Whitby Free Press, 30 Jul 1975, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 191b, VHITB.Y FREE PRESS Br~k1in Liz has returned from Merry old will resume her column next week. any news, cati her at 655-3750. England and If you have kNTIQUES COLLECTIBLES' MEMORABILI trTE ROEB3UCKYP 8 Roebuck Street, Brookin (overlooking Grassers Park) naiture. chiîna, glass. books for collectors. inishing, chairs recaned etc. Open Tuesday ,urday - evenings and Sundays by chance or Repairs, througli appoint- 655-41 61 Peter Skunk gets rescued.....for children only by DARRIELL VICKERS It wuas a jïnec suminer m'orîzilig ii llUi ùrst. Aosi of the iznals were stili as/cep inj their ho/loivs cnd ho/es. Hubert was cur/ed up un- cdcr t/he co vers of bis nice saft bcd, bis /zead resting on his fluffv iplllow. A Il was quiet in t/w glade cxccpt for a very distant, very safi voice ca//ing out. Lt %vas sa soft i fact thai ilt did noz' wake any of the animais. A lit/le further into the foresi' though was the ho/e of Mol/y Rabbii'. She too was lying snug ini her warm bcd. A Il of a sudden her large cars started ta twiteh. Mo//y eould heur things miles away so the tiny sound wake her right up. "Who could that be?" she said to herse/f Poin ting lier cars in thc direc- lion cf' tue voice, Moliv listened elicry' liard. lin a fèw scondcs s/le cou/cl make out a fôr a minute. "/i.y gosh you 're righ t, " be exciaimed 'aou go and wake IBig Bi/ack Crow and Sac/le Squirrcl/ ànd 1'Il gel Maurice, A/lex aucd I>- ter skunk. Wc 'Il mccl y< i u the big tree by the brook. " With this they darted o.fif tnhie différent directions and met 10 minîutes later hy the brook. "Where's Peter Skunk?" Ma//y askcd Hubert ery for help. "Oh my go.'.d- nessl " saîd Mol/y rabbit,"'d better tcll Hubert about this." Jumping quick/y oui of bed, shte rapt out of her hale and headed specdily towards thze fores zt glade. Upon reaching Ground- hog 's ho/c site knocked on his door eryiug "Hubert, IHu- hcrt', wukc up." /n.idc aur furry litile ftiend yuwncd and started to rub bis cycs. Getting up slow/y, lie wen t towurds tîhe cloor. Hlubert opened the door Io flnd un ecitod Mo//y I<uhhlt, sililcknocking with- ouitioîîoting he 'd opened the door. "Oh, hello Mal/y, would you cure to loin me for some hrcukfst? " he asked, st'reteh- ing whilc he yawn cd. "/'m afraid there's no ime, I'm afraid there's no time!" Mal/y replîcd fran ti- ca//y. "Why ever ual?" he lu- quired, "I have some lovely /am and we eau/l make some scous and have a lave/y break- fast."' "There s, someone ln trou- ble ca//ing for be/p ' Hubert listened vcry bard BROWN,'S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 FI. On. lin CHOIcI QUALITY Ec TOMATOES 5 PEATiJEI - OANO! o ORAPE rUF tP. O.. Ti JUICES Fm Coooentate 5 VIM Instant$7I SKUMMULK Powder 1379 WELCHADE Lc GRAPE DRINK 5 PEATIJRKî3 i n SUNJ1SPUN i 0.Jr$1 SALAD DRESSING . BABIES ONLY LL PLEASE Tissue 2R5 PEATURLI TIDE DETERGENT STORE HOURS OPEN six DATS A WEEK 8:3 0 L 6 po. EXCEPT I MWa& MI NIM Im 9'in9s. Kng Six. . V SUPREU!FNYi-b a GREEN Peas 79C imjpmw CO0 FILLE&YS 9 SRTCAKES $1.59 BO IN1HBAâti -z.83< Valu. atief octlo Ev.rythlng forthN & 0 Local Tomatoos 0 fl By the. LB. or Basket I 0Cukes Watermelonf 0 Cabbage Lopes 0 Corn Plums l0 fPeppers Pa 0e Smith Brand Pu De o Potatoos Oage0 00 ALL FRESHf 0ot reasonable prices I @O=ozc0=o=Ox=o=on lb. 99' $118 AYLMER lm29 PECTIN Jamsi. FEATMNK - "» a rnON VMKT le-OZ. Pe.. FREDRICE 49 HOSTESS70 POTATO CHIPSI FRATURAI - AS8ORT!D 12 I. oz. jars F8 ROSE ASSORTED 0 .RELISHES>2R FIATrul - IN TOUATO SAUCE 19 FI. Oz. lin CLARK'S I gc B EAN-SWithk 4 FE&AI - 2- FI, On Solin* 7 9 LEMON FRESH 1J JOY LIQUID PNE-PRiC!DIL 0- O f. n Jug DOWNY $l5 FABRIC SOFTENER 15 '7 don 't kno w, " hc rcplicd "lwasn ?l inbis log but I hrought somnejamn and scons ftor