Whitby Free Press, 2 Jul 1975, p. 6

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CAGE1 6WEDINESDAY. JULY 7- WH!TBY FREE PRES Br~kin' In the Byines, of June 12,. 1975, '1 repeated what Counceillor Don Lovelock hadtold me, which was'that the capital budget for 1974 hiad been passcd and that $200,000 lîad been set aside for recreation facilities in. the North Ward. For this large sum we were to get 1. a tennis court on the old,,sehool'basebail pad; 2. interior and exterior improvements toý the Brookllu Memorial Arena; 3. adistrici park in the Ashburn/Myrtle area; and 4. a swimming pool. Well we did get- the tennis court and we did get some., improvements to the interior of the arena. But what hap-, pened to the paved parking lot outside the arena? What happened to the AshburnfMyrtle park? And whatever happened to the swimming pool? 1 I called Councillor Lovelock to check what had and wVhat had flot taken place. And to ask what happenedto al that money. There's one very simple answer - a capital budget it seems, is what the Town is wfiling to borrow for that year's expenses! Last year they were willing to borrow and spenckthat amount for the North Ward. Unfortunately a year isn't enough timne for those at thse top to put their fine words into action. And, when the 1975 budget was BROWN 'S FOOD BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHJTBY PHONE 655u4521 OvAnIu belig tossed around, thse theme song was "Keep taxes down". Very worthwhlle (bear ln mind tho' elections are lni the air!) - but It also nseant thiat ail those rosy dreams for the North Ward were very convenieritly forgotten and therefore not rebudgeted for. 1I have brought, up the subject simply because of somne calîs tiat 1 have recelved ln the last couple of weeks. Que lady in ,p articular was mpost concerned regardiug the amount of ydung people hitchiug rides to, the nearest swim- ming pool. Aithough lIim firmnly against hitchlng, how in the naine of all and Sundry, are our young people fo get to that almighty Mecca Iroquois Park. There is no forrn of public transportation and niot every famnilyhere has 2 cars or the money thiese days to pay the rlsing cost of gas. If, those almightly ones liad to build a pooî for the whole town why, did it have to be placed where. it's near impossible for the young and> future voters of the Norths Ward, to make use of it? 1It must be pretty hard going for some taxpayers in ..Whitby itself to, make full use of it. And while the residents of the North Ward inake do with one, tennis court and open areas classified as> parks in. various commnunities do we have, to have insult addecd to injury by hearing of the various additions to Iroquois, the tennis courts in Whitby, and the fabulous play equipinent now in use in Hutchinson Park? Somehow it seems rather-unfair and very ouesided, and it is no 'wonder many residents feel somewhat bitter and cynical regarding council and the way they do things. We're not asking for cvery town amenity - but we do have the right to ask for even distribution of public money and for priorities in the spending of it. And we aren't the only one because if you read the papers other commuunities within, the town are to say the least, somewhat disgusted, TER pc-ûe Velu. 'OfCtI PORK CHOPS 1.«5 9 18IBS cOMMmIYSUJ5 L I'OPORiI(1794 OU &Wl mr &MX LW UP 10*. FkU WIENERS m-84 t1 vE*1UUt - ies= P.Cmemn IVORY LIQUID $1.09 01AUm -m s.AI0< ULUUU& %rl SARDINES 59C PTf a-&&ma"8 CROWN syrup 69' DINNERS_ 2149, Swlftî MA IIDLESS $1.49 Mopi. Lef L IWH MEATS ~1O8& wtth the way the money is belng spent. Somnemoney is 'belng spent up here by the Recreatin Department so you Young ones betweenthe ages of 5 and 12 years old make -full use of the summer- playground pro. gramme that wlll be in theparks in Ashburn, Brooklln and Spen 1cer Community.. They'll ail be startlng -on July 2nd, between 9 a.m. and noon and I to 4:30D p.m. and wil mn, each day. These programmes are usually well'organized and should. be worth attending -ý and thley 'are free. AIlso . free are the library summer programmes - Story- hour; and FilmProgramme both arefor the pre-schooler toý. grade 6. P Storyhour' will be held on Tuesday afternoofls starting July 8th between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. and will. be a combination of stories andcrafts.' 