pAGc Ai WçfIIAAY. JULY 9. 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS ~y~whitby Voice of the County Town Household Finance Corporati*on thanks editor o iscussti Dear Sir; t was indeed a pleas- ure to meet you during my reent trip to Whitby. I know how busy you are and 1I appreciate your mnakisng yourself available to me. As I mentioned, I wanted to establish lines of communication so tfiat we could duscuss matters of mutual con- cern. 1arn also pleased that we had the opportunity to discuss our interest in Consumer Education and the development of our Money Management Pro- gram. These materials are available at a low cost to defray printinge- penses. Once again Mike, thank you for meeting with mne and if ever 1 can be of assistance to you in any way, please do flot hesitate to eal on me. Best regards. Vours truly, Norman E. Talbot Public Relations .Department Household Finanoe Corporation of Canada 85 Bloor Street East Toronto, Ontario M4W 184 Prosecution may be only way that company wHi shape up Councillor Tom Edwards has brought our atten- tion to an irksome and worrisome problem in Whitby, that of trains which park at the railway crossing, blocking traff ic on Highway 12. Councillor Edwards was only one of a vast number of people who were delayed by Canadian Pacific Railway's immobile monster for at least 20 minutes. People, as a rule, do not enjoy being caught in Hoffmancon One of the basic principles of a free society is "Freedomn of the Press" Our news media must have the freedom to print both the news facts as well as their opinions. Edi- tors are constantly conoerned about sfanderous statements, because of legal. action, and therefore are cautious. There have been cases where we, ourselves, are not pleased witfi the printed word, but we must alîow it. Newspapers must maintain a high integrity as well as display great courage in presenting the news. Most newspapers are financi- ally dependent on their advertisers, which could result in conficts. traffic jams, especially in ones which are the result of blatant stupidity, rather than unavoidable mis- takes. However, flot only does this inconvenience people, it could one day prove disastrous if an emergency arose north of the tracks. Ambulances, police cars or fire trucks would be prevented from reaching the scene via Highway 12. Provided the emergency vehicles were flot caught in the middle of a traffie jam, they could make a detour which .imends high The preceding paragraph is merely a build-up of the following. On April 23, 1975 an editorial appeared in the Whitby Free Press concerning high- rise development. This editorial was well written and took a great deal of courage on the part of the editor to run it. Careful thought and consideration had to be exercised in deciding to print this type of editorial. By allowing the article to be printed, the paper cou Id sutfer-financial Ioss through\ the loss of advertisers. I feel that this is the type of reporting and editorials that should be encouraged. I woulId like to remîndyolu that paying for the advertising space cou Id consume time, time which could mean death for an accident victim hovering on the brink. That is what upset Councillor Edwards so and inspired 'him to phone the police and lay a charge against C.P.R. under the Railway Act. It appears that a decision against C.P.R. would be the only way that the company would end this irksomne and worrisomne practice as it has taken no action in the past to remedy the problem. rise editorial *does not give the advertiser the right to edit the paper, but only to get his message to the public. The paper that is read the most wiIl also get the most advertising. If you agree with me, I urge-you to show your support to the editor by immediately subscribing to this paper. Many 'of us pick up the paper free or it is delivered free. No business can operate without funds. If we do not support the paper financially we will force ail papers to rely. solely on advertising, dollars and - possibly risk losing the. fundamental principles of Freedomn of the Piesu, - Bill Hoffman, President, WVest Lynde, Communiîty Association. Mike