Progress report of Forbes MeEwen Forbes McEwcn, Director of Devlopmlenî for MWhitby recently preseîîtcd luls six mionth revicw in wlîiclî lie outlined 'hue progress of various dcvelopmenîs witlîin tic town. tue 48,000 square foot mu.ltiple tenancy building at thc corner of Thickson Road and Wentwortli Street is substantîally completcd with bccupancy being available September 1. JUDS. should, therefore, soon be in a posi- tion ho seli industrial lots as weil as construct industrial buildings for lease. Tricont hias signcd an agreement witlu thc munici- pality for Uic developmnent of 75 industrial acres on the east side of Thickson Road North., Construction - of Tricont Avenue lias begun and the cxistirug farrn house is about to be demolisied. The necessary financial com- itments ini accordance with dic agreemnent witlî the municipality liave been mnade. Their engineering lias been approved by die Regional' Public Works Departnment and they a re presently negotiating a contract with Uhc Regional Solicitor. Tricont's 96,000, square foot industrial wareliouse for Gencral Motors of Canada lias substantially closed in and, construction is on1 target ho allow occupancy by Sept- ember 1. The addition Io Totien, Sinîs and Hubicki Enginecer- ing office is'almost compîcte and will also provide some rentaI accommodation. The Schwartz Building on Lot 5 on Consurners Drive has yet 10 cpnmence con- struction. Financing for this 55,000 square foot multiple tenancy building lias yeh to be arranged. Application for a building permit by Stanley Wontor lias been made on tie 40,000 square foot possible multiple tenancy building on Hopkins Street and grantor approval is yet to beobîained. Mr. McEwen is prcscntly dealing witlî, Ilîrce flirmis wlîo are related 10 dic raw pro- ducts supplied by Lasco. Tlîis indicates 10 lîim that Uice steel industry is in a lîealthy conîdition" and Iliat The Whitl Society will Co, of historic buil out Uic town The survecv to begin by -itria and expe rienced in zarchîec- nduct a survey tuAc uve dings througli- cording 10 Mr. Winter, Uiis sumnier.'the list will be extensive as is beinp, under- wc .are looking at both the taken by Brian Winer, Whit- by Historical -Society archivist, and Fred Cane a student of Queen's University who is majoring ini history architectural and lîistorical signif'icance." Thie îwo hope 10 present a complete catalogue to Whit- by Council by early September. The Whitby Girls' Athle tic Association has asked Whitby Council for a grant subsidy to offset ils expenses. The newly formed organ- ization inhends 10 serve as thc governing body fo r al organized girls' sports- Là Brooklin and Whihby. "We wouid appreciahe the same considerahion be given to Uic girl's softbail program (which Uic association is currenhly running) as is given to minor hockey, basebail, lacrosqe, soccer, etc.", Paul Gaudet, association director told council. He said "as we have ex- penses, we would appreciate that you wili expedite our request with the imrnediacy the volunteer organizers place on this situation". The. association's request was referred to the opera- lions committce with Uic Director of Recreation ho report. Lasco "continues. to provide a catalyst for rclated nianu- fiacturers". Thle commercial industrial complex ut the corner of' Buirns and Hopkins Streets lias beeni complcted and the industrial sector lias been fui- ly rented. The bank lias been opened and the Town is currently waiting a tenant for thie restaurant. S W-A Construction are presently constr-ucting their footings of their 60,000 square foot multiple tenancy building ai the end of Indus- trial Drive. , Plastic Surface Finishers conjmenced manufacturing in April whle, at tic same time, l.T.T. Cannon Electric moved into their addition. McNairn Limited are now in produc- tion and their landscaping has been substantially completed. Mr. McEwen also reported that lie has been successful in liaving the landscaping com- pleted for Hopkins A, B and D "whicli adds t0 thc quality of paving Industrial Park". FREEiZIN'fPY<D Use only fresh. high-. quality food ingredients when freezing for later use. Freezing does not improve the quality of food. Un- derripe fruits and vegetables lack flavor and overripe ones are flat and tough or soft and mushy af- ter freezing. Meat and poultry that is tender before freezing will stay tender af- ter freezing if il is properly prepared, packaged, frozen. and q'dnred. cpi cpi ce, H c', L~J H c,, Whitby receives thanks in poetry and prose flic Town of Whitby has receivcd hhanks from the mayor and a resident of Longueuil for the hospitality extended them during the twinning weekcnd. "I would like 10 express on behaîf of Uic Longueuil delegation my most sincere appreciation for the warmn welcome you have cxtended during our stay in Whitby" Marcel Robidas, Longueuil Mayor, Wrote coundil. "It was unanimous that evcryhhing was donc 10 make our stay in Whitby most charming and enjoyable", he said.1 "Thanks to the persons, yourself, the President of the Twinning Committce, Coun- cillor Gerald Emm, and the Town Clcrk William Wallacc and of course al others." '" Wc wiIl long remember this truce friendship between ourselves which has built up since seven years", he said. Mayor Robidas added "we look forward ho receive the Whitby delegation next ycar, quite possibly at the same period of the year." "I understand that there wiil be more sport exchangcs this summcr mainly in soccer and lacrosse", he said. "Thanking you again and looking forward of meeting you again, 1I remain, Sincerely yours, Marcel Robidas", lie One of Longueuil's residents decidcd 10 express his appreciation in poetry. "Thank you doesn't lhaif express il-...Don't know any words that do-..But thcrc's real ilppreciati)n .In this special card for you", wrotc [co Liette Cartier. THE BEST LEGS IN TOM Mary Brown has The Best Le Aweek of SaviI Wednesday JuIy 30 WATER Whethcr you find it in foods like soup or fruit juice, or drink it straight from the tap, water is the most essen- iai nutrient'of ail. Besides helping form tissues and body fluids, it assists the body in regulating tem- perature, aids digestion, and the elimination of body wastes. Get your house when rates are Iow Right now when mortgage rates are lower, is the time for you to build or buy that home or cotuage or to renovate the home you own. Victoria and Grey1 as been making boans tailored to fit people like you since 1889. Get your1loan today - at '.'ictoria and Grey. VIC7- JRI4 [GREY TrRUS$T COMPANYY SINCE 190 Lorne D. Reid Mwîgr 308 DUNDAS W. ârNT IU À ID I n irb dtx-r-L- -r À - bo&#à i à 8 .. rritba, vIitUflhIâ[AY. JULY 30. 1975. PAGE 3 WH ITBY ARTS Summer Concert on the Lawn, and Corn Roast Saturday, August 2, 1975 is cancelled. The Arts Fair wiIl continue Saturday and Sunday as scheduled. Our Member show will continue until August 3lst, 1975 THE RECIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM The waste disposai site for the Town of Whitby will be closed Monday, August -4, 1975, due to the Civic Holiday. Normal operations wiII continue on Tuesday, August 5, 1975. R.F. RICHAXRDSON, P. Engi R.F. RICHARDSON, P. ENG., COMM ISSIONER 0F WORKS 0OW IN OSHAWA PIPER STUDIO WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIALISTS *The most up to date techniques and spe'cial effeets *Full 3 location coverage *Free bridai etiquette bookiet *INTRODUCTORY OFFER - FREE 16 X 20 framned colour print of your choice if you arrange your wvedding photography with Piper before August 31, 1975 367 KING ST. WEST 728m9459 NY .' HAS THE * t- in Town' C à ZA .7831 gs 5ib TOWNMA. *gs m Tues. Ai SAVE 50< A JUMBO BOX for ONLY,$2.50 Reg.$3O 5 pieces of chicken french fries and 2 rolis >4 Last weeks wirnner of our weekly.draw Heather McWhirter Wh vIARY BROWN HAS THE BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY BROWN HAS TJIL 1SÉST. LEGS IN Historie Survey Glirl s' Assoc. Wants grant MARY ~iI1JKOWN HI til BES'[ LEGS IN TOWýN MARY B-ROWN