WHITBV FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1975, PAGE 9 by DARItELL VICKERS After several weeks of liard, hiard work, Peter Skunk and Maurice la Porcupine were putting the finishing touches on their raft. ý Every few minutes, Peter couldn't resist. stop- ping. what he was doing, standing back and admiring the others' reactions. There was no doubt that it was a fine looking raft. The wood was tied together neatly with string and all the iogs were cut just right. It was eariy in the momn- ing and the sun had only been- out for an hour but Peter and- Maurice wan ted to finish it early. ,This was the day they had been waiting for. Today they could finish the raft and go down the river on It. Peter Skunk could hardly control himself he was so excited. Sadie Squlrrel, out for hier morning stroil, looked across the river and noticed them working there. "Hello boys!" she called out. "Hello Miss," they replied together. "That's a fine looking raft you have there." "Thank you," ,said Peter with a sanile that wvent from ear to car. "Now Maurice, when you go out lu that thing you be sure to be careful and look- out for Peter, so hie doesn't fail off." "Please, I'm big enough to take care of myself," Peter retorted looking rather hurt. "Now Peter you're stili a baby and1-IAaurice is older, so you listen to what hie tell's you," scolded Sadie, realizing she was late, "WeIl I've got to be going. I pro- mised Hubert sorne of this pie." "Au revoir Madamoiselle," said Maurice. "Wait a minute, l'il corne with you," said Peter think- ing of the pie. ".Bu t you can't Peter, we've got to finish the raft today if %e want to go sail- ing," Maurice reminded Peter. "Oh but Maurice, pie!" hie pleaded. "Oh well 1 guess you're right. Goodbye Miss Squir- rel", he said a littie less enthusiastic. Thought For FoodI k ,M r Caesar Salad Sauté 11/2 cups f irmn tex- tured 1/2-inch bread cubes i 2 tablespoons oul until golden; drain and reserve. Iu jar combine ½/ cup salad or olive oul, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon cidèr vinegar, ½/ teaspoon instant mixed garlie, 1½ teaspoon garlic sait, 1/ teaspoon coarseiy ground black pepper. Shake well. In salad bowi 1 large head Romaine lettuce into bite size pieces. Pour salad dressing and 1 raw egg, beaten. over lettuce; toss thoroughiy until well com- bined. Add 6 chopped an- chovy filiets. 1/ cup grated Parmesan cheese and bread cubes. Toss well, serve im- mediateiy. "ýGoodbye boys," she re- door she balanced the pie piied as she walked off carefuliy in one hand as not amused. to drop it and knocked on "Well what's there left to his door with the other. do?" asked Peter taking one Hubert was inside just fin-' last look at Sadi e half hoping ishing his breakfast as Sadie she wouid corne back and knocked. Taking the last give themn sorne pie. sip of his milk he went to "Ail we have to do now the door. "Oh hello Sadie, is put on the sali and we'li up brighV' and eariy as usual be ready." Maurice 1 see," he yawned. answered. "Getting up early- is good ,As Sadie reached the edge for you. You ought to try of Forest Glade the mornlng it once in a while Hubert," sun warmed her face. Walk. skie repiied. ing briskiy towards Hubert's "I've been up for hours," hole she made sure skie didn't he replied. trip on a root or stone as Sadie frowned. Sadie had spent ail the pre- "Wel I've been up for a vious night baking her pie.* while anyway." Ail the animnais loved her "It's that bed of yours pies and cakes because she you know, far too comforta- took such care Inu making ble. You ought to have one them.. Reachirig Hubert's like mine with a nice firm What's h appening by DARRE LL VICKERS and corruption HOTELS Whitby Hotel: 'Part T1hree Plus one, a versatile four- some, wilI be lu town laying down some good music. Dundas-Street West, Whitby. Central: If you missed Soundof Fury a couple of weeks ago whe n they were in the area, the foursomne is back with songs from many musical fields. King Street West, Oshawa. Lancaster: Shef Adams are at the Blue Horse lounge. If you like country and west- ern you might enjoy this foursome. King Street West, Oshawa. Georgian: The Peppermill will be gninding out top 40 material the week of August Il. Thornton's Road and Champlain Avenue, Oshawa. THEATRES