Own The cheapest and best way tol make ricli productive soil is withi your own Compost, according to Johin Bradshaw's Lawn and Garden Guide. 1Mr. Bradshiaw is one of Canada's outstanding horti- cultural figures and d is wel known through his radio and television programis. He pro- pared, this -year-round Iawn adgardon guide for Cana- dian Industries Limnited, and it is available free froi-n CIL lawn and garderi products dealers. "Compost is a form,. of humus", Mr. Bradshaw-says in the guide, "and humus comnpost niust be worked into ail flow- Inch, layc or and vegetable bods every which hai spring. two cups "Here's the best way to Sprinkle mnake compost. First: Make Dolomitie a container four foot wide, dio top." si x foet long, and four feet "Four: high from cinder.blocks or tramped scrap woocE"' 1 "Second: Put any vege- table refuse you have in the base: tree beaves, toa lbaves, onI hiedgc clippings, grass cutt- ings, potato pol, otc. Tramp by DARI it down as you add until you have a tramipod down layer six inchies, doep." "Third: Soak this thor- oughly and cover with a one MERC~~ANTL E STORE * o ',Nllisan £ Il e ' SYDILVR FRMIReNtne LEVS JANSCRSuE-C r EXTyRAoks LAGIEN'I WHITBY FREE PRESS8, WEDNESDAY. JULY:9, 1975, PAGE i makes productive soi oer of gardon soit as boon mixed with sof 'CIL Grow-A1l". four cups of 'CIL -c Limnestone' over r: Add a second, wel six inch layer of vegetable matter. Water. Add a second onoeinch layer of soil mixed with 'CIL Grow- A11l1', and sprinkle with four cups of dolomnitic lime' "Five: Continue building tintillthe box is full. Thoný cover the top with a shoot of hoavy, bjack plastic." "Six: After a month, fork the contents top-to-bottom, and water well. Fork and wa- ter every month. Within four ta six months 'your compost pile wil turn into rich brown crumbly oarth." "Spread a two inch layer on flower and vegetable beds' in spring or fail. Mix it into the soil to a -depth of six inches". beating.boredom ...for smokers RELL VICKERS Hello! ilm your friond You think you'ro bored, Nothing to do? Well 1 hopc I can hielp you. WMy not try to quit snok. ing? There have been al kinds of methods and sys* toms corne out over thec past couple of yoars ta kick this dirty, filthy, putrid habit. Remember black is not beau- tiful whien ît's iii your Iungs. Try puttîng your cigarettes in your mail box. Whio wants ta go out ta the mail box every limte thiey warit a few puffs of the noxiaus weed? Exactly ,ny point. Yotî wil cither hiave a mailbox instaliod inside your homse or you wiIl quit smokinig, Flow about stutfing yourselt with food everytime you vant to stnoke~? Aftcr you've quit vou cain waiî for us to tell Vou how to buse weigh t in a later colunm. Or break aIl your flingers You have no idea howv diffi- icuIt it is to lhold a cigarette betweeîi those nubby little casts. Using this ilictliod too oftcîî is flot advised as you may get Io Mie it. Quit ting may ho toughi but it is financially beneficiat Just tliink. a pack of' cigar- ettes costs 85 cents. A pack a day taor a ycar coirnes ta S3 10.25 plus S5 for miatchecs. At tontion! Oniv 46514 books ot mnatchies arc needed for thte year but 1 arn allowing 34-v/- packs for windy days. With this rnucli rnoney you couud afford to, have a penny bubflo gurn every day for the In the event you ca n not -miss a few pools each year çlext 86!4 years or play 1,240 wait for the noxt edition, but if you're really that games of pinball at a quarter how-about this? Start smok- bored, nothing is out of the a shot or you could purchase ing! Sure you may have ta question. 13,000 pounds of cernent and have enougli money left T over ta appropriate eîthier 75Uniied'Way goal set edfitian of the Globe and Mail or 45 30-ounco packets of Jello ini ono year. Yos readers ail those tons of cenent cati be youirs. Thiink of die laughs you could have filling in your neiglibaurs swimiîng pool withi it. Sanie of you nay say thiis isn't fair. There arê a lot of people out therc who are bored but don't snioko. WelI, maybe next weck wo inighit have somnething ta in- terest you îiealthv young tliings. Younîg is îlot ta im* we are onîy after ic youth mnarket but this article is dcdicated'ta tie Young at lieart rio matter what age. for Whitby, Oshawa On behaif of the Board of realistically with the -1974 Directors of the Oshawa- campaign total of $703,000 Whitby United Way, General and we believe it is practical Campaign Chairman, Richard in light of the current econ.