thcpoorjel/ow." "Thai:v nice of' you fluhert, " suid Sadie Squirrell 'Forget nice and lets~ gel taý it, " suid A/lex who was always grumpy car/y in the morning. "Well Ici' geltotathc pro- biem ai' fand, " said Hubert' taking a bossy attitude. "Our first i'sk is ta flnd thc poar, unfortunate animal. "n Big Black Crow, f7y around the arca and locale aur fricnd in disi'ress:' Big Black Crow flappcd bier wings and flew off Five minutes later she rci'urned surpriscd. "Lt's Peter, he s stuek up a trce! " she cxc/aimed. "Now baw did that mis- ehievious little skunk gel stuck up th ere, " Mo//y Rabbit asked. "lie say's he climibedup ta get an apple and got_ stuek ", she replied. ."Wel/ I suppose we shal have ta gel hlmi doivn but I shall nat en/oy il, " snapped A lex, stili grumpy. The animais rush cd ta the trec and sîared up, stunned. "My, youlre a long way up there Peter, " SaUle Squirrel/ saiîd, afra id for h is safctvy. '7 bave it, " A/lex Beaver said, smiiling. "'il1 eut down some smnal/ trees ivith m-y tecth and we eau miake a ladder. " "Great idea, " salU Hubert. "I e cgat some string, Sadie saîd. "Perfect, " chorused the anima/s. Wtbin an haur, the buisv little ania/s bad constructcd a î'erail lac/Uer. Strainiug, the v managed ta. place it Up ucar Peter wvho was stic-k aurt on a braicb. 'Y really appreciate t/ils," Peter ca/led dowîî as lie clinîbed on ta the ladUer. A Il t/lis trouble foi- au apple, ' ou silly skunk," Afaurice re tortcd. "JVc/lilir îas de/iclous." hI a Jèwv seconds Peter wvas doivn and safe. "Here vou are, " saiU Hubert offering hlm the scons îvitb /aumî. "Thank you very mue/z Hubert, " Peter gasped, takiug the deliclous offcriîîg. He quick/y gobbled t/eicm own. 'aou shahl eut sa fast," Black Grow. be siek if yout sea/UcU Big "I'm sarry, " saiU Peter. "I i'bink ive sizould be go- ing nawv, " Hubert lu terrutccl "Jt's gei'ting and insure after suc/i nîarning. " izear ii time îve 're al iiugrvl ami ex/iausting "Weil, goc>Ub v', " saici Pe- ter as lie begami to clinib back up the ladder. "W/îer> Monusieur Maurice. [EVERYA7 cai-c vi'ciigoing. Skiîk?'ý" askccl "Back up ilthet/w ec. Couic' back candcisaveIll ne toinorri-ov. andid cou't ijrg't (c) briuîg soimuc îortsconîs wI/zt t/zitde/laus lapn Hubrt, "lu' sailU. "Pctc'r,, comie lon t/z ei aIl rc urcd 1< gzeîlir. Peter- man î> cach 1c/i)Up Ilioni as f/ici' /waded back to tîze g/ua/c'and ai vas peuihii lith i Jrc's t for the rest of t/le c/ut. IL AùLyust SEST SUVI - CEREAL 10 to Pkg. Keflogg's 89 BEST BUVI - 12" W10E 25 Foot Rol ALCAN 49c MOL WRAP 4 FEATURE' - Red & White Hornogenized Lb. Jar IPEANUT 77c BUTTER 77 BEST BUY! - Peces & Stems 10 fi. oz. tin Leaver c Mushrooms 49 No. 1 Red Brand Beef Steak Special T-Bone , Wing, Porterhouse $1 Ibo Full Cut Sirloin STEAK ' 7 b POI 0H, CANADA - ULLY COONlO - Somt.UN DINNER SHOULDERSi .79pc QUARTERED LOIN PORK CHOPSi L69~ MAPLE LEAF Mople Leaf scgIiIRs Maple Leaf SAUSACE W1ENME R S STEAKETTES BOLOGNA 8111 & POI' SMAUtMtKlI ALL 4IAfr or REKOUL*0 2-Lb. - 208. PIg... lb. 79c w6oLpk.851 $1968 IiL&.88c PIATURAI. FORTHE SANEEU£ GROUND BEEF & PORK MIX 2 02. - 4 PKaO HER-PAK CORNED BEEF BomM Brmd Old CsoaJîno . o& u f SMýarie Soft Drinks PAROMMERTRnio rbreFa 9 P o: 39c 6iF95c SWEET UIXof 24 P S 0 BICK'S -Ayl.er NPICKLES. CATSUPR FIOz. F.Oz- 3 5 c' I N KAFT - CAMADIAN PROSOC'01[o~ Nw P;CK 13-QI. Packsge P A ~ su 20 Fi. Oz.O n m*39 Tin 3 -» STIJFED MANZANîLLA LP. a FI. O1. -ia CLUB HOUSE Olives. 55c 3 BAR SALKi - BATH eSIX! ZEST SOAP 38«8&99C no PROT CACH VANONA STRIP s2.49 Ucoumma S.O.S. PADS iD t. pmi. 3 9c Open Holiday Monday SOW R eOILTM HROI BRIQUETS 5-lb. gag 69c REALEMON 24 Fi. Oz. Botde 6?9c BLACK PEPPER 89c CLUB HOUSE SALAD SUPREME 2v. Fi. oz.agi. 69C 3 8B0GDAYS. Thursç. July31 si

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