Whitby Free Press, 23 Jul 1975, p. 16

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Free Press Emporium FOR SALE TWINi STROLLER - Good6 condition $50. Cail 668-1366. 1972 DATSUN 1200 - 58,000 miles, 4 snowv tires, rear 'vîndowv defroster, body needs 'vork $1,200. Cati 655-3780. BEDROOM SUITE - Double dresser, chcst of drasvers, box spring mattress $135; chesterfield and chair -$20; chest of dravers $30; baby bcd $15; Cali 668- 9009. TRICYCLE - for 4-5 yar olU' $15; l<doit carniage $2 skates $5;, girls bikes one $15 and anc $ 25. Cati 66 8-5 541. ANTIQUES - Dresser $90;1 kitchen cabinet $120; bcauty table with 3 mimrons $120; 2 chairs $30 eaçh; rocking chair $130. Caîl 579-2939. DRUMS - Complete set; 2 toms, 1 floor tomn, base, chrome snare drum, high hat, 2 cymbal stands, excellent condition $190. 2 19 Keith Street after 6 .)m. PINE DESK CHEST - Hanu cnafted, has 4 drawers $9! Cal 668-4677. 1960 CADILAC - lFieetvood 390, automnatic, running condi- tion, littie vork needed, must selI $200. Caîl Suînderland 1-705- 357-2135 after 6 p.rn. and ask for Phil. Emp. SWIVEL CHAIR - Ski boots anid skis size 31/2, aIl $15 each, humidifier $25, antique stand. which needs top $10, vaporizer $S5, brownie unifom $8, and imi- tation fireplace $50, antique table $20, fertilizer or grass seed spread- er $3. Cati 668-9404. Emp. VACCUUM CLEANER - $ 15 floor polisher $15. Cati 668- 2801. Emp WEDDING GOWN - Size 12, veil aund train $50. Cati 668. 246or68-410 mp. SIT.KiEO - Lloyds receiWer cight-track, turntable and two speakers. Just tike ncw $150 or best offer. CatI 668-7190. Emp TENT TRAILER - liard'top with built-in stove, sink, cup- boards and iee box. Excellent condition. -CaU 655-3203. 'fIRES - 2- Vega Firestone nylon champion snow B78-13 with one spare, whel $25 com plete. ('alit725-2967.1 STEREO - Component stenco system, Pioncer AM/FMI sterco tuner-AMP, Garrard turntabic and Scott four-way 5 speaker systcrn $ 700. Willing to trade for goodi 35mm camera plus cash. Cati 668-6248. Emp. REPAIR MANUALS - Com- plete set of smaii gas engine repair manuals. Caîl 668-6779. Emp. STOVE - Smaîl $60, B & W PhicoTV $60, fridgc $50, teak chesterfictd and chair $85,, antique Raymnond treddie sewing machine $65. Cail 668-6080. 668-61,11 1965 MlRCURY COMET- Approx. 24,000 miles 'on rebuilt enigine, 6 cylinder, standard, body ini good condi- tion, radio asking $300. C'al 668-5396. DEEP FREEZE - Sniali for cottage, homne or apL., reasonable hoids 265 lbs. with 2 baskets inside. Good condition. Cali 668-7Q42.< ANTIQUE Display Cabinet - wvcii ovcr 100 years oid, carved wainut, hcart shaped door, $150, beautifut monaco mirror set with wail sconoces very différent, new $40; one room divider, very large, $20; one settec and nsatching chair, new uphotstery $40; two other chairs for rec-roomn or cot- tage $10 cach. Cali 668-6567. 1967 BUICK Le Sabre - needs miotor work, everything cIsc A-t, new muffier and transmission installed by reputable companies $ 150.('al 683-8796.1 1974 SKIDOO - Freeair 440 used only a few months, moist bc scen, just like ncw $850 firm. C.-ill 691-R796 SEABREEZE AM4-FM Sterco - and BSR changer, sterco 8-track pi-yer $ 75.00. Cail1668-6693. COAT - Ladies hlack persian lamb approximateiy size 20, in good condition, will selI for $50. Cali 725-5714. EMP. SKI-BOOTS --Laduies size 6V2 buckle stvle, worn once $25. Cal 668-21197. Emp, 1973 750 TRIUMPH Trident - 3 cylinder, brand new last year, ncev paint job, newv tire, heimets inctuded and wili certify. Cal 579-1244. FOR SALE - 4 chrome discs 14 inch (rom 1968 Beaumont $5, Skil 1/4 inch drill 3 wvire $5, ail wave TV antenna just tiead $ 10, one Uniroyal near new ramn tire on wheî Blockwail 6.35 X 14 from 1973 Nova $20. Cati 723- 2738. Emp. POOL TABLE - Good condi- tion, regular $139 witt sei for -45. <'al l668-6750.: L _________ COAT - Ladies Persian lamb