PAGE 6, WE ONE SDAY, JULY 16. 1075, WHITBY FREE PRESS 'fiee 'caref ul Whether you srnell as sweet as a rose or as.strong as ripe. cheese makes a big différence to other people. But a beec that's bent- on stinging, .couldn't care less. 1To bee brains any perfume meaus1 a flower, even IfIts, source is a person and plot a petunia. The buzzers, arc equally tumcd on b y perspir- ation, often flnding a prime target undcrneath a sweaty watchband. This Is the thn1e bées start buzzing around your, bare spots. -However, you can save yourself, hours of misery by thwartlng the stingers before they outsm art you. A -few simple nues, offered by the Mlnstry of Natural Resources,' could save your, hide. Wear light - colourcd, smooth finished clothing. Bec keepers, (although thcy do get stung on occasion), wear' BROWN S white coverails or khaki pants and shirts for protection. 1 Don't use hair oit, po. mades, or pçrfunie. Stlnglng lnse'cts love 'cm. Tliey thtnk, perfunie, whether b 'ehind 'an ear, or in a fiower Is a source of food. If a bec Iands on you and you slap'It, it may sting ln self defence. Take ' daily. baths and showers and wear clean cloth- lng. Sweat- stirs bees Up. Cover up. Bikinis look ,good on the beach but not near bees. Wear ankle high shoes, white cotton socks, when walking ln fi elds. Keep bees out of your hait by wearing a straw bat or light- coloured kerchief. Keep away from wildtlow- ers. Plants needi poIlinatiots and becs need food. They go 'together. Run. if attackcd. Bees chase you if their nest is disturbed. Find cover fast. Indoors is bcst. .If one bec bothers you, lie on the ground, if possible, face dowb. Bees, often sting OOD around the cyes and* head. WhMon drlving and a bec Mies through the, window, slow down and pull over to the shoulder of the road. The bée Is looking for an escape hatch and will be gone soon if you open ail windows. As the height of the holi- day season dpproa"ches, atid many familles go camping in our forcsts or along thecwater the Incidents of people'being stung by becs and wasps wil risc. It's best to be careful at ail Urnes whcn le the vicie- ity of stinging insects. Some people are extremfe- Iy ýallergic to bec -stings and necd medical help fast. Others have a mil der reaction. A simple first aid treat- ment prior to gctting medical help is to remove the stinger, if the inscct has flot with- drawn it, by scraping it out with a stcrilized knife. To easc the pain use a comprcss of common baking.- soda, slightly moistcncd With cold water.' Br~kin. ~: Byines Liz is on Vacation ROrOR FR0/1 (0/tro > cII CAP 1-1- h'VOl 774Gje 69APUIALLY 31//?A/ I' AMP 1/N41/M770AJ pFre/?/0fAT7. - Rcc'i * * s s.' N BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 B LAD E STEAKS lb. 98 c MPICFm $UmMSAU £AM RC*S SCHNEIDER'S LUNCH MEATS us «Wd cwibeolmmemon. omkk. MW m =46 u mdC.. S.p Pm Ld wmx:AM:un* Z 88c lb &1.09C FuIly cooked, SaNW1 fiAOM POLISH LOOPS l b. 1. 1'9i 'r 88< la, $169 lbo SCUINEIDErs COUNTRY MAPLE BACON J lw 1,079C BARBECUE FIATURIES OcKIoMoo OUARM MImso FLAVOUREO BIEF BURGERS osos m Om o . lB-s kg 98 Return engagoement by popular dauid "Sou nds of a Summer Night"' DANCETO PSATUSV - SR.LOz TmR Air Frsoom 5SSJ mISMITl - à p- Oz MNS RIGHT $109 DISNFCT*H"T - 1 R.L0M TM SPRAY99 $ANANAS 251 Ib. PLACE YOIJR ORDER NOW FOR MONTMORENCY CHERRIES uhseat tntdly piidRed Sour aid Stck Swet er ,t« dillici sud mied tu you frm the growr - (Remiy fur cumns.n fretug iasi prservunsj. Dtbvrithe luawtk of JoIy 21. 'li.pnRdis 221b. PoillRed $9"S alo.6 sîcet10 IL .Folu bloc* mect 20 ILb.Feal$11" 07B41X DAIS A WmI ExcIPTTNii -& me mim 'IrI, ,ni- - 0011.5 U5Ndi1-L& Tue SOF MARGARINE 55C CRISCO, OIL sl.19 UTUfSI - DoLS - FIP AR Uy IS l. Uoz.Tin FRUIT COCKTAIL 59C HEINZ BARBECUE SAUCES FI. Oz.AO Jaer 49 Ti H EINZ KETCHUP 15 FI. Oz. Boul. sel HEINZ OVEN BAKED SiBEANS oflTiR.19 ms nu iLrR -' af'R lii 1v lSa t. REUSHES là R. CM. JAm 2-é89, iulv 19 MLIV VAl r J PAT RICCIO and his' ORCHESTRA. PLAVINO MUSIC PROM THE BIG BAND ERA GLENfi MILLER BENNY GOODMAN TOMAMY DOfl$EY SATURDAVO JIJLY l9th 197&- IROQUOIS PARK ARENA *00 P.M. toi1:00 A.M. $10 PER COUPLE' Tickets avallable .f rom WHITBY RECREATION OFFICE lo5 Coiborne St. E. Whitby 668-5803 SHORTYS CIGAR STORE 121 Brock St. N. Whitby CENTRE SMOKE SHGe 52 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax AMBER VARIETY 20 King St. W. eBowmmnvll@% %As TE SWIFT'S LAZY MAPLE CLUB HAMS ROUND oefiÂ9»&Mm m NAPLILII.&ACm BIEF ANO POËK SAUSAGI th SWIFT$ W1 EÇRS - 16-oz. pkgs. lh fb;»NA -16OZ. pko. - SWIFT'a H ~ HL&OHEESE FEATUREI - RECONSTITUTED 24 fi. os. btl. WELOH'S CONCORD GRAPE JUICE69 FEATUREI - Grade #1 White Clover Creamd ROEY $J*IY FEATUREI 1-s akg MILK BONE ms4 9' RIOASTED 14L.. an M.xwdNus COFFEE $r FALLREN' FavuCrystale 3% «. os. ek APPLE 30 5 FEATUREI -DO FOOD ... 72-os. package GAINESBURGIERS 1BEEF 4.49' PLOfflc&um DIXIE -.5-. A à DOLM utCLUB HOUSE M& GI. KMitd. emUisTENMMZME MI le. O89C t 5£6 C3/ 90 LC 7:' Fi. 49 t Bolo Z'i c2 49c FEATUREI - CAT FOOD. 19-Os. Package PURIMA DAà IRY lUINMER 66& 1PURINA TENDER VITI2'S &c66c CHýnF8MoCSOMiCK'SE j SUPREME COFFEORAKS APTERNOON TA LIQUID BLEACNI .3 BIG DAYSý -r 1 1 miffl Dolitel-li(là "s Pizza and Spaghetti Hwy. 12 Brookliri we deliver to the Brookliri orea 655-3829 il-inim cvi ý Au