PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~kin, ~ Bylins Hi there! Well, after three weeks of wining, dining and spending money as thoughi it was going otit of style In nmerry old England, I'm now coming down to earth and learning to face reality once again! It was great and 1 thouroughly enjoyed myself* - but it was also great to bc homne once again. Mind you I'm out of practice rcgarding the Bylines - and it doesn't help to know that there is little goîng on in our North Ward at this tirne. But we'lI keep on trying and maybe the next couple of rnonths won't be too bad - and then once again we'1l ail be back in the swing of our comniunity activities. 1 guess one of the first things 1 should do is to offer the Bylines congratulations to Miss Sharon Rice. 1 was delighted to hear of her success in the Whitby County Town Carnival Pageant. Where do you go now Sharon? Good luck wherever it is - you're a fine example of our young North Warders. FEATUREI - CHOICE OUUY 14 Fi. 01. Tib" AYLMER Peas 301i 19 F. Or. FEATIJA!! - POLANDA - Sllcd, Crusho.d Td Bts 19 F. ODL PINEAPPLE ZiSi S*O gra. 10 FI. 02. Tins 3:$1 FEATUREI - GLAD - HEAVY DUTY 10 to Pack GARBAGE BACS $1 FEATUREl - WE8flNGHOUSE - SOFT WHITE - 40, 60, 100 WM LIGHT Bulbs pack69c FEUTURE! - INSTANT MAXWELL BOUSE COFFEE 04)2. iv sl.67 FEATIJREI - BANDED PACK - UOIJID 24 IFl.. rStis. SUNLIGHT Zi$1.e39 STOS I OURS OPEN six DAIS A WUK 8:30 0.00. 6 p... ExcwIMIUESI & FmIO aiRmÇ< VINl Cam. 3 BIG-DAYS rs, Aug07 'Sato. Aug.9 1 have onvulu OCSIfSspoken out agalinstiflic old barber shop on 131ldwîii, and' lhc dcptorablc condition it was ini. Bu t just lOr a change let's à ay how deliilhtlun it looks righit i10w. IH really looks good --- and whilc we arc, at it, if (flic occupants are incw t10 Uicarea thcîî hello (o you and welco,îîe 10 Brooklin. Actually ' to any incwconierS in tlhe Northî Ward or to any ilcw raesof' the Bylines let me say liow nice it is to liavc you, and if you didn't know it before then l'Il tel you now -.- t lus is YOIJR coluînn. It tries to let everyone know what activities arc going on up here, and it also allows cries of frustration to be heard publically' by our local counicilors. So if you have any views to be heard, or have any activities that you want pub1icized then cal me at 655-3750 and l'Il see what 1 can do. Just cati the number and ask for the Bylines. 1 sec we have no change in the situation at the junction of 7 and 12 highways. 1 know' this isn't a town affair but when are the "powers that be"b going to instal those trafflic signaIs. There are only five months left to die end of the year - and we are supposed to have themn before 1976. Well 1 guess that is it for now. Next colun 1 hope I w9l have some information in it. Any organisers in Ash- lurn, Myrtie as well as Brooklin who would like to join î.e list for my local activities directory - cail me during the week. I'd be delighted to hcear from you. Survive the heatwave and we'll be seeing you next week! Take care and remnember the number, 655-3750. LIZ. BROWN'ifS FO ODMASTER BROOKLINF ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 laws as requlred t0 accomno date this subdivision, with the exception that the road pattern in the new zonlng proposes the use of Kendal- wood subdivision streets to provide arterial road access t0 the new subdivision". "This means that, if Burns Street is not completed be- fore construction of the sub- division begins, these roads wilt be the only access for construction equipment and supplies for the development. We object to' this unnecessary invasion of subdivision pri- vacy and recommend the construction must