Whitby Free Press, 2 Jul 1975, p. 7

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best won-lost percentage of any tean iln the league. WHITBY-FREE'PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1975, PAGE 7 IWordsfr westLyne W.M.A.A. Softball Notes: by Norm Mealinig The Whttby Men's Athletic Association "Slow-Pltch" Softball League finished its second nmonth of play with a twi-night doubleheader played on Thursday, lune 26, at the Brock Street Flats. The opener saw the Hawks double the score on the D'Êeerfielcj's'to the tune of 16-8. .The win moved the Hawks into a first place fie with the Cougars, and ^the Deerfield's Ioss dropped them further into the cellar. in the nightcap, theNats won their third game in five starts edging the firstplace Cougars by a score of 20-18. With three wins and a tic ini five starts the Nats have the *Space is stili available for booths at the Whitby Trade Fair during the County Town Carnival this summer, bute timne is running out to sign up for it. Sixteen local area busi- nesses and organizations have already rcnted booths for the fair, which will be held in the Iroquois Park Arena fru~n 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.rn. July 28, 29 and 30. Among those who will have exhibits are Pine Ridge Cable TV, PMC Scott, Whit- by Welding, Andrcw Antenna Airkem Ontario, Bathurst Containers, Seripture Press, Joe the Plumber and George Hamers Ltd., Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital, Whitby YMCA, Whitby Historical Society, Irooklin Horticultural Socie- ty, Whitby Arts Inc., Bell Canada, Seaway Motors and Gus Brown Motors. The trade fair, beiiîg held at the County Town Carnival, for the second successive year is designed to acquaint Whit- by area residents with the produets produced in their town. The trade fair is being co-ordinated by the Whitby Chamber of Commerce as one of its many community projeets. Several thousand people attended the trade fair last year on aIl th ree nigh ts, 1look- ing at the various displays and listening to the live enter- tainment. Costs for the booths, 12 by 10 feet are $75, or S85 for corners, and the price for service organizations or ethnie groups is $20. Those wishing to partici- pate are asked to calI Warren Turnham at 576-5346, Gord Hanna at 668-1195 or Jîm Gaiger at 668-3348.> CARNIVAL QUEEN CONTEST This year's County Town Carnival Qucen Contest will be bigger and better this year, for it will be combined with thc highly successful musical variety show - one of the biggest hits of last ýýear's carnival . Application formns are available~ now frorn Whitby's downtown merchants for any girls aged 16 to 20 who are Whitby residents and would like to enter the carnival queen contest. Entry forms should be mnaled before July 25 to John Mclvor, 740 Dundas Street East or Mrs. Caroline Allen, 121 Bell Drive. Tfle variety show and,car- nilval qucen conitest will bc held JuIy 25 at the Iroquois Park Arena, starting at 7:30 p.m. featuring the various contestants, and singing, dancing and specialty acts by a number of talented local entertainers. The first prize for the carnival queen will be a trip for two to some exotic vaca- tion area, possibly in the West [ndies. In addition there is $600 worth of prize money to be divided arnong the princesses, the qucen and the other contestants. Sonne of thc pnize money lias been providcd by the Canadian Le- gion which h as sponsored die carnival queen contest for, niany years, the Knights of Columbus and die County Town Carnîval Committee. Local merchants will be sponsoring some of the girls in the con test this year. The variety show wil be under the direction of Bert Weaver, who has provided several variety nights in Whit- by in past years. Since both the carnival queen contest and the varicty show attract capacity audiences, it is ex- pected the arena will be filled to the walls thc niglit of July 25, thc first day of the carni- val celebrations. PETER PERRY AWARD Once again the tmme hais corne for Whiiby citizens to nominate candidates *for Uhc Peter Perry Award which will be presented to the outstand- ing citizen of 1974. Nomination forms , are available in the municipal office and downtown banks, and must be mailed to the Chamber of Commerce office in the Centennial Building, 416 Centre Street South, by July 19. The presentation of the award wiIl be made at the dinner marking the official opening of this year'sCounty Town Carnival, July 29 at Heydenshore Pavilion. Tickets for the opening dinner