fuit length, size 14, sacrifice $75. ('ait 668-5447. Em P. I I HORSE - GentleC bay mare, in foat, wouid niake a good starter horse. ('ail 668-3950 after S-10l ný DESK - $10; compiete cub UNIFORM $10; steam IRON $8; two smail carpets $6 each. Cail 725-1211. SPRINGER SPANIEL Puppies Sire was bcst of breed at Sports-* man Show, purebned with papers Cail 668-9788. WATKINS PRODU CTS Deaters Wanted Iapply 517 Byron St. N. I 668-l3194 Tired of Rising Prces? DOES - $49,990 SOUND GOOD? For a Detached Bungalow in 0shawo Then colt us, 8620750 FOR a tithited lime only and in Iliited quantities we w~il toke pur order and move you in before Xmas. DIRECTIONS: Drive north off 401 at Hormony Rood cul- off, drive north on Hormony Rood approx. 2 miles to, Adelaide Street. Turn right at the Woodstream sign and lIow arrows. EXCtUSIVE SALES AGENT DEI. REAITY INC. RFALTORS 1964 CFIEV Station Wagon -- running condition, as is $150. ('ail 576-2366. TfV - Portable 20 in. Genenal electnie B&W UIIF1 and VIlE, new condition about 4 years old $ 100. Cati 668-4763. SMOPED - Bronco brand new 1-150 miles, highrise handiebars, ýàeluxe seat, 148 miles per gallon, will go 40 m.p.h. $460. Cali 668- 3186. BIOAT & MOTOR - 10 foot flibregiass and 3.6 hp motor. Cati 668-3846. LAWN MOWER - $40, spacv heater suitable for cottage or gar- age $60, baby crirriage $30. Cali 44Q~I CEDAR SHINGLES - 81/2 bundles $90.00; homemnade 12 ft. aiuminum housetrailer $250. Cali 655-3411. SNOW T'IRES With rnims sizc F78-15, $25 pair, caîl 725-. 1691 days, cvenings 668-4593. SWAG LAMP - Amber $10;1 old wooden BUFFET, 2 doors, 3 drawers, 2 lin. X 5Oin. X 34 in. high $15, stainless steel SINK, single bowl about 20 X 18 X 7 deep $10; ciids wooden desk and chair, suit up to 10 year old, $20. (Cali 669-3414. GUITAR - 1965 Fender icle- caster ait re-sired excellent condi- tion with hard shell case, must selI $350.-(Calil668-4939 OAK BUFFET 'Large 33½à in. high, 241/2 in. %vide, 741/2 ini. long $50. Cati 683-6638. AFGHANS - Old ashlioned 45in. X 4Sin. for $45, 54ini. X 54in. for $54. Both muIti- colourcd and would suit any decor. ('aIl 655-4776. Lmp. TIRES - Michelin radial, sire 150 SR 12, tess than 500 miles on 2, plus good spare with rim $45. Cali 668-5040 aftcr 5:30. GAS FURNACE - (AN'IHE,-S) 100,000 BTU'.s, 5 fi. taîl, vcry new. Cati 668-2851 after 5. STEREO 'BAR - With short wavc AM/FM radio and turiable must sec to appreciate asking $375. ('ail 668-2198. 1E-ni p. MANS SUITS - Near new al wooi tait sire 44-46, dark bloc with vest $45, mediuni bloc white stnipes $35, 11gb t bloc $35, girls skates sire 2 $5, rock tom- bIen kit used once $ 14, Cali 728-5433. Emp. COFFEE TABLE - $10. Cali 668-3573 after 5 o-m. Emp. PAN GUITAR - Reptica of Gibson Les Paul, two double pick- ups, excellent condition, adjost- able steel neck $100 finm. Cait 668-9772. Emp. CHESTERFIELD and chair - fr. colon, good for recreation room or cottage $50. Cati 668- 5404.- 1970 MGB - ôiivè=tiel good working condition, centified one owner, compte te with luggagc rack asking $ 1,500. Calit 668- 6896 before 5 p-m. and 655-3663 aften 5 p.m. BABY FURNITURE - Strolt O Chair, inciud*es carniage, stroiler chair, high chiair, with inter- changeable parts $50. ('ah 728- 0333. Emp. TOW TRUC'K - 3 ton, seiîing as is $900 or bcst offer. ('aIl 668- 7654. Em P. -- TAPE,I)ECK - thiilt-in dash svith AM-FM stereo radio, Craig and Motorola speakers with front and rear switchi, local dtistance switch, bass, treble controls. Cost $.220 asking $ 130, Caîl 668-31 86_ CEDAR' RAILS - 20, guttcr mount atuminum roof rack. Caît 579-3917. Emp. KITCHEN SET- Crome with 4 chiairs in good condition $65. Can be seen at 309 Byron Street Nonth in Whitby froni 8 a.m. tilt 5 p.m. or phone aftcr 6 o'ctock 655-d36M, rnn- 1965 FORD COMET -Six cylinder autornatic, good running, condition, body in good shape, has licence plates on., white with red uphoistery $600. Cali 655- 4914. STI.