BUILDALL'S GREAT SCANADIAN COOKOUT If you've ever dreamedý of throwing a party that's the talk of the town - here's your chance." You could be host of the Great Canadian Cookout. Th'e super summer barbecue party that Buildaîl is giving away for youirself and, 12 guests. And here's what that part>' includes!, A menu of choice beef filet, exotic Chicken Cordon Bleu, Lobster Tail, Sweet Corn-on-the-Cob and Canadian Apple Pie. Plus speciai invitations for your friends, sou- venir menus'and a chef's hat for you! It's ail yours..if you Win-Buildall's Great Cana- dian Cookout. AIl the contest details are right here at Buildali.- If you like parties, yoWre going to love the Great Canadian Cook0utl ",SUBSTAN4DARD"' EXCELITE FIBREGLAS REINFORCED PANELS slight imperf.ectio-ns Limnited Quantities. Colours Green, Yellow, White, Excellent Value!! 26 in. X96 jin. 26 in.X 120in. $399 each$499 eacii OZITE 'ECONO' outdoor carpet, 1 00%/ polypropylene p le will stand the weather. 12' wide. Colors _ OUR LOW PR ICE Gold, Olive. $ .4 ~~OrangCÇnnamon Squae4Yar Fibreglas Screening, to renew worn out sereens. Domn!tmyourself and Save 18 in. to 36 i. ie, any length you could normally require As Iow a 1S 241 running foot 10% OFF EACH THURSDAY UNTIL' SOLDI WIMDOW CLEARANCE AT'OUR B OND St. STORE Alroody Pd od fer b.Iow repl ont pie Ever>' Thursday remaining windows will be reduced by 10%o until sold. Check the values!! THREE CON VENIENT SEL F-SER VE Oshawo Whitby 100 Bà nd, St. W. 223 Brock St. N. 7281617 6862 -Wed. 8:00 -6:00 Mon. -Wed 8:00 -6:00 Fri. 8:00 - 9:00 Th urs., -Fri. 8:00 - 9:00 lay, 8:00 - 5:00 Saturday. 8:00 - 5:30 STORES C ourtice Bloor St. Eu'st 728-m1 Mon. - Fri. Saturday 16 11 8:00o - ;: 00 8:00 - 5:00 WroghtIron Remin et, Oshowqm &Wh?<b#sores Easy to instafl yourself and add extra value to your home. Prime Painted Black. 4 ft. adjustable section $10.14 each 6 ft. adjustabie section 15.24 each Newel post 3.66 each Corner column 50.94 each Fiat-column 33.60 each Ail accessories in stock, boits, screws, flanges, etc. M *MBUILDLL ASSOCIATE STORE