- F. Baker, announced today, omic conditions and business thîe 1975 campaign objective uncertanties in the commun- of $ 710,000. ities. This target may, how- "Th e 28 participating- ever, place somne hardshipon United Way agencies sub- the agencies. The citizens of nîitted requests for $877,655 Oshawa and Whitby will need an increase of 8.2 percent to continue ta increase their- over last year's request"', said individual support if we are Mr. Baker. "AIl of- the ta meet this objective". agencios did a creditable job "The campaign will start of trimming the fat out of on September 8, 1975", said thocir requests in ordor to stay Mr.. Baker. "However, be- iii ine witlî current economic tween now and the kick-off conditions". we have plartned several im- M r. Baker said "The portant ovonts tg stimulate $7 10,000 objective compares intorest in the campaign". Awoman 's special neoed for i'ron Iron deficiency anemia bas been 'cited as the unost çommon of ail deficiency diseases in humans, inclnding children and adults, men and women. However, iron deficiency is most offen found in women, especialiy during the reproductive years when greater body de- mands increase the need for iron. Among Canadian women, ages 19-39, for exarnple, it has been found that aîmost three- quarters of them do flot have a desirable intake of iran. Iron is an important miner- ai needed le keep aur bodies running smoothly. It combines with protein ta make a sub- stance found in the red blood celîs. This substance, caîled hemoglobin, cardies oxygen f rom the Iungs ta the other body cells, where it absorbs the carbon dioxide and brings it back ta the lungs. The cycle goes an continuously. The Kellogg Nutrition Council reports that iron is found in very small quantities in the body. Since there is such a smalî amount of iran in the body, it is wise to in- clude some iron-rich foods in thc daily diet. Iron cari be found in many foods we eat. One of the richest sources is liver. Other meat products, particularby organ meats, are excellent sources. Whole grain and enriched breads and whole grain, enriched and for- tified cereals contribute a sig- doO ýplIl m il* uMWALLPAPE Up to 5Q%/0OFF WALLPAPERS IN STOCK Pirmno FLATLA11EX PITTSBURGH <PAINTS, f rom $,9 &up pe*r gai 103 BRQCK ST. SOUTH 668-1104 "AT 4 CORNERS" nificant amount of iron ta, the diet. Iran is also found in egg yolk, green leafy vegetables and certain dried fruits such as apricots and prunes. Dried legumes, especialîy beans, aiso malte a large contribution ta, the diet. The' Council recommends diets which are suppîemented with foods rich in the imrpor- tant minerai - iron - in order ta stay active and healthy. Thought For Foodi Liver rate In large skillet saute'/ pound bacQn until crisp, remove, set aside. Rernove all but 1/ cup drippings; heat. Add 1 pound beef liver, eut into 1-i pieces. Saute 10 minutes. Remove liver, set aside. To drippings, add 1 cup minced onions, saute 3 minutes; remove, set aside. In'small saucepan, meit 3 tablespoons butter 'or margarine. Add 3 tablespoons flour, eook and stir 1 minute. Blend in 1 cup milk. Bring to bail, stirring constantly. Reduce heat; cook and stir 2 midnutes. Remnove fromn heat and stir in 2 tablespoons original Worcestershire sauoe. Blend until smooth,. remove from bowl. Repeat until all ingredients are smooth;ý Thoroughly combine mnix- ture in bowl. Spoon into well- oiled 3-% eup mold. Caver and refrigerate untIl thoroughly chilled. To un- mold, dip mold into very bot water for 30 seconds, turri out onto serving dish. Our expert stylists can achieve tîiese styles for YOU with innovative new methods. Corne len and sit under the infra-red ligli ts! La Çontessa Beauty Lounge 668-9262 119 Green St. We iI Capture Those Smieles f CPLETE PROFESSIONAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY HOME, CHURCH and RECEPTION U0ou get a total of over 30 312'in. X 5 in. full colour'quality photos! I ALL FULL COLOUR QUALITY PRINTS BV EXPERIENCED FULL-TIME PROFIESSJPNALS PHONE. MIKE BURGESS 66B-6111 M.B.M. 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