Plaza: 'Jaws' will scare you out of your swrnisuit and that's the tooth. King Street East, Oshawa. Odeon: Jan Micheai Vin- cent stars as a man with a truck and a gun. Lots of action and broken bones for the fans in 'White Line Fe- ver'. King Street East, Osh- awa. Oshawa Centre: 'Walking TalI Il' and 'The Return of The Pink Panther' are stili warming hearts in their own different ways. Buford Pus- ser and Clouseau fight crime starting at around 7:00> on weekdays and 2:30 on weekends. Oshiawa Shopping Centre. Regent: 'Doc Savage' Man of Bronze' will be making gold next week. You rnight remember the star Ron Ely as Tarzan. King Street East, Oshawa. ing. Use long-han- dled utensils. 'Keep water handy. Re- member, too, that burning charcoal emits carbon mon- oxide and should neyer be used in- doors. Lemonade Springs The Lemonade Springs in New Mexico carry about 900 pounds of sulfurie acid per million pounds of water, more than ten times the acid concentration in coal mine diseha rges. beakitoc* Firop)lacos Woodburning and Gas iging ireplaces ries ON DISPLAY: built-ins, wall hani & restanding fir AUDc:st Franklins Complete accessoi The~ FirnJpIaoE Plus 0 isS t. at Burns, Whitby, 668-3192 Tues. - Wed. 9-6, Thurs - Fni. 9-9, Sat. 9.5 Closed Mondays mtittress. lt's very good for the back you know."' She thought for a minute then came ln continuing, "I brought the pie 1 promnised you "Oh thank you Sadie!" You know how we ail love your cooking." "T'ehank, you Hubert .... I'M a littie worried about Maurice and Peter with that raft." "What do you mean?" "Viel 1 heard, them say that they were flnishlng It today and the river is a dan- gerous place." "I'm sure they'il be al right, Maurice wllI be care- fui.." said Hubert. 41 suppose you're right Hubert." answered Sadie. "I tell you 'what Sadie," he smiled. "let's go down and see them off." "Yes Hubert, that would be a wonderful idea!" skie repiied. Sadie put the pie on the table and they both set out for the river. As they were walking throughi the forest, they met up with Alex Beaver and Big Black Crow and they told them what they were going to do. "That's a great idea," said Alex, "we could have a party for them." "Yes, that's a great idea," replied Sadie, 'il stop by my tree and pick up some pies and mnilk to give themn as supplies. If they're going on a voyage they'lI need food to keep up their strength." As the animais reached the river Maurice and Peter had just put the last touches on their creation.ý After the par- Elo ty It was Peter was hardly get they were the time. to leave. so fuil he could on the raft but flnally off. _ .All as thiey Maul back b, concerr bided out of slght. rice and Peter waved Jut Skunk was more ned withte pies and animais' waved goodbYernmiIk le was sittin next to.. TENDER PAVING CONTRACTORS 1.. Resurface various, roads and walks at the Ontario Hospital 'Complex, Whitby, Ontario. TENDER No. 31C-366 PAINTING CONTRACTORS 2. Exterior painting and entrance alterations at Grove House, Ontario Hospital, Whitby,' Ontario. TENDER No. 31C-367 SEPARATE UNDIVIDUAL wili be reoeived until 2:00 AUGUST 20, 1975. COMBINED ACCEPTED. SEALED TENDERS P.M. LOCAL TIME, BE Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street WEst, P. O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further information regardina the above Tender', please cali Mass. E.M. Neale at the above address. Telephone: (705> 324-9188. The Iowest or any Tender flot necessarily accepted. (~)Ministry 0of Government Services Ontario E ~ PRICES EFFECTIVE ai U UNTIL AUG. 23 PACK of 6 BEVERAGE and SNACK TRAYS Holds drinks and Formery 99csnacks in one F6 mel 9chand. Trops Oliv49PACK Inesto.re.i Core n e nd Si SPECIAL 6 az. L*ftVYKIA NOXZEIYMRM Adorn FIRM & FREE HAIR 225 ml. $1 e7Non-AuraoIo )S VASELINE A PETROLEUM CORD IJELLY-16 oz. COURTIQE-ALLIN I.D.A. PHARMACV 117 Brock St. N. 568-2394 Whitby v.g PeterSkuink,- for kids OnI TENDERS. WILL NOT FULL COLOUR 8"à xlO"I ENLARGEMENT from your fovourite Nodacolor iregotive mounted ini delux. studio mount Reg. SPECIAL $4.49 OFE- $ 4 9 NOW ONLY3 COUPO P fe s .,.1 th ,s c o u ip o n gC, y o o O D A . O u g S t o e, l v".' fa o ,, ,,, Kod o o t ne s ke a Tis teb. .f, E, o ffer 0ffrEpires A ugus t 23 j SHORT'S I.D.A. PHARMACY 65 -Baldwin St. 655-3301 BrookUin là -