P'AGE 12,WEONESDAY, JULY 16, 1975 WHITBYFREE PRESS, Timbers heads Powing atch This fat) fthe annualOntar- 10 Plowing Match is to be held-,inDurham Region. It wil be a special match. this year as the Ontario match, known as the International Plowing Match is joined by the Canadian Plowing Coin petition and the World Plow- ing Contest. Who better to head up the activities in- Durham Region then, than a Canadian World ConteSt com- petitor an d ,a, threè turne winner of the Canadian titte, and resident of Uxbridge township - Bob Timbers of Sandford. >Bob estimates that he started plowing when he xvas about nine years old, and by 1960 he had represented Canada four turnes at the world contests. One year lie placed'third iii a conmpetitioii that annually draws logetiier competitors fromîî 20 to 25 couit ries. One uor dic higlhliglî ts of Bob's career as a conpetitive plowman was ini 1950 wlhen lie was judged to liave liad die "best plowed land" at the International Plowing Match. Althoughl le nîiglit not admit it now, the selection of Bob Timbers to hiead up tie activities of the local organiz- ing comnittee of the Inter- national Plowing Match may be another milestone in his career. Because of the extent of the- plowîng match, which . covers many more interest areas than plowing, the local sub-comrnittees have 'been working ut the arrangements since early 1973. Bob was elected ch airman of' th e committee back in March of 1972. That's how long lb takes to get everything In motion and organized so that the tented city, the parkipg lots, the gates, th ' housing facilities and ail the land required for plowing is ready and prinied to go. This year the Internation- al Plowing Match will see the largest tented city ever crected in Canada. There will be over 300 exhibitors dis- playing their farm and rural home products to the public. "It costs a lot of money to put together the te.nted city and the contests", ýsays Bob Timbers when revicwingý thie role of the match. "I would like to see as many people as possible get out to sce the plowing, the exhibits 1and the parades." Yes, there is a lot more to do at a plowing match then plowing. "This year th'e re is an excellent ladies' progran',". says Bob Timbers, "and we have some hard working sub-committees organizing the historic displays, the steam exhibit, tihe local crafts and a group, involved in put- ting together special events that wiIl tic in with the daily parades and show of bands in the tented city area." As chairman of the local organizing committee, Bob .Tirnbers feels it is the duty of the agricultural communiby bu show off to the rest of Ontario what farming is-al about. It can all be seen at this five day 'outdoor show- case of agriculture from September 23 to 27. 1"We would like to sec as many ýpeople a s possible from the cities visit the match this year," says Bob, "and there isn't a better year to do ib as the match is being held with-- Ing the city limits of Oshawa'" Although Bob Timbers has been out of farming for a number off years now, and has been working for the Regional 'Municipality ' of Durham; as Land'Purchase Mangr, he has not lost his interst n ,firrning. H-e stil 'cuts a "mnean furrow" to and th rough -the ,organizational paths of. at. ie ast 22 sub- committees ýover ,which he has the responsibility as has the rcspônà sibility'. as chairman at I the local. level ER »SALE 20%OFFLL Sl>UMMER MERCHANDISE 20%0 OFF ENTIRE STOCK 0F MEN'S BLAZERS AND col - ORDINATES 20%/ 3'21 Brock St 070a se OFF ALL BOYS AND GIRLS SUMMER WEAR SALE BEGIIIINS THURS.,fJuIy 17 MERCANTILE CI ,P 411l- -668-3468 WEDDING STATIONE.RY Yo"/Î46 THlaà ERMO-ENGRAVED by the creators of The Bouquet Invitation Line THEIRMO-IENGRÂVINQ is disinctive raised lettering... rich-looking, elegorit. THERMO-ENGRAVING has thcat individual look of finest craftsmonship. But it costs only about hoif as much as you'd expect. Many other styles from which to, choos. CALL 668-6111l M.,BM, Publishing'ond 'SUMh 9110/OFF AV/ OO ALL LADIES' DRESSES 20/oYOFF ALL LADIES! PANTSU1ITS, DEPARTMENT.STORE FFof theW t ýn eU7, & a m sa - a - a