-REO & record player - Viking $100, Viking B&W TV 2 1 înch $ 100, coffee table oblong $ 15, portable sewing table $12, ncw kitchen chairs (2) $10, corn- er step table $15, atl in good condition. ('ail 576-3047. Emp. STANDING IIAY - Approx.. 25 acres, bcst offer. Cali 668. 6361. 1969 OLDS - Cutiass 442 V8 powver disc brakes, automnatic, AM/FM radio, ail gauges inctud- ing tachoincter, 2 door bard top, body nceds paint, approximately 76,000 miîles, $1,100 or best of- fer. Cali 668-1066. Em1p- STERLO - Pioncer sy1tum brand new AM/FMI receiver, 8 track, turntabie, 2 speakcrs,$400 Cali 668-7190. Emp. CAMERA - X-15 instamnatic (Kodak) with carrying case, in excollent condition $10, ski boots sire seven, with carrying rack $6, portable radio in the shape of a dice in very good condition $7, microscope kit, contains mnicro- scope, slides, specimneils, for Ob- .serving $8. ('ali 668-4465. GAS DRYER - Ingtis, neariY new, asking $75. Cali 65,5-3663.1 MIXMASTER- Large Sun- beam $20, B&W TV $70, Chest of drawers $30. Cati 668-3679. Emn GOC KART - Ncw 4V/2 lhp. motor $250 or best offer. a 668-1155 or 668-5014. E-mif REI:RIGERATOR - Cold- Spot, white, 25 in. wide, 28 in. decp, 56 in. high $60, clectric B ROOM, Regmna, with pile adjust- ment diai, new condition $25; chîid's bed, foiding type, 27 in. X 52 in. with mattress, good condi- tion $30; 2 burner STOVE elcc- tric, 220 volt heavy duty, 25 in. high with shelf no oven $15; port- able RANGETTE, 110 volt, 22 X 14V2 X 12 $ 10. Catt 655-3860. REVERB - Traynor signature 4 X 10. $250. Catl655-4978. . 22 BULT ACTION - Witi. scope, gun nack, good condition, ('ail 668-3956 - *- LAWNMOWER - Etectric in excellent condition $30. Cal 668-6750. SKIS - Excellent condition used anny once $40. Cali 723- 9016. -Emp. 1973 NORTO - Interstate $1.200. Cati 668-9925. COCKER champion sire,1 dian Kennel papers, shots, Cali 579-2044. SPANIEL - Pop blond maie, Caria- C'lob registration dcwormed $150 EMP. RECOD PLYER portble 63 ACADIAN Uncertitîed $1,R cERD aleR -horte & rcconditioned automnatie trans- $15, kbitn taeg$, hroeît& mission and engine, radio, 2 new eaul after 6 p.m. 655-3240. mp- ). «ie 20o etofr al68 HUMl)ltIER- $5, ew~rcise TENT - Green canvas with cycle $5, baby car bcd $4, sterco losepfur$0clma record player $ 15, 8 golf clubs & iloo, eeps four $8-40; olma bag $15, typewritcr $25, eiectrîcstv$1.Ci68-40 sewing machine $20, rocking SOFA - Wine red, ideal for horse $5, baby walker $3, sword rec-room or cottage. Good condi-j $5. Cati 668-6257. tion $35. ('ali 655-3590. A TTENTION FARMERSlfl WHVY PA Y MORE? w- -, AS * DIESEL FUEL *MO o!it 66â-3381 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 8~ TRACK - Muntz 8 track stereo player, recordcr,.wvith AM/ F'M radio, excellent condition, cost $370 svith speakers, witi sei for $200 FIRM. Cali 668-3167. STEREO COMPONENTS - 1 Sears receiver,- 1 Garrard changer. (turntable), 2 speakers, vcry good condition $ 150.00. Caîl 668- 9256 after 6 p.m. . Emp. CHESTERFIELD gold broquade, good $75. ('ail 668-7644. - Green/ condition Emp.. SWIMMING POOL- Re- possessed, -excellent «condi- tion, leading manufacturer willing to sacrifice at '/2 price. ,Cal! Collect 416-536-9278. TAPE RECORDER - Simp-' son Sears cassette, 4 tapes, like new $20, Grenoble fibreglass skis lamninatcd' $10. Cati 668-4600. RANGE - Heavy duty, 30 in. $45. Cali 668-3889. ACCORDION - 120 bass, like new $200, 5 piece kitehen suite, brown/beige, oval table $75, 5 piece dinette suite, brown/biack, îniaid table, swivei chair, aimost new $135. Cati after 6 p.m- 668-8709. Emp. HEAD STONE - 12 years oid $125. Cati 655-3159. 