'Film Prograrrme' will be on Thursday afternoons,,starting July 10, between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. Both progr ammnes will continue until the last week in August. Meadowcrest Baptist Church will be holding a Daily Vocation Bible Sehool from l8th, to 22nid August. More details will be given in August, but those of you that are interested mav want to. mark those datesq down. now. And a public thank you cornes fron St. Thomas's Angli. can Church to Frank and Betty Gardiner-of Ashburn who hosted the' Church Picnic on their farm on Saturday June 18. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Well that's' it for now. 1 ca&-get one more columin in if you reach me before July 3rd- 655-3750 is the number Take Care! LIZ The' S 1[1e'"nt Killer' One hundred'and'eighty three Canadians died at the hands of a silent andstealthy killer in 1973. Some were sleeping in their homes, cottages and tents; others met death in their cars - although there was no traffic accident. They died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Most combustibles emit some degree of this lethal gas and in a poorly ventilated area, it takes but a few min- utes for the CO level to reach the danger zone. Carbon monoxide has no smell, tas te or color, the On tario Safety League warns. The only way to ensure your safety is to practice preven- tiori. Neyer barbecue indoors or in tents. Have home and cottage heating systems, a- 'long with any propane burn- ing appliancês, checked an- nually by qualified people. Be sure your chimney and flue are clean and working correctly before lighting the fireplace. Keep the exhaust system in your car in good repair and the engine proper- ly adjusted and timed.. Neyer sit in a car with the motor idling without dhe windows open. If you suspect CO poison- ing, get fresh air fast! Expo- sure to carbon monoxide can be recognized by headache, throbbing at the temples, nausea, vomiting, dimn vision and dizziness. The next stages are coma, convulsions, depression of heart and respiratory action and finally death.- Don't let this deadly kiler sneak up on you. You CAN'T LIVE ON BREAID ALONE EVEN «THOUGH SOME FOLKS GET BY W-IT- A LOT 0F CRJS7T1 Schnoiders *698 I I I ALLEN'S ORANGE 4"rv 85< YORK BMANI) BEANS wâ> à39c MuS ffit M -IM - ,O.r. i ugv - n.. cx. GREEN or WAX BEANS 29C rAu i nui - &UDh B USo'50! p nU A SUNSPUN CHEESE SUCES 65C SHREDDED WHEAT '0-LF443C ,WELC'S GRAPE JUICE 99c STANDARD BRANDS SUPPORT CANADA'S OLYMPIC PROGRAM MOAsTII COFFE! 1-Lb. en CHASE&SANBORN s1.09 am! ONeT - COLOURED QUAMITENS MARGARINE ORt. ALAD SOTDCMIpf CHAMON MISS MEW BAKINO DU F00D CAT FOOD'-CHIPS 2s'69 50199e $1009' PIE CRUST MIX m ot "46,9c CLOVER LAF, SALMON 89e UIDE DETERGENT I-P4.429 im UIUOUI 1-xS COLONIAL CHOCOLAT£ FUDGE CREME COOKIES79 3-. Pesjq POIK LIVER PORK HOCKS SPECIAL NEW ZEALAND LAMB LEGS -CHOPS $1. 19 lb. 98" lb. w*n 8 9 MAriAIS- Muo GELATiNE î-ex. ru 49C MUSTARD 16 &o.01in145< W OM- Ummam 14 L oz.tic29C RED or GAM TOOTM PASTE - 100 ml. CL qw M P ',994 1 Se COUPON WITM (Complexloo Sue) 3 ber pu*k CAMay SOAP 79e Golden RipeO îl r g Q irq 25ç lb.1 IOntario No.1 Grade CUCUMBERS 29 ' ea.o @OntarIo Grown MMild Greenn ONIONS 2/29Ç 0 il Sunkist'Valenclo 0 ORANGES fl sue113 0=0=0=0=0=0 9 9 wo. pW SI DAIS A WEIK 83st»U&a. - 6 P.Me Exan T TM & àFM Mffl IM p9i am. ,- 3 BIG DATS Julv 3 .Ç JuIv 5 DaliRyAT, -IML NALcÎAI *1 MAfeIN'5FROZEN FIA TE! SUPEIFRIES 73e IIPIZZA $" 2.19 ZZimua .x'479 BACON s179 a A. 1- 1

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