 4-speed transmission, rear- Swindow defroster, dual-speed wipers, radio, wide-track tires, excellent condition must lie seen $2,000 or best offer. LIC EAYLI4. Caîl1668-5248. COAT - Ladies black persian lamb approximately' size 20, in good condition, will selI for $50. Cail 725-5714. Emip. SKI-BOOTS - Ladies size 6/2 buekle stb-le, worn once $25. Cali 668-2119. Emp. 64 NOVA - Good shape ask- ing $150 as is, 66 PLYMJUTH no motor, asking $100. Caîl 723- 3583. .Emp. FOR SALE - 4 chrome discs 14 inch froni 1968 Beaumont $5, Ski 1/4 inch drill 3 wire $5, aIt wave TV antennia just head $10, one Uniroyal near new ramn tire on wheel Blockwvatl 6.35 X 14 froni 1973 Nova $20. Cati 723- 2738. Emp. DOLL OUTFITS - About 30 différent outf its for 'Crissy' and 'Velvet's Little Sister'. Priced from $1 to $3. Caîl 728-2578. COAT - Ladies Persian Iamrt) full length, size 14, sacrifice $75. Caîl 668-5447. Emp. AQUARIUM - 20 gallon inctudes air pump, top igit, heat- er and storage space. New condi-. tion $20. CatI 668-3889. DINING ROOM suite - walnut refinished $425 or best offer. Caîl 668-2445. Emp. INGLIS DRYER - Gas, 1 year old $100. Caîl 655-4361 or 668- 5250. Emp. GUIIAR - 1965 Fender iele-' caster ail re-wired excellent condi- tion with bard shejl cas, must sel $350. Cail 66-R-4939 TELEVISION -Used B&W 26 inch floor model with doors good condition asking $75. Cal 655-4225. Emp. WEDDING GOWN - Size 7/8 long veil and headpiece included, long sleeves, excellent condition, regular price $ 150.00, asking $50- must see ...aUl 668-9120 after 4. 1970 MGB - Convertible good working condition, certified one ow ner, comple te with luggage rack asking $ 1,500. Cati 668- 6896 before 5 p.m. and 655-3663 after S p.m. BABY FURNITURE - Stroîl- O-chair combination, carniage, car bed, walking chair etc. $40, crib and mattress in good condition $25. Cati 668-8634. STOVE - SmalI $60, B & W Philco TV $60, fridge $50, teak Tchesterfietd and chair $85,. antique Raymond treddte sewing machine $65. Cail 668-6080. i WINTER CO AT - Girls, blue with white fur-on hood, ceuffs and pockets, knee length, size 14, $20 or best offer, 1 girls long dress onty worn once, white top & black patterned bottoni, floor Iength, size 14, $ 15 or b.est offer. Cal 668-8198. Emp. HAIR DRYER - Schick styler model 353, neyer used $15, IONA' 12-speed blender, neyer used $20, baby carrnagegood condition, heavy-du ty $30, baby rocking ducks $5. Cal 668- 9902. Emp. LAWN MOWER -,$40, space heater suitable for cottage or gar- age $60, baby carniage $30. Cal 668-750. CHAIRS - Two chesterfiïeld s chairs good for reç-room or cot- tage $10 each, 1 step stool chair $8. Cal 668-9009. Emp. SNOW TIRES '- With rums size F78-15, $25 pair, cali 725- 1691 days, evenings 6684593. MOVIE CAMERA - Super 8 G.A.F. STLOlE inodel with electro-fade 6 to .1 zoom lens, bà ttery test, eye hood, lens hood UV Haze filter, YASIIICA filai editor, film splicer and glue, $95, fin. Cal 668-2764 after 5:30 î'm. Emn. TAPESTRIES - 8 beautiful velvet weaved tapestries for floor or wall hiangings, selI at cost $30 ech (size 4 ft. X 3 ft.) Cal (collect) 1-649-5443. Emp. AFGHANS -OId fashioned 4Sin. X 45in. for $45, 54in. X 54in. for $54. Both mutti- coloured and woutd suit any decor. Cati 655-4776. Emp.1 H-AMILTON JET UNIT - with 100 hp engine, suitable for boat 15 ft. and up $525. For details catI 668-2225 after 4:30 p.m. GAS FURNACE - (ANTHES) 100,000 BTU's, 5 ft. taIt, very new. Cali 668-2351 after 5. STEREO 'BAR - With short wave AM/FM radio and turritable must see to appreciate asking -$375. Caîl 668-2198. Emp. MANS SUITS - Near new al] wool taîl size 44-46, dank bhue with vest $45, medium blue white stnipes $35, light blue $35, girls skates size 2 $5, rock tuni- bIen kit used once $14. CatI 728-5433. Em p. COFFEE TABLE - $10. Cati 668-3573 after 5 p.m. Emp. PAN GUITAR - Replica of Gibson Les Paul, two double pick- ups, excellent condition, adjust- able steel neck $100 frmn. Caîl 668-9772. Emp. AQUARIUMS - four 20 gal- lon aquariums, 4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover îights, accessories about 50 tropical fish with a red fCn shark included (3 ft. long) $130. Cati 668-9288 after 5 1ANTIQUE - Dresser. wîth mir- ror $55. Caîl 655-4776. Emp. BABY