1972 FORD CAPRI - 2 litre best offer. Calt 668-8467. GOLF SHOES - 2 pairs, whiite and Peach coioured pair, sire 7,' $10, White and biack pair, sire 7B $10, good condition. CatI 683- 1806 and ask for Caiy, 67-FORD bUFTNG -6 cytinden, standard transmission, as is $300 or bcst offer. Cati 668- 1384. HOUSE FOR SALE - Private downtown Peffcnlaw, 35 miles from Whitby, 6 room, 2 storey brick, 3 or 4 bedroom, a wood- shed, garage and garden $38,000. Phone 705-437-1518. WEDDING GOWN - Sire 7/8 long veil and headpicce included, long sleeves, excellent condition, regutar price $150.00, asking $50. rmust sec...catI 668-9120 aften 4. 1965 FORD Station Wagon - 4 door, big 35 2 cobic inchi engine, good meehanicai performance, soid uncertified at $200 on best offer, cali 668-3787 ask for John. POOLS - ueîuxe, redwood, above ground pools (2) 16 X 1 year old. Repossessed - by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Cal! Mr. Woods 416-292-2264. FRESH PRODUCE Green and yellow beans and beets now ready. Cal! 655- 3513.1 AUCT ION SALE SATURDAY, JULY 26 - Starting 1:00 p.m. - clearing auction of ail household effeets, the property of Mrs. 'Olive O'DelI, located 33 1 Green Street, South, Whitby.. Consisting in p art: roundoak table, with 6 matching chairs and -buffet; pine blanket chests; pine chest of drawers; dressens with mirrors; walnut chifrobe; hall tree; kitchen chairs; treadie sewing mach- ines; washstand; coffee table; somne glass and china; G.E. Fridge; Westinghouse stove; por.table spin dry washer; small elect; appliances; medi- cine cabinets; iron bed; mir- rors; pictures; garden tools; quant. of lumber; and many other misc. items. Terms cash or cheque. No reserve KAHN AUCTION SERVICE CMl 985-8161. YARD SALE - Saturday & Sunday, July 26 and 27, antiques, furniture, large appliances, ski- cquipment, cages, etc. in case of rain, saie will be heîd August 2.. 607 Mary Street West, Whitby. UNLIMITE-D OPPORTUNITY Earn a fulI-tinie saiary on a part- time basis. Phone 576-6479 for details. SAj.ESMAN/W0MEN requircd for Air-Way Vacuum Services Apply 910 Centre Street South, Whi tby or call 66 8-895 7. B 1ABYSITTR - Wanted1 for two chiidren in mny home starting September. Caît 668-5902. ;edqg Manufactre and choice iresIentia site to dis- play thev n few 1975 above ground redwood pool. Your backyard is the prime.loca- tion we will consider. A n excellent opportunity for you the home owner to cati coileet 292-2263 days or Manufacturer representative would like attractive site for 9278isPay of new above ground pool. Call collect 416-536- DELIVER TELEPHONEBOOKS f uli or part days Men or Women over 18 years of age with autombbiles are needed in Wbitby and ail surrounding areas. Delivery starts on or about August 21, 1975. Send narne, age, address, telephone number, type of vehicle, insurance company and hours available on a postcard to: D.D.A. Ltd. P. O. box 220 Station"T Toronto. Ontarîo M6B 4A1l -Please do flot caîl the Telephone Company. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1975, PAGE 17 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you seli! There wil, not, be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unîcss the item advertiscd is sold. When the aLvertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iiiustrated betow. Ail advertisements must be fflaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if flot sold RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advcrtised price up to $40000 2% of balancc over $400.0 EXAMPLE: Sold item idvertised for $50-00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer iisted as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whîtby Free Press immediately when item is sold so that we may delete it from the following issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads cari only be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, eall 668-6 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY 1 l -i -4 -1 - 1 -- --- - - ---- - - -- - --

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