and dance, which be- gins at 6 p.m., are avalable at the Chamber office in the YMCA roomn at $7.50 per person. The evening wiII include the official opening of Uic carnival by Mayor Des New- mani and a draw for the bump- er sticker prizes of $25, $15 $10 and $5, as weli as the Peter Perry Award presenta- tion. The Carnival Qucen will be introduced at this he Standings Team Gamnes Won COugars 7 4 Hlawks Nats Pritchard made a speech on Peter Perry, Whitby's founder at the town's centennial cele. brations, and asked if there were any Peter Perrys ini the roomn that night. Out of that speech came the award named after Peter Perry whiclîthec Chamiber of Commerce has given to an outstanding citizen each year for several ycars, whio is selected by a panel t'fjudges. Candidates for nomination must be residents or taxpay- crs of thc Town of Whiîtby, and no one will be disquali. ficd by reason of cmnploy. ment, business, office or association withi the Cham ber of Commerce. The award may also bc made po4tu- mously and niere num bers of nominations will not deter. mîine the judges' choice. Since Judge Pritchard first presented thc Peter Perry Award on Aprîl I17, 1956, thc winners have been Donald Wlson, Eric Clarke, Williarri Davidson, Charles Stafford, Neil Murkar, Lloyd Gib.son. Norman lrwin, Ed Bowînao, Ron Hawkinîs, Johin Visser, Bill Nurse, Mrs. Edith BedelI, Jack Woodward and Brian Winter. PARADE ENTRIES SOUGHT Not mnuch tijnc is left to en ter the Whitby County Town Carnival Parade which is being sponsored by Uhc Kin sm en Cl ub again thlîis ycar. Tlîe Kinsmen report that entries signed up arc well ahead of last year, six bands and 13 floats already signed up. The bands signed up in- clude the Kawartlîa Kavaliers, Oshawa Navy League Cadet Band, Oshawa Shrine Club Oriental Band, Whitby Brass Band, East % Scarborough Drum and Bugle Corps, anid Optimist Lancers. Organizations wh o are cntering floats include Uic Malta Social Club, Red Cross, Whitby Minor Soccer Assoc- iation, Whitby Public Library Town of Whitby Recreation Department, Brooklin Horti- cul tu rai Society, Jaycees, Knights of Columbus, YMCA, Whitby Figure Skating Clttb, Optimist Club, and Whitby Brooklir Kinsnien Clubs. The 'parade will start at 10 a.m.- Sharp from Uthe Florence M. Heard School, August 2, and follow Pine St. to Dundas; Dundas Street to Henry and Henry Street to Iroquois Park. Marsblling should be completeu by 9:30 a.m. About 200 to 300 entry forms have been dlstributed iLost Tied Points Percent 3 0 8 .5 71 8 4 4 O 8 .0 5 3 I 7 .750 Deerf'ields 6 1 4 1 3 .200 My local reader(s) mnay reail that, a year ago -at this time, 1 suspended writing this column for the summer months. I feit at that time that we ail deserved a break from my weekiy mutterings, and that 1 wanited to relax. away the summer free from deadlines, and such- thlngs. T 1his year will be no different, from last. This is the last column for year Two of Words from West Lynde, although 1 do reserve the right to disturb our mutual tranquIllity ifanythling out of the ordinary happens during the rest ofJuly or August. So, goodbye for the summer. Enj'oy it. Be safe and be happy. Hopefully, corne next September, l'Il be here in the Free Press with Year Three of Words from'West Lynde. .Thank you very, much, for reading. by Uic Kinsmen Club of Whitby. Anyone wanting formns or further information on the parade sh ould cal Will Davidson at 579-2921 or Lorne Reid at 668-9324. KIWI A kiwi fruit is the size and shape of an egg, but has a light brown, furr skin. A native of China, iL is really a Chînese gooseberry. The flesh of the kiwi is bright green, soft and juicv when ripe. After peelinig it can be eaten out of hand or added to salads. The kiwi has a subtle flavor and is a rich source of vitamnin C. O P CAf?eCOOL /N/- $V$Te7ZM. /he- e4/ £bFA P/LI 0F r-£LL/paje av 71/E I g/iple O2F 7-1, e1/i///? W1771 A CA/V 0F F4 -- - )L/9MI 30l '-/rIF Yot/9 1-4O95 Aie WF-Z4Rli Space stili available for fair xhibicr as County Town Carnival nears SIDING Cal! for f ree estimates VUNYL ALUMUNUM COLORLOk MITCHELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd, Brooklin. 655-4991 For your convenience, we are now open until 6 p.,m. on Thursdays. WLy not corne in and take advantage of the new longer hours. NEW Hours of Business: Monday to Wednesday 10Oa. m. - 3p. m. Thursday and Friday 10Oa. m. - 6 p. m. U ROYAL BAN K serving Ontario, Frank Bennett,' Manager Whitby, Ontario 1~ I

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