FURNITURE - Stroîl 0 Chair, includes carniage, stroller chair, high chair, with inter- changeable parts $50. Cati 728- .0333. Emp. TOW TRUCK - 3 ton, seiling as is $900 or best offer. Cali 668- .7654.Emp. RECORD PLAYER - portable $15, kitchen table, chrome & .grey marble in design $20, please ,.calî after 6 p.m. 655-3240. Emp. I lui I 1965 FORD Station Wagon -' .4 door, big 352 cubic inch engine,, good mechanicat performance, sold uncertified at $200 or best offer, caîl 668-3787 ask for John. ANTIQUE - Dresser $150, kitchen cabinet $300, beauty table with 3 mirrors $200, two chairs $48 each, rocking chair STOVE - 30 inch Moffat,l1 90.C-11 579-I2939Y. E excellent condition $60 or best offer. 'Cali 6554218. > Emp. DRUMS - Olympia, 8 piece DOO -Aluinni,80in. e t inctudes stool, in good condi- 32 O Almium $1.Ct 87- 0 . X tion, asking $250. Cati 655-3563. TAPE DECK- Built-in dash wlth AM-FM stereo radio, Craig and Motorola speakers with front and rear switch, local distance switch, bass, treble controls. Cost $220 asking $130. CatI 668-3 186 CEDAR RAILS ~ 20, guttur mount aluminum roof rack. Cali 579-3917. Emp. KITCHEN SET - Crome with 4 chairç in good condition $65. CGan be seen at 309 Byron Street North in Whitby froni 8 a.m. tilI 5' p.m. or phone after 6 o'clock 6-55-43i6RMC 1965 FORD COMET - Six cylinder automatic, good running condition, body in good shape, has licence plates on. white with' red upholstery $600. CatI 655- 48î4. STEREO & record player Viking $ 100, Viking B&W TV 21 inch $ 100, coffee table oblong $15, portable sewing table $12, new kitchen chairs (2) $ 10, corn- er step table $15, ail in good condition. Caîl 576-3047. Emp. BABY excellent 655-355S CAPRRIAGE - Lloyd condition $25. Cal af fer 7 n.m. Eo 1969 OLà S - Cutlass 442 V8 power disc brakes, automatic, AM/FM radio, al gauges includ.- ing tachometer, 2 door hard top, body needs paint, approximately 76,000 'miles, $1,100 or best'of- fer. Caîl 668-1066.' Emp. STEREO - Pioneer systemn brand new AM/FM receiver, 8 track, turntable, 2 speakers,$400 Cail 668-7190. Emp. CAMERA - X-15 instamnatie (Kodak) with carrying case, in excellent condition $10, ski boots size seven, with carrying rack $6, portable radio in the shape of a dice in very good condition $7, microscope kit, con tains micro- scope, stides, specimens, for ob- serving $8. Cati 668-4465. GAS DRYER - Inglis, nearly new, asking $75.1 Caîl 655-3663. MIXMASTER.- Large Surn- beani $20, B&W TV $70, Clicst of drawers $30. Cai 668-3679. GO KART - New 4'/z h.p. motor $250 or best offer. Cal 668-1155 or 668-5014. Emp. AQUARIUM - New 15 gai. completely equipped with starter kit, neyer used $30. Caîl 655- 4494,Ep SKIS - Excellent used nnly once $40. 9016. condition Cati 723- Emp. TIRFES - SAVE $62, used onIy 100 miles, 2-4+2 belted L-78 -15 sumnmer tires original price per sales bill $74.50, two 2-2+2' belted L-78-15 snow tires, original price per sales bill $85.80 will seli for $25 each. Cail 668-5 386. LAWNMOWER - Electrie in excellent condition $30. Cal 668-6750. COITAGE- TOILET - $5 Cali 668-3573 after 5 p.m. Emp. ENCYCLOPEDIA book, yeanbooks up (1962) $100. Cal - World to 1970 728-9777. FLOOR POLISHER - Viking 100 $17. Cail around noon 668- 2588. Emp. COCKER SPANIEL- Pup champion sire, blond mate, Cana- ddian Kennel Club registration papers, shots, dewormed $150 Cali 579-2044. Emp. 1969 FORD GALAXIE-500 - 2 door hardtop, powerbrakes and Btteering, automatic transmission, maroon colour, excellent condi- tion $1,000 or best offer. Lic. FBE 130. Caîl 655-3867 or 655- 24594 and ask for Harry. Emp. «HITBY FREF PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUN9 25.,1075, PAGE 17 I NOTICE TO READERS E- Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you selÉ There will not be any chiarge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unieas the. Item a4vertised is sold'. When the aLvertised Item is sold, you pay ýa commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertisemehts mnust be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least onemonth if not sold- RATES (if article is soîd)': 5% of advertised pnice up to $400.90 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item t~dvertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1. 