not be allowed to commence until Burns Street is available for construction access 10 the subdivision and an agreement made between the Town and thp Developer- on these terms", he wrote. Mr. Buchanan said "also we wish t0 again -register our m Vlà lue atlsfact@, FEATIJREI - ASRTED - STIAINED 43/4FI. D2. Jets HEINZl FOODS 51 $1 $1 $1 FEATUREI - DEL MONTE FANCY 19 FI. OzTn FRUIT Cocktail 59C FEUTURE! - Laundry Deturent (25e ln pec oponl) 5Lb. Pkg SUNLIGHT $1.,, FEATURE! - ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS TANG 4 imi$109 BEST BUYI - KRAFT - CANADIAN PROCESS - 1-Oz. Slice 8-Oz. Pkg. CHïEESE Singles 75' pulAIUtili - Bs"mT8 UCOICI PMTURE1 - BERNARDIN Pits orQuarta . Pk. ALLSORS 9-OL cmii. 69I 1FREUREik IAS .53" ~I~YAI ULIVE R ti continued from page 1 dat ood, Road through to Burns Street, making Kendal- wood Road mbt an arteriai road jolning Dundas and Burns Streets". After receiving word that Powel Road would remain closed until the subdivision was completed and that Kendalwood, Road would not be converted from'a two lane 10 a four lane highway, their main objections were satisfied. Soon afler, the association executive contacted Whitby Council members to propose resolving the. other items listed on the appeal by way of discussion. No resuits were obtained from this proposai. Again in April of 1975, the association contacted their council representative, Joy Thompson, and suggest- ed that the appeal issues could be resolved locally between the association and councit on a co-operative basis. OriMay 12, council voted on a resolution to resolve the ratepayers' and coundil differences as outlined on the appeal. A recorded vote showed that the resolution was lost four 10 three with Mayor Newman casting his vote against discussion with the ratepayers. According to Mr. Buchan- an, during a recent conversa- tion with one of the council- lors, the topic of Farewell Estates came up. The coun- cillor, when asked by an association member how they might withdraw the objection to Farewell Estates, suggested that they contact Farewell's soticitor for his advice. T1he solicitor assured the association that an affidavit, documnenting the associa- tion's desire to remnove the objection would be sufficient and that he would be willing 10 process the document for the association. The assecia- tion executive authorized the transaction and Farewell's solicitor processed and del- ivered the document. In the association's mind, that took care of the Farewell Estates subdivision. WTE COMPROMISE At the sanie tirne, the as- sociation was trying to hamn- mer out a comipromise with Ed Hyde, developer of Whitby Towne Estates, which would be satisfactory 10 both parties. At one point, the associa- 1 Mr.- Buchanan thanked the associatioli's lawyer Lionel Crotin, Farewell Estates law- yer Gilbert Murdoch, the Ontario Goverment and the councillors who tried 10' re- solve the issue at. the local level.' mm___U u m m bsg ymg xsot u MAPU AI' w CHICKEN CHICCEWN hatm b« o COOKID LEGS SUAST- Shoukhrcê,S L'sbGm.w lA S1.05 c lb. 1.09 c l.1.28 clb.098 c '0" *9c * I ORNGE JICE f ------- AP I A PL US 2 i.' ls POLISO i; u" BEEF BOLOGNA BLADE ,GRAMIJUICE 1«85c SAIISAGE WIENERS LIVER nu m STEAKSCRA PIES 65c lb.8 *9c l.84M'cb.79 c l.48c ab$1.09 K(LEEX Lw1 tLaAConhwEN1 CARNTION A M MJ'iUn FEATUIlEI - A$SORTE 3.0z. Pkg. JELL-O Ac0 JIIdy Powders 4F FEATUREI - IN WiL ... BRUNSWICK 51 SARDINES a FEATrUREI 32 F. Or. Jar SUNSPUN ÃEATURE1 - WHOLE WI4IT!19 FM. Oz. Tin Ay@-f n PJi- 3s1 PECTIN JAM COFFEE MATE I re as" oemseiu r as PRonA". FEATrUREI - SILVER fuION CIIOICE CUT GREEN BEANS 1 FEATIJREI - MANDARIN ORANGES APPRECIATIVÈ