00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find' a rMailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item'is sold, so that we may delete it from, the following issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can onIy lie handled on a prepaid basis. If in douit, caîl 668-61 il MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY 1i966 CI-EV VAN N 1eeds work, as is $250, or trade for small car, Traynor Signature Reverb 4X10, $250. 'Cali 655- 4978. -Emp. STEREO COMPONENTS-1 Sears receiver, 1 Garrard changer (turntable), 2 speakers, very good condition $ 150.00. Caîl 668- 9256 after 6 p.m. Emp. CHE STERFIELD gotd broquade, good $75. Caîl 668-7644. condition Emp. SWIMMING POOL - Re- possessed, excellent condi- tion, leading manufsqcturer willing to sacrifice at 1/2, prce. Cali Collect 416-536-9278. L TAPEý RECORDER - Sip-- son Sears cassette, 4 tapes, like new$20, Grenoble fibrgassi laminatedý $10. Caîl 668-4600. RANGE - Heavy duty, 30 in. $45. Ca1l1668-3889. ACCORDION - 120 bass, like new $200, 5 piece kitchen suite, brown/beige, oval table $75, 5 piece diriette suite, brown/black, Îniad table, swivel chair, ainiost new $135. Caîl aftex 6 p.m. 668-8709. Emp. 18' BOWRIDER - New 1974 120 h.p. I/O, Merc., tCp, windows trailer, weekends 293-5881. 1963 ACADIAN - Uncert- ified, reconditioned automatic transmission and engine, radio and 2 new tires $250 or best offer. CatI 668-8455. AUSTRALIAN TERRIORS - Registered black and tan fem ales, both parents can lie seen, very smnall breed, had shots and been dewormed, health certificates. $150 each. Cail1655-3144. 67 FORD MUSTANG - 6 cylinder, standard transmission, as-is $300 or best offer. Call 668- 1384. HOUSE FOR SA LE - Private downtown Pefferlaw, 35 miles froni Whitby, 6 rooni, 2 storey brick, 3 or 4 bedrooni, a wood- shed, garage and garden $38,000. Phone 705-437-1518. POOLS - Deluxe, redwood, above ground pools (2) 16 X' 24 and 16 X 32 complete, I year old. Repossessed- by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Cal Mr. Woods 416-292-2264.-j TIRES - pair of H78-15 inch Seibenling Potyglas Tires,. used 1,000 miles, new $40 each wil scîl pair for $50. Cail 668-4730 or 668-8417.1 flANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES Hardware, clothing- dishes, toys and books accumulated over 16 years. Saturday, June 28, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. behind Pro Hardware Store in Brooklin. lI"case of rain, sale will beheld Saturday, July 5. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT Prime location new building adjoining Toronto-Dominion Bank. The only restaurant ini Industrial Park adjoiriing hea'vily populated residential area. Caîl 1-633-9911. CLOTHIING Store wide cleaxance and 1-2- 3 Lsale-($l, $2, $3 racks) This week only the Nearly New Shop, 131 Brock Street S. - Whtv 68-4100. apoxiNa -tly fve months old, spoh eAlyand GrenStis d soutnedyabywt whïtan Ge nes bOngand ange wtabbyitAo bon waite ornge haed feal, onhue ong re eye fond o Brook St. S. Cail1668-2576. DAYCARE - in nurse's home children two or over, Byron St. North. Call 668-5745. WANTED Wanted - Wornenfcompanion housekeeper for light house- keeping duties for Whitby woman alone ini 5 room bun- . galow. Must be age 55' or over, abstainer and non-. âmoker. Free roomn and board plus a lowance of $50.00. ]Phone Victoria and Grey Trust Company 668-9324. WÀXTE - nada*'s leadini Manufacture and. Distibutor, is seein a, choice, residential site to dis-' play thea- new 1975 above ground redwood pool., Your, backyard is the prime loca-, tion we will consider. An excellent opportunity for you the home owner to cati collect 292-2263 days or Manufacturer representative would like attractive site for display of new above ground pool. -Cal colleet 416-536- 9278. MEMORA3I LIAI THE ROEBUCK"- 8 Roebuck Street, Brooklin . - (overlooking Grassers Park) urniture. rhina, glass, books for collectors. Repairsj refinising, chairs recaned etc. 'Open Tuesday through Saturday- evenings and .Sundays by chance or appoint- ment. ri .655-4161 ATTENTION FARMERSIEI WHV PA Y MORE? SAVE ON PRE UU]AUTZV * .,*. 6Ab>e DIESEL FUEL Oui oi P@w 1lemeca ol ect 668-3381 1 r »-i - 1 'r - - p- .-F % m